First of all: Falling with Style! *splat* won. Like, dang. It was 32 against 12, I think. XD

Second of all...

Sky – Lou/Loucifer

Ty – Ty because why freaking not XD

Jason – Jayce, oops, similarities. My bad. :3

Seto – Jaxon

Ian – Nat

Quentin – Carter

Mitch – Abbie (was originally Aaron, then got genderbent, then was Erin, then I realized that Mitch and Jerome made an already far too renowned ship when put together like that :3)

Jerome – Levi

Herobrine: Lucifer/Lucy

Tyler – Piper

Brice –Lisa

The GameMaster is just as he was – no use changing him.

So. I assume you guys know what this list means.

*continues to try to sound professional and totally calm and collected*

*fails epicly and starts jumping around bedroom*

Ahem. Anyways. :3

Games is now available as a paperback on Amazon and the Createspace eStore, and, I believe, your local bookstores – though you'll have to request it. Just walk in and find a worker or something and ask, "Hey, can I request/order a certain title?" Or, you know. Something like that. XD

It's priced at 11.99 in USD, 7.72 in GDP (notch, I don't even know what that is XD), and 10.96 in EUR. And if you buy it on the Createspace eStore (go to createspace . Com, change the search thingy from "site" to "store" and search any of the tags that I list further on in this chapter) (or just go to www . createspace / 5468693 without the spaces), you can use the discount code "NWLNFN33" to get a dollar off. It isn't that much, and I don't know how it applies to the GDP and EUR and all that, but, I mean, you're my be-ay-yoo-tiful Rulers and I wanted to do something to show that this is still our book. It started here on fanfiction dot net / wattpad, and I really hope no one forgets that. ^.^

It's not available as an ebook yet, because I have to reformat crap before that can happen. But, like, eventually? 'Till then, we have the print version.

ALLLLSO, if any of you end up buying it (please don't feel obligated to, though, because honestly only a little of the plot was changed along with names and you might as well read it on here, it's not like I mind XD), maybe leave a review on Amazon? And if you could, like, recommend it to every-freaking-one you know, well, that'd be amazing, guys. XD







Bow to the tags. XD Searching any of these on Amazon or Createspace will bring up Games as the first option, so, hey, convenience!

Games also has a website (morethanagameshow . Wordpress . Com [it's the external link on wattpad]) and a tumblr blog (morethanagameshow . Tumblr . Com [oh wow so original it's like totally different from the wordpress one]), but don't think for even one second that they're any sort of professional website. Mostly it's just me being stupid. Like the hashtag book, but updated less often and revolving more around Games. Sort of. XD

Let's see, um, I had something else to say to you guys...

Hmph. I'm just thinking, should I warn you guys about how Jayce's backstory is very vague and slightly confusing, or should I just let you wait so you can read the far more in-depth backstory in one of the next books in the series?

Oh. That's what I needed to tell you. :3

Now, I've said it once (or twice or three times) and I'll say it a million times more: the Games plot has basically been exhausted. I cannot make a proper sequel without making it seem forced. I mean, the conflict has been resolved! William no longer WANTS to cause chaos with his crooked game show. Who would take his place? I'm sure you guys could think of something, but, really, I don't think a sequel is needed, and that's the first sign that a sequel simply wouldn't turn out well.

However, Games is part of a series, one that I refuse to actually reference on the book cover or on Amazon where it asks which book in a series it is or on any of the Createspace stuff. It's a secret series. Kind of. XD You guys clearly know about it now.

I'll tell you this – Feel will be part of the series when it is finished. Abibliophobia will be part of the series. There are a few other titles as well – possibly more. But, oh, what do these three books/plots have in common?

Oh, right, abso-freaking-lutely nothing. XD

However, they will be VAGUELY connected (like, they exist in the same universe, but at different times), which will lead to a huge plot thing later on. :D Assuming I can follow through with this series, that is. Hmm. I'll try. :)

Now, here's my issue – should I write Abibliophobia as an original fiction from the get-go (which is what I've SORT OF been planning)? Or should I write it – and Feel – as fanfiction, and then alter it to pass as original so I don't get sued? XD Honestly, I think I'm leaning towards fanfictions first. Then I have you guys urging me to update, plus just the general enthusiasm that I get when I write a fanfiction. It'll help me keep at it instead of abandoning the book/idea.

(*cough cough* but hannah wut about I Hate Skylox and Skyloxuniverse Genderbend you've done a fricking crap job of keeping up with them *cough cough*)



just shhhhhhh

Anyways, I THINK that is what I will do, the whole fanfiction-turned-original-fiction thing, but if you guys have any complaints or warnings or if you simply don't like the idea, please please please tell me because your opinions mean a lot to me.


Hold on, lemme think...

No, I think that's it. But, before I go, I just want to thank you all again for being the bestest readers/internet buddies ever, because you guys are the reason I now have a published book. ^.^

Baiii, my be-ay-yoo-tiful Rulers! Have an absolutely lovely day. :)