I don't own Gakuen Alice. Enjoy the last chapter

Chapter 30

The AAO has finally fallen….

From now on, everything is going to be okay….

Everyone can come back to their normal life. No more hiding. No more running away.

But the price must be paid for this success is too much. And so, even if they won this battle, no one felt happy at all…


She was sitting there, holding him protectively in her arms. She has been crying for hours already but there was no chance she would stop…She killed him. Kill the person she loved the most. Kill the person who saved her from the darkness. She has done something that she could never change even if she turned back in time.

She has committed a sin.

But this was for his own good after all. If she didn't do this, she couldn't guarantee for the safety of this world. And to free him from this darkness, that was the only way

Once again, she hugged his body and big, fat tears ran down on her face silently…

"I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…"


She was there, lying on the cold floor. Bead of sweats ran down on her face as a hurt expression was so clearly that he could tell she has been suffered a lot. He went to her place and kneeled down to have a proper look at her.

Unconsciously, a hand reached to her cheek and caressed it. Slowly but full of love. Never in his life, had he thought would he have a chance to touch her like this. Normally, she would take a picture of him and run away to sell to the fan girls. And she never had any expression on her face other than the poker face that she always has.

But in the end, he wondered why he has fallen in love with her. Sure, she is the Ice Queen. And her friends, too. And it was difficult just by trying to melt down those frozen hearts. He would try to learn from Natsume one day. How to be brave like him.

But then again…He picked her up bridal style. Just to have her in his arm would be anything he could wish for. She could blackmail him all she wanted. If that was the thing to make her stay by his side, he would gladly be the victim every times. He looked down to her face. She was sleeping so peacefully at a time like this.

It's okay. She could sleep for now. Everything has finally ended. No more suffering. No more fighting. Only a world where she could live happily

He slowly bent down and kissed on her forehead…

"I swear I will protect you and make you happy for eternity…"

Unknown to him, a genuine smile was plastered on her face and she knew she could feel this warmth again…When she was in his arm.


He was lying on her lap. Droplet of bloods dripped on the floor, stained red his shirt. It was hurt. It was dark. He can't see a thing. He was unconscious. There was nothing beside him. It was him all alone in this darkness. But he wondered why he felt so safe right now… Was it because everything was over? Or was it because Kuonji died?

No. That was all wrong. It was because he knew he was in her arm, feeling the warmth all over again. To tell the truth, he has dreamed of a day when he and her lying together under the Sakura tree, sleeping peacefully. True, there was a time in the Alice festival when this happened, however, he wanted it happened when there was nothing to worry about, when the world was peaceful.

"Natsume…" A faint voice called out his name. A voice that he wishes he would hear every day. A voice followed him even in his dream. A voice that saved him from the darkness… He slowly opened his drowsy eyes, adjusting the light. And in front of him, she was there. Still looking as beautiful as ever.

She was the angel saving him from the pit of hell

She was the light brighten up his dark days

She was everything that he could wish for

He swore he would make her happy…

Then, why did she look so sad? Why was she crying? Mikan… He wanted to call out her name. He wanted to wipe all the tears away. He wanted to embrace her in his arms. He wanted to make her feel special. To feel loved. But he can't.

He used his strength to raise his hand and cup her cheek. It was wet. How long has she been crying? Her eyes suddenly widened as she turned to look at him with those big hazel eyes that haunted him even in his dream. Once again, he was drowned into those pools of eyes. The one held nothing but sadness and depression. But then, there was some light inside her eyes when she looked at him. However, her tears still didn't stop flowing out at all.

"Natsume…" She said his name again as a hand reached to his hand that was cupping her cheek. It was still warm. She felt relieved.

"Mikan…" He managed to speak out her name but in a quiet, tired voice. Who was he kidding? He was injured here. He could die in any second now…But then again, he would have to leave behind the girl he loved the most. And at that time, worse scene can be happened after he was gone.

Will she forget about him?

Will she find another one whom she will love more than him?

Of course, Mikan Sakura was his and his alone. Without her, he felt incomplete. He felt scared…What if all those worse scenes really happened? No, he can't give her to anyone else. But look at him right now, what can he do?

Once again, the pain started to make him suffer. He can feel it. He was about to die….


He tried to say again. The name that he can say all day long. And forever, he will treasure this name. However, in reality, this maybe the last time he saw her. He needed to tell her something. Something that he has never told anyone before…

Don't look so sad like that…

Tears. Woman's biggest weapon that can weaken a man's heart. And those weapons were running down on the face of the girl he loved the most. To tell the truth, he has seen many faces of her but looking at her crying face, his heart was shattered. He felt so guilty, so unmanly.

