Dream Chasers

Hi everyone, DisneyAnimefan94 here bringing you another Amourshiping story. So for anyone who hasn't seen the latest XY episode or its original release of the episode, please see it before reading this. But either then that, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon

On the small dock outside the main cabin of the summer camp, Serena was with her Fennekin brushing her fur while still pondering about her day.

"What's my dream?" she ask herself as the fox Pokémon licked her hand once again. "Huh, sorry Fennekin." She said to her partner. "I'm now wondering if this journey was worth it. I mean, did I started just to get away from Ryhorn Race training, to see Ash again and become his girlfriend, for just the fun of it?" She said as she began to shed tears.

"Serena, are you okay?" a familiar voice to her asked as she looked up to see her boyfriend Ash.

"Oh hi Ash, yeah I'm fine." She said as she looked back out into the ocean.

"Really, because you don't look fine to me." He said as he sat down next to her, while the fox Pokémon leaped off her master leaving the two young trainers alone. "Now tell me what's wrong." He asked as Serena just sighed. Ever since Ash became her boyfriend, he started to become less dense of a person like she had heard from his friends and started to pay attention more to her and in response her helping Ash out for his gym battles.

"Okay Ash, you win, as usual." She said with a small smile on her face as she then looked back out to the ocean again. "Ash did you have any other dream besides wanting to become the Pokémon Master?" she asked as Ash as Ash began to wonder what she meant.

"What do you mean by other dreams?" He asked as Serena just kept looking toward the ocean.

"Like were you still undecided on what you wanted to do?" she asked as Ash had a pretty good idea where she was going in this discussion.

"Is that's what going on with you?" He asked as Serena gasped and looked at him.

"But how did you know?" She asked.

"Because, ever since we talked about what our dreams were, I've noticed that you've been awfully quiet." He said as Serena just couldn't take it anymore and snuggled into her boyfriend's chest and started to cry.

"I'm sorry Ash, it's just that all of you have dreams and I still have none. I feel like my entire journey has been a waste." She said as Ash embraced her.

"Don't say that Serena, I know you'll find your dream." He said as Serena slowly stopped crying and looked up into the eyes of the kanto native boy.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah besides, you already achieved one of them, remember?" He said as he wiped away the last of Serena's tears before planting a passionate kiss on her lips. He soon broke the kiss as Serena then smiled.

"I remember." She said. "But I want to do more. I want to have a dream like yours." She said as Ash nodded understanding what she meant.

"Then I'll help you find it, even if it means taking a break from becoming a Pokémon Master." He said as Serena gasped.

"No Ash, you can't…" She said as Ash then put a finger on her lips.

"Serena, the most important thing to me now besides being a Pokémon Master, is making sure my girlfriend is happy." He said as Serena took Ash's finger off her lips and shook her head surprising Ash.

"No, we'll do this together. The most important thing besides being a couple is us chasing our dreams together." She said as Ash smiled as the cuddled looking up at the stars. Nearby, Ash and Serena's friend were watching secretly close by along with both Ash and Serena's Pokémon smiling.

Well there you all go, I really hope this happens in the Anime so we can see Ash and Serena traveling together after the XY series for the first time since Brock being Ash's long time travel partner after the original series.

This is DisneyAnimefan94, signing out.