It started off just like any other week. School, fighting aliens, smoothies along the way being interrupted by Ben 10 fans but it didn't really matter too much. Just part of the stardom. Gwen sat down on her bed and let her eyes slide closed. It was an exhausting day; like always and she was glad to be home. Home and safe. "You okay?" Gwen opened her eyes to find her cousin next to the door closing it gently. He smiled warmly towards her as he came over. "Yeah," She breathed out as he touched her cheek.

She couldn't help but smile at how soft he was being with her guess that's why she secretly liked him so much. He was soft, caring and so tender but still maintained his masculinity. He helped her slide her shoes off as she collapsed her head down onto her pillow about to slip unconscious. She stared up at him one last time to see him there by her side. Always by her side. "Thanks for looking out for me, cuz" She told him gently. He flinched a little. Something about that title. It made him flinch. She placed a hand up to his cheek.

She could see the outline of a small bruise on his cheek bone. She brushed her thumb against it. She wished she could be with him over Kevin but, alas, no matter how hard she wished they could never be together they were cousins. It's immoral and she was sure her own cousin wouldn't feel the same way back. She sighed letting her eyes slide closed as Ben held her hand. Making sure she was safe. Always safe.

Ben held out his hand helping his cousin out of the car as Kevin watched unhappy and slammed his side door closed. Gwen noticed Kevin's annoyed look and felt slightly guilty. "Is something wrong Kevin?" She asked gently. Her voice was always gentle. "Nothin' let's just deal with Animo and go home" He growled at them as he left. She should've seen the warning signs when they walked in.

Some thing was off. When they stepped inside the abandon factory the first thing she noticed was Animo standing there with a device. He made a loud speach about it. Saying it would turn them all evil. Kevin snickered and made a joke about his device. It through Gwen off and made her roll her eyes not noticing the ray getting near her.

She only noticed it when Ben pushed her out of the way. Saving her life. Scaring her half to death. Gwen stared shocked at her cousin smoking. She raced up to him checking to make sure he was okay. He shoved her away though. Gwen stared at him hurt. Ben stared up into her eyes and noticed her. He tried to get her back. Tell her he was sorry but somewhere along the line he didn't mean it. From that day the two began to grow distant even when Ben told her he'd keep her safe.

But he couldn't keep her safe. At least not from Kevin. He had caught her staring at her own cousin. Overheard her and Emily talking about it. Talking about Ben. He wouldn't stand for it. He had grabbed her that day behind the burger place. Yelled at her. Screamed at her over the issue. She begged him to not tell, told him to calm down but he didn't.

He grabbed her chin roughly ordering her to look him in the eyes and lie to her. She couldn't. He lost his temper and in a fit of rage hit her. Kicked her. Beat her. Lashed out at her. She breathed out lying still on the floor as he took a few paces back from her. When he caught his breath back he walked up to her and grabbed her collar lifting her up to stare him in the face. He threatened her life, her families, Ben's if she told. He was nice enough to offer her a lift home.

When she got home she immediately collapsed onto her bed shaking and wincing. She groaned holding the left side of her ribs and clutching the sheets with her free hand. She had never been in so much pain and agony before. She didn't realise her folks standing at her door watching her ready to interrogate her.

They invited the whole family over. Ben included. She couldn't bare to look at him. She felt so ashamed of herself. Frank noticed her display immediately and blamed Ben.

The whole house had gotten rowdy that day. Frank and Lilly blamed Ben for their daughters beaten condition and when Ben needed her the most, to stick up for him; she remained quiet. Mouth shut and eyes closed to the world. He couldn't believe her. The media found out and Ben's fame plummeted. 'Woman beater' 'Cousin basher' 'Ben 10 says no to women's rights', 'Hero of haters'. Ben became to hate her and her dad. He was kicked out of school, denounced from the Plumbers and had no one to lean on or ask for help. His parents couldn't believe what he had done to his own cousin. Ben turned his back on society from then on. He disappeared off the face of the Earth. Even Gwen couldn't find him.

Weeks past since Gwen saw anyone. She felt just as isolated as Ben did. Clutching her sleeve tightly she watched as Kevin hit on some of his fans from a few meters away. Gwen sighed breathing out annoyed. Annoyed that she didn't care anymore. In her mind her and Kevin's relationship was through the day he had hit her but he wanted to stay together. He smiled turning around to see her.

He walked over to her slowly hands shoved in his pocket. "You seen your, cousin?" He asked her. She stared daggers towards him with tired weary eyes. He shook his head throwing today's newspaper into her lap. She looked down to WayBig attacking NewYork. "He's gone completely insane" He told her. Gwen eyes widened. It wasn't her cousin. He wouldn't do this. He would never hurt people. She had to get to NewYork. She got up, shoved Kevin away and ran off as Kevin watched her with teeth gritted.