So weak.

What can a man do when they can't make the girl they love smiles? Especially when he promised that he would protect her at any cost, make her smile and never leave her side?…In the end, he still left her alone…

Please smile…

Her smile was something that saved him from the darkness. Even though he has only seen it after her visit of her parents with her friends. But he knew, that was her true smile. It was like sunshine. It was warm. It could help him to be at ease… And if he was still alive in the future, her smile would be the first one he saw to make up his day…

You look the cutest when you smile…

Dazzling as the sunrays

Warm as spring

She was really clueless. She didn't know how beautiful she was. Her silky brunette hair that he always wanted to touch. Her pink rosy lips that he wanted to kiss all over again. Her sweet strawberry scents that can make him feel alive. Just all of that made her the most breath-taking person on Earth.

I'm sorry…

He was afraid. He didn't know if his heart still working at that time. He was afraid that the time will come when he can't be by her side or protect her. He promised he would protect her with any costs…

For her happiness, he could die in her place.

However, he didn't want to abandon his life and the future to be together with her. He didn't want to see her sad face anymore

I love you…

Those three words will be last words that he will say to her. But the chance has long gone… However, he didn't intend to forget about it.

And forever, he will treasure this feeling…


I was holding his hand which was cupping my cheek. His hand was still warm. He could still alive. I don't know what would happen to me if he died. He was something that I wanted to have. Now, he was almost gone.

How can I live without him?

Just after the moment I thought that, his hand felt down from my reach, lying on the cold floor.

"Natsume…" I called once. There was no answer. The worst possibility ran through my head as I shook my head in disapproval.


Please, God

I started to be panic. Countless of tears ran down on my cheek again. I took his hand and let it touch my cheek "Natsume, please…" In hopelessness, I tried to find the warmth which I felt earlier again but it was no use. I let my ear near his chest, trying to find a heartbeat.

I waited

Wait for a sound

Then realization hit me.

There was nothing. It was gone…

Please don't take him away

He was someone I truly cared for. He was still there for me even though I tried to drive him away many times. Sometimes he teased me and kissed me without my permission but I didn't know when I started to fall in love with him.

He drives me insane

He makes me feel special

He makes me feel alive again.

He is everything that I need

Without him, I'm nobody…

I love him

The three words that I haven't had the chance to tell him. I shook his body again. He was sleeping so peacefully at a time like that.


I called his name out again as I cried on his chest. A crying that even made the sky gloomy and ripped people's heart apart







"OH MY GOSH, COULD YOU BE QUIET FOR A SECOND?" Natsume shouted in furiously as he sat up and looked at Mikan. He then realized his painful wound and immediately, he regretted it. Mikan was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Oh gosh, how can I rest if you just shake me like that?" He grunted and fixed his sitting position so that it won't affect his wound. After he finished, he glanced at Mikan and saw her in frozen state. She wasn't crying anymore but she wasn't moving at all. He waved his hand in front of her face. At that moment, droplet of tears felt down one after another.

Natsume began to panic.

What did he do? Why did she cry? Oh my gosh, what can a man do at this time?

"I-I…." He heard a voice. It was her sweet voice. He smirked. So she missed him after all. However, what she did next what out of his thought.

"YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME, YOU BAKA NATSUME" Mikan shouted while crying as she started to punch Natsume in his chest.

"Relax, Mikan" He tried to stop her but he was too weak right now. It was a miracle that those punches didn't make his pain worse…


"Hey, Mikan. It's hurt" Natsume said but before he realized, Mikan has already stopped punching him as she let bangs covered her eyes and curled up into a ball. He let his hand make his way to her face.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH ME" She threatened him making his hand stop at midway. He was shocked. Now she didn't want to interact with him anymore. Does she hate him? Struggle in those questions, he saw something wet on the floor. He knew she was crying right now.

"Y-You…" She said again. He unconsciously closed his eyes, ready for his punishment. However, she let herself cry harder "You don't know how scared I was when I saw you in that state. I thought you were gone. I thought I would be left alone. I was so freaking scared."

Natsume was surprised at this. And he thought she was going to punch him again. He then reached his hand out and enveloped her into his embrace. Gently, he stroke her hair "It's okay, Mikan. Everything is alright. It is all over. I am here. I will never leave your side." In response, Mikan just cried harder in Natsume's arm. It was really warm. It was really safe.

Just a second ago, she thought she would lose him forever. But he was still alive, right here, next to her… She guessed this was the happy end that she deserved. After all those years, running away from place to place, always had a fear inside, always living in darkness.

