Chapter 18: The Final Battle
Merlin stared out over the lake, watching as Lancelot and Gwaine both pushed the boat carrying his father's body out. He watched it glide across the clear water before stepping forward with one hand raised. It shook in the air and Merlin grit his teeth together. A warm hand squeezed his shoulder then and Merlin turned, hoping to see Arthur, but it was his mother instead. Still, Merlin forced a smile and put his concentration back onto the boat. With a deep breath, he whispered a spell and flames lit the boat aflame. Arthur and his knights stepped forward then, bows in hand. On Arthur's command they shot over the surface of the lake, illuminating the night with fire. Merlin watched the flames, turning around when the last arrow was shot and marching past the knights. Arthur stepped in his path. Merlin met his king's eyes, his own red from holding back his tears. Arthur opened his mouth, wanting to say something. He wanted to apologize, to comfort, but his words refused to leave his mouth. Instead he just stood there, staring at his grieving friend. Merlin looked away from him then and walked past his king, heading back to the castle. Hunith stepped to Arthur's side then, touching his arm gently.
"Go to him," Hunith prompted. Arthur shook his head, still watching his friend walking away.
"He doesn't wish to speak with me. He blames me –"
"He does no such thing," Hunith told him. Arthur looked to her, brows arched. "He blames himself. Even you must see that, Arthur?" Arthur closed his eyes, thinking back to Merlin's words as he cradled his father's dead body. "He needs a friend, my king. Please, just give it a try?" Arthur nodded, not able to say no to the woman. He dismissed himself from her side and rushed after his grieving friend.
He found Merlin in his room. The warlock was sitting on his bed with the dragon carving Balinor had given him in his final moments. Arthur watched as Merlin ran his fingers delicately over the wood and traced the magic markings along the dragon's scales. Arthur raised a hand and knocked on the side of Merlin's door. The warlock gasped, looking up and hastily wiped away his tears. Arthur strolled in, taking Merlin's hand before he could finish clearing his eyes.
"It's alright, Merlin," he whispered. Merlin shook his head, chin wobbling slightly as more tears threatened to fall. His long fingers clutched at Arthur's tunic, pulling the king closer.
"No, no, it's not alright. It's all my fault," Merlin whimpered. "I'm so sorry, Arthur. I shouldn't have blamed you. I –" Arthur took Merlin's face between his hands, holding the warlock still and forcing their eyes to meet.
"Don't you dare blame yourself, Merlin. Do you hear me?" Merlin tried to pull away, but Arthur held onto him. "This…this thing you're going through? I know that feeling." Arthur released his hand from Merlin's face and let his hands fall to his lap. "My mother died when I was born and my father…well, you know about him." Arthur sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know the pain, the grief, and the need to blame more than anybody, Merlin, and to see you going through the same thing now breaks my heart. Just know that I'm here for you alright?" Arthur prompted. "Know that I'm here for you." Two shaking arms wrapped around him and Arthur felt hot tears drop onto his shoulder as he held Merlin close. Arthur snaked a hand into Merlin's hair massaging gently.
"Thank you," Merlin's whispered against Arthur's shoulder. Arthur shushed him, closing his eyes and letting the time tick by. That's all that would heal this. Time.
Both men jumped as the kingdom shook and they rushed to the only window in Merlin's room. Fire burnt the kingdom and the people of Camelot ran in terror.
"Merlin! Arthur!" Leon shouted, bursting into the room. "Mordred and his army are attacking and…and they have the dragons!" Merlin and Arthur looked to one another, eyes wide.
"We do this together," Arthur told the warlock. Merlin nodded and jumped up from the bed, helping Arthur up after him. Merlin clicked his fingers together and Arthur's armor appeared on the king in seconds. Together, they dashed down the hall and into the courtyard. Sitting in the middle was Mordred with Aithusa and Kilgharrah on either side of him. He was smiling at them with that mad smile of his.
"Hello again," he mused. He glanced to Merlin. "So sorry I'm late for the burial ceremony." Merlin remained still, eyes burning into the sorcerer. Mordred sighed, face falling.
"Not very talkative today, are we?" he sighed. "Well, let's get this over with. I want to get to running my new shiny kingdom right away."
"The only kingdom you will be laying your hands on is the kingdom of the dead," Arthur growled. He spun his sword in his hand, bending into a stance. Mordred cackled.
"Oh, really?" he mused. "And what make you so sure that it won't be you instead? Look around you. I've got control of the sorcerers and the only two dragons left in the world! No one can stop me!"
