a/n and I'm starting a new story! I've been working on it for awhile (I think I actually started it around the same time as Enter The Fray) so I'm happy to be finally able to share it with everyone!

I only own Tessa (go to thestories-ofagirl . tumblr Tessa, sans spaces obvs, for a quick little run down of the character).

If you've read Enter The Fray, Darcy will pop up in a few spots because they exist in the same universe.

Can't wait to hear what you all have to say!

I Wanna See You

-December 7, 2013; Winter Park, Florida-

More than one person looked up to stare at the new arrival. Anyone who knew who she was couldn't believe it. Tessa Scobille walked through the Performance Centre with her head low, very aware of the attention she had garnered. Her presence in the Performance Centre meant one thing – she had been signed. To all of the people who knew her – Hurricane Tessa was about to wreak havoc on the WWE.

"Tessa, I wasn't expecting you in." The brunette turned to see Bill DeMott standing beside her. She had been scoping out the centre in the hopes of finding who she was looking for.

"Sorry, Bill. I just came to see Seth Rollins. Is he here?" She asked in a soft and tight voice. She was clearly nervous about being there. If her voice hadn't given her away, the way she was ringing her hands together would have.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Bill asked her, watching her cautiously.

"I need to," Tessa answered wearily. Bill pointed her in the direction of the weights section and she instantly spotted the two-tone hair of Colby Lopez, otherwise known as Seth Rollins. She thanked Bill, sucked in a deep breath and slowly made her way over.

As soon as the door opened, Colby looked up at her. Anger coursed through him, he scowled instantly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked her, dropping the weights with a bang.

"I just wanted you to hear it from me," Tessa said quietly, she hung her head again, hating the look he was giving her.


"I got signed," she revealed. She couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face.

"You're kidding," Colby said breathlessly and somewhat sarcastically. He definitely hoped she was kidding.

Tessa looked up at him the smile still playing on her lips. He was unimpressed. He didn't want to be speaking to her.

"Regal scouted me. William Regal wants me here."

"Yeah, well I don't." His words were definite, he was trying to end the conversation but it had never been that easy.

"Look, I'm sorry. For everything. But this is my dream and I don't care what you want."

"It was great seeing you, Tessa," Colby deadpanned, continuing with his set.

"I'll stay out of your way. Colby, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to work and that's it," she promised. She was ringing her hands together due to the people staring at her and the feeling Colby was giving her.

"Fine, I don't want to see you around." Her jaw dropped at Colby's words.

"We work together, I don't know if that's going to be possible." She quickly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shook her head.

"Look," he stopped his weights again to look Tessa in the eye. "I have a girlfriend and I'm happy and I don't need you screwing that up, okay? Congratulations on the contract but I don't want you around." A pain surged through her chest. It was very similar to the pain that had gone through her chest five years before hand when Colby told her he didn't ever want to see her again.

"I know," she sighed dejectedly. "I'm not here for you. As I said, I'll stay out of your way."

"That's not going to leave you with many people to talk to."

"Don't do that," Tessa pleaded with him, her eyes widening in horror.

"What?" Colby asked sardonically, pretending he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Start up a childish war where you make everyone take sides. I'll stay away from everyone we ever worked with, alright? I know they won't be too happy that I'm here anyway. But you can't tell everyone to stay away from me. That's not fair."

"Fair isn't how we play it, Tessa. You know that."

"Yeah," Tessa nodded sadly. She asked quietly, "Is Rami here?"

"Even if he was I wouldn't tell you where to find him," Colby all but growled at the newest Diva. "It wasn't smart to come here and find me. But Rami... That's idiotic."

"I need to tell him, too, Colby. Do you have his address?"

Colby stared at her blankly for a few moments, contemplating what she was asking of him. She hadn't changed in five years, sure she looked older but there was no mistaking who she was. To him, Tessa looked genuinely sorry about what she had done. He was proud that she had gone out of her way to tell him she had signed with the company.

He felt his friend deserved the same courtesy.

"Don't do anything stupid," Colby sighed after he reeled off Rami's address.

"Thank you," she smiled at him sincerely. "I suppose I'll see you around."

"We aren't friends, Tessa," Colby remaindered her.

Her smile faltered, "I know."

Tessa pulled up in front of number 14 and swallowed the lump in her throat. She sat in her car for close to ten minutes trying to work up the courage to get out and knock on the front door. When she finally did gather the courage, Tessa quietly opened and closed her car door so as to not draw any attention. The walk up the short path was painfully slow as she second guessed herself. The only thing keeping her from turning around was doing the right thing.

She pressed the doorbell and pushed her hands into her coat pockets, looking around the front yard as she waited for the door to be answered.

The door knob turned and Tessa looked to it with a small, hopeful smile on her face. That smile disappeared completely when the person saw who was at the door and proceeded to close it instantly.

"No, Rami, please," Tessa sighed. She put a hand on the door and held it open, stepping one foot into the house to prevent him trying again.

"What are you doing here?" Tessa flinched at the hostility in Rami's voice. The expectation was definitely not to be welcomed back with open arms but it hurt to hear such malice in his voice.

"I wanted to tell you in person..." she trailed off for a moment to take in his appearance, to look at him because she hadn't in five years.

"What?" he asked with very much the same expression as Colby. Anger, confusion and pain.

"Oh," she breathed. "I signed a contract yesterday. I'm now a WWE Diva," she told him. Rami closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Developmental?" he asked her coldly, opening his eyes.

"No, I'm going straight up," she cocked her head to the side slightly. Every angle she wanted to take in. He still looked very much like the man she fell in love with seven years beforehand but he definitely wasn't acting it.

"Good. Goodbye." He closed the door, making her step back out of its way.

"Rami..." Tessa pleaded with her ex-boyfriend just as the door clicked shut. Her bottom lip trembled and she found herself hoping that it was because of the cold. She laughed pathetically when she had to blink tears out of her eyes.

She followed the path back to her car but didn't make it the whole way. Her legs gave out and she crumbled just before she reached the sidewalk.

Tessa Scobille didn't often do wrong in her life. When she did, though, it was catastrophic. Not even five years of time could heal those wounds. Not for her, not for Colby and not for Rami.