This is not strictly a fanfiction. I just need a place to rant, vent out my feelings after reading Blood Of Olympus.

I am disappointed to say the least. I feel that all the waiting and anticipation amounted to nothing.

Firstly, it felt like this book was driven by the voice of the readers and not Rick Riordan. For example:

readers:'We want Nico to be happy! or else we will send you to tartarus Rick!'

Rick R. :'Um...let's see what I can do.'

Let's reintroduce Will Solace! _Me: Okay...I don't where this will go.

*BOOM* lets make him gay! _Me:This is getting a bit weird...

*BOOM* lets make him fall in love with Nico!_Me:Now it's just ridiculous.

I am very happy for Nico but this sub-plot seemed forced.

Secondly, I think Rick Riordan was very upset with the kind of response he was getting for Jason and Piper and because of that he went out of his way to make them seem more powerful.

I mean come on! after all the drama, all it takes for Gaia to go back to sleep again is Piper's charmspeak. It simply cannot be that easy!

Think about Mark Of Athena, Terminus was not at all affected by Piper's charmspeak. Blood Of Olympus is set only a few weeks after MOA. Her powers cannot increase so much that it affects a very powerful primordial Goddess even if she was away from her source of power.

Piper did not even receive a blessing of any kind...her powers cannot increase by a hundred times just like that. It's not logical. At all.

This seemed more like a retaliation to all those people who claimed Piper to be useless.


Rick Riordan: Okay Percy, Annabeth you have been under the limelight long enough, now step aside. *shoves them*

This is what it seemed like to me, when I was reading the book.

Percy and Annabeth are pretty much useless throughout the book and only towards the end they fight in the war. They are literally shoved to the sidelines. I mean, somethings should be mentioned, like, Percy's reaction when he finally reunited with his friends at camp, and when he met his mother. Sally Jackson is practically the only "good" mortal parent in PJO universe, she definitely should make an appearance no matter how short.

Again, Rick Riordan took extreme measures to make the 7 look equally important.


Was I the only one who thought it was anticlimactic?

Rick Riordan went on and on about Gaia being a primordial Goddess and hence being all powerful but wasn't she too easily thwarted at the end?I have already mentioned this before, Gaia cannot go back to sleep just because of Piper's charmspeak.

This was all it took to destroy her? Does this make her look like an all powerful ancient Goddess? I think not.

Even when they were battling giants, it was all-the Gods descend and we kill all the giants!yay!

After all their efforts to stop Gaia from awakening and all of their quests, this was really a huge disappointment.

The real challenge was to unite the Greeks and Romans and not to defeat Gaia.

While reading Last Olympian, I got the feel that this is it, it is the battle.

Blood Of Olympus sorely lacked it...It did not for a second seemed like the epic finale. It was quite short as well.

My reaction: This is it? Are some pages missing?


Frank was also shifted to the sidelines...Hazel got a bit of importance because of her ability to control mist.

Mark Of Athena and House Of Hades were beautifully balanced...specially MOA. All the characters had nearly equal contribution.

But the Blood Of Olympus seemed all about Piper, Jason and Leo.

I am not against these characters or anything but I did not get enough of Hazel,Frank, Percy and Annabeth.

Blood Of Olympus was a disappointment for me in more ways than one. I am sure that many of you don't agree with me, but that's fine, this is my opinion.