"No, but a Dragon Lord can," Arthur shouted. Mordred's laughter died in his throat and he watched as Merlin stepped forward. The young dragon lord glanced back to Arthur and held out a hand. Arthur lowered his sword and took his fiend's hand. Merlin whispered a small thank you before turning his attention back to the two dragons standing with Mordred. He closed his eyes, feeling the power in his veins buzz beneath his skin. Harnessing all the power he could, Merlin shot his eyes back open and broke into a string of chanting.
"Dragorn. Non didlkai. Kari miss, epsipass imalla krat. Katostar abore ceriss. Katicur. Me ta sentende divoless. Kar…krisass!" he shouted, repeating the words over and over again. Wind whirled around them, howling amplified echoes of the call. The dragons wavered where they stood, eyes glinting as they started to come back to themselves. Mordred's eyes widened.
"No…no! No! NO!" he screamed. "This cannot be!" Merlin chanted louder, pushing all his magic and his soul into it. Soon his voice was no longer echoed just by the wind. He glanced to his side, watching as Arthur chanted with him. More voices called out around him and Merlin turned his gaze, watching as the people and knights of Camelot joined in on the spell. The warlock watched his students shout and his friends repeat the words. A warmth spread over Merlin's heart and soul and he raised his arms, sending out a burst of magic. The spell shattered and the haze in the dragon's eyes evaporated. The sorcerers that had been burning down the castle dropped, their minds becoming their own again. "NO!" Mordred cried, watching as the dragons flew to Merlin and Arthur's side. Merlin stopped chanting and the wind died, leaving silence in its wake.
"It's over, Mordred," Merlin whispered, leaning heavily against Kilgharrah. The chant had taken a lot out of him and he could feel his limbs turning to jelly. "Surrender and save this world of anymore bloodshed." Mordred shook his head, teeth gnashed together.
"No! NO!" he screamed. He grabbed a sword from the ground and it burst into blue flame in his hand. "I will avenge my lady!" he screamed, running at Merlin. Arthur stepped in front of his friend and the dragons, swiping out with his sword and slitting Mordred's belly open. The crazed sorcerer screamed in pain and collapsed, grasping at the long cut that spilt out blood and guts. Arthur stepped back then and Merlin knelt down next to Mordred, whispering a prayer in the language of the druids. Mordred scowled at him the entire time. He bit out curses until his very last breath eased its way past his lips. Merlin closed Mordred's unseeing dead eyes and stole the dragon stone from his dead form. The dragon lord set it down by Aithusa's feet and the young dragon stared at it softly. Letting out a pained growl he stomped on it, destroying the stone and taking back the magic that had been stored within. Merlin stumbled then, his body finally giving out and strong arms wrapped around him. Arthur helped him down to the ground, holding his friend tight. Merlin smiled as Arthur held him, taking his friend's hand and squeezing a little.
"Arthur?" he whispered sleepily. Arthur smiled down at his friend.
"Yeah?" the king asked. Merlin closed his eyes, letting his head loll against Arthur's neck.
"Thank you."
"Careful! Careful!" Merlin shouted as Kilgharrah and Aithusa flew in the air with Merlin's students on their backs. Armin had crawled up Aithusa's neck and was practically sitting on the younger dragon's head.
"Looks like fun," a voice chuckled from behind. Merlin turned, finding Arthur standing behind him with a wide smile on his face. Merlin shrugged.
"If you want I can have the kids take you for a ride?" he offered. Arthur held up his hands.
"Yeah, no thanks. I enjoy life," he teased. Merlin laughed and looked back up at the sky. Arthur watched him. It was hard to think of a world where Arthur had chosen to be cruel and take an innocent sorcerers life instead of save it. He had tried before, but it seemed impossible. Arthur thought of their destiny together. In the end, they had succeeded. Man and magic lived with each other in harmony. Sure, there were some that still opposed it, but with Arthur ruling with Merlin in the throne by his side nothing could take their reign of piece from them.
"So did you just come to stare at me or did you have something to tell me?" Merlin asked suddenly, breaking Arthur from his deep thoughts. Arthur smiled and shoved Merlin gently.
"Training is finished for the day," he stated. "When class is over…maybe we should pick up where our little anniversary celebration got ruined?" Merlin grinned and looked up at the dragons flying high in the sky.
"Class dismissed!" he shouted. "Kilgharrah, Aithusa, escort them home will you?!" The dragons roared in answer and flew away from the school with the children on their backs. Merlin spun around then, face split in two by his wide smile. "Ready, clotpole?"
"Ready, dollophead," Arthur chuckled, grabbing Merlin's hand and leading him away to the stables.
Thanks for the reviews, follows, and favorites. I enjoyed writing this and I hope you all enjoyed reading it.