Now, everything is over

She can live freely after this

But there is one small detail which is different from the past

She has him and he will be by her side…forever…

In his arm, she was thinking of a future when there would only have happiness. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep as the sound of the ambulance was getting near…

(A/n: I'm sorry for scaring anyone who thought Natsume is dead after reading this. Well, I can't let myself write a tragedy. They deserve a happy ending. So now, just keep reading. ^^)


"I can't believe you guys. Just because of you all, I have to postpone the festival until next week" Narumi said as he sulked like a child.

"Hey, it is not you who did the talking. I was the one who did it. Maybe this will ruin my reputation" Kazumi said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Really, guys? The hospital is not a place for fighting. And you are disturbing our rest" Mikan scolded at the two adults. "I will take responsible for this, okay? Now if you excuse me, I need some sleep" With that, Mikan took the blanket over her head and went to sleep.

"And I thought she had changed" Kazumi's spirit went down

"She is just too embarrassing because I am in the same room as her" A raven-haired lad said cockily. A faint 'dream on' coming from the brunette made his smirk wider.

It has been 4 days ever since the fight ended. Luna was caught again and the Kuonji's company was forced to shut down. At that time, the Frozen Princesses slept for straight 3 days and when they woke up, the Fire Princes were sitting on the opposite bed.

As you can see here, because of the Fire Princes' request, both the FPS had to stay in the same room. At first, the principal and many other teachers didn't agree to this but with the 'they-are-too-weak-so-we-need-to-take-care-of-them' reason, they had to give up. There were also some nurses can take care of them but being over-protective as the Fire Princes, no one dared to come near the Frozen Princesses.

Sure, after the fight, they have used all the energy they have got so now, they can't do anything. And as for the dark side, they left.

"So now, the fight has ended, you have to go now?"

"I was created because of your hatred and desire for revenge. Now, everything was done. I don't have the reason to stay back anymore"

"Can you just stay?"

"That's the reason why I told you that you were so soft. Now, I want you to listen to me…"


"I will always be one with you. Even if you forget about me, I will always stay in your heart."

"How can I forget about you?"

"That will depend on you. Just live your happy life, Mikan. You deserve it"


"And be careful of Hyuuga. He might do something to you"

"What do you-" With that, the dark them disappeared, leaving only memories and feelings…

Mikan sighed a loud one as she remembered the dream she had. Just that moment, the door was opened and a group of adults walked in. Mikan sat up to have a proper look at her. However, before she could let her eye wander to the door, she felt herself being tackled down on the bed.

"Oh my gosh. Do you know how much we worried about you? Going alone to save the boys like that. You are so brave" Kaoru squealed as she hugged Mikan tighter.

"K-Kaoru…I-I… c-can't..bre-breath"

"Mother, you are choking her." Natsume warned his mother boringly before turned his gaze back to his manga.

"Natsume, you are no fun at all. I need to get worry about my daughter-in-law.." Kaoru smiled mischievously

"Daughter-in-law?" Mikan asked as her eyes got big as a saucer while on the other hand, Natsume just smirked.

"Don't you want to marry Natsume after all? Or you don't want your parents' last wish to come true?" Kaoru said in sadness.

"No, not like that, Kaoru-san. It's just that…" Mikan was about to protest but a cold voice cut her sentence

"She is too embarrassed to admit it" Everybody turned to the source and saw Hotaru who just woke up with a scowl on her hand "Now anyone can tell me why the Fire Princes is in my room?"

"Oh, Hotaru, you don't know?" Mikan said innocently

"Did I miss something?"

"It seems that they…" Mikan pointed at the Fire Princes "…threatened the doctor so that they and us can be in the same room" She finished as she crossed her arm over her chest

"Great" Hotaru rolled her eyes "This room is now full of idiots. I wonder if I can take it"

"RuRu-chan, don't say such a hard word. It's for your future after all" Mrs. Nogi smiled brightly at her.

"I'm sorry if this will upset you but I won't marry your son, Mrs. Nogi."

"I agree with Hotaru." Mikan raised her hands in defeat "I can't stand your son. He is too cocky and perverted"

"Well, he takes after me a lot" Kaoru smirked

"Even his short eyebrow" Mikan murmured but she still received a dead glare from Natsume.

"You two still as stubborn as ever" This time, Sumire woke up and stretched like a cat. "Just say that you love them already."

"No" That was their immediately answer

"Oh, come one. It won't hurt a fly" She teased.

