Ever since Shiori moved in, Sakuma would join them for dinner every weekday after school. In the past, Suga would have found Sakuma's presence an annoyance. She would always hide in the museum after hours, and he always had to go find her. Scouring all three floors of the museum every night was no easy task, especially when finding a sneaky little girl like her. But he still had to - the museum wasn't safe, and Sakuma's parents thought he wasn't very safe as well. But many things had changed.

The Kotori Obake was appeased, so the museum was relatively safer now. Shiori had also met Sakuma's parents, who both thought that she was a pleasant and polite girl. So, they entrusted Sakuma to her without worries. Though, when they were leaving, they congratulated Suga heartily, which made things little awkward.

For a girl who was shy and quiet in school, Sakuma did an awful lot of talking at the dinner table. She also asked a lot of questions, and today was no exception.

"Onee-san," Sakuma asked with her mouth stuffed full of her favourite smoked fish, "you haven't told me what happened in the forest that day!"

"Hmmm? Haven't I already? I even told you the exact way we appeased the Kotori Obake and dispelled the child spirits."

"No, no, no not that," the purple haired girl waved her chopsticks around, "there's something missing."


"Yeah, like ever since you came back from the forest you got closer to Manager-san. Something must've happened between you two in the forest!"

Suga coughed very loudly, almost choking on his food.

"See, onee-san! I'm right, right? Manager-san is turning red! Why did you choose him anyway? Onee-san are you sure he is your type?"

"A-ah?! It isn't like that, Sakuma-chan. You see, I regained my memories in the forest. Suga-kun is just my childhood best friend."

And then, Shiori told Sakuma about their story as children, how she came to make the promise, and how Suga sacrificed his voice to save her. After the story, Sakuma was staring down at the table sadly.

"Oh...well, Manager-san. I'm sorry I thought you were creepy and bad. I didn't think-" Sakuma was interrupted by a memo.

It's ok.

"Well either way," Sakuma grinned and fixed her eyes on Suga, "Manager-san, could you look me in the eye and say you don't like Onee-san that way?" At this point, Suga was already wishing that there was a hole in the ground he could jump into. He knew very well that Sakuma was right, but to bring it up in front of Shiori like this - it was not the way (nor time) he wanted to confess to her - if he ever decided to.

"Sakuma-chan, hurry up and eat your fish! It's getting cold."

Shiori quickly piled more fish onto Sakuma's bowl, while Sakuma giggled, pleased to have found something that could turn the stern manager into an awkward blushing mess.