Chapter 1
This is a story about the romance that happens at work place. Focusing on Teacher romance. This story will contain Kataang and Sukka. I got the inspiration to write this story from a overheard conversation between two gossip mongers.
Pre plot details
This is my First ever AU story. What's the point of an AU if I can't change the ages.
Aang Vaayu …...25
Toph Bei Fong…..25
Ty Lee….25
Suki Yoshi….26
Katara Aqua….26
Sokka Aqua ...27
Jet Lee…..27
Assumption I took
school starts at 8am
Sun rises at 7am
"Wake up Katara we need to get to work."
Wailed the exasperated sibling as he was preparing a small mug of cold water. Before Katara knew what was happening her face was splashed with icy cold water. Katara coughed out the small amount of water that infiltrated her nasal passage and stood up on her bed as though preparing to fight. It was long before she realised Sokka rolling on the floor laughing. Katara looked out of the window to find that the sky was still dark.
Katara stared out and glared back at Sokka, "Why can't you just let me have a good night sleep. School doesn't start in another 2 hours. What's wrong with you?"
Sokka looked at her nonchalantly, "Katara today is technically Suki's first day at work. I want to make a good impression by getting to school before her."
Katara squinted her eyes in disbelief and asked, "Sokka you like Suki, not me. Why on earth did you wake me up? You can go there at midnight to lick her table clean for all I care."
Sokka shrugged and spoke, "I don't know… you kind of back me up whenever I screw up, and also don't you want to meet your future sister-in-law.
Katara stood up on the bed and shouted out, "MY FUTURE WHAT?!"
Sokka noticed the 'minor' tongue slip up and shook his head changing the topic, "Now get you lazy ass out of the bed and get ready for work."
Katara POV
I slowly eyed his movements like a hawk in disbelief. Normally it was I who wake up first and do the morning chores before waking him up. However for the past two days Sokka has been waking up earlier than me. I knew love can create miracles, but Sokka waking up before me was beyond a miracle.
I stood up groggily from my bed. I couldn't believe I was giving in to Sokka's lame requests. I did my morning chores quickly cursing Sokka under my breath. Though I was mad at Sokka I was really curious to find out about the girl who was able to change Sokka so much. Suki.
I got out of the house to find the car out of the garage with Sokka waiting for me at the driver's seat. When I opened the door, I noticed his fingers dancing furiously on his phone, texting. I gripped my seatbelt harder when he let out an unexpected howl after reading a message.
I stared at him and wondered if we would reach school in one piece. Before I could say anything, the engines roared to life and sped out of into the drive way. The car began zooming past other cars incredibly fast. My eyes widened as I yelled, "Sokka please slow down."
Sokka laughed out, "You kidding me? She said she would like to know more about me. I am going to school right way. She is coming early as well!"
I sighed at my brother and prayed for a safe trip. "Sokka I don't think she will like to know more of a dead Sokka. Can you focus on driving first?"
Sokka gave me a glare and looked forward cheerily. If this was going to be my daily routine I would have to try to find a way to regain my lost sleep and breakfast. I was closed my eyes trying to take a short nap.
Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard Sokka shouting in my ears, "Katara get up we are at school!"
I opened my eyes in annoyance to see the car parked in the school. I slowly turned to my brother, who was busily digging into my handbag. He snatched out my perfume bottle, smelt its tip and sprayed it over his shirt.
"Sokka! Did you just use my perfume without my permission?" I asked fuming.
He nodded and continued to search my handbag. I scoffed, "You do realise that is women's perfume right?"
He nodded and said, "Why do you have to create gender boundary for perfumes. They are just nice smelling liquid."
I shook my head in disbelief at my brother's ignorance and opened the car door. He was really hopeless. I took in a deep breath and prepared to walk towards the general office but Sokka pulled my left arm and dragged me directly towards the staffroom. I snarled, "Sokka I am in dilemma; whether I should kill you or to kill Suki for making you go nuts."