"Then you can tell Koko you love him right now." Mikan said with her eyes close

"But he is not here right now" Sumire reminded them making Mikan and Hotaru face-palmed

"Look in front of you, idiot"

Sumire did what Hotaru said and looked at the end of the bed. And standing there was the person they just talked about. He still had his goofy smile on his face but he seemed to be frozen. Sumire stared at Koko for a second before her face went completely red.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Sumire shouted as she covered herself with a blanket.

One couple is done. The adult thought in happiness.

"Awww, that's so cute." Three voices chorused at the same time.

"Misaki, since when you said the word 'cute' when you are talking about love?" Mikan lifted one of her eyebrow up and stared at Misaki, looking for an answer

"Since I found a cute toy to play with" Misaki exclaimed happily as Tsubasa flinched. Not too long after that, the room temperature went up.

"Hey, do you think it's kind of hot in here?" Anna asked

"You are right. But what happened?" Nonoko looked around to find the AC's remote

"Oi, stupid shadow, stop being so jealous. Everyone can feel your anger right now." Natsume shouted out loud as every eye looked at Tsubasa. At that time, the temperature went back to before. "What? I'm innocent, okay?" Misaki just giggled at that statement. This is the reason why she said it was cute

"Hey, did you forget that we are here?" Narumi exclaimed loudly with his hand on his hip.

"Not really…" Ruka scratched the back of his head.

"…But you are too transparent for us to notice" Kitsu finished as fume can be seen from Narumi's head

"You naughty children"

"So I have something I need to tell you guys" Kazumi said with his serious tone. "It's about the festival"

"What about it?" Hotaru asked, stop working on her invention

"You still have to perform that night for sure. But because I postpone the festival so the press is kinda suspicious us…."

"So you want us to tell the press that we are the lost heiresses?"

"Basically, yes"

The girl looked thoughtful for a moment. "Please, this is important and in the future, you will still have to tell the world your real identity"

"Then let us have some time to think. Whether we tell or not, you will have to wait until the festival comes." Mikan answered with determination as Kazumi looked at her before giving her a satisfied nod "Very well. I will give you some time… So now, you can get some rest." With that, they excited the room, leaving the FPs alone.

Koko suddenly raised his voice up "Can I say something?" Everyone looked at him then nodded

He immediately turned to Sumire's direction, said "SUMIRE, I LOVE YOU. WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!"

Sumire at first was astonished then her face turned into a reddish color. She tried to hide her face but failed miserably. In the end, she gave him a small nod as Koko jumped up and down in happiness. Everybody in the room clapped their hand, happy for the couple.

Not too long after that, Tsubasa stood up and walked to Misaki's place

"Tsubasa. I did this trick first so you can't copy it" Koko teased playfully as he wrapped his arm around Sumire. Tsubasa glared at him but still made his way to Misaki. When he reached her place, he kneeled down.

"Misaki, I know you hate me…" He started

"Really hate" Misaki cut him while Tsubasa gave her a look "What?"

"Nothing. Just listen." Tsubasa then sighed a loud one "I know you hate me…because I was a playboy, which in truth not true at all, but I need to tell you something…" He looked directly into her eyes "Misaki, I would do anything at any cost to make you happy. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Misaki was frozen for a moment before her lips curled up into a playful smirk "Even if I tell you to run around 100 laps while barking like a dog?"

"I will consider it first. So, what do you say, Misaki?"

Misaki tapped her chin with her finger, saying "I don't know. You look like a playboy to me. What if in the future you cheat on me?"

"I swear that will never happen"

"Then yes. I would love to be your girlfriend" Misaki said with a smile. Tsubasa just looked at her with wide eyes before he screamed in happiness. "Oh my gosh, this is the dream come true"

"U-Um…I think we need to tell you something" A timid voice came out as all eyes turned to Anna. She was blushing at this time. "W-Well, me and Nonoko already have boyfriend" She finished as the girls squealed in excitement

"Who is he?"

"Since when?"

"Why did you keep us a secret?"

"Easy guy, you are confusing Anna" Kitsu said as he stood before Anna who murmured a small thank. And Yuu suddenly went to Nonoko and intertwined their hand together. The girls was now too surprised "Don't tell me…"

"Yes" Both Anna and Nonoko nodded at the same time. Again, the girls squealed, making the boys' ear bleed.

"I'm happy for you guys."

"You really make a good couple"

"I'm about to die in happiness right now"

"Who confessed first?"

Inside those mess, a blond-haired lad was staring at a certain raven-haired girl intensity like he wanted to say something. Much to his fear, she turned to him and caught him looking at her. He quickly averted his eyes away.

"What are you looking at?" Her cold voice echoed through the room. Everything turned silence. He swore he was now sweat dropped really hard. But, he gathered all his courage and said "I-I…."




