Hey guys! I haven't posted a chapter for this series in a while, and you guys are probably pissed at me. I just wanted to say sorry, and thanks for waiting! Also, im currently writing a new story for Solangelo called Messed Up, so some of my chapters for this series might take me a while to finish.

*This chapter is in Will's POV

**Im giving thanks to ilona18, EbonyXTiger, Mari Vargas, BritishObsessed, BlueMoonLove1999, Imamonster, afhirfearness0423, xoxodenisee, Mistspade, Ally F, A person, SecretPrussianCitizen, ThatSolAngeloshipper, Valentia Ann Queen, StinnettHe, Fire girl 108, sarahcristel, and all those who followed and favorited my story!

Nico's hair felt like silk in my hand as I played with the strands. He laid cuddled up against me, clutching my shirt in his fists in his sleep. He had his eyebrows furrowed and a there was a slight frown on his face. I drew him closer to me, placing a kiss on his forehead while softly rubbing his back. His frown melted away and was replaced with a small smile. He sighed in content. Gods I loved Nico.

I looked through the window in Nico's darkened cabin. In the distance, the forest trees were surrounded by the soft cascade of light from the moon. I looked on, lost in thought, thinking about the day Nico and I had just spent together. It was New Year's Eve, and Nico and I spent the evening away from the eyes of the other campers.

Even though he had come out to the entire camp, he still felt nervous from all the attention, so I had come up with a plan. While Nico was training during the day, I had set up a surprise in his room. I asked the most musically inclined Apollo camper to charm the cabin so that it played soft love songs. Once that was taken care of, I laid pillows and blankets on the floor, and surrounded them with candles. The dim glow of the dancing flames casted shadows throughout the room that swayed to the music that played. I had made chocolate covered strawberries (in remembrance of the first time we made love on our first anniversary) and placed them in the center of the blanket. That evening when Nico had finished his training, he entered the cabin and cried when he saw what I had laid out for him. We ate, enjoyed each other's presence, and I spent the rest of the night spoiling him (in more ways than one.)

Now he laid against me, dreaming of who knows what. I thought on the day, smiling at how happy I made Nico. I loved Nico more than I could possibly believe, and each day my love for him grew. I loved when he'd smile, and I loved when he'd laugh. His kisses stole my breath away, and every time he'd say 'I love you' my heart would stop beating in my chest and I'd have to pinch myself just to make sure that I was still alive. When we were apart, I could think of nothing more than seeing his face again. I wanted to be with him, always. I wanted to spend the rest of my life loving Nico and making him happy.

I laid there, stroking Nico's back, thinking about how I wanted to spend my future with him. Then, the room got dark. I mean, darker. The shadows in the room started to twist and bend together, forming a solid black figure. 'What in Hades?!' I thought, and prepared myself to fight whatever creature dared to threaten the life of my sleeping beauty, when the god of the underworld himself stepped out of the shadow. "Lord Hades." I said, and started to get up so that I may bow, when he held up his hand, signaling me to stay as I were. I glanced at Nico, who stirred beneath me, then settled back into restful stillness. "Lord Hades," I said again, this time in a lower voice so that I wouldn't wake Nico.

He stared at me, unmoving, for a long time. His expression hard as rock, and his dark eyes matched. I cast my eyes down and began to worry that I had done something to upset the god. 'Maybe he's upset with me for dating Nico. He's come to cast my soul down into Tartarus.' I thought and wrapped my arms protectively around Nico. Panic bubbled in my stomach, and I thought that if I was going down, I at least wanted to spend my last moments with Nico in my arms. I guess my thoughts must have shown on my face, because then the god laughed softly and shook his head.

"Mortal, do not fear me. I have not come to claim your soul, yet." He said, and I figured he was trying to be reassuring, but I didn't like the sound of yet.

None the less, I steeled my nerves and spoke to him. "Then why Lord, if I may ask, have you come?" I asked.

"I have come, mortal," he said and his expression softened. His eyes seemed almost kind. "To express my gratitude to you. You have made my only son happy, and for that, I am grateful."

"Thank you, sir." I dipped my head in a bow. I looked at Nico, and my mind went to thoughts of my desire to be with him. I raised my head and faced Hades. "Actually, sir," I started hesitantly, biting my lip nervously. He motioned for me to continue. I gathered my courage and sighed. "I love your son very much. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I planned on proposing to him on Valentine's Day, and I was actually hoping I could have your blessing."

"Do you have a ring?" he asked, raising his brow in question.

I shook my head. "No sir, I don't. I was just going to ask him what he thought."

"If you are to ask my son for his hand in marriage, then you will need a ring." He said firmly. I blushed embarrassedly and nodded my head. "And for that, you will need a quest. Once you have the ring, I will give you my blessing."

"Of course, Lord Hades." I said, feeling a bit giddy on the inside, but trying hard not to show it. "Where should I begin?" I asked. "Our Oracle is at the Roman camp. And even if she were here, the Oracle at Delphi is out of commission. Where am I supposed to get a prophecy?"

The corner of his mouth lifted in an awkward smile (I guess his face wasn't used to using those muscles for stuff like that.) his eyes twinkled. "I'm not much of a poet, and I haven't given a prophecy in over sixty years. But I guess I could give you one." He said, and I could tell that he struggled to hid his excitement over something as simple as making a bunch of words rhyme. But then again, when you're an immortal god, you can find happiness in the simple things that mortals tend to overlook.

"Thank you, sir."

"Go to my sister, queen of the immortal band. Seek the symbol you place on a hand. The never ending circle that signals 'forever', who's meaning is beyond measure. If your love you to bless, this is where you start your quest." He spoke, and looked at me expectantly.

He was right. He wasn't much of a poet. Nonetheless, I bowed my head, speaking praise. "That was wonderful, my Lord." I complimented. I did not want to make the Lord of the dead mad at me. I was smarter than that.

Hades gave another awkward smile, and he seemed to swell with pride. "It want much, but at least now you know where to start." His gaze shifted to the boy lying in my arms. He seemed to drift off. "You know, a child of Hades hardly ever gets a happy ending. You've given him something that I could've never given him."

"What's that?" I questioned.

"A reason to live." He sighed and looked back at me. I blushed again, unexpectedly shy in the God of the Underworld's presence. Then, the shadows surrounded the god, and without saying a word, he melted into them, disappearing.

I kissed the sleeping boy's forehead. If I could get the ring from Hera, then I could get Hade's blessing to marry his son. 'That is something I'd risk my life for' I thought and relaxed next to Nico, falling into a happy and determined sleep.

So yea, I know that it was a short chapter. but when I thought of the idea for this one, I hadn't planned on it being as long as it was. So I have decided that, along with my new story that I am already writing, im going to write a side story that is going to be a continuation of this chapter. im hoping to have it up in a few days, so look for it! it will be called Quest for the Ring. Make sure you Review and give me your thoughts!