Sokka chuckled as he tapped the Staff ID at the door and peeped inside. I saw a wide grin forming over his face. He slowly turned towards me. I blinked at him in confusion wondering what he wanted me to do. He whispered in a low raspy voice, "Katara she is inside…alone. What should I do?"
I stared at him in disbelief, "Oh gee Sokka I don't know?...YOU BROUGHT ME TO WORK AT 6.30 TO TELL ME YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO?" He placed a finger over his mouth pleading me to be silent. I snapped at him, "I don't care Sokka you either go and talk to her or let me kill you. What do you want?"
Sokka took in a deep breath and entered the staffroom with me following him. He slowly led me through rows of empty cabins into an occupied cabin. He silently pointed to her and whispered, "Suki". I could clearly see the excitement that was shining in his eyes. He slowly leaned his elbow over a huge stack of paper admiring her. However before he knew anything the stack gave away and Sokka fell right into it. I couldn't help but giggle at my clumsy brother. The sound of the sheets however brought the lady's attention.
She turned a chair to see Sokka in a mess. She looked beautiful alright. No wonder Sokka fell for her. Literally and figuratively! I quickly ducked to prevent being associated with the accident. She raised her left eyebrow and asked, "Mr. Aqua what are you doing in my students profile pile?" Sokka gave a sheepish smile as he brainstormed for a comeback. I patiently waited for Sokka's response.
"I ugh…wanted to see if… I can swim in a pile of paper?" Sokka spoke with a slight uncertainty in his tone. I smacked my head and silently whispered, "Okay he is gone!"
I expected Suki to look at him in a weird way but instead I heard a crackle of laughter. Okay something awkward is definitely going on between them. I stood up to introduce myself. I walked into the cabin confidently and held my hand out to greet her, "Hi…you must be the new School counselor, and I am Katara!"
Suki looked up at me and smiled as she took my hand, "You must be Sokka's sister. Sokka's told me a lot about you." She slowly turned her gaze to my hair and said, "Your hair doesn't look hideous, I honestly kind of like them."
I was taken aback by that response; I tried to be polite and spoke, "Excuse me?"
She smiled as she said, "No I was not trying to offend you, and Sokka was telling me that your hair is hideous and stuff. It's actually really beautiful."
I glared at my brother as he slowly looked away cowering in fear. Suki broke the death glare as she asked me, "Do you two always come to work this early?"
I shook my head and smiled, "Not really it just so happens that Sokka wanted to come to work early today for some reason. Therefore I had to follow him."
Sokka was pleading me to not tell her anything about his crush on her. I could get used to some fun teasing him every now and then…
Suki turned out to be a nice person. Though we just met, it seemed like we were friends like since high school.
We laughed at random stuff about ourselves over some coffee early in the morning. She smiled and said, "You remind me of my brother. You guys should really meet each other." Though she meant on a friendly basis what Sokka told me last night made me choke on my coffee. This was the third time I heard about this guy.
The day slowly rolled by. I only had two lessons that day. I sighed as I slumped in my seat trying to relax. I fished out my phone and started to check on my "to-do" list if there was anything left.
"Water bending training – check
Biology class 9K – check
Biology class 8A – Check
Meet new female teacher/ Sokka's crush– Check
Meet new male teacher – Pending…"
I sighed at the last one. Guess I would have to find out about him some other day. For all I know he could be another jerk. But then all the comments about him from the past two days were pretty positive. I was in dilemma whether to meet Aang or not. Before I knew anything someone tapped on my back. I turned my chair to face Suki glowing with excitement.
She smiled cheerily and spoke, "Hey Katara, Sokka and I are going out for dinner tonight. Do you want to join?"
I blinked at her in confusion, I knew Sokka was straightforward but this was extremely fast. I didn't expect him to ask her on a date within two days. I shook my head and said, "No Suki I don't think I am free today plus Sokka won't like me to join you for sure."
Suki giggled and said, "He was the one who wanted you to come"
I was wondering what he had in mind. Normally people would want to be alone with their date. But of course Sokka is no normal person. I smiled and nodded, "If he said so."