Ruka's heart sank then he remembered something...Hotaru has a soft spot for crab brains.

"I will treat you crab brains" He finished the sentence with his eyes closed

"The most expensive one?" Hotaru asked. Her eyes shone brightly



With that, Ruka sighed in relief. And he thought he would get reject. Thanks to Mikan and Hotaru's love for crabs.

Again, people in the room squealed in happiness then darted their eyes to the two last people. One with manga on his face while the other one tried to sleep. Being Natsume, he would never confess something as cheesy as this. And for some reason, Mikan tried to stay away from Natsume as possible as she could. No one understood why. But unknown to them, a raven-haired lad smirked devilishly under his manga, already plotting something in his mind…


Time passed by as the night of competition came again…

The boys' changing room.

"Hey, Natsume, do you think it is a good idea?" Ruka said as he took his tie on the chair and wore it.

"Why not? I think it is a great plan" Natsume shrugged

"It may leave the girls in confusion"

"Mikan is smart. She will understand"

Knock Knock

"Who's that?" Yuu asked as he went to the door.

Ruka turned his attention back to Natsume again "But do you believe it will happen like you expect?"

Natsume just smirked "Don't worry. I believe in them. They will…"


"Oh my gosh, Yuu, are you okay?" A shrieked voice coming from the door caught everyone's attention.

"Seriously, Nonoko, what did you poison him?" This time, another cold voice appeared

"I didn't do anything at all. I just said 'Hi' to him and the next thing I knew, he fainted"

"Looking at you like that, no wonder."

Out of curiosity, Koko walked to the door and greeted with a goofy on his face "Hello, girls…Oh mother of fuck*ng sh*t"

Hearing that statement, all the boys popped their heads out to have a proper look at the door. And, well, their jaws dropped on the floor and they were completely in frozen state, except for Natsume. Standing at the door was five beauties wore short red skirt and white T-shirt. Opposite from the boys, they also wore tie but it was neatly done.

For the boys' costume, they wore black jean with white short-sleeve T-shirt and for the finishing touch, a tie hung loosely on their neck. Because, according to Koko, it will make them more devilish. Somehow, the principal made all the participants wear T-shirt because it was more accurate.

"Wow, sexy~~" Tsubasa was the first one coming back to life and whistled while looking at Misaki. Misaki just rolled her eyes and muttered a 'Baka'

"So, how are you guys doing?" Anna asked, trying to erase the tension.

"Well, we are done already. We just need to wait until they call us" Kitsu scratched the back at his head. "N-ne, Anna…."

"Huh?" Anna titled her head, staring at Kitsu

"Y-You look beautiful tonight" Kitsu said as his face was red from embarrassment. Anna heard this and blushed too.

"Get a room, you love bird" Koko teased which got a punch in the arm by Sumire. "You idiot. Don't disturb them like that"

"Eh?! So you want to get praise too?" Koko got his face near Sumire who tried her best to stop Koko "B-Baka. S-Stop"

"Now I think again, why am I here in the first place?" Hotaru sighed a loud one

"Because I can see how beautiful you are" A voice said out loud as Hotaru looked at that person with disgust "Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm trying to say the truth."

"Yeah right"

Unknown to them, a raven-haired lad was sitting on the chair, wondering where his favorite brunette was. All those past days, she tried her best to ignore him, making him more depressed than ever. Does she hate him now?... Again, Natsume sulked, trying to ignore all the flirting coming from his friends.

As on clue, a chirping voice appeared out of nowhere. "Ne, Hotaru, we will perform the last". Hearing that voice, Natsume shot his head toward the door and his angel was there, wearing a red skirt and white T-shirt with a polo hat. Her face only applied a light make-up and her hair was let down, making her more beautiful.

Because Natsume was too busy gazing at Mikan, he didn't hear her conversation.

"The last, eh?" Hotaru smirked "Then we have plenty of time. How about you guys?"

"I think in the middle. Sixth or seventh…" Yuu answered.

"Then we must go now. The show has started" With that, Hotaru pushed them out of the room, leaving only Mikan and Natsume behind.

"Wait, Ho-" Mikan didn't need to finish her sentence because Hotaru gave her a look 'you better do what I said'. Then she shut the door. Of course, all of them noticed the way Natsume was looking at Mikan so they asked Mikan to go to know about their order and in the mean time, preparing the plan to leave Mikan with Natsume


It was a pregnant silence. No one dared to speak a word. Actually, Mikan just looked into another direction while Natsume tried to find a moment to talk to her. The tick tock sound of the clock slowly got into Natsume's nerve as he stood up and walked to Mikan's place. He then took her away from the chair

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mikan shouted angrily before she realized the situation she was in: Being pinned down on the wall by the Natsume Hyuuga.

