Okay, this is my first FanFic and I was a bit hesitant on posting it but thanks to a special someone, here it is. I hope you like it! Please leave a review if you like or hate it, tell me. If I can improve in anything tell me. I want all the good, bad and ugly reviews !(: Thank you for taking the time to read... hope you enjoy (: #GladiatorForLife !

Witness Protection Chapter One;

"Please don't, please!"


Olivia can't believe her eyes. Her first instinct is to run but she is paralysed by the fear coursing through her veins. What has she just witnessed? Why did she have to wait for Abby? She should have taken the bus, if she did, she wouldn't have seen this.

The person looks around to ensure that there are no witnesses. Thankfully Olivia was hidden in a corner and he didn't see her. The next 20 minutes were a complete blur until she was pulled out of her hazed by her best friend Abby, shaking her violently.

"Liv, Liv. Look at me. Can you hear me? What happened? Did you see? Did the shooter see you? Liv... OLIVIA!"

Olivia didn't say anything, succumbed by her emotions and the recent experience tears started to stream down her face. Her body stated to tremble with shock and fear. Can she comprehend what just took place right in front of her? Did she really see it? OH MY GOD, Did the shooter see her? She peered over Abby's shoulder and there it was... a male lying on the floor submerged in blood. It was real, she did see it but did the shooter see her. What if he did, what would happen to her? Would he come find and kill her? But she has a great life and a lot to live for; she can't die... not yet. Her body stated to violently shake.

"It's okay Liv, It will be okay" Abby tried to reassure her but it wasn't working, it was making it worst.

The police officer came over and wondered if Olivia was ready to answer some questions and give her statement. Apparently if it wasn't for Olivia being there it would have looked like a hit and run gone wrong. Abby portrayed concerned eye towards Liv as she broke down in her arms. The murder appeared to be Gang related so if the shooter did see her or hear of a witness stepping forward then she has to be placed under witness protection until the case was solved and was safe for her to return. As the officer was explaining to them what was going to happen from now, Olivia just stared at on spot on the floor and recounted everything that occurred tonight.

*Flash back*

"Okay, Okay Abby I will wait for you... I promise... I won't get on the bus... I promise... okay see you soon...yes Abby, at the usual spot... okay Abby I got it... bye"

Once Olivia ended the call she walked to the usual spot and stood there.

It was late and Abby hated when Olivia took the bus this late at night, so they decided (well Abby decided) that they would meet just in front of the supermarket. There was plenty of lighting so Abby could see her and the police station was only 20 minutes away so it was a "safe" spot.

As Olivia walked she came across an ally way and heard someone scream. She ducked behind a garbage bin and peered from the side. There was a man dressed in a dark trench coat the stood in front of another man. She could see the gun clearly. Her heart nearly leaped out of her throat, she swore that she was going to throw up. She reached for her phone to call the police but there was no reception. Seriously, the onetime where she needed to make a phone call there is no reception. Panicking, all she did was sit there and hoped that he didn't see her. Silence consumed the area, she believed that she was safe, until she stood up and witnessed the end of the encounter.

"Please don't, please!"


As the man looked around, Olivia saw his face.

She could see the man's face, that taunting, traumatizing face. She shut her eyes and tries to clam her breathing.

"Olivia, Olivia, Olivia!" Abby has been trying to talk to her for the past 5 minutes.

She wipes her wet face and tries to reply but no words were forming. It was like in that moment her voice was taken with her along with any chance of movement. Abby gazes at the officer and tells him that they will meet them at the station. The officer nods and walks away.

"Liv, Liv, look at me. Please look at me"

Abby's hold tightens around her fragile body as it is still shaking violently. As Abby tries to help her up, Liv collapses into her arms. One of the paramedics had seen her and rushed over to help Abby.

Walking to the car, Olivia regained some movement within her legs and can finally talk but only small words. Abby was just happy that her Liv was coming back slowly. Abby thanked the paramedic and strapped her in the car and drove to the police station.

