Hi so this is a remake of Athlon, Chaos's Commander of the Universe by Lmb111514 (Really great Chaos story, go read it if you haven't) She has given permission for me to remake this story and I'm grateful for it. So thank you Lmb111514. Enjoy

The day it all begin


There was a man by the name Percy Jackson. He's a normal boy but at the same he's very special. Here why; him he's the son of Poseidon, the great ruler of the sea and the gentle mortal, Sally Jackson. His life, well it's kinda complicated. He was a demigod and like all demigod his life was horrible, almost.

At the age of twelve his mother was taken to underworld by his uncle Hades, when he was sixteen, he lead the camp and battle against Kronos force, fell into Tartarus with me and when he was seventeen he along with our five more comrade fought against Gaea for the sake of all humanity.

Still his life was not too bad. He fell in love with me when we was sixteen and he's the perfect guy ever. My mother had problem with me dating him, so was my sibling but I didn't care because in the end of the day, he's always there for me.

During my 19th birthday his mother announced that she was pregnant and he's going to have a little sister at the end of the year and now that we're talking about little sister did I mention he also have a little brother.

Well technically he's Percy half brother. You see a year after Percy was born, his dad, the great Poseidon, got drunk of happiness and make love with Sally best friend, yeah great job keeping you sword on you trunk Lord Poseidon, no wonder my mom hate you. And after 9 month, Ventus was born. Ventus was hidden by Lady Hestia when she found out about him from the Olympian, my mom and the monster and I had to say she did a pretty god job considering not even Gaea know about him.

How did we meet Ventus?

It's quiet funny really. It was during my 18th birthday. Percy surprise me by taking me out on a romantic dinner at a very fancy hotel. When we about to return to our perfect home on New Rome, we stumble upon Ventus as he's being attack by a hellhound. We rescue him, bring him to camp and Lady Hestia or Vesta as she was call by the Romans drop the bomb.

Percy was furious with his dad and Lady Hestia but after spending a month with him Percy and Ventus bonded and Ventus was a very great friend to me also. He's brave, funny and so smart that I thought he was my brother. And no I didn't fall for him and neither does him.

And did I mention Sally adopt him. When Percy bring Ventus to his home for Christmas, Sally immediately fell in love with him so she and Paul decide to adopt him. Rather than be call Ventus Blofis, he use Sally maiden name Jackson, his reason was that he wanted to be closer to Percy.

Still like I said before demigod life sucks.

It's a week before his 19th birthday. Ventus and I just come back from our quest. With us was a new demigod by the name Amor Cursedly and judging by his name I say he's the son of Aphrodite. We were wrong, he was the son of Ares.

Ventus didn't like him at all which is odd consider that he get along with all people, heck Clarisse is closer with him than she with me. And I should listen to him because he was right, Amor is trouble.

Just like all Ares children Amor Cursedly is great at battle but not as great as Percy, Ventus or Clarisse. He also a very devious, arrogant, egotistic, narcissistic person. He has this deluded idea that he is the greatest hero that has ever lived and is determined to break Percy and steal his fame from him so he can have it all too himself.

At first it was just little things: snide comments, insults, jokes, and whatnot against him making people laugh but Percy has mature during all those year. He just roll his eyes and ignore him.

That made Amor mad, so he stepped it up a notch. He started to fight people and bring down some of the best fighters, he fail against Jason, Piper, me, Reyna, Nico, Ventus and Percy thought, Percy literally kick his ass under 5 minute. He also decide to go against the hunters in archery and by chance or dumb luck he actually almost beat Thalia, almost.

He also play pranks on him with the Hermes cabin but, like always, Percy stayed calm and didn't let Amor scheme faze him a bit which was probably one of the smartest yet stupidest things he would've done because like all children of Ares, Amor didn't like being beat or being in second place so he kicked it up another notch.

