Disclaimer: I own nothing involved in this story unless I invented it myself. This is written for fun, not for profit. All forms of feedback eagerly accepted. Concrit is loved the most, but everything is welcome.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Title: Ghosts of Blue
Characters: Fubuki, Manjoume
Word Count: 432||Status: One-shot
Genre: Drama||Rated: PG-13
Challenge: 31halloween: prompt #10, haunted house
Summary: [one-shot, 31halloween, prompt #10, haunted house; Fubuki & Manjoume] Fubuki wants to play a trick on Obelisk White. Obelisk White isn't so easily tricked.
Fubuki bent over his work, straining to get the tension just right on the cords. If he screwed this up, then either nothing would happen at all, or the boards would bang at just the wrong speed and no one would believe there was anything unusual about it at all. He couldn't stand the thought of all of his work being wasted.
Those Obelisk White people deserve this. Frankly, he couldn't think of much they didn't deserve after what Manjoume-kun did to his precious little sister. But since this was the sort of thing that he could do, then it was what he would do.
There. Almost done. Once he finished this, the White students would run screaming from the building. He'd arranged for satin-sheeted ghosts, done his best to persuade Pharaoh to wander through the building yowling at irregular intervals (he still wasn't sure if the cat understood him but he'd done his best anyway), mysterious bangings at unusual locations, and even strange smells. If this didn't convince them that the building was haunted, nothing would
He got up, brushed himself off, and turned around.
"Fubuki-san." Manjoume White Thunder stood there, a dozen or more white-clad students right behind him. How they'd managed to get up here without getting a spot on those clean uniforms baffled Fubuki. Some sort of spooky evil voodoo magic, probably.
Which was probably how they'd all gotten up there and he hadn't heard a single creak on the stairs, either.
"Manjoume-kun." Fubuki could give remote and distant looks too. He wasn't very good at them, but he could do it. He didn't look at the device he'd just finished. He didn't want to give the game away.
He didn't notice any kind of sign, but three of the students slipped by him, right to where the boards were tied together. In quick unison they unfastened it all and carried it away, faster than he'd put it together.
"I knew you had this in mind. The Light reveals everything, and not always just in duels." Manjoume smiled at him, but not the kind of goofy smile that he'd seen from his pupil in the ways of love before. This kind of smile sent cold chills down Fubuki's spine. "There's nothing you can do to get rid of the Society, Fubuki-san. We are here to stay. No matter what."
Fubuki tensed, seeing nothing but cold hatred in every pair of eyes, even those of Manjoume. He didn't belong here. He didn't want to stay in this dorm where everyone was exactly alike, even his dear little sister.
Head held high, he stalked past them, thinking of a place he knew on the beach where he could sleep that night. He'd figure out what else to do after that.
He didn't have to haunt this house, really. Obelisk White was home to the ghosts of proud Blue duelists already.
The End
Note: I originally posted this back in October 2012, but now am reposting these ficlets separately instead of as a collection, in order to have each listed under their proper character and rating.