Chapter 58



Spock froze as he lowered his shields to aid Jim against Nero's attack. In addition to feeling the strong pulse of his mating bond with Jim, he felt the faint flicker of his Father's mental touch via the familial bond. At first, Spock was certain that he must have imagined it. While it was not impossible to initiate mental touch via a familial bond, it was difficult requiring a strong mental connection and closeness to the family member. Sadly, the rift that had developed between Spock and Sarek had widened tremendously ever since he and Jim had bonded and Spock had no longer believed such communication was possible. Now, however, it would seem that he might have been mistaken. His father was calling him. His voice was weak and trembled, but Spock was able to make out his frantic message. Board the Enterprise before they warped out of the vicinity. Spock called out mentally for Jim in warning. Spock's heart seized as he heard his Father pleaded "Ni'droi'ik na-tor." I'm sorry, before the mental touch drifted away as though it never was.

"Jim, thy'la. Hurry. We must go now. There isn't much time." Spock called out via the bond. He could feel Jim's physical and mental exhaustion. The recent activities had taken a toll on both of them. Spock moved away from the drill in search of Jim. They met in the main corridor. Jim landed heavily, carrying an unconscious Christopher Pike in his arms. Jim was shaking and covered in sweat his exhaustion readily apparent.

"Spock! Thank god you're all right." Jim cried as he attempted to catch his breath.

"I am well thy'la, but we must find the escape pod not only because the drill will soon self destruct, but also the Enterprise is preparing to warp." Spock explained as he took Captain Pike in his arms. He touched his psi points and initiated a meld in an attempt to assess the damage done by Nero. His heart sinks as he takes it all in.

"Extensive." Spock states flatly. "Unlikely to walk again, possible brain damage. He requires a skilled healer as soon as possible. These injuries are beyond my treatment abilities."

"I know where it is Spock." Jim exclaims as his wings twitch with his excitement. "Follow me." Jim takes off running and Spock follows with Pike in his arms feeling his muscles protest as he pushes himself to go faster. After what seems like an eternity, they come upon it.

Spock hands Pike back to Jim as he begins hacking code, allowing the door to open. "Jackpot!" Jim shrieks. Spock glances at him in confusion. "Never mind, I'll explain it later." Jim assures as they enter the pod and Spock orients himself to the manual controls. "Can you fly it?" Jim asks anxiously.

"Indeed. These are Romulan symbols, but the language is closely enough related to Vulcan for me to understand." Spock says as he releases the pod from its docking station and launching it into space towards the Enterprise. "Give me your hand, Jim. I need to attempt to contact the Enterprise via my father's familial bond to alert them of our escape and current location."

Jim looked a bit confused but did as he was asked lending his strength to Spock as he searched for his father's mental touch via the familial bond. Spock felt the sweat break out on his brow as he concentrated on the link willing his father to answer. They were so close, nearly within range. They just needed a little more time.

"Spock, God my head!" Jim said as tears ran down his cheeks as his head pounded viciously. Nero's attack had left him weak and this was taking more of a toll then Spock had anticipated.

"I have it Jim. He has heard our call; they will beam us in once we are in range." Spock said in relieved voice as he broke the link. A few moments later, the tractor beam pulled the pod safely aboard onto the Enterprise.



"Jim, Spock!" McCoy shouted, as he looked them over. His eyes widened in disbelief as he saw Captain Pike was aboard, obviously injured, but still very much alive. "Good God! I don't know how the hell you pulled it off, but I am damn glad that you did. We made it to warp just as the Narada imploded. Talk about close calls. You two have more lives than a cat." Jim grinned, but couldn't hide his exhaustion. Spock sat unmoving, still stunned that they were indeed alive. "We are en route to San Francisco, we should arrive within the next twelve hours. In the mean time, let me take you all to the med bay."

Jim, winced as Dr. McCoy pushed the hypo into his neck. "It this really necessary?" He asked with a frown.

"Yep. You'll thank me tomorrow. You're dehydrated and have major lactic acid build up from all that physical activity. This should help a great deal." McCoy explained as he took another set of vital signs on both Jim as well as Spock.

"How is Captain Pike?" Spock inquired not at all hopeful.

McCoy's good mood faded quickly. "Induced Vulcan healing trance. We're doing our best, but the prognosis isn't great." McCoy admitted somberly.

"I feared as much." Spock stated looking disappointed. "My Father?" Spock asked softly feeling his heart rate spike.

"Still a bit disoriented, but improving. He should make a full recovery. You two likely owe him your lives." McCoy confided looking anxious as he remembered how close they had come to disaster.

"Affirmative." Spock replied stiffly unable to fully mask the worry that he felt at the thought of coming face to face with his father again after all this time.

"He cares Spock. He cares a great deal." McCoy stated firmly with serious eyes. "I may be psi-null, but even I could tell that."

"I hope you're right." Jim murmured as his eyes drifted shut as the exhaustion that he had been fighting finally overtook him.

"You should rest too, Spock. Your Father slipped back into a healing trance after you boarded. You should follow his example and do the same. There will be plenty of time to talk once we reach Earth." McCoy assured gently. Spock took a deep breath and took the doctors advice closing his eye and slipping into a healing trance of his own.

1 day later

San Francisco


"Dif-tor heh smusma." Live long and prosper. Sarek murmured to the twins as he greeted them for the first time. He was determined to truly start anew.

"Sochya eh dif." Peace and long life. They replied in unison taking the elder Vulcan by surprise. They smiled clearly anxious but excited.

"You've taught them Vulcan." Sarek says his tone surprised and pleased and his lips quirk slightly, it is the closest expression that he has to a smile. "Impressive, young ones." He compliments sincerely not able to keep the pride out of his voice.

"Affirmative, Father." Spock says softly with a sad smile as he thinks of his mother and how much he and Jim will miss her.

"Nemaiyo, thank you my son. You're forgiveness is the greatest gift that I could ever receive. I thank you as well James, for you have both shown me that the power of logic, while paramount is not stronger than the power of love. It was a lesson that I first learned when I met your mother, but that I had forgotten over time. Thank you for reminding me of its importance." Sarek said with a bow and the traditional Vulcan salute.

Spock had to blink back tears as he replied softly. "Ozhika-palik t'kau, ri shaht." Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.