"Hey, it's hurt" Mikan said as she stared at Natsume's eyes and eventually, she regretted it. His eyes were gazing at her like piercing every single soul in her body and she can't do anything except for staring back at it. It was sad. It was depressed. But deep inside, passing through those feelings in his eyes, was something that she never thought that it would be there. The feeling of desire.

"Mikan…" He whispered into her ear. A feeling of pleasure ran down on her spine as she felt her knees weaken and the sound of her heart was getting faster and faster. "Why…Why did you avoid me this whole week?" He said. His voice was full of depression, begging for an answer.

She couldn't bring herself to answer it. The real reason why she avoided him. It was not because she was too shy or too embarrassed. The answer was something he probably won't understand

"Mikan…" His voice echoed through the room again as Mikan felt her breath hitched. She didn't like this at all. He was doing as if she was the criminal.

"Please, answer me…."

She didn't need to look at his face, still she could tell that his eyes were looking for an answer. She didn't know if he loved her or not. She didn't know if he wanted to spend his life with her or not. Because she…has fallen in love with him so deeply.

Just after a pregnant silence, he finally spoke with a heavy sigh "I get it. If you don't want to answer me or speak with me then so be it. I won't care about you anymore" With that, he let her wrist go and turned around, intend to leave…

Mikan looked at him with horror written all over her face. It was her fault for doing it anyways. Trying to avoid him as soon as she saw him. This is the punishment that she has to take. She didn't have the right to stop him. However, her mouth betrayed her and before she could realize, the word has been spoken out "I was scared…"

Natsume automatically turned around and stared at the brunette sitting on the floor.

"I was scared…" She repeated again "I was scared if you stay with me again, you will get injured" Natsume walked to Mikan and crouched down to have the same height as her.

"Looking at you with the wound like that, I felt my heart scattered. For you to be injured by the person like me, I don't want it to happen. I don't want you to be in the same world I was in"

Natsume was touched. He didn't realize that she would think that way. After all, she is the person whom he wants to spend the life with in the future. Without thinking, he hugged her small fragile body. "I have told you once, Mikan… I will never leave you…"

Mikan wiped her tears away and looked at Natsume with her big innocent eyes. "Really?" Natsume just stared back at her full of love "Yes…Because there will be no one in this world can make me feel love as much as you do. No one in this world can make me sacrifice myself for her. Because it's true. There will be no one in this world that I will love the way I love you" Hearing that, Mikan's eyes went wide as it began to be teary again.

"I will only say this once" Natsume smirked "Mikan Sakura…I love you" Just with that sentence, Mikan broke out in tears as she hugged Natsume as tight as he was. Natsume was overwhelmed now. The feeling that he has kept for many months. (Actually, he doesn't say it out loud. He only does it. Well, everybody says actions are better than words, right?) Finally, she was in his arm again.

"Natsume…" He heard her faint voice as he looked down on the brunette who murmured the words that he loved the most "…I love you too"

There was nothing can describe this feeling. He was too too too too happy right now that he could die in happiness. He then realized her from his grasp as he cupped her chin so that he could see her more clearly.

Ah, did anyone tell her that she looked so beautiful tonight that he wanted to devour her all over again? Her red-puffy eyes with some tear stains and her red nose. Well, if it wasn't for this romantic moment, he would tease her that she looked just like Rudolph with red nose…

But then again, he wiped all the tears away…This is the woman he loved the most after all. With that, he slowly shortened the gaps between them. She closed her eyes, knowing what he wanted. Just a little bit more, he and she will become one.


Someone faked a cough and ruined the moment. Natsume turned around and saw Koko and Sumire standing there, flushed. Mikan, too. Her face was bright red…

"Koko, nice way to ruin the moment." Natsume grunted angrily

"You can kiss her all you want, Natsume." Koko raised his hand in defeat "After we finish our performance"

"Is it time already?"






"Fine. I will go now. Just wait me for a moment" With that, Koko walked out of the room as Natsume sighed a tired one. He turned around and realized that Mikan still had that red face with her. This made him laugh.

"It is not something that you can laugh, you know." Mikan crossed her arm over her chest, pouting.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't used to this kind of you yet. The 'you' I know is a cold person and despises me very much" Natsume said, ruffling Mikan's hair

"Well, sorry for that. If you want, I will turn back to that person now"

"But I love this 'Mikan' more" Natsume whined like a child as he cuddled Mikan.

