Hey, I'm so sorry to those following this story... I WILL finish it I PROMISE. I just... I don't know what happened. Lately I've just not been doing much art or writing or anything- or rather not lately but for a while now... How long has it been, really? Well, more than three months I can tell you that. I came on and went to my docs to finally get back to working on it and everything's GONE. all my outlines and bits and pieces of other stories... I don't know what all I lost. But I do know it was a lot, and a lot of important stuff. The next chapter for Love's Memories Rewritten and Remade, next chapter for Wishlist, next chapter for this... Outlines and everything... So from hereon out I'm working from scratch. Which sucks. Which means it'll take me much longer to get the next chapter posted.

I'm so sorry I've not been active, and I'm so sorry this is just an authors note instead of a chapter... I know too many times I've seen a new chapter for a story I'm following and it turns out to just be an author's note. It really sucks. So I'm sorry this is just one of those notes. However I know I have to post this to explain what's going on, check out my Deviantart for more info, it's IsellaHowler. Though I might have deleted most info. I've just... Not been very active in anything is all. Art, youtube, writing- well, truth be told most of my time is spent on Youtube watching videos. I don't know how the hell I have so many followers. But still, I WILL continue this story. I'll try my hardest. I've been roleplaying a lot recently too so I really want to get back to writing. I'll see what I can do today. But I don't know the future, and for now I just- I don't know, I don't seem to have enough time anymore.

But I'm trying. I just wanted you all to know I haven't abandoned this and will continue here, hopefully soon.

I'll see you all on the other side, thanks for sticking with me.