***Daryl's POV***

I hope she's there I thought as I walked to mine and Eva's lake. After the attack on the farm we had all met up at the highway where we had left stiff for Sophia and Eva.

Eva hadn't been there though. I knew I couldn't leave her and the lake was the only place I could thing she would go to.

It had taken a lot of convincing to let Rick let me come. He didn't want us all separated again.

In the end it was Lori who broke him telling him how important she was to the group and how she could help with the baby and in the nd logic won out and we all left to go to the lake.

It had taken a couple of days but at last we were near it. I started walking faster as the pasture came into view.

"Is this it?" Carol who was next to me asked.

"Yeah" I said and started sprinting as I saw something or someone laying near the lake.

I stopped short as I rolled the body over which was stiff and cold.

"Eva?" I said as I got down on my knees and picked up her cold body.

She was pale and she looked dead.

I felt my heart start hurting.

A pain I didn't know existed rip through me.

My eyes started to burn as tears filled them.

She was wearing the same outfit I had first saw her in.

Her favorite red long sleeve, dark blue jeans and her convers. It was like a twisted joke. Having me see her for the last time in the same outfit I first saw her in.

i cried out as pain hit me square in the chest. i could hear sobs around me but they didn't matter. Nothing mattered in my life. The only good thing i ever had was gone.

i had put my head down on her neck and froze as i felt a little thump. It was small and weak but there. I pulled my head back as i looked down on her and put my fingers to her throat and sure enough there was a pulse.

"Eva?" i said again. This time i shook her body with the hope of waking her up.

"Daryl she's gone." I heard Carol whisper from behind me.

"No she's got a pulse." I said as I shook her again.

"Uhhhh" Eva said.

"Come on baby, come back to me." I said as I started caressing her face.

"Daryl?" She whispered as her eyes opened and she focused in one me. But her eyes were different. They had always been green. But now they were a light almost white blue.

"Daryl leave." She said.

"What" I said back. Why would she want me to leave?

"Go!" She yelled as she flung herself out of my arms.

But before she could run off I threw myself at her and grabbed onto her leg but let go when she cried out.

"Eva stop!" I yelled and this time reached for her waist.

"No don't!" She yelled "I'm bit, I'm bit!"

I felt my body freeze up as her words hit me.

I shook myself out of it as I grabbed her again and this time pinned her to the ground.

"Where?" I said

"Please leave." She whispered

"Where!?" I yelled. I saw her flitch away but i didn't are.

"My leg." She whispered.

I looked down and sure enough the side of her leg was marked with a bite.

"How long ago?" I asked

"The last night of the farm." She said

"Wait you should be dead by now." Glenn said from next to Maggie.

"Or at least have a fever." T-Dog said.

I got up off of her and pulled her up.

"She aint go no fever." I said

Rick stepped forward and looked Eva up and down and put his hand to her forehead.

"She's immune."


And its over. I want to thank all of my followers and wonderful reviewers! I couldn't have done with out you people.

I'm really going to miss Eva and Daryl but luckily we'll be seeing more of them in there sequel Mixed Matched so keep a look out!

In all honesty i didn't plan on making Eva immune is just sort of happened haha well thank you all again. Please review!

Love you all very much. I'll see you soon.