"Get off, Natsume. We need to go now"

"Fine." Natsume said as he walked to the door, before turn around and said "Don't forget our bet, Polka"

"I won't. And stop with that nickname. It's sickening me" Mikan said, walking past Natsume. Suddenly, someone pulled her and whispered into her ear. This made Mikan reddened as she glared at Natsume and stomped away. Natsume chuckled one last time before following her.

"We will continue what we did later, okay?"

Stupid Natsume…


"Hey, what took you so long?" Anna and Nonoko asked as soon as Mikan arrived the backstage.

"I was just… busy with something" Mikan smiled sheepishly "So, it's our turn yet?"

"Here you are, Natsume. Quick. It's almost our turn now" Ruka shouted as he dragged Natsume to the stair that leaded to the stage.

"Mikan…" The said 'Mikan' turned her attention to Hotaru who was having some evil glint in her eyes "You have a lot of explanation to do" Mikan just cried in hopelessness

"And now, please welcome them on the stage...The king of the school, the idol of every girls' heart …FIRE PRINCES" The MC shouted into the micro as the crowd went wide and the Fire Princes walked onto the stage, smiling and waving at the fan

"Good evening everyone. I hope that you have a nice night…" Natsume said with a smirk as all the fan girls fainted down. "And for tonight, we are going to perform a song dedicated to the person we loved so much. Everyone, please listen to the song 'I knew I loved you'"

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I've found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion
And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home

I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
(add the whos here)

A thousand angels dance around you
(and the whos here)
I am complete now that I've found you
(and the whos here)

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
(and the whos here)

(I knew I loved you- Savage Garden)

Once again, the audience broke into applause and the Fire Princes bowed down, exciting the stage. "That's the Fire Prince for you. Now let's cheer for…."


"Oh my god, you did awesome" Anna and Nonoko squealed as they tackled Kitsu and Yuu down "Thanks."

"It's good for a clown like you" Sumire said, crossing her arm. Koko just smiled at her and patted her head "You just being shy after all"

"This will help me make a lot of money" Hotaru's eyes shined with money sign in it. Ruka just sighed but then he chuckled "Well, it is Hotaru after all."

"Playboy…" Misaki simply said.

"Oh come on, Misaki. Change your thought, please." Tsubasa begged. Misaki just ruffled his hair. "Kidding. You did great"

"So, any words, Polka?" Natsume smirked as he approached the brunette.

"Not bad, I guess. And don't use that name. It's embarrassing"

"Don't worry, Polka. I will be the only one who saw it and the only person has the right to call you with that name"

"Possessive much? And pervert, too"

"Only for you, babe"

However, they didn't miss their friends' stare as they turned around only to meet widen eyes and dropped jaw

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Anna said

"I don't know, what about you?" Nonoko turned to Sumire

"Oh, we already know…" Sumire and Hotaru answered at the same time.


"Back at the dressing room"

"That means they are…." Anna was speechless but seeing Hotaru's nod and Mikan's smile, she had to believe as she lunged herself at Mikan. "I'm glad for you, Mikan."

"Thanks, Anna. But you can save your crying for later. We are about to up, now" Mikan patted her friend's back.

"Mikan-nee" A childish voice rang through the hall as Mikan saw a silver-haired boy. She immediately let go of Anna and walked up to the boy. "Youichi, what are you doing here?" During her stay in the hospital, she discovered that Youichi was her nephew while Rei a.k.a Persona was her guardian. They asked her to stay with them but Mikan declined the offer because she wanted to stay with her friends.

"I'm here to wish you luck. Rei-nii too. But he is busy" Mikan smiled at this statement Youichi kissed her on her cheek and said "Go, Mikan-nee. You can do it"

"Thank you, Youichi. Now I feel confident." Mikan said as she planted a kiss on the boy's forehead and made her way to the stage. However, she didn't miss the dead glare she was receiving by the Natsume Hyuuga himself.

Great. Now, the next time they were alone, it would surely be her death.


"Now, to welcome on stage. The queen of the school, the competitor of the Fire Princes. Please welcome last but not least…FROZEN PRINCESSES"

As on clue, six girls went on the stage, smiling at the audience make half of the boys' population got a nose bleed and six boys behind the stage burnt with jealousy.

