"Molly Molly" whispered Jackie as she gently shuck molly to wake her up.

"Wha what?" Replied Molly.

"You've been here for ages hun, you should get back and get some rest, and someone will inform you if there is any change in his condition"

Molly turned to face James her eyes were puffy from the amount she had cried, he looked lifeless. Lay there tubes everywhere, dry blood remained on his face, she watched as his chest moved up and down from the ventilator keeping him alive.

"Come on mol,try not to worry, although he may not look his best he has improved slightly in the last few hours so we have hope, we just need to keep our fingers crossed" said Jackie before placing her hand on Molly's shoulder as a sign of reassurance.

Molly stood up and leaned over to kiss his forehead, a tear dropped on his face from her eye and she quickly wiped it of his face.

She began walking to the door leading to the corridor; she looked behind her to see Jackie observing Captain James. He can't die she thought I can't lose him.

As she left the ward her eyes focused to the man sat on the chair, waiting outside of the ward it was Smurf. Anger boiled inside of Molly and she began to cry.

"Mol please please don't cry" said Smurf.

"I'm going to lose him Smurf" replied Molly and before Smurf even had the chance to reply molly had started walking away from him.

"MOL" shouted Smurf.

Molly turned round briefly before saying "Not now Smurf you are the last person I want to talk to right now".

Smurf froze, he slowly felt like he was losing everyone around him, he stood up and kicked the chair before collapsing to the floor and bursting into tears.

Week later

A week had passed since Molly had spoken to Smurf, since then she had visited Captain James everyday but there had been no big change he had remained on a ventilator and although his injuries from the mission were stable he was still in a critical condition. The plan was for the rest of section 2 to return home to the UK in the next week this included Molly and Smurf. Smurf hadn't sustained any serious injuries and his arm had to just remain in a sling for a month or two. Whereas for Captain James things weren't looking good and family had been called and arranged to come over and say their goodbyes within the next few days if things didn't improve. The walk to his ward almost became part of Molly's daily routine. She arrived at his bed and pulled a chair up like every other day, sometimes she would read sometimes she would just sit and talk to him but today she just remained silent. Processing everything in her head was becoming very overwhelming for Molly and although she had been told to prepare herself for the worst she was finding it difficult to come to terms that she may never be able to hear his voice ever again. She remained at his bedside for around 5 hours before getting up to return to her tent, she got up she kissed his forehead and began to walk away when a hand grabbed her arm. She spun around to see the machine going off and Captain James trying desperately to breathe but the tube down his throat was enabling him too. His eyes flashing open and close his grip onto Molly getting tighter and tighter.

"HE HE IS WAKING UP!" Shouted Molly as a group of nurses and a doctor ran over.

"It's okay it's okay they're coming" said Molly taking her hand and locking it into his while stroking his head with her other hand.

"Okay we need to get the tube out, can I get someone to help me please" said one of the doctors on charge.

"Dawes you're going to have to move out of the way for a moment".

Molly moved backwards and watched a team of doctors and nurses help remove the tube and calm him down. She had never seen him so helpless, he was always the one who was there to be a brick for everyone else and seeing him so vulnerable broke Molly's heart into smithereens.

"Okay Captain I want you to breath very slowly okay, you have suffered some very serious injuries and I don't want you over doing it the last thing you and I need is you going back into theatre" said the doctor.

Captain James locked his eyes on Molly and a tear rolled out of his eye.

"I I I I'm alive..." More tears started to stream out "Molly Molly"

"It's okay it's okay I'm here you're going to be okay"

"I was scared that I was never going to be able to tell you..."

"Tell me what?" She asked

"That that I love you" he replied before closing his eyes appreciating that he had been given the chance to live.

"Lady Luck was looking down on me" he said.

"This time" she smiled before kissing his cheek "I love you too".