He started to frame Percy for things; hurting people and stealing things. He almost damage the relationship between the Greek and the Rome demigod by burning Jupiter Temple when we were doing the annual celebration and of course Percy got the blame. Luckily Reyna saw the whole thing but due to they relationship with Percy, the Greek didn't want to believe them. And that was the beginning of when he started to be hated by the campers and looked down upon. And the worst thing is Percy didn't even care, he even decline the Roman offer to slaughter him and only ask that the Roman gave the Greek one more chance. The Roman agree and Amor just can't take it.

In retaliation he did the thing that I could never forgive, he break the relationship between Percy and our friends. Slowly Percy loss his friend; first it was Clarisse who apparently had grown a soft spot for her little brother and believed him over Percy. Next it was Katie Gardener because Amor framed Percy for ruining all her crops and flowers saying that he did it in the middle of the night when nobody was around but Amor apparently just happened to be around to see he do it. The Stoll unlike the other didn't leave him because they still loyal to Percy and I was grateful at first, however one day they just leave Percy and it baffle me, Chris follow his girlfriend foot step. Then it was Juniper whose tree was burned and destroyed and Amor said it was Percy who did it and then he told her that Percy mocked she and Grover by saying they were stupid and a disgrace to nymphs and satyrs everywhere.

Luckily for Percy Grover was doing his duty as the Lord of the Wild so Amor didn't have the chance to influence him as he was busy saving the nature around the world.

But the lost that hurt me the most was Thalia; one day they got got into a fight because apparently Percy mocked her and stole her shield, sword, and bow. I help Percy by telling her that Percy didn't do it and it was Amor fault. However Thalia was really a hot headed and she demand to checked his cabin. I quickly said that she could and, of course, her things were sitting on his bed as if they had been there all morning and that was the end of Percy friendship with Thalia. I was still friend with her because Percy plead to Thalia and me not to hate each other.

And of course he lost me too.

Looking back I think it was stupid of Percy but I trust him and because I trust and love him with all my heart, I break up with him.

And it all begin on that one dreadful night when I heard Ventus said to Percy "I told you he was trouble"

That night the camp was celebrating Amor after his successfully return from his quest. Wait that didn't sound right, it was Ventus quest. Ventus was sent to retrieve Ares's sword from Hephaestus by Ares.

During the quest Ventus was forced to fight all the monster while Amor and Drew just cowering like a loser they are. When they manage to retrieve the sword peacefully, thanks to Ventus negotiation skill, and return to the camp. Amor, like a douche he is, claim that Amor was the one who did all the job and Ventus is like Percy a true loser. The camper believe Ares and Drew help Ares in boasting his son false achievement. So yeah we are celebrating the 'true' hero of camp Half Blood.

"Doesn't matter, I'm gonna leave the camp anyway, in fact I think this idiot just help me a bit" I heard he said slowly.
Ventus stood still as he watch the camper dance around the fire.

"So you really going huh, how are you gonna tell Annabeth?" I froze when I heard my name. Percy going leave the camp and he's still doesn't tell me.

"I had my plan" Ventus look at Percy skeptically.

Noticing his stare, Percy said slowly, "What?"

Ventus grin and said, "You had a plan?" he nodded as he whisper his plan.

Ventus laugh mockingly at Percy's before he said, "Percy that is the most stupidest plan I had ever heard, when are you gonna tell her" Ventus quickly become serious when he ask the last question.

"Right now, Annabeth you can come out now" my eye wide when he call out for me. He knew I was here. Slowly I got out and face him.

"Percy, are you going somewhere?" I slowly ask him.

He nodded confirming my question. "The camp doesn't need me anymore Annabeth and there something I must do, alone" he cut me before I could said anything.

"Why alone, can't I come with you" My eye began to wet as he shake his head.

"Annabeth there place I'm going may be dangerous and I can't risk of making you hurt, beside I'll be so busy that you probably be bored and start to hate me which I think is impossible" he pull me into his embrace.

"Will you come back?" I ask him.

"In time but right now I need you to do something for me" He explain everything and his plan to me. Ventus was right, his plan is stupid.

After arguing for a while I realize that nothing can change his mind and I reluctantly agree to go with his plan. The thing I do for love.

We kiss one more time and I remove the engagement ring that he give during my nineteen birthday before I went towards Amor and kiss him causing all the camper to gasped and Amor smiling like and idiot.

