"There's no way out of this. We're gonna die here," Clara said wearily.

"Pass me the vibrocutters."

"They're in my pocket."

"Come on, then, pass it to me," The Doctor snapped.

"In my other jacket. At home," she explained almost embarrassed.

"Why have you got two jackets? Is one of them faulty?" he said with irritation.

"Look, I don't have the vibrocutters. If I had the vibrocutters, I wouldn't be able to pass you the vibrocutters." She lifted her hands reminding him that they were indeed chained. "We're going to starve to death out here," she added in defeat.

"Of course we won't starve. The sand piranhas will get us long before that."

Clara felt the panic rise. 'What the hell is a sand piranha?' she thought but was too afraid to ask. "What's the plan?"

"No idea," he replied bluntly. Despite his natural lower body temperature, The Doctor was not exactly comfortable in the heat either and he sounded snappier than usual.

The planet was impossibly hot and they had been chained up now for what seemed like ages. Clara licked her dry lips and closed her eyes. Her limbs felt heavy, like the heat was leaching every last scrap of energy from her body. She felt steady throbbing as a headache took hold.

Clara opened her eyes slowly and saw in front of them the carcass of some large animal that had met its fate long ago. It was nothing but a pile of bones, bleached white by the planet's two suns. Off in the distance, through the heat haze, she saw a mirage in the form of a large shimmering lake.

"Doctor, there's a lake over there."

"Don't be stupid. The whole planet is desert. All the water is deep underground."

"I can see it." She squinted. "There's a ship."

"Ridiculous," he scoffed turning his head towards her. "Has your tiny brain melted or something?"

"I think it's the titanic," she said slurring slightly. She knew it didn't make sense but it felt like a dream where logic and the laws of physics don't need to apply. She continued to stare off into the distance.

"Hello? Gallifrey to Clara." The Doctor seemed to be speaking to her. She turned her head toward the sound of his voice. Stars danced on the edge of her vision.

"Clara, are you listening to me?" He seemed annoyed that she wasn't paying attention. Her ears were ringing now, drowning out his words.

She tried to reply, to tell him something was wrong but she was suddenly short of breath and she realised that she was breathing in short little gasps. The Doctor's face grew concerned as he realised that something was definitely not right with his companion.

Her vision suddenly tilted and then went black. Clara's body went limp but was held mostly upright by the chains around her shoulders.

"Clara!" he yelled leaning towards her, straining the chains that held him.

"Doctor, where are we?" Clara asked stepping out of the TARDIS onto what looked like a frozen lake.

"Mendenhall Glacier. Thought you'd like to see it before climate change takes hold and the whole thing melts."

"You might have warned me. I would have dressed more appropriately." She shivered and held herself, rubbing her upper arms. Her legs were mostly bare in her little green shorts and the frosty air was biting hard.

"Don't be soft. Come on, come on." He motioned enthusiastically for her to follow him further onto the ice.

The Doctor seemed completely unfazed by the cold and he trotted lightly across the frozen lake towards the foot of the glacier.

She followed reluctantly, being careful not to slip. The Doctor turned and held his hand out to her as an encouragement. Clara followed but suddenly heard a strange noise and the faintest of vibrations under her feet. The ice was cracking. Her eyes went wide as she glanced down to see a fissure forming right beneath her.

"Doctor!" she called right as the ice gave way. She went in up to her neck, clinging to the edge of the ice as more pieces broke off under her weight. The Doctor fell flat and spread his weight out so as to not fall in himself and crawled towards her.

Clara's hands reached for the Doctor in a desperate panic. She had to get out quick or she would die of hypothermia. Her head came dangerously close to going under.

"Clara!" he called grabbing for her hands.

She lost her grip and slid under only to have the Doctor pull her up by her collar of her shirt. She gasped for air as her head broke the surface.

"Pull me out!" she shrieked, treading water.

"Clara, you can't get out yet." He still held her by the collar as she seemed to be sinking under again. Clara grabbed his arms, fingers twisting his jacket sleeves in desperation. "Calm down. You're ok."

It was then that she realised their surroundings had changed. They weren't at the glacier and she hadn't fallen in a frozen lake. She was in a bath in the TARDIS, fully clothed minus the shoes. It was filled with water and there were floating ice cubes which looked like they had recently been dropped in.

"Calm down," he repeated gently. "You have heatstroke and I'm trying to cool you down before your brain runs out your ears."

She relaxed somewhat, mostly from exhaustion, letting her head rest on the back of the bath. Clara released her vice-like grip on his jacket and closed her eyes for a moment. There was the sound of a wash-cloth being rung out and the Doctor pressed it to her forehead and held it there firmly.

"I thought about throwing you in the pool but I had no way of fishing you out again." His attempt at humour fell flat. Clara felt completely nauseous and the thunderous headache was back.

"I'm freezing," she said weakly as he mopped her face. "I want to get out."

The Doctor put the cloth down and pulled out his sonic screwdriver to check her temperature. It pulsed away for a few seconds before the he seemed satisfied and put it away. "Better," he announced before getting up off the stool he had been sitting on.

He pulled the plug out of the bath letting the water and desert sand escape down the plug hole. The remaining ice pooled near Clara's feet at the end of the bath, unable to get away until fully melted.

"Up you come then," he said motioning to her to get out.

Clara lay in the empty bath exhausted. When she failed to move he sighed heavily and pulled her up into a sitting position. Her clothes clung to her in a sodden mess.

She felt a towel being dropped over her shoulders and then strong arms lift her up until she was standing, albeit shakily.

"Left leg, right leg. Good girl." He manoeuvred her over the edge of the bath and dropped her down onto the stool. She shivered and held the towel around her shoulders.

"I'm supposed to be going on a date." She sat miserably, looking more like a drowned rat than the attractive young lady she started the day out as.

"He can wait," he said bluntly.

The Doctor stood behind her and undid what was left of her up-do. In an act of unusual intimacy he ran his fingers quickly through her hair to loosen it and then took a small towel and dried it off as best as he could.

Clara's head was still throbbing but the simple act of drying her hair made her feel slightly better.

"Here, put these on." He handed her a pile of clothing which looked like a pair of hot pink pyjamas. "They're a bit long for you. The previous owner was about four inches taller."

"Doctor?" she asked wondering which one of his previous companions they belonged to.

"Clara, it would be inappropriate for me to offer assistance," he explained but that wasn't what she was getting at. She was too tired and ill to be bothered asking.

"Why don't you just take me home?" she said looking up at him.

"You said you had a date. I am giving you time to recover before you go out drinking with your gentleman friend. If I take you home now you'll miss the date because you're not well enough and if I take you back earlier you might meet yourself coming backwards."

She was a little shocked by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you," she managed finally.

The Doctor gave her a little wink and exited the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.