The drive to the station was too quiet compared to what Olivia and Abby are normally like.

"Hey Liv, Liv?"

"Yeah Abby" with weak eyes Olivia turns her head and looks at Abby.

"Oh Liv, I am so sorry that you had to witness that!"

"Me too." She turns her head and gazes at her hands. Abby grabs one and squeezes it tight.

"It will be okay, you'll see. Are you okay to make a statement?"

Liv gave Abby a slight nod. She wasn't really okay but she knew that she had to otherwise the man would get away with murder and she wouldn't allow that to happen.

Walking into the station, her legs began to feel like jelly. Clenching to Abby's arm tighter and tighter the closer they got the interview room.

"It's okay Liv, it is going to be okay!"

"Thank you, thank you Abby for being here!"

"Of course Liv, no place I would rather be. I am always here for you not matter what!"

After making a statement, Olivia felt better. She could feel herself coming back. So far there was no threat on her life so she was cleared to go home.

"Abby I will be okay by myself, I don't need a babysitter" She has been trying to convince Abby on the phone that she will be okay for the past half an hour.

"Liv I'm not a babysitter, I am a concerned friend who wants you to be okay with me there"

Olivia let out a sigh "Abby I love you but the officer said I was okay to come home, there are not threats on my life"

"YET!" "Liv I don't know what I would do if he saw you and takes you or worst tries to kill you and succeed"

Liv thought about her options. One she could let Abby come over it would save time and energy (which Olivia didn't have a lot of right at this point of time) or Two keep arguing or hang up. After a moment of silence she caved.

"Fine Abby but you are not sleeping in the same bed as me. You have the couch"

"Fine" *Beep Beep Beep*

Liv looks at her phone and thinks that she is the luckiest person to have a best friend like Abby.

Within a matter of minutes since they finished the phone call Abby was outside Liv's apartment.

"Hurry up and open to door"

"Calm down Abby, did you speed here or something?"

"No Liv I am a responsible driver" she says with a cheeky grin on her face and gracefully walks into the apartment.

"Really Abby you couldn't have fooled me"

Both women laughed and sat on the couch talking about anything and everything whilst sipping on wine.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Abby was passed out on the lounge, so Liv got up to answer it. Before she opened the door she glanced at the clock ... 2:31 am "who would come at a time like that" she thought. Looking through the peep hole there was no one there, so she ignored it and went to back to the couch. Setting herself down, Abby woke up in a haze because she drank too much.

"Who was at the door Liv?"

"No one, there was no one there"

They both found this quite odd considering the time it was. After a while they started to doze off when there was another knock at the door, neither of them were is the right state to answer it after having consumed 5 bottles of wine.

"Liv go get the door" Abby said in a grouchy voice

"No you go get it"

The knocks were louder.

"I can't be bothered Liv"

After stumbling and almost running into the side table Olivia answered the door.

"I'm sorry ma'am to wake up but there has been a threat against your life, you need to pack up your items and follow me"

"Wait, what? You want me to pack up my life and move it. Yeah good luck with that"

"Ma'am you have to understand that the person who you saw is a part of a gang which kills any witness to their dealings"

At this point in time Abby got up to see what was happening because she can hear Liv's voice raising.

"What seems to be the problem officer?"

"There has been a threat made against Ms Pope's life and she needs to be placed under witness protection"

"OH MY GOD LIV! Get your things and let's go"

With a heavy sigh "Fine. Give me 15 minutes"

The officer nodded in agreement and stood out front of the door until she was ready.

After half an hour, Liv believed she had everything ready and packed. Abby went to walk out with her but was stopped.

"Sorry Ma'am you can't come with us, you don't need protection"

"YES SHE DOES! THEY WILL USE HER TO GET TO ME AND IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER IT WILL BE ON YOUR HEAD OFFICER!" Liv couldn't believe that they wouldn't let Abby come; she needed her to survive through this. She stared the officer down until he finally spoke.

