Machelle rolled over and stretched. Her hands touched cold sheets on both sides of the bed, again. Sighing, she threw the sheet off her naked body and headed for the shower. She looked in the mirror, shaking her head as she looked at the whisker burns that were still evident on her chest. He was such a passionate lover, that's why this hurt so damn much. Where did he sneak off to so early in the morning? Was is her? Again?

Machelle took a leisurely shower, but he still didn't show up. She packed her bags. Still no sight. No call. She looked at the time and knew he was going to be cutting it close getting to the bus. She packed his things and sat down to write a note.

I missed you this morning. After such an amazing night last night, I wanted to wake up in your arms again.
We've had such good times, such good memories. I don't know why we seem to be growing apart after so many months together.
I know you will get this as you are running for the bus. Everything is packed. I am glad that I came to see you when I could and hope that you call when you can.
I'm on my way back home.

Three hours later, Machelle pulled into a gas station to fill up her tank. There was still no word from her boyfriend of six months, Randy Orton. She kept thinking back over all of the good times they'd had, the sweet things he'd done, the really hot sex they'd had. The feeling she had in the pit of her stomach was that he'd gone back to his womanizing ways. Why wasn't she enough for any man?

She pulled back onto the road, driving on autopilot. She didn't pay attention to anything or anyone around…not until she reached the four-way stop and her brakes failed. Her car sailed through the intersection, picking up speed on the decline of a hill. As she reached the incline of the next hill, Machelle's car began to slow down. Her heart was pounding as she looked around and tried to think about what to do. How should I stop my car when I don't have any brakes?

Something caught her eye in her rear view mirror. Terror like she'd never known filled her body. Chills raced up and down her spine. Her heart, which moments ago had been racing, now stopped. Machelle could clearly see the face of her ex-husband driving the large truck racing up behind her just prior to impact. The jolt of the truck slamming into the back of her car sent the car flying forward. Machelle fought for control. I will not die like this. With everything that I have fought through, I will not die at his hands…not like this.