Notes: So this is the end of Kagami and Kuroko's story in this universe. I hope you've liked it and I apologized for all the bad editing (I'm usually in a huge rush and am crazy busy, my bad.) So next week I'll start uploading 'Emeralds Set In Pitch' which is a Midorima/Takao and is a prequel to this story and highlights their development together in this same universe. So if you liked this, you might like that.

Thank you for all the kudos and reviews/comments, it really motivates me, much thanks.

Chapter Text

His back ached. His back always ached these days. Midorima told him with a superior sneer that if he trained more and picked his wings up high so they didn't trail along the ground he'd become more accustom to them quicker. But it was hard and he'd only gotten feeling back in them a little less than a month before hand. Snapping his phone closed and staring up at the cloudless, Kagami still had no idea how Kuroko did it. Disappearing and reappearing in seconds had become less of a miracle and more of an annoying habit. He'd joked about putting a bell of the small angel, but as Kise pointed out, that would destroy his gift and standing in RULE. Not that it meant, Kagami was still tempted to buy a collar the same as Nigō's and attach a bell just for a laugh.

The clear blue sky and sunny day made for a lovely reunion setting. The redhead had been waiting for this day since he'd managed his first couple of steps out of bed. Recuperating and rehabilitating in somewhat record time, Kagami was thrilled when Midorima gave him the all clear and let him loose on the tower. The sterile and sombre environment he'd been welcomed into when first arriving at the temple had been replaced with a brighter, happier community. Even throughout his rehabilitation his visitors had been many and much more noticeably more pleasant. Even Akashi seemed to have less of a rod rammed up his ass and his consort had been a constant source of knowledge and information as Furihata the only other made angel in Teikō.

It was hard not to fiddle with his phone on such an important day and with Kuroko now out of sight, his only distraction was now gone. Taking a deep breathe and tensing his shoulders, he lifted his wings up off the back of the garden bench behind him, wincing at the jolt of pain radiating along his spine. Sighing as he gave up on the exercises and tried again to just relax and wait patiently, the redhead jumped as the phone in his hand buzzed.


"Taiga?!" The voice on the other end made his heart jump and with a smile he immediately replied.

"Yeah, hey Tatsuya. What's up?" The English came easily even after such a long absence.

"Oh my god, dude where are you? I thought Liu was joking." Kagami could hear the tears even through the phone and it broke his heart.

"I'm in Teikō." There was a pause, a long pause. Longer enough that he felt he needed to elaborate. "But I'm okay, I'm safe and I'll see you soon." There was heavy sigh echoing through the receiver and the redhead could almost feel his older sibling preparing a lecture.

"I told you didn't I?" Kagami almost laughed, almost but after close to a year's absence, this wasn't the place or time.

"Yeah, you were right." He admitted, scratching the back of his head and shifting nervously in his seat. "I'm sorry."

"You will be." Came the sharp reply and Kagami could just see him, fiddling with the silver ring around his neck. "You put me through fucking hell man. I was losing my mind. You disappeared in the sewers and no one knew what the fuck happened. And no one would do anything." There was a loud sniff from his brother, causing the redhead almost physical pain.

"Yeah, there was some stuff going down."

"I don't care, I didn't care. The cops wouldn't do anything, no body would do anything." There was heavy pause and Kagami didn't know what to do. He could barely manage to throw together a sentence as he listening to the cascade of tears sounding through the phone.

"I'm sorry." He croaked out, rubbing a hand over his eyes.

"I fucking warned you didn't I? I couldn't do anything. I had find this private eye and pay him a shit-ton of money and even then he didn't find anything." Sniffing, Kagami wanted nothing more then to reach through the phone and bring his brother in for a hug, but he would get to that soon enough. Right now was a time for contact, for new beginnings and for apologising.

"I had to sell Liu's feather." It was barely a whisper and the redhead had to strain his ears to hear it, but it was there and it was sad. "I couldn't sell the Shadow's. It was the last link I had to you." Clearing his throat, Kagami smiled a little.

"I'm so sorry you had to do that. I'll get you another one." He paused, his smile growing. "Maybe I'll get you an even better one." Glancing over his shoulder at the starling red and pitch backdrop behind him, he nodded firmly. "A far better one." A soft breeze brushed over him as a shimmering shadow appeared by his side. Kagami thankfully managed to not jump as Kuroko took his hand, catching the end of what Tatsuya said.

"What happened? Seriously where the fuck have you been?" Smiling at Kuroko, warmth and something very close to love running through him, Kagami wasn't sure where to begin.

"Oh dude, fuck. You'll never believe what happened."