"I will have to call my boss and see what I can do"

After the 10 minute convocation between the two officers, they agreed that because of the relationship between Miss Pope and Miss Whelan that they both will be placed under witness protection.

The drive back to the station was silent, once the realisation of what is happening sunk in, Olivia began to panic. Why did she have to be there? Abby tried talking to her throughout the drive but there was no response too consumed in thought, Olivia didn't hear her. Staring out the window wondering how she got here. Why her? There was a sudden screech of tyres and nothing.


Abby regains consciousness and observing her surroundings spots Liv unconscious with blood oozing from her head. What the hell happened?

"Liv, Liv, please wake up, please talk to me, OLIVIA! Come on, fight! Please don't stop fighting!"

Frantically moving Abby assess her environment. Both of the drivers are non responsive to Abby calling them, the left side of the car is completely smashed in (Liv's side) and Abby's door caved in due to hitting a light post. Attempting to find a phone to ring someone, Abby hears sirens and assumes that help has arrived.

"Hello, is anyone hurt? Can anyone hear me?" a clam voice asked.

"Hello, I'm here but the other three are unresponsive, there is so much... blood... it's everywhere.. I don't know what to do!" Abby started to hyperventilate.

"It's going to be okay, but you need to calm down... can you do that for me... first what is your name?"

"Abby, Abby Whelan"

"Okay Abby I am going to need your help, can you move your body and is there a possibility that you can get out of the vehicle?"

"Yes I can move but the door is jammed, so no I can't get out of the car"

"Okay the Fire Fighters are on their way they will be here within the next couple of minutes so sit tight and try not to move too much, just in case you do have any serious injuries"

A couple of minutes seemed like hours, but the Fire Fighters did arrive and got Abby out with ease.

"What about my best friend? I can't leave her!"

"Ma'am come with me please I have to get you checked out"

"No I have to stay with her, I am fine"

"Ma'am I am sorry but you do have to come with..."

"NO, I am staying here if you like it or not!"

"At least let me bandage your head"

Abby didn't realise that her head was cut open, she assumed because she was able to move that he was fine. With a weak nod in defeat Abby agrees and goes with the nurse and get her head check out and bandaged up. She glances over to the car, the officer and driver have regained consciousness and are being looked out. Her glances became forceful trying to locate Olivia, she sees the fireman trying to pry Liv's door open. She overheard a paramedic saying that every second that she is in there the greater the chance of her not making it. Abby sunk further into the ground. This is all her fault, if she just let Liv catch the bus she wouldn't have witnessed the murder and she wouldn't have to go in witness protection, she wouldn't be in a car accident and she wouldn't be fighting for her life. She broke down in tears, she sprinted over to the car but was stopped by a police officer before she could reach the car.

"LIV, IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, FIGHT, FIGHT THIS, COME BACK, PLEASE LIV COME BACK!" Abby frantically screaming at the top of her lungs trying to get Olivia to wake up and be okay, she has to be okay!

"Sorry Ma'am you can't go any further than this. It is unsafe for you."

Abby gave the officer a look of disgust. Unsafe, really! You won't let me see her. You are stopping from seeing my best friend! Instead of sorrow, rage and frustration curse through Abby as she walked away slowly not taking her eyes off of the car. She has to be alright, she strong, she will make it, she has to. Hearing the radio come to life saying that they got the car door open and are requiring the paramedic's assistance to get the occupant out.

20 minutes passed, Liv was transferred to a bed and placed in an ambulance.

"Can I come with you?" Abby asked quietly. After her behaviour the past hour she didn't expect them to allow her to come. The nurse nodded and offered a warm smile. Returning the same gesture she climbed into the back of the truck and drove off.

As Abby looked down at Liv, she looks so peaceful, contempt which is weird because just by looking at her you wouldn't know that she is fighting for her life.