"Annabeth?" I heard Percy asked quietly and I know I had to hold on and play my part. I saw him coming slowly as Amor and I break apart, I pretending to look at him in shock, as he just stood there staring at us in shock, hurt, and confusion, wow Percy can act if he really want to, "Why?" he asked quietly and I force myself to laughed gloatingly at him.

"Because I want this Seaweed brain! I mean who would want to go out with you!" once more I force myself saying those word and laughing at him, "I mean you're stupid, cocky, rude, whinny, using, clingy, annoying, ugly, weak, and pathetic, why would I want to go out with you!" I exclaimed loudly not even paying attention to the tears was begin to fill my eye but I hold it back, "I mean what are you compared to Amor?" I asked, hugging his arm while glaring at him and Jacob smiled gloatingly and smugly at Percy thinking that he was slowly breaking inside.

"I mean he's smart, funny, strong, hot, caring, and everything you aren't, he's the perfect boyfriend!" my heart hurt so much but I had to say those word while I stare at Amor dreamily making him raise his chin superiority, liking the attention. And then come the question that really break my heart if I answer it as Percy asked me to do it.

"Did you even love me? Or even care about me? Were you just using me the whole time?" he asked quietly as I felt my heart break into million pieces. But I had to, I had to do it, so I laughed mockingly at him.

"Didn't you hear what I said before? I never loved you I only loved your fame but now I found someone so much better than you so I'm dumping you!" I said as loud as I can, "I mean seriously,

you're pathetic, I can't believe you actually thought I loved you!" I laugh harder and Amor join me.

"So this is the reason you ask me to come here? To do this to me?" he asked quietly and I rolled my eyes.

"Gosh you are such a Seaweed Brain!" I see he flinched at that, I know I had went too far and I want to stop but when I see his eye I know he wouldn't wanted me to stop, so I continue "Of course, why else would I have called you here in-front of all camper other than to break up with you? You really are an idiot like mother said." the camper roar agree with me and I just want t kill all of them right now. Chiron look at me in disgust. Ventus seem to notice this and he whisper something at Chiron before both of them leave.

"Okay, sorry to be such a burden to you Annabeth, I'll just leave." he started to turn around and walk straight to the camp border

"Bye Seaweed Brain!" I said slowly. Amor laugh and he loudly to me "Annabeth I know you would open you eye and choose me" he smile smugly like he's has won.

I decide to play along for the moment, "I know I'm sorry for being a bitch to you so how about if you show me you other skill, Drew said that you really good," the camper cheer as he smile and lead me into his cabin.

When we alone he tried to kiss me but I had enough of this so I judo-flip him and hit his head, knocking him out. I spit at his face, "What are loser, I'm gonna make Percy pay me a lot for this" I said with disgust as Ventus appear from the back door.

"Wow sis I don't remember Percy told you to kill him" he mockingly said as he kick Amor in head. He then proceed to open Amor shirt and pant, "Damn he's small, even mine was big." Ventus remake as he check Amor, you know his dagger,.

"Are you done fooling around" I smack his head as Ventus open his mouth and I slip a potion on his mouth.

"Sweet dream you bone head" Ventus said as we both went out from the cabin.

Ventus quickly went to his cabin while I went to mine. I cried silently and wish that Percy would be safe on his journey.

"Mummy is daddy gonna come back home?" my there years old son, Noah Jackson, asked after I finish my story. I look at him. He look so much like his father. His messy black hair, his chin, the shape of his nose and his smile, all identical to his father. The only thing that he share with me is his gray eyes. Something that Percy said he always wanted on our children. I guess he get he wish come true.

I found out I was pregnant with Noah a month after Percy left. At first it was hard for me. People in the camp look at me like I had done something terrible but after a while, after they finally realized the truth, they help me in raising Noah, and I'm very grateful with it.

"One day baby, one he will" I whisper slowly as he fell into slumber. I wonder if Percy found about about him, will he come back sooner?

So what do you think? Let me know by leaving a review and follow the story. Thanks