Title: Bundle of Furriness
Summary: Tsuna wasn't born normally, but rather with cat-like features. Not everyone will be avle to resist his adorable looks. All27. Lots of fluffiness. No pairings.
Character(s): Tsuna/Tsunayoshi S., 10th Vongola Generation, 1st Vongola Generation
Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!.
Chapter 1: Small Things
Once a upon a time, there was-
Wait, wait, wait! Why am I starting out like that? Even I don't know. *Sweatdrop*
Alright, on with the story.
Sawada Nana and Sawada Iemistu lived as a "happily ever after" couple, living the life of their dreams. They were more than happy to welcome the newest addition to their lives; their son.
Sawada Tsunayoshi.
It was a rather sunny day when their son was born in the midst of the day. But oddly, the child was born rather, err, quiet and calm. This made both the newly-parents worry, but not as much when they found out he was inherited with cat-like ears and a tail.
Who wouldn't be shocked.
Iemistu went on a rampage, almost strangling the doctor and nurses with his overwhelming desperation. Luckily, Nana saved them all from his wrath by cooing and squealing about how cute and adorable he was. Upon hearing that, Iemistu reluctantly agreed, wanting to be happy for and with her.
He is so submissive, huh. Well, it's highly expected anyways.
4 years passed since that wonderful fateful day, and now the family lived in a normal house, not too big and not too small.
Before the day Tsunayoshi began Kindergarten, his father was always complaining about his son's appearance. Saying, "The other kids will probably think he's cosplaying." And Nana always replied, "I don't think so, dear. It'll all work out fine and he'll have friends immediately! They'll all think he is the cutest thing live!" Insert squealing and numerous girly-ish like façades here.
She didn't even know how precise she was, expect it would attract all of his friends, which were very much guys. Meaning they are 110% homosexual.
The couple then settled that they would have their son hide the cat tail beneath the pants, but have no idea what to do with the ears.
Iemistu gave her the same look. "There's no point in hiding the cat-like features, Nana-chan. But I will not tolerate the other students calling my son a cosplayer." He complained, giving her stern yet desperate tone.
Nana, for once, was "demonic", as her husband would call it. Not being her usual self is something new, and very not much expected. Humming, she casted her husband a calm yet deadly aura. Sending a sickly sweet smile, she whispered, "I don't think so, dear. They'll have to get through me first."
Iemistu coward under her glare, waving his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay."
She return to her normal self just as little light thumps of feet trotted down stairs. A blob of brown hair peeked behind the door then exposing huge, innocent chocolate brown eyes. "Tsu-kun! Dinner's ready!"
'Tsu-kun' rounded the corner, happily skipping to his seat, smiling at his parents the whole. "Yay!" He beamed, with a small blush of embarrassment.
The big-eyed child was the said boy, Sawada "Tsuna" Tsunayoshi. He wasn't your average little boy. No. He was the boy that never grew out to be as tall as an average male child, or as musculine. His features were soft and delicate; very feminine to not be a male.
Many always call him, what supposingly looks like in their perspective, a "girl", or when with his parents, they call him, "their daughter". Not that he minded, but he casually accepts their thoughts as easily.
Most of the time, he would always make (many) mistakes. His parents would brush it off as the clumsiness a child has at such a young age. But for Tsunayoshi, it would be for the rest of his life. Not that he would blame himself. *Smirk*
Instead of his original name, he would most likely prefer everyone to greet him as "Tsuna", a nickname he made up for himself. (Should I be surprised?)
Breakfast was served as everyone took their seats, serving themselves with pleasure.
Instead of the usual blabbing nonsense Tsuna would make, it was quiet. Too quiet for both of the parents liking; this is very rare.
"Um, Tsu-kun. Is there something the matter?" Nana asked, casting a worried look.
The child merely lifted his head, replying, "No, just wanted to be quiet for once."
"Why is that?" She asked, sharing a look with her husband.
Tsuna shrugged, his shoulders and arms limping to the side. Raising his head to face the ceiling, he said, "Dunno, just felt like it."
"Oh, is there something you want to tell us then?" She suggested.
"Hm," Putting a finger to his chin, he closed his eyes. His nose and ears twitched cutely, making Nana want to squeal. "Not really, sorry Mama, Papa."
His ears flatten to his head and a sad yet cute pout adorned his features. Nana looks as if she wants to faint while Iemistu was too oblivious to notice, chomping down his plate.
Nana jumped from her seat, strangling her son in a death hug. "Kyaa~! Tsu-kun~! You don't know how much you effect your mother!" She beamed, a flowery background appearing with additional sparkles.
Tsuna's face immediately turned blue, trying to pry her hands off. He wearily choked out, "Ma-ma... Can't breathe..."
"Oh! I'm so so sorry, Tsu-kun~! Mama will fix up your dinner tonight as forgiveness." Nana petted his head gently then pecked his forehead. She gave him a bright, cheery smile. "Now eat up! Today's your first day in Kindergarten!"
"Un!" Tsuna did as told and help his mother clean up while his father took off to work. By the time everything was set, it was almost the start of school time.
Nana awaited by the door, patiently waiting for her son to rush by. Tiny tumbles of feet echoed down the stairs. "Are you ready, Tsu-kun?" She smiled sweetly. Tsuna's response was a cheerful nod. The mother and son left the house shortly then headed down the next street to their destination.
A sudden voice softly squealed, echoing in the empty hall. "Kyaa~! That's my great grandson? He's so cute!"
Another voice spoke up, but this time much more irritated and demanding. "Would you be quiet?!"
A/N: Yep, another story. Felt like it so, don't judge me. ;-; Also, Giotto will refer Tsuna has his "great grandson" since I prefer not to type great four times. Got it? Ortay? x3 Do review your thoughts.