She slowly walked out of my cabin and shouted along the way, "We will pick you up from your house at 7 PM."
I took out my phone and updated the list as I wondered what she meant by 'We'. But then I shrugged it off and went back to marking some of the assignments. After some time I checked my wrist watch to notice that it was 5.30 PM. I sighed and decided to call it a day.
I slowly tidied my desk and started walking towards Sokka's cabin to find him missing. However that wasn't the only thing that was amiss about Sokka's cabin. Sokka's signature mess was missing from his table. I shook my head at the miracles that love can create and walked out towards the car park. I looked at my usual parking location to find my car missing. I groaned as I cursed him under my breath. Though our house was nearby I still hated him doing stuff without telling me.
I gritted my teeth and started making my way out when I sensed a pair of hands wrapping around my waistline roughly. I looked behind to notice Jet. I tried to struggle free from his grasp but I couldn't. He came close to my ear and whispered, "Oh did Sokka leave you alone. Don't worry. Schools over all the students are gone. You are alone with me."
He roughly turned me to face him. He caressed my cheeks with his rough hands and spoke, "Darling you look amazing. Come on let me pay your beauty some respect."
He slowly inched forward making kissy faces at me. I squirmed as I tried to yell for help. He pushed me over the nearest car's door and pressed his weight against me. I was trapped. His hands ran over my clothing. Tears started forming over my eyes. I shut my eyes tightly as I prayed that he would stop. I was able to feel his hot breath against my neck. However suddenly I felt all the weight lift off me followed by a huge gust of wind dishevelling my hair. I could no longer sense his breath. I opened my eyes to see him lying down a few meters away from me.
Jet got up and shook his head, "Get out of here newbie. This doesn't concern you!" his gaze was fierce. I slowly followed his gaze to look at my saviour.
He was a tall man of solid build. He was standing in an air-bending stance. He took in a deep breath as he spoke, "I don't want to fight but I don't think you are supposed to be doing that to your colleague."
Jet looked at him angrily and said, "She is my girlfriend, I can do what I want with her. It is none of your business." With that he charged at the air bender at full speed. However before Jet knew anything the air bender dodged his blow, sending him to the floor.
His silvery eyes scanned me for a second and looked back at Jet as he said, "I don't believe both of you were sharing the same excitement." I sniffled a sob as I watched him air bend at Jet. I was stunned at the level of mastery he possessed.
As soon as the fight began it ended. With a couple of swift bending movements he unleashed immense power at Jet. He slowly walked over to help Jet up. He smiled and spoke, "We should respect women and not ill-treat them. I am sorry for air bending against…" However before he finished, Jet, being the usual ass, pushed him away and ran shouting, "You will pay for this Aang!"
My ears shot up at the name. This was probably the worst introduction I could ever get. I closely watched him through the corner of my eye, ashamed. The Air bender shrugged as he looked at the scurrying Jet before focusing his gaze on me. He slowly ambled towards me. I wiped away the tears as I prepared to thank him. He came next to me and asked me in concerned tone, "Are you alright?" I nodded and finally looked at his face. Holy!..
He was far from what people might even consider remotely unattractive. He was gorgeous. He had the most sparkling silver eyes. Normally the Air benders that I used to meet were old monks however this man just changed my perception about Air benders completely. Though it was just a physical attraction I now kind of had an idea why all the female staff went crazy over him. He snapped his fingers in front of my face, "Hello are you still in there?"
I blinked at him in confusion, "Huh?"
He let out a light chuckle and said, "This is probably the worst way to introduce myself…I am Aang. I can see you are still in a daze."
I coughed and spoke, "Thank you; if you had not been there I don't know what might have happened."
He let out a warm smile that melted my insides. I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't met him before Jet. His smile slowly turned into a frown as he choked on the words, "Your shirt is …torn." I could sense heat rising up to my cheeks. Why must fate be so cruel to me? I immediately tried to cover my revealing back but failed to do so.
Before I knew anything I saw him removing his shirt. He handed me his shirt and said, "Don't worry its not sweaty. This is probably not your fashion sense but I bet it beats a torn shirt."
