AJ laid in her hotel room bed drowning in her own guilt. The words 'Why?' and 'How did this happen?' paraded through her every thought. Her eyes lightly glazed with tears. Her eyes slowly shifted to her right landing on her lover peacefully sleeping, Paige.

She started to have feelings for the beautiful Brit shortly after her return to WWE and everything escalated from then on. She flirted often with her, soon it became kisses and little time in a closet or dressing room, and now she's laying next to the woman she made love too.

Her heart was aching in agony knowing that she cheated on her husband. She promised to always be faithful to him, and now she feels as if she stabbed him right in the back in cold blood.

She loves Phil, but she loves Paige as well. She was having the ultimate conflict in her mind over what to do, who did she truly love?, was this just a faze?

She eased the covers off of her body slowly, lifting Paige's arm ever so carefully not to wake her. She stood up covering her bare body with an oversized shirt before taking one last glance at her mistress. She started to feel tears forming and walked quietly out of the bedroom. She couldn't stand being there in that moment.

Paige woke up alone in the bed, her eyes opening slowing, quick blinks following. She smiled to herself thinking of AJ. How much she loved and adored her. How sweet their love making was the night before. Suddenly, she heard faint cry's from the hall. She shot up quickly throwing the covers off of her, then covering herself quickly, rushed out of the room.

There was AJ, in a ball behind the counter. Crying her sweet eyes out in guilt and confusion. 'Babe, babe! Please tell me what's wrong' Paige said nervously running over to comfort her. What did she do last night? She thought to herself. 'Everything Paige! All of this!' She practically yelled, breaking Paige's embrace. She couldn't be in Paige's arms it was too much right now.

Paige stood up and slowly started to approach AJ. 'Darling? Is there something I did wrong?' Paige asked to concern as worry flashed over her eyes. AJ cried harder 'Paige, everything is wrong! All of this! This affair that we're having, its wrong Paige! I have a husband, a life, and I've ruined it by being here with you! I just can't take the guilt anymore!'

Paige was hurt, extremely hurt by AJ's words. She loved AJ with all of her heart and it broke it into a million shattered pieces when she spoke. 'AJ, I love you, please don't do this.' she said her voice cracking slightly. 'I know you do, but I just can't do this anymore Paige...' AJ said slightly above a whisper.

Paige bit her lip harshly trying to hold back her tears. She loved AJ so much and now, everything she's hoped for is gone. 'Go pack your things, you need to go' Paige said turning trying to hide her tears from AJ. 'Paige, wait listen...'AJ pleaded 'Go AJ!' Paige hissed not daring to look at her.

She heard AJ's cry's and footsteps rush through the hall as she cried in her own agony.

Paige waited in the kitchen for AJ to arrive so she could leave and say her one last goodbye. Staring blanking at the wall going over everything that had just transpired. Then she appeared, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

'Paige, I do love you. I just can't do this...' She cried. Paige sighed letting go of her anger for now. Even though her blood was still boiling. 'I love you too April, you need time, and I...understand' she whispered trying not to cry again. They slowly made there way to the door before opening it. It hurt Paige dearly to watch AJ leave her, especially like this.

'Bye Paige...' AJ whispered tears threading to spill again 'Goodbye April...' Paige replied trying to be strong even though her heart was breaking. Then, AJ leaned in giving Paige a passionate yet painful goodbye kiss. Paige accepted willingly, enjoying what feels like the last time.

Then, like a summer breeze, she was gone. Not only leaving but taking Paige's heart with her.