The realm known as Sombra was filled with darkness and decay. There could be no way that this creature before them was from Sombra. It was a creature of light; a goddess. Her skin like ivory and her hair flowed behind her like the ocean. The ice blue eyes sparkled when they caught the light. She wore a long gown that shone as the moonlight and her silver circlet glittered like thousands of stars.

Lady Anika made her way over to the All-Father and the All-Mother's thrones and bowed in respect. The palace was filled with whispering as the crowd wondered who this mysterious being was.

"Rise, child," the All-Father, Odin, commanded.

The two princes could only stare in wonder at Lady Anika as she rose to her full height. Prince Thor felt as though one could get lost in those piercing eyes. His brother, Loki, on other hand consumed her whole body with his devilish green eyes. He shook with pleasure as he felt her presence knowing that she was a powerful being. Lady Anika blushed when they locked eyes and Loki grinned like a madman.

"Lady Anika, I would like to introduce the heir of Asgard, Thor."

"Tis a pleasure, milord," Anika stated as she curtsied before Thor.

"The pleasure is all mine, milady," Thor said as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles causing another blush to highlight her cheeks.

Loki growled softly as he patiently waited for his turn to be introduced to this fair maiden. He frowned in annoyance as he watched his older brother fawn over Anika. Envy burned within him as he listened to the girl's giggles. Becoming very impatient, he stepped forward and caught a hold of Anika's soft hand. She gasped lightly before turning to face him.

"Milord?" she questioned as she searched his eyes looking for his intentions.

Repeating Thor's actions, Loki kissed her knuckles savouring the taste of her skin.

"It's a delight to meet such a lovely creature like yourself, Lady Anika," he spoke softly in a husky yet handsome voice.

"Likewise, milord," she whispered while blushing.

Their eyes locked again and Loki held her gaze until Thor cleared his throat.

"You must be tired from traveling such a long distance," he declared and then turn to his brother, "Loki, allow the poor girl to be escorted to a guest room that will be prepared for her."

"Thanks for such a kind offer, but I am afraid I can't stay."

Loki frowned slightly. What does she mean she can't stay?

"I only came to pay my respects to the All-Father. I must leave."

Without another word, Lady Anika spun on her heel and walked out of the throne room in a hurry.

Everyone again began murmuring about the mysterious girl who claimed to be from Sombra. Though no one paid any attention to the dark haired prince who slipped away also.

Loki never felt so desperate in his life as he chased after Anika. He knew he had somehow convinced her to stay in Asgard. It was her power that called to him and one way or another he will have that power and unveil all its secrets.

Anika opened a portal and was about to enter it when someone grabbed her from behind and pressed her against his chest. She screamed and a hand covers her mouth.

"Leaving so soon, my dear?" he whispered into her ear, in a sexy seductive tone.

Anika reacted quickly and bit his hand before jabbing her elbows into his ribs. Her attacker hissed in pain and released her giving Anika the opportunity to reach for her dagger that was concealed in her gown. Pulling it out she tackled him to the ground and pinned the smirking Prince Loki. She growled and jab her dagger against his throat which made him laugh.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Finish it!" Loki said, daring her to kill him.