yay another update, I skipped a day but that's okay you don't care... right?
nothing to reply to :( review so space isn't wasted by cats high on crack.
last time on this weird story...
Unfortunately little pieces of the day that were peaceful were always the calm before the storm and Gohan knew something was coming
It was finally Gohan's favourite time of the day, lunch but he found out quickly that the supplied food would run out quickly if he eat it so he decided to go hunt for something to eat.
Spotting a river he decided fish would be fine for lunch, wasn't his first choice but beggars can't be choosers quickly striping down so he wouldn't have to explain how his clothes got wet.
After a few minutes he caught a decent sized fish that would fill him till dinner, Gohan quickly skinned and filleted the fish so he could cook it over a fire he made with his ki.
Returning to camp after eating the fish and just leaving the scales and bones left all through the woods, he found out Videl, Earsa (it was at this point I realised all his friends are female) and Lime were sitting around telling stories so he sat down next to Lime and began to listen to Videl's story about one of the many criminals she just started to fight.
'I still think it's dangerous for her to be fighting crime, sure she's strong and fast but it just takes one stray bullet... man I just keep giving myself more reasons to give in and train her' thought Gohan.
Meanwhile Lime's brain was working overtime 'he hasn't talked to since yesterday, is he still angry, is he still hurt, should I try to talk to him, no that may remind him'
It was at this point Videl noticed Gohan and was instantly reminded that he thought she was weak mentally 'whatever that means little prick' Videl angrily thought, though she was still a bit sad that her friend still wont teach her.
She decided if he wont teach at the moment he will at least give her some information on these styles he mentioned.
"Gohan you said you knew several styles, I'm not asking you to teach me just explain them a bit please."
Gohan decided to avoid a fight and tell her some basics, 'the information cant hurt her any way' Gohan decided in his head before listing of a few points.
"well I guess umm lets se we will start with the turtle style, my father and his best friend used this particular style it relies on speed and endurance making sure you can dodge and outlast your opponent while performing devastating counters. the other one is one I was taught for a very long time, the demon style it relies on a extremely strong defence and absolute concentration making sure you can see all the flaws in a stance and exploit them before returning to a strong defence which will also anger your opponent because if you practiced long enough they will find it very hard to break your defence." Gohan said thinking that was a good enough basic rundown of the two styles he used the most.
"But how could you be so strong If your style is based on dodging and blocking" Videl asked confused.
With a long sigh Gohan replied "don't jump to conclusions strength is a big component in the counters and attacking the flaws someone has requires a good bit of strength or the attacks wouldn't be so devastating, take your style I know for a fact you don't use the Satan style you sort of made your own style where you rely on speed but have a lot of force behind your blows which is why you beat those criminals you decided to fight these styles are the same" Gohan calmly corrected.
"why do you say that as if you think I shouldn't be helping out what do you really think about that" Videl convinced Gohan didn't agree with her actions to help.
"I think it's probably the stupidest idea you have ever had" Gohan decided to just hit it head on, "WHAT!" a collective yell from all three girls assaulted Gohan's ears.
Lime looked at him as if he was crazy seeing has Gohan has almost died multiple times to save people on OTHER PLANETS, catching the look Gohan quickly explained before any girl killed him.
"look what I meant is helping people isn't the stupid part it's how your going about it, the police is incompetent so you have no backup and you go up against armed thugs with no weapons or protection one stray bullet and no more Videl" Gohan explained ending in just a whisper.
Videl couldn't believe first he refuses to train her now he tries to tell her not to help people who clearly need it.
"well I don't care Gohan those people need my help and you wont stop me from helping them" Videl angrily spat.
"I never said I would, I just said I didn't think it was smart." Gohan said before getting up and walking away.
After lunch the classes started back up teaching the students how to lure animals and determine if water was drinkable. All this didn't matter to Gohan so he just walked around the woods for the first time he was ditching class, that thought was the only reason he had a small smile on his face.
Gohan really thought no one would care if he ditched for a few hours, turns out he was wrong and now the class had declared him missing forcing Hercule to go look for him as the entire class thought the 'world savour' would be the best choice.
Lime decided to look on her own though as she missed Gohan and knew Hercule would just get lost, meaning she would need Gohan's ki sensing abilities because she was only just learning how to sense people and she can't really tell animals from people.
There was an advantage for Lime though as Gohan's ki was thousands of times higher than every one else, so she pretty much knew exactly where he was the only problem was she didn't know if she would do more harm than good.
'he can fly around the world before I could even think to grab him... Stupid inhuman power levels' thought Lime.
Gohan noticed Lime's ki closing in on him, 'yay more company' Gohan sarcastically thought.
deciding to have a bit of fun he flew up into the trees and waited for lime to walk right to the spot he had been standing a minute ago.
Gohan jumped down behind and wrapped his arms around her waist while yelling in her ear.
Lime's high pitched shriek could be heard on the other side of the planet "GOHAN YOU FUCKING DICK WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Lime screamed at Gohan 'yea probably wasn't a smart idea' Gohan finally thinking about it.
"sorry I thought it would be funny, not end in my death" Gohan tried to apologise but the look lime had showed he wasn't getting away from this with all limbs attached.
"so you went from not talking to me to joking around with incredibly dumb pranks" Lime stated finally wanted answers.
"what are you talking about, I mean yea we haven't talked for like a day but that wasn't intentional we had classes and other times I just wanted to be alone after fighting with Videl" Gohan said generally confused.
"but... I thought you were mad at me..." Lime now as confused as Gohan "why would I be mad at you Lime I cant remember a time I have been truly angry with you" gohan stated unable to believe that Lime though he was mad at her.
"but after our fight about you training Lime you didn't talk to me until now" lime said now sad she didn't talk to him earlier, "Lime I was never angry with you even when we were fighting I was just annoyed" Gohan explained with a sigh.
"Come on Lime lets go join the class and afterwards we need to train your ki sensing you should of sensed me fly up into the tree. Gohan said walking back to where he could sense the class.
"that sounds just great" Lime sarcastically replied and followed gohan to the class forgetting all about Hercule.
fun fact: started righting at 12:13am (midnight for those who get confused) then stopped around 12:30 and finished it of at 10:30 tonight I've been sick all day and decided if im bedridden I can at least write a bit the actual story is about 1.5k with the author notes it's like 1.6k
I for some reason can only write while listening to music so I though why not ask you guys for song suggestions I listen to pretty much everything but country because fuck country.
also still looking for a beta if anyone is interested please pm me either your email or a way to send a file to you, I think there is a thing on fanfiction that lets you send files actually but I'm not sure (if this note is still here it means no one has offered I will replace it with a thank you for the beta of the chapter