"Hello, Gakuen Alice… I see you are having a pleasant night." Mikan said into her micro "To finish the show, I'm going to sing a song to everybody that we love"

if there were no words
no way to speak
i would still hear you
if there were no tears
no way to feel inside
i'd still feel for you

and even if the sun refused to shine
even if romance ran out of rhyme
you wuld still have my heart until the end of time
you're all i need, my love, my Valentine.

all of my life
i have been waiting for
all you give to me
you've opened my eyes
and shown me how to love unselfishly

i've dreamed of this a thousand times before
in my dreams i couldn't love you more
i will give you my heart
until the end of time
you're all i need, my love, my Valentine

and even if the sun refused to shine
even if romance ran out of rhyme
you would still have my heart until the end of time
'cause all i need is you, my Valentine
you're all i need, my love, my Valentine

(My Valentine)

"Thank you for listening and good night" Mikan and her group bowed down and made their ways to backstage.

"You rock, girls." The guys shouted in happiness, except for Natsume who looked at Mikan intensely. "So, you are still bothered about the bet?"

Mikan suddenly flinched as everyone turned to her. "What if I am?"

"Nothing." Natsume shrugged as he put that matter aside.

"Now, please all the attendance, come to the stage. We are now going to announce who is the winner"

With that, both FPs went on stage with a heavy atmosphere.

"First, for the singing contest tonight, the winner is… Drum roll please" The MC pointed at the drummer as everyone held their breathes, praying…

"….FROZEN PRINCESSES" The crowd went wide as Mikan and her friends cried while smiling as brightly as they could. Other teams also congratulated for them. So now, they won the bet. What will happen after this?

"So, Sakura-san, do you have something you need to say?" Hotaru looked at the audience for a moment before she took the micro "We have nothing to say after all. We won because we deserved it. Now, going on with your plan…" Normal people didn't see it but for the Frozen Princesses, they clearly saw the money sign in Hotaru's eyes

"That's the very nice speech of you, Mikan" The MC said as he flipped another paper. "Now, to the next prize, the king and queen or should I say best couple of the school…Please welcome…"












Natsume walked onto the stage smirking while Mikan was still on her spot, completely frozen. It took a lot of strength and 'Baka' bullet to wake Mikan up.

"So now, Hyuuga, do you have anything to say?" The MC asked. Natsume immediately took the micro away from the MC

"First of all, I must thank you all for voting for me. I guess I deserve it after all. Second…" Natsume kneeled down in front of Mikan. "…I know I lost your bet but I don't want to be bound to you by that contract. I want to love you freely, to care about you. And most of all, I want to be by your side forever. So Mikan, what do you say?" Natsume looked up only received a nod from the brunette. In such happiness, he hugged her and twirled her around. After a moment, he placed her down and made one thing clear to the audience "This girl…" Natsume sneaked an arm around Mikan's waist and pulled her closer "…is mine, okay? So don't you dare trying to get near her." With that, all the fan boys and fan girls cried in pain but still, they congratulated for the couple.

"I can't believe you said that to the whole school" Mikan muttered in surprise

"I just want to make sure to the world that you are mine." He planted a kiss on her forehead as her cheek flushed red from embarrassment "Payback for Youichi's incident. I love you for who you are, Mikan and forever, I will"

Mikan was touched by that statement so she pulled herself away from Natsume's grasp. Natsume looked at her with surprise. "I have something that I need to do" Seeing the determination in her eyes, Natsume let her go. Mikan called for her friends to go on stage and grabbed the micro from the MC.

"There is something that we need to tell you all…."


"And they live happily ever after, don't you think?" A woman asked the man next to her.

"Our daughters finally found what she needs. I'm happy for her."

"Me too."

"Still, I want to know more about that Hyuuga guy. What if he cheats on her or makes her pregnant? Oh gosh, she is still only 17"

"Don/t worry, dear. He is the boy Mikan chooses after all so I believe in him"

"I hope you are right" The woman could only laugh at her husband's childish


I want to be the wind…a wind like a breath

At times, I want to be the wind that fights against you…

The wind that dries your tears…

Or the wind that eases your tiredness…

I want to be a wind like that.

And I want to fly…

I want to sweep up the sadness and spread the happiness

When you are sad, just cry, I will be there…

When you are happy, call me, I will be there…

But because we are girls…

There are times that you get tired…

There are times when you hold back your tears

So in time like that, dear, I'm going to fly down to you

So hold me in your arms gently…

I love you…

-The end-

Finally, the story comes to an end.

Oh my gosh, 30 chapters and this chapter is the longest one I have ever written.

Just before the day of my final exam.

It has been a great time writing this story but I think this is goodbye.

So now, I want to thank you all for all of the reviews and supporting me all the way until the day I finish. Without your help, I think the story has been on hiatus forever.

And about the epilogue, I will try my best.

Until we meet again...

P/S: If anyone is wondering where is the last sentence comes from, I get it from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne.