Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!.

Chapter 7: Oblivious

"Ne, ne Mukuro-nii~ Do you know Hibari-san?" Tsuna bluntly asked.

Mukuro blinked. "Hibari?" He looked at Chrome for an answer, only to receive a shake of her head. He turned back to the feline child. "Unfortunately, we don't."

Tsuna stared before nodding shortly. He then began childishly explaining his adventures and encounters with the deadly-tonfa prefect. His tail fluffed up in slight fear at certain points. As the story dragged on, the older of the pineapple siblings eyes glinted dangerously while the younger practically molded herself into the fabric, absolutely terrifed.

"...Annnnnd, for some reason, Hibari-san was giving me this really weird look." Tsuna scrunched his face cutely, trying to form the right sentence. "Like, his eyes widen—for only 'bout a second—and he kept petting my head. It was like he was...enchanted?" He asked more to himself.

Mukuro snapped out of his evil schemes when his beloved Tuna mentioned the probable word. "Enchanted, you say." Of course he fully understood what the brunet was trying to convey. The boy "Hibari-san" likes him. Though he was too oblivious too notice, not that it affected his moe-ness.

"Yeah...But then Asari-nii saved the day!" He cheered, obviously happy. The man, whom didn't speak for the time being, grinned at the gleeful cry. He fixed his fingers together and spoke contently, "It is for your safety, Tsuna-kun. Wouldn't you like to tell Giotto how wonderful I am?"

It sounded very familiar to bribary. He bribed the child into boasting his image merely using his poor boss as the victim. The siblings caught on quickly, mindful of telling the brunet.

Tsuna danced and twirled as flowers magically rained out of nowhere. A childish smile was plastered on his soft looking lips. He was minding his own business, hardly ever noticing he unceremoniously destroyed a foodstand nearby — which an unlucky onlooker crashed into. Also the cause of splattered ice cream on the ground and face planted people picking themselves off the street with bloodied noses.

The trio sweatdropped at the scene.

Okay. He is officially unaware of anything — though not everything, persay.

The tiny brunet hugged his caretaker's leg, sparkles glittering around him. "Of course! I will tell Gio-nii now awesome you are! He'll definitely want to hear this!" Asari laughed victoriously, which awfully sounded like a madman's.

"That's great! Now let's get going, your brother would absolutely love to hear that." Asari gently ushered the brunet in the direction of his home.

"Oya, what about us, Tsunayoshi-kun?" He feigned a kicked-puppy look — which looked creepishly adorable. Tsuna nodded eagerly. "You can come with us, Mukuro-nii. I'll introduce you to my all brothers!" He beamed.

Mukuro nodded. "I would love to introduce myself as your boyfriend." A sly smile plastered on his face. Asari's expression morphed into an shell-shocked look. Tsuna was oblivious as always.

"I'm sure my brothers would like you. After all, you are my bestest boy friend!" (A/N: See what I did there? He thinks of him as a regular guy friend, and Mukuro, not so much.)

"Yes, let's not keep them waiting," Mukuro snickered. He gently tugged his younger sister along, making a firm grasp on Tsuna's right hand as he walked along side him. Tsuna didn't mind in the least, just releasing a sweet smile and continued babbling about his business.

Asari huffed his cheeks. What a narcissist kid; not exactly narcissist, but still. He inwardly sighed. If the others heard about this...

~At the Sawada Residance~

The trip back home wasn't what you call uncomfortable, but nor comfortable.

Mukuro was indirectly molesting the younger brunet as Chrome acted as a innocent by stander, though she resembled a bright crimson tomato. Asari seemed to be in a dark mood. His usual bright hazel eyes were now shadowed by his bangs and a frown marrowed his lips gave him a dark, intimidating look.

But in a magically unmajestic way, Tsuna avoid all the bluenette's suggestive advances. Occassionally he would "accidently" smack the other on the face or kick him where the sun don't shine. Never-the-less, Mukuro continued his movements.

As they reached the doorstep, the door swung open and there stood the brunet's mother. She greeted them happily, an undeniable glow of happiness radiating from her smile. "Ah, Tsu-kun, Asari-kun. Welcome back. Oh, and who might this be?"

"Excuse us for intruding, Sawada-san. I'm Mukuro Rokudo and this is my younger sister, Chrome. We are friends of Tsunayoshi-kun." He bowed and gave a pleasant smile. Chrome bowed then hid away.

"I'm Sawada Nana, but please call me Mama. Sawada-san makes me sound old." Nana giggled. She stepped to the side, gesturing with here hand. "Please make yourselves at home."

"Thank you, Mama. We'll being see you at dinner?" Mukuro politely asked.

"Yes, Mukuro-kun. I'll be handling dinner. Why don't you all go play?" She excused herself to the kitchen, leaving the group to crowd at the doorway.

Asari blinked at the manners Daemon's descendant was displaying. He wasn't as bad as he thought he was — aside from his undecent actions. Tsuna gaped in amazement. "Mukuro-nii, how did you do that?" He gasped.

The older boy smirked, slipping off his shoes. "It's a matter of manners, Tsunayoshi-kun. Wouldn't you like to learn?" His smirk grew larger. The brunet's eyes sparkled as he nodded eagerly.

Before he could speak, his mother peeked her head around the corner. "That's right. Tsu-kun, your friends left earlier today. They should be back later. Also, did you get cuter?" She winked and excused herself to the kitchen, leaving the group behind.

Tsuna looked confused at the give compliment. He shrugged and continued removing his shoes, placing it beside everyones at the door mat. He walked up the stairs to his room then closed the door, jumping on his bed. "Awwh~ Gio-nii and everyone else is not here," He whined. His tail automatically wrapped itself around his waist.

Mukuro was seated on the edge of the bed with Chrome while she intensely gazed at the colorful decorations littering her new friend's room. Asari kneeled down on the empty cushion near the table and sipped on freshly brewed tea. How he got it, let's just say he used his ghostly powers.

"They'll be here shortly, Tsuna-kun. Just relax for a bit, ne," Asari soothed, calmly enjoying the cool atmosphere. The children decided to take his words and relaxed.

Everything was so quiet. Only the sounds of nature luring them into a sleepy haze.

The Rain Guardian glanced at their forms on the small bed. He smiled then closed his eyes. He decided to contact Giotto. (A/N: Since he's a ghost, it's simple to say he can use physic powers. Like telepathic powers.)

'Hello, Giotto,' He hummed. Immediately, he got a hasty, panicked response.

'Asari! Where are you guys? We've been searching all over for you guys.'

He chuckled, suddenly imagining their faces. 'Don't worry, Giotto. We're fine, just relaxing and enjoying the moment.'

'That's great, but where are you?'

'At Tsuna's house,' Asari said with glee.

'Stay there. We'll be there in a while.' The line went silent.

Within a few minutes, the front door could be heard opening along with muffled voices. Asari placed down the tea and exited the room quietly, completely aware of the slumbering children. He walked down the stairs to see the guardians sweaty, obviously fatigued judging by their slightly shaky legs.

Giotto was the first to spot him. "Asari! There you are!" He practically glomped him, almost suffocating him. His sweat made Asari cringed his nose. "Where's Tsuna?!"

Asari had to use force to pry his boss off. He backed up, seeing that all the guardiams were giving him a somewhat stern look. He raised a hand in surrender. "He's sleeping. And he brought some of his friends over."

"Friends?" Giotto blinked.

"And it's seems one of them self-proclaims him as his boyfriend." Asari hestiantly replied.

The room suddenly felt heavier with deadly tension weighing down. Asari had to step back several steps, wary of their auras.


"...Also, Tsuna-kun completely agrees."

In that moment, the Sawada residance exploded with malice.


A/N: Hey guys! This chapter sort of took some thinking effort but I managed. Also, Do or Die will be updated in due time, please be patient. Thank you!