I smiled weakly as I took the shirt from him. Initially I was stunned by his generosity but soon something else caught my attention. I saw him. I couldn't take my eyes of his well toned muscles. His abs was very well defined. He was either flexing to show off his muscles or his muscles were just there to tease the hell out of me. Did someone sculpt him…? "God Katara get back together!" I scolded myself realizing how pathetic I was around him.
While I was staring at him, he was busy texting someone on his phone. He looked up at me and spoke, "I better start running, or I will be in trouble with my sister. Catch you later." With that he began his rhythmic jog out of the school compound.
I smiled as he started running off. He was far from being a jerk like Jet for sure. He was probably one of the rare gentlemen that you get to see in the 21st century. I wore his shirt over mine as I walked towards my house. I could still smell his scent in the shirt. Though the attraction I felt was shallow, I could help but sense something more to the feeling.
I stomped into the house and slouched on the couch. Sokka who was busily flossing his teeth finally took notice of me.
He looked at the shirt I was wearing and shrieked, "KATARA WHY ARE YOU WEARING A MALE SHIRT? Please don't tell me Jet did something?"
I sighed and said, "Sokka relax nothing happened." He shifted his weight slanting it giving a off a sceptical look. "I mean Jet did try to take advantage of me but the new male teacher stopped him."
Sokka relaxed and slumped on the couch next to me, "I told you he was a nice guy, now what do you think of him?"
I sighed and spoke, "I think he is a great guy…friend. I mean no one would be willing to go shirtless in this cold season. Even you won't do that for me or Suki!"
Sokka opened his mouth to object but then stopped himself knowing that it was a losing battle fighting against me.
He stiffly stood up and asked cheerily, "So Katara…How do I look?"
I looked at his suit and raised my left eyebrow as I nodded silently and unsurely. My eyes suddenly shot up as I asked, "Now Sokka can you tell me why you wanted me to join you for YOUR date?"
Sokka smiled and said, "I am just that awesome. Now will stop yapping and go to your room and find something nice to wear.
I mumbled a faint okay as I stood up and walked towards my room. Little did I realise my brother sniggering.
End of Katara POV for this chapter
Aang POV begins
I slowly started Jogging home as I wondered about what happened back at school. I saved this girl from that freak Jet. Honestly that girl deserved a better man. Not Jet. He is so screwed up and that girl …well is just too pretty. Those eyes were probably the most beautiful things that I have seen in my entire life.
The cold evening breeze started rushing over my sweaty body as I finally made it to my house. I opened the door and stumbled in. Before I knew anything I was lying on the couch with my nose squashed. I heard Suki whistle from the kitchen teasingly and said, "Looks like someone had a major work out at the streets! How many vehicles did you knock down?"
I looked up at her in confusion, "What do you mean?" still panting hard.
Suki giggled and said, "You know it's pretty hard to not notice a young handsome muscular man with bright blue tattoos jogging in the street."
I slowly stood up and splashed cold water over my face and spoke, "Stop buttering me up. I saved a girl who was about to be molested by Jet. Unfortunately her shirt was torn so I had to give her mine. All in a day's work for the Avatar." I chuckled lightly and put on a new plain shirt.
Suki paused at those words and said, "Aang don't say that aloud. We are supposed to keep a low profile. Remember?"
I nodded and sighed, "Suki I know you really like Sokka and stuff. And I am really not going to object you from dating him. But…"
Suki raised her eyebrows and asked, "But what?"
"But why do you want me to join you? I know I am not supposed to feel this way about my half sister, but I seriously don't want to see you kissing a guy in front of me."
Suki placed her finger over my mouth and smiled, "Aang relax I always do stuff that is good for both you and me. Now go get a shower and change to something nice. We only have another 30 minutes."
I groaned at her as I walked towards my room.
To be continued
Things are going to get awkward. That's where the fun comes in. Well I am not done writing it but I will post it eventually.
Please let me know if something is lacking in this. If you want to see something in this genre please let me know.