The final chapter ladies and gentlemen. This is the end.
Epilogue: Transplant:
Location Unknown
January 2nd, 2017
11:00 A.M. Time Zone Unknown
"What is this about, Nightwing?" Amanda Waller asked as she and her guards faced the twenty year old vigilante in the abandoned warehouse they were having this meeting in. "I know this isn't League business because we wouldn't be meeting like this if it were."
"I have a proposal for you, Ms. Waller," Nightwing replied, his attitude deceptively friendly. He knew that the former warden of Belle Reve penitentiary was as ruthless as Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., perhaps even more so. But for his idea to get off the ground, he needed her on board. The Justice League and the rest of the Team wouldn't like what he was doing, and when they found out would probably compare it to Kaldur and Artemis' undercover mission last year. But this time, it was different.
The League and the Team couldn't be everywhere at once, and with Lex Luthor in the running for U.N. secretary general and more likely to win each passing day, there needed to be an international task force that would pick up what the League couldn't that wasn't on the Light's payroll. That was why he and Waller were meeting here. Her response snapped him out of his thoughts.
"What kind of proposal?" she asked cautiously. She's testing me, he knew. Gauging what this is all about. Whether it's something that's worth her time to get involved in.
"The previous Kid Flash survived the Reach's MFD," he explained. "The energy launched him into another universe. He spent the last six months working on a way to get home. I found out when the prototype showed up on the Justice League's scanners. In that universe, there's a government agency that specializes in the grittier aspects of metahumans and alien tech. I figured our universe could use something similar. A group that would handle the spillover from the Justice League's battles in public while dealing with the shadier aspects of crime fighting and super villainy from the shadows."
"You want my help to get this up and running, then," Waller surmised. "I handle the dirty work my ruthlessness makes me so well known for while you deal with the intelligence gathering." It was a statement, not a question. She's still got it, Nightwing thought to himself as he nodded in confirmation.
"When I found Kid Flash's probe, I ended up taking a two day sojourn into that universe," he answered. "While I was there, I met with the director of that agency after helping thwart a terrorist plot to assassinate that universe's U.S. president. In return, he gave me some of their tech and files to give us a baseline to start out with."
"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership," Amanda Waller replied with a smile. "Any ideas for the name?"
"Just one," Nightwing answered. "the Advanced Research Group Uniting Superhumans. A.R.G.U.S. for short."
I know Amanda Waller is a lot more morally ambiguous in the comics and other DC shows. Her portrayal in this chapter and in the sequels is based on her portrayal in Young Justice, where she was far less ambiguous (she did get one appearance). That, and A.R.G.U.S., which she leads in the TV show Arrow, is portrayed in that series as a S.H.I.E.L.D.-esque organization. Essentially, the A.R.G.U.S. of the Secret Identities universe is an amalgamation of what I can research about them from the comics, their S.H.I.E.L.D.-like portrayal in Arrow, and the ranking system from Checkmate, a branch of Task Force X (Suicide Squad).
And thus, Secret Identities is over. But the story is not. It's been a blast writing Secret Identities, and my goal is to have the sequel, Cut Off One Head, up sometime between March and June. The story won't stop there, thought, my faithful readers. I have a whole trilogy planned. Secret Identities is just Part 1. I've got a lot of different fanfiction projects in the works, most of them being the remaining stories for my Acolytes of Chaos saga. I'm going to work on 2 Acolyte fics next, but my goal is to have Cut Off One Head uploaded by the end of the school year. I have not yet finalized the title for the third story in the trilogy but the working title right now is Agents of A.R.G.U.S.