hey~ Another New chapter is here!

The story will be about Jerza~ So I hope you enjoy.

(Last period of school)

I'm Nervous about my date with Erza!/Jellal! Jellal and Erza thought. Jellal checked the clock on the wall and saw only five minutes left. Just by shaking his leg and checking the time every one minute shows his nervousness and how impatience he is. The bell eventually rang before the teacher even said anything, Jellal and Erza stood up from their seats and walked out of the classroom towards the office. (They are kind of in the same class. So they have to walk together)

During the walk to their destination, they were so awkward and silent that you can hear the wind howling from outside. As they entered the room, Mira was no where to be found. On the table presents one purple dress, a black tuxedo and a letter dedicated to Erza and Jellal. Erza took the letter and started reading out loud for Jellal to hear.

Dear Jerza,

You should know which one is yours,

Anyway, You will be going to a banquet at Crocus, Fiore.

I have booked a room for you two at Honey bones.

The banquet at Mercurius is in two days during the evening.

So i suggest you go straight home to pack your things and go to Fiore now.

Remember to bring some summer clothes.

P.S. Sorry for the late announcement, Master forgot about it and just told me today.
Its your job as the school president after all, so go as a date. They don't allow singles in there.
When you are at the airport, just give me a call.

From your sweet fan and secretary,


"MIRAJANE! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY IT SOONER! WHAT'S WITH THE Jerza?!" Erza glared at the paper before shoving it in her pocket taking the tuxedo passing it to him while taking her dress and left the room with Jellal in a rush. "In two hours, at the airport. Is that enough?" Erza speed walked to her house side by side with Jellal.

"Its enough. See you." They went separate ways and in a flash, they both reached home.

(With Erza)

"They should I informed us sooner! What the hell is Jerza anyway. Can't she just spell out our name probably. Does she not know our name?!" Erza took her luggage packing her clothes neatly. Grabbing phone charger, shower/girls needs and place next to her clothes in the luggage. She placed her wallet, a book, a pair of sunglasses in a small bag.

After one hour of packing, Erza checked the time and went for a short shower before taking a taxi to the Airport waiting for Jellal. When she reached, Jellal had just walked into the airport. "Jellal!" Jellal turned to see Erza and walked towards her to help her with her luggage.

"Thanks." Erza dig her pocket for her phone calling Mira like she said in the letter.

"Moshi moshi? Mira? Its me, Erza." Erza glared at her phone for a moment causing Jellal to raise a brow at her "ITS ERZA. NOT JERZA" Erza turned red with anger on her face as if she was about to kill someone through the phone.

"Ara ara, anyway, look at your left. er.. Right.. Never mind just look behind Jellal." Erza turned to her left and right getting confuse by whatever Mira is trying to do to her and slowly looked towards Jellal and behind him. Erza shut the call before Mira could say anything. Erza storm towards Jellal causing him to get confuse and anxious about what Erza's going to do. "Don't worry just look behind you." Erza said still staring at someone behind Jellal.

Jellal slowly turned to look who she was looking at and saw the person who paired him and Erza together. "Mira? What are you doing here?"

"Here are the plane ticket! Anyway, the school is on holiday for three weeks! Have fun my dearest Jerza. Nalu, Gruvia and Gale would arrive tomorrow I forgot to tell them about it. hahaha *awkward laugh* Anyway, you don't want to miss the plane do you. So get going." Mira smiled and push them towards the check in.

"okay okay.. Stop pushing.." Erza sighed, they bid their goodbyes and went ahead to what they are suppose to be doing.

(On the plane)

Erza stared out of the window staring at the scenery as the plane took off flying. Everything became smaller and smaller until it looked like a small dot that is surrounded by the ocean. The brightness of the sun blinded her eyes causing her to shut the window, putting on her specs and taking a book out of her bag to read but before she could even finish reading 5 pages of the story, her eyes closed and soon she slipped into the darkness. the book in her hand fell and landed on her lap with a soft thump. Her head landed on Jellal's shoulder causing him to gasp and look at his left in shock.

Staring at her peaceful sleeping face, he smiled sheepishly playing with her scarlet hair giving a soft kiss on her forehead before taking down her nerdy spectacles following Erza into deep slumber.

(time skip when they arrived)

"Mrs, Mr, Its time to wake up. We have reached.." Someone shook Jellal on the shoulder causing both Erza and Jellal to shock awake but an unfortunate thing happened, "ouch!" They banged their head onto each other. Clutching on their head, they painfully looked at the giggling air stewardess.

"Im sorry.. Anyway, we've landed." The air stewardess giggled slightly stepping aside to help them out of the plane. They over heard the air stewardess saying to someone "They are such a cute and perfect couple"

"I'm so envious.. I hope I can have such a handsome and cute boy as my boyfriend.." Jellal blushed How dare they fangirl of my Jellal.. Well.. Its true he's.. kinda cute.. plus a little handsome... Wa.. My?! When did I start thinking of this?! Erza blushed.

After collecting their luggage, they went straight to honeybone to get some rest. When they reached, they were brought to their room. A room with a queen size bed, a big living room, a toilet with a huge bath tub. "Are both of us going to be living in the same room?" Erza asked with a blush

"Yea.. Is there a problem with both of you sleeping together? Mira specially requested it. She even said you guys are a couple so it would be fine isn't it?" The lady said with a smile.

"N-No.." Erza smiled weirdly at her, obviously trying to hide her anger and annoyance, she took Jellal's hand and dragged him in saying a "Excuse us for some alone time." to the lady causing her to have weird/dirty thoughts.

