Hey y'all Ace here, unfortunately NOT with a new chapter. I know, I'm sorry, I'm just giving you guys this update to my life and why I haven't really been on as much.
Contrary to what many people, I have NOT died nor have I given up on writing. To be perfectly honest, I've just been busy with life and fell into a bit of a slump with a bit of depression really. It's been putting off my writing. . . More that I honestly would like. But I'm hoping I'll figure out a way to break that slump in the end. Regardless, there's also another thing I want to say. I've actually had this for a while now, but I've started up an AO3 account, and for a long time, which I'm sure some, if not most of you, already knows; I've started writing NSFW smut content. I just haven't been posting it here. Cause I have a sneaking suspicion that if I were to try. Certain FF admins would be on my ass for no fucking reason. So Ao3 is where I've been active recently.
Another thing, I have discord now!
Something I gained over the years of RPing. So, like with my other friends I've met through my time there. I've decided to follow in their footsteps and make a discord server dedicated to all of my stories both SFW and NSFW. That way I can talk to all my wonderful readers that's followed me and my work over the years.
For those that have it, My handle is: Blackace70#8153
If you want to join my server, contact me there, and say that you're from Fanfiction. So that I know where you're coming from and I can invite you to my server.
Welp, that said, that's all I wanted to get off my chest for now. Again, so sorry for the false update. But I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on with me. Hopefully the next time I actually DO update my story I'll be with a legitimate chapter.
As always guys, I hope you're all doing well. Until then…
See you next time. :)