Hiya, people! Moonie isn't here today, she went home... D:

I'd planned on writing this yesterday, but it wasn't actually this, it was a million of other ideas that ended up being shot down due to lack of ability to write them. And, the terrible is happening- IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS! DUNDUNDDUNNNN!
Im not abandoning this though, I have a plan to get to atleast 100 before this school year ends!

Anyways, I'm just gonna respond to your reviews, then we can get this crap started.

spiesareawesome: BT-dubs, your name is amazing and true, so yeah. And I wasn't calling you a peasant, Moonie and Godzilla were! Sheesh :) And, I'm already in it, so yeah.

TheAwesomeQueenofNerds: I'm a bit late responding to you, but I'm just going to say, THANKS FOR BEING MY FIRST REVIEWER ON THIS! On both your's and spies', I giggled and squirmed around on my bed while Moonie didn't understand anything. (*Gross sob* You dont understand meee!)

thedauntlessamity: Nice :) Im planning on joining Color Guard soon because my bro's girlfriend is in the Color Guard, and its really cool! I'm not in Marching Band currently, since Bassoon can't do Marching Band, and besides, I barely survived the Pep-Rally!

DeathGuest: Thank you so much! Little Godzilla is based off of Shamaella, while Im pretty sure I had mispelled in the last chapter... Heh. She actually tried to climb up my pantleg, and I reacted like Jason, though Moonie didn't have to put her hand up my jeans XD We had a Guinea pig when I was younger, though we had to get rid of him. His name was the Lord of the Rocks or Tony Stark, and he was white with cute little brown spots. The first time we tried to hold him, he peed on my mom's lap, and crapped on mine. The little bugger.


What have I written...

Jason swears, "It was the Piano that killed Charlie!"

Percy looked over at him, confused. "Eh?"

He blushed slightly, shaking his head. "Nothing."

"C'mon, Gracieeee!" Percy whined. "Was it a dream?"

"Yeah, but not a Demigod one, so its fine."

"Tell me anyhows!"

"No, Jackson."

"So Cilia was this really pretty but not as pretty as Wisegirl shy chick, then her and 3 other girls got stuck in this weird room together for like 8 years then for some reason they randomly appeared in different fancy clothes in this big Labyrinth like the Labyrinth except the sky was just blue openness not a bunch of dirt, and so-"

"Jackson, why are you telling me this? Who is Cilia?" Jason looked, completely confused, at his friend.

"'Cause it was my dream, now shut up, Grace.

"Cilia had gotten these two really cool black pistols and a striped white black tux and top hat that made her look really tall and really really skinny, I swear she was a stick, I mean seriously, Jack Skellington skinny and tall, and the other girl, Rose, had pink hair and this huge hammer and looked like this chick my friends at school would tell me about before Hera kidnapped me from this anime they called Sao or something-"

"BREATH, KELPHEAD!" Jason somewhat yelled at his friend, who was starting to turn his favorite color due to lack of air.

"Oh yeah." He shrugged, taking a deep breath, and then- "Then the others girls, well, I don't really remember them, but I think one was blonde and the other brunette but yeah they were buddies. So they start explorin' the Labyrinth and get separated," Jason faux-gasps here. "Shut up, and they get captured by the bad guy who was this big floaty chick who looked like a Mini-Hera who had 1 too many yellow glowsticks for Brunch, and were put under her control and turned evil. It was really creepy cause they looked so determined to kill their friends it was like when you, Leo and I got possessed or atleast how Annabeth described it-" Deep breath. "so yeah and they had to convince-"

Jason looked somewhat irritated at the incredibly long run on sentence, and stuffed his stock in Percy's mouth. "Fine, shut up, I'll tell you my dream, dangit!"

Percy let out something like a, "Yeah!" behind the sock, though it sounded like, "Yamf!"

"Alright, so I was..."

Linebreak skipping most of dream because Little Godzilla is possessing the Linebreak

"And then I woke up in my Dream on my bed, and I looked to my right, and saw you with Piper's face smiling at me and you said, 'Hey, babe. You awake?' Then the dream ended with a glimpse of Charlie's corpse with a Grand Piano nearby."

"So you automatically thought the Piano killed Charlie?" Percy looked at him from where he had sprawled out on his bed, with one eye open.

"It didn't make any more since than your dream!" Jason defended.

"Mine made much more sense!"


"How did you figure the Piano did it?"

"I dunno, it just made sense!"


Piper opened the door, after listening into their conversation and yelled, "Girls, girls, your both pretty! Now let the rest of us have our Beauty sleep, or I'll sic Annabeth on you!"

Percy and Jason gulped, mentally thinking about all the different things the daughter of Athena could do to them.

Leo popped up over her shoulder, the bruise on his head from when they stole Annabeth's computer to play a Horror game still prominent, though no one knew if it was from Annabeth or his reaction to the jumpscares.

"Guys, Anna's coming!"

Percy and Jason went starch white, and scrambled to hide, knowing they'd probably end up getting impaled.

Leo joined them under Percy's bed, making them all squished together and in awkward positions, while Piper rolled her eyes and plopped down on Percy's bed to watch the show, wondering where Hazel and Frank were.

Annabeth came down the hall, actually not as ticked as they had thought. Just annoyed at the idiots for disrupting her while she watched danis- I mean, while she planned their next move with their noise, and at Leo for building Buford, who kept busting into her room while the door was closed yelling, "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!"

Pervert table.

What did I just write...? Originally, it was supposed to just be about their crazy dreams, then THIS xD What the heck?

I guess this is a sign of me running out of ideas, and needing more. I had planned out some yesterday, but they seemed to like my head more than my computer, so yeah xD


This is Multi, signing off to go try to make Ramen Noodles and play GMod