Erza sighed as she shut the door, releasing Jellal's hand and putting her luggage aside. She landed face first on bed muffling her shouts but Jellal was able to hear her clearly "DAMN YOU MIRAAAAA!" Jellal sit beside Erza on the bed smoothing her back trying to calm her down

"Its not helping..." Erza's voice muffled she sighed and said "you want to go ahead showering first? I would take a long time in there." Erza sit up looking up at Jellal.

"Sure. But you sure you're gonna be alright out here calming yourself by killing that pillow?" Jellal stood and glance at her worriedly.

"Yea just go." She glared at the pillow pretending it is Mira and summoned an imaginary sword trying to step Mira with it. Jellal went in the toilet silently with a towel.

Erza opened up her luggage and took out the things she needs and putted the things and clothes taken out, on the top of the closed luggage. She lied on the bed waiting for Jellal to come out of the toilet so she can use it. But while she waited, tiredness overcame making her fall asleep dreaming about her blue tattoo prince.

(In her dreams)

Erza woke up still in the hotel room and noticed its night time. Jellal just came out of the toilet with only a towel covering below his hip "Baby, you can use the toilet now. It would have been better if we bath together. We can spend more time together and save water at the same time." Jellal winked and walked towards her in a seductive manner.

"Wha-What are you doing Jellal." Erza backed away but her back had hit the headboard. Jellal slowly climbed up the bed towards Erza trapping her by putting two of his hand beside her head.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Jellal smirked dropping next to her getting ready to go to sleep.

"N-Nothing." Erza took her things and hurriedly ran into the bathroom to calm her nervous heart.

Erza woke up from her dreams looking left and right for her blue haired partner. She saw him come out of the bathroom with only a towel covering his hip area and his hair were dripping wet just like her dreams. Erza flushed red at sight, and with the thought of her dream. "W-Why aren't you wearing anything?!" Erza took a pillow in panic throwing it at him.

"I forgot to take my clothes along with me into the bathroom. O-Oi.. Don't need to throw things at me.." Jellal caught the pillow in his arms walking towards his luggage which was beside Erza's luggage but Erza had mistaken his intention.

"W-Why are you walking towards me.." Erza questioned.

"Huh? I'm going to take my clothes out of my luggage of course." Jellal raised an eyebrow still proceeding towards his luggage

"O-Oh! So.. I-I can use the bathroom now right?" Erza said nervously. Jellal nodded absentmindedly looking at Erza's clothes that are on top of her closed luggage

"A-Are you sure you w-want to wear that to sleep? You might feel c-cold in the middle of the night.. " Jellal blushed while looking away in panic

"YOU SAW NOTHING!" Erza took her clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

(With Jellal)

I left my clothes in there.. that's why I keep wondering I'm forgetting something.. I guess I will take my clothes after Erza come out from the bathroom.. Jellal took out a book and put on his specs, sitting on the bed and started reading. He starts to feel even drowsy after reading every sentence, in about 5 minutes, he fell asleep with his specs on and with the book on his lap.


My heart pounded against my chest, face red like a tomato and legs were feeling like jelly. Erza looked at the sink and saw Jellal's used clothes He must have forgotten to take it.. I bring it to him later. Erza took his shirt unconsciously and started to sniff it

Did he spray perfume? It smells nice~ GASP

WHA-WHAT AM I DOING?! Erza threw his shirt back on the sink shakily stepping back leaning against the wall.

She gulped nervously If he knew I did that, what would he have think of me.. Erza sighed and took off her clothes entering the hot tub chilling in the water.

(Time Skip after Erza is done with her bath!)

That was a nice bath~ I should just take his clothes out for him and put it on top of his luggage. She took her's and Jellal's clothes along walking out of the bathroom to see him asleep.

He.. He is so cute! Erza helped fold his clothes and put them on top of his luggage and went to do the same for hers. She took the book that was on his lap putting a bookmark to where he stopped reading and carefully took off his spectacle trying not to wake him up. She put the book and specs on the bedside table, she stared at his sleeping figure which seems to be uncomfortable with the way he is sleeping. Afraid he might wake up with a sore back, she carefully shifted him and sighed in relieved after doing so without waking him up.

She slipped in bed taking her book, putting on her specs Sleeping late won't hurt, after all my hair is still wet.. Erza read peacefully but soon found herself looking at Jellal yet again.

I need to stop looking at him while he is asleep.. But he is just so cute.. Why can't we be the same as before.. Erza sighed returning back to her book but decided to put her book and spectacles aside to finally get some sleep for the day.

Well guys, thats all for this chapter! I'm sorry for being inactive.. I just didn't have any idea of how to continue but I managed to!

I hope you like it! If you have any Ideas you would like to share with me, please do so!

I guess Erza's behaviour is kinda.. childish or kid like? I guess? Well.. That's how I feel of her she is strong woman on the outside but inside, she is breaking or something.

I really hope Jerza will happen.. I still can't get over how Jellal lied to Erza about him having a fiance and Erza knew he was lying and she is breaking in the inside YET AGAIN!


Anyway, I'm sorry for the caps hahaha

Have a good day ahead!

I don't own Fairy Tail! But I have credits for the story because its typed out by my own hands.

OH YEA I was inspired by one of the story that also have the same story named called Cinderlla Make sure to go check it out! I shall research and tell u more about it in the next chapter! BYE~