Heroes path
Chapter 1
Battle in the Nul Void
Okay, Time for my tenth fic. So, what's more appropriate then Ben 10, my favorite show as a kid. And just for the record, I love all of them including Omniverse. Now, this takes place just at the end of season 2 in the episode where Vilgax and Kevin face off against Ben in the Nul Void and as stated in the summary, this will be a Gwevin and Ben x Harem fic. Now without any further delay... Let's kick it up!
All Ben could do was look on in horror from behind a boulder in the Nul Void as his 2 mortal enemies, Vilgax and Kevin, held his cousin, Gwen captive. Just then the squid faced alien began to speak.
"The choice is yours Tennyson. The Omnitrix or your precious cousin." Vilgax said as Ben began to think over the ultimatum.
'What do I do?' Ben thought to himself as he looked down at the Omnitrix. 'If I don't give up the Omnitrix, he'll kill Gwen. But if I do, the entire universe would be in danger.' He thought as he racked his brain to try and find a way out of this.
Suddenly Ben's eyes widened as he thought of something he had discovered 2 weeks earlier. He then began to move his hand to the Omnitrix and began to rabidly spin the dile rapidly left and right until a yellow line appeared on the green of the symbol. Ben then began to turn the dile until the symbol became all but covered in orange with only a little green dot in the middle of the symbol. Ben then took 1 last deep breath before pressing down on the dile causing the Omnitrix to beep.
'3 minutes.' Ben tought as he stepped out to face Vilgax and Kevin. "Take it." He said simply as Gwen got a worried look on her face with what Ben was about to do.
"Ben don't!" Gwen called out as Kevin put 1 of his Wildmut hands over her mouth.
"It's alright Gwen." Ben said in a calming voice. '2 minutes 30 seconds.' He thought as Vilgax and Kevin approached The former holding a device to remove the Omnitrix to Ben's left wrist and the latter holding Gwen to his right arm.
Just as Vilgax had removed the Omnitrix from Ben's wrist, Kevin threw Gwen of the rock face they were standing on. Ben only had a moment to respond as he jumped on Kevin's Heatblast arm and kicked him in the face before jumping off the rock face to get to Gwen who had activated her jetpack to get back to Ben and caught him.
"Alright, now let's get the Omnitrix from Vilgax." Gwen said.
"No." Ben said quickly. "Just get to the portal and let's get out of here!" He said causing Gwen to look at him.
"Your just gonna leave the Omnitrix with-" Gwen said before Ben interrupted.
"In about a minute and a half it won't matter who has it. Now move!" Ben commanded as Gwen could only nod in reply as the 2 of them began flying towards the portal.
Meanwile Kevin got up while holding his head with his Diamandhead hand. "Why that little." He said while gritting his teeth at Ben's actions.
"No matter. Those 2 are insignificant now I have the Omntrix." Vilgax said with pride before Kevin came up behind him and hit him with all four of his fists held together.
"You mean, now that I have it." Kevin said smugly before turning his attention back to the fleeing Ben and Gwen. "Oh no you don't." He said in a low growl as he began to fly after them, while Gwen looked back to see him.
"Ben, Kevin's on our tail!" Gwen said in a panic.
"Never mind him. Just keep flying." Ben ordered.
"But what if he catches up to us before we can reach the portal?" She asked.
"Alright." Ben said before grabbing a pistol from the belt of Gwen's Plumer suit. "You drive and I'll shoot." He said as he fired off multiple blasts at Kevin.
Despite Ben's best efforts, Kevin just kept coming at them while deflecting each blast Ben threw at him with the blaster, easily deflecting each shot with his Diamandhead arm. Even when Ben and Gwen reached the portal Kevin was right on them and managed to grab Ben by the leg. It was only when this happened that Ben had noticed Kevin was holding the Omnitrix.
"Kevin, no! I set the Omntrix to self destruct!" Ben shouted trying to get free from Kevin's grip. 'Crap. Only 10 seconds left. Gwen. Grandpa. I'm sorry.' Ben thought with a tear rolling down his cheek as he let go of Gwen and pushed her with all his might. The last thing Gwen saw as she left the portal was the Omnitrix exploding and the inside of the portal beginning to wobble.
"BEN!" Gwen called out as the portal faded. Gwen couldn't help but break down in tears.
Max ran up to Gwen, grabbing her in his arms and asking her what happened. Gwen then told him about everything that had just happened.
"It's alright, Gwen." Max said trying to comfort his crying Granddaughter.
"But Ben's either dead or trapped in the Nul Void!" Gwen shout histericly.
"Gwen, listen. If the explosion happened in portal, then Ben was likely blasted to a random location. Just keep calm. I'm sure that where ever Ben is. He's safe." Max said to her. And as luck would have it, he was right.
Meanwhile, Ben had woken up in an empty road, his shirt burned in several spots. He looked over to his right and saw a shirtless, barefoot, human, Kevin. Ben grabbed the blaster (which thankfully survived the explosion) and walked over to Kevin pointing it at him. Kevin the woke up.
"My head. It doesn't hurt anymore." Kevin said to him self.
"What do mean." Ben asked him still pointing the blaster at Kevin surprising him.
"When ever I absorbed energy the rest of me would feel so good. But my head would hurt and I'd get angry. I tried to stop it. But when ever I did, it just hurt worse. Kevin said as remembered everything he did. Ben looked at Kevin and saw the remorse in his eyes.
"Well, that's the past." Ben said as he turned the safety on his blaster and tucked it in the back of his pants. "What's important is what you do from here on." He said holding his hand out. Kevin then got a genuine smile on his face as he grabbed Ben's hand and stood up. "Alright, let's see if we can find Gwen and my Grandpa." Ben said as Kevin looked over his shoulder.
"That might be a little difficult." Kevin said while looking up.
"What do you mean?" Ben asked turning around and seeing a billboard. "Oh." Ben said looking at the billboard and seeing a very familiar looking boy with 2 words next to him.
Ben 23
And there you go. Hope you liked it. Now, before I go, I have 2 questions. 1: Should Ben get a ne Omnitrix or an Ultimatrix? 2: I already have Echo Echo on the list of aliens for Ben to get. What other 9 aliens do you want on the list. Please note the following aliens are not an option. The original 12, Bullfrag, the horror monster aliens that Ben got in season 3, and possibly Goop. But that depends on if Goop and Tetrax's pilate Gluto are the same race. Please leave votes in the reviews and the 9 aliens that get the most votes will be used. Well, until next time... Keep on keeping on.