I swear, I've never written the name 'Arshtat' so many times in my life x_x

Arshtat: 34 Hiroshi: 16

Sialeeds: 25

Haswar: 38 Georg: 29

Ferid: 36

Gizel: 23

The night after the winner of the Sacred Games was announced, Arshtat and Ferid sat in their room, feeling troubled.

"I can't believe Gizel won." Arshtat sighed. "I'm just worried what will happen when he marries Lym. No matter what it is, it won't be good." Ferid furrowed his brows. "The engagement ceremony is coming up soon and I know Gizel is going to be up to no good." Arshtat hung her head. "It's all right, dear. We'll be ready when he strikes." Ferid held her hand in his and grinned at her. Arshtat smiled and embraced him.

True enough, the Godwins launched an attack on the Sun Palace. Arshtat sat on the throne, praying silently that everything would go all right. She knew she might be in danger of dying, but she couldn't leave the Sun Palace. She looked over at Ferid who stood in front of her and a wave of calmness splashed over her. She would be fine, so long as he was here.

At that moment, Godwin soldiers burst through the door, targeting the queen. Ferid immediately sprung into action, as he took down assassins and soldiers alike.

"Be not afraid. No matter how powerful Nether Gate may be, their troops are just as human as we are. Let the queen see your courage!" Ferid called out to the guards.

Arshtat watched from her throne, as Ferid, Galleon, Georg and the guards tried their best to take down their opponents. Nether Gate assassins even broke in from the skylight, but were quickly defeated by Georg.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she saw a Godwin archer with his crossbow aimed directly at Ferid. "Take this!" She spat as she engulfed the soldier in a ball of light with the Sun Rune and at once, all fighting ceased.

"Hahahaha... you fools. Threatening me, the sun's vice-jerent, the executioner of justice, is a grave offense that deserves death." Ferid looked at her and cried out "Arshtat, no!" But she didn't stop. "Insects like you aren't even good enough to be tortured. I'll crush you myself right now!" Arshtat glared at them.

Ferid ran up to her, grabbing her by her shoulders. "Arshtat, snap out of it!" She almost fell into his arms and he felt a surge of relief, thinking he'd prevented the worst, but he was wrong. Her head shot up and she scowled at him. "Back off, mortal!"

With those words, the Queen of Falena enclosed her husband in a similar sphere of light. Ferid stumbled backwards, looking at her in shock. Suddenly everything became clear to the both of them. Arshtat realized what she'd done and she stared at him in horror of her actions.

Ferid looked at her face, and time seemed to stop. He drank in all of her beauty, even at that point. No, especially at that point, where he knew and was glad that the last thing he would live to see, would be his beloved Arshtat's face. He smiled at her sadly. Although Arshtat would be the one to kill him, he didn't blame her in the slightest. The only thing he could feel at that point was a deep blessing that he had been the husband of Arshtat for the past eighteen years. In that moment, he saw the eighteen-year old Arshtat looking at him, devastated. "Take care." He said, even though she couldn't hear him.

Arshtat was in too much shock to react. All she could do was reach out to touch him, but she couldn't. 'What have I done?' was all she could ask herself as she savored the last few precious moments she could look at her Ferid. And then all of a sudden, he was incinerated right before her very eyes.

After he was gone, Arshtat realized the severity of her actions as she let out a gasp she'd been holding in. Suddenly she felt so alone. She cried out and buried her face in her hands as she sobbed for her lover. Falling to the floor, she suppressed the Sun Rune long enough to grieve her husband. Her love, who had stood by her all these years and loved her through her madness and believed in her enough to hold her hand throughout everything, was gone. And she'd been the one to kill him.

Arshtat couldn't breathe. It was as if all the air had been taken away from her. She felt her heart constrict in her chest, and a pain surged through it as she cried for her love. No rune in all the world could save her poor, defeated heart.

She then heard Galleon call her and she raised her head, incinerating the two Nether Gate assassins about to kill her and then the Sun Rune took control of her again.

"Haha…hahahahaha. That's it. I've had it with such worthless subjects. People who don't even know right from wrong. I will bring Lordlake's fate to the entire country!" The dreaded light slowly grew and grew.

"Hahaha…Worthless subject who DARE defy me…face the divine vengeance of the Sun. Haha!" Now her sanity was truly gone. Arshtat, be it from the Sun Rune, or the deep grief for her husband, had truly gone mad.

"Ferid…Do you really want me to go through with this?" Georg sighed as he tightened his hold on his sword. He walked up to her and stabbed her.

Miakis ran in. "Your majesty!" she gasped loud enough for Georg to hear. He couldn't hide his shame as he looked away. Georg caught Arshtat in his arms before she fell to the ground. "I don't expect you to forgive me. You can even curse me if you want to, I can take it."

"No, no Georg. You did the right thing. You saved me, and more importantly, you saved Falena. Thank you." Arshtat smiled up at him. "Georg, please for me, take care of my children." She pleaded with him. "I will." He promised.

Galleon looked upon the sight and cried out for his queen. "Your majesty…your majesty!" The elderly queen's knight felt as if something pierced through his heart when he saw Arshtat breathe her last breath. He was close to her, since he'd been her bodyguard up until she married Ferid.

As the Sun Rune returned to the sealed room, Arshtat felt her soul leave her body, and then. She was gone.