Gwen found her grandpa there standing in with a bunch of other Plumbers with heavy machinery. "Gwen," He hugged her tightly. "You shouldn't be here" He told her taking hold of her shoulders tightly. "I wanna help" She practically begged. He was hesitant but nodded. "Go get some Plumber armour on, you can help me with the gun" Gwen nodded running off to a nearby Plumber ship and getting the white and black armour. She raced up to her grandfather watching WayBig still continuing to break and destroy buildings. Max held a rifle loaded with tranquilisers but Max took the gun off him asking for 5 minutes alone with his cousin. Max gritted his teeth not wanting to see her get hurt. He stared down at her worried but nodded. "5 minutes. Be careful" He told her gently. She smiled. "I always am" She whispered before running off towards the large alien. she used her powers to build a staircase up to WayBig's eye level.

"BEN" She called out to him but he ignore her. "BEN" She called again this time cupping her mouth. Without warning WayBig's hand snapped back and in a second she was thrown from her platform into an abyss of black. WayBig watched in horror at the girl flying through the air. He chased after her and dived for her so she would at least have a soft landing but she didn't. She smashed through a building block and landed with a loud thud in a nearby alley. WayBig turned back into Ben as he raced to get her as quickly as possible.

When he found her there; lifeless; broken down; dead, he shook feeling cold. He placed a gentle hand onto her bleeding face. She shivered eye lids half open and eyes rolled back into her head. She was struggling to breath making an awful weezing sound like a dog pouting. He noticed her leg in a crippling position bent sideways and her arm 'U' shaped.

"Gwen!" He whispered tears threatening to spill as he tried to move her. She winced trying to scream in pain as he moved her broken shattered back. Ben was sure that she didn't have long to live but he still made every effort to make sure she didn't believe that. "Gwen, just stay with me" He whispered into her ear. Her green eyes stared into his broken down sorrowful ones. She wanted to lift her arm up and touch his face but she couldn't. She couldn't feel her body right now. Everything was numb. She weazed in a breath and just watched him as he cried on her. "I'm so sorry" He told her trying to bite back all of the pain but instead letting it come out in a flood of misery. Blood streaked down from the corners of her mouth and nose. Ben watched as she as assumed it to be dribble. Copper tasting dribble. She winced trying to swallow it.

"Bennn..." it came out so soft and shallow but she managed it. Managed to at least say his name. The best part about it was that he heard her. His eyes brightened up as he stared down at her. "Gwen, you're alive" He told her the rings under his eyes becoming apparent. Gwen tried to smile back at him but it failed miserably. "You're going to be okay Gwen, everything going to be okay...I'll take you back to where I'm staying and get Greymatter to fix you up" He told her about to lift her up but not before he heard a gun click. Ben looked over to see his grandpa in a full plumber uniform. He stared at him shaking as he looked down to his dying granddaughter. "Step away from her Ben" Max aimed his gun. Ben stared in shock but he refused to leave her side. "No," He whispered to him sternly. "I need to take Gwen to safety" Ben informed him. Max breathed out as he took another glimpse of her. He breathed in.

"Ben," He slowly placed his gun away. "If you move her she'll die" Max came down and sat down opposite him and his granddaughter. He placed a gentle hand on her cheek trying to make her look at him but she just continued to stare at Ben. "We need to get her a stretcher so we can move her. I'll radio the Plumbers" Max informed him but Ben freaked. He loved his cousin but he didn't want the Plumbers near him or her. They corrupted her that's the only reason she turned against least that's what he told himself. He squeezed Gwen's hand before wanting to take things into his own. He slowly stood up as Max was distracted with the badge. He gently took Gwen and tried to lift her up into his arms. He had made it half way keeping an eye on her torturous pain wincing stare before she made a an ear shattering screech. Her eyes popped open like as she began to draw her final breaths. Everything was in slow motion as Max raced over arguing with Ben before her eyes closed.

"BEN PUT HER ON THE GROUND NOW" Max ordered careful not to aggravate his grandson. "No, I'm going to get her help" Ben told his grandson pulling the now limp girl away. "Ben," Max whispered as he stared down at the girl now believing that she had died. "Ben, please. Look at her, she not going to make it. We need to give her back to her folks" Max stated ready to grab the dead girl but Ben refused to believe that. He snatched her back before staring down at her. He noticed her unmoving body. He gently placed her down on the cold gravel still continuing to hold her. Max sat down next to them and held the back of his granddaughters head for support. He placed two fingers on her neck feeling for a pulse he searched for a minute but finally found a faint slow one beating irregularly. Max sighed before looking over to the Plumbers running over to them. "Give me her, Ben, I'll make sure she makes it to the hospital safely" Max told him. Ben hesitated by passed her over to him.

"Thankyou" Max whispered before looking down at the girl in his arm and forced a smile. Ben got up ready to make a run for it before the Plumbers tried to arrest him. "I'm going to come back for her" Ben said sternly before rushing off.

New story I thought of. Hope you guys enjoyed the prologue. Please Review.