Cheeeeeese *_*


Maddyliza1234 chapter 12 . 11/28/14

Love and yeah they're both movie titles, but I have completely different plots then this the Vegas one? Kim and jack in Vegas and end up falling for each other and ou know having sex and when in Rome sort of the same thing except in Rome! Oh and love the trench coat thing! I think you should have some sort of western joke in their like Kim dresses up as a sexy cowgirl in order to turn jack on! Love! Again please update soon

I like the Vegas one. It sounds cute, and you know how Vegas is..and since there's only this chapter left until the story ends, we'll see. I have some things planned already.

autumn1999 chapter 12 . 11/28/14

Great chapter! I absolutely love this story! I cant wait to see what happens next chapter! You're doing an awesome job writing this story! Keep up the good work! PLEASE UPDATE SOON! C:

I'm glad you like it!

I feel excited for this chapter..


Just like last week. Coming home from the dojo, and wanting to come home to my babe of a girlfriend, hoping she'll grab my attention by looking sexy. When I got back, I assumed she would be in the kitchen, and she was. But she wasn't wearing anything sexy or anything to hide something sexy.


"Hm? You fine?"

"Yeah..where's the baby?"

"You know where. She's asleep. She's not staying awake until 9. Like you decide to stay at the dojo until 9."

"It's okay. I'm home now."

"I know where you're going with this..listen..I think we need to take a break from sex. Don't feel mad or anything, it's just because we've had it a lot."

"I know..I love you and I just want you to have what you deserve." He kissed my cheek and was about to head upstairs.

"I'll be up in a minute.." I know he tends to like sex a lot, but he also cares about me and the baby, but he sounded a bit disappointed.

When I went upstairs, he was just sitting in bed. He wasn't shirtless or anything. "Hm?"

"Are you still upset?"

"Not really.."

"Well..I changed my mind."

"Did you?"

"Yes.." He leaned closer to me and kissed me. Afterwards, I smiled. He took his shirt off and the next thing I knew, he took my top off so I was just in my black strapless bra. "You sure you don't want me to change?"

"Mmhm.." I chuckled and he lured me to bed.

She looked at me with her sparkly, beautiful brown eyes. She's asking for sex without saying it, and I like it. And I have plans, so this should go well.

Jack layed on me and kissed me. He kissed my neck down to my shoulder. I moaned and grasped my fingers on the back of his neck. I was getting sexually excited and my back arched. He kept going for another minute or 2, and I was moaning like crazy, but quietly. We try not to wake the baby. "Jack..!"

That means I have to stop. "Should I stop..?"

"'re fine."

We had about 10 minutes of some nice, good sex, when Jack stopped. "Kim..I need to ask you something."


I felt a bit nervous, but I shouldn't be. My arm was behind my back, and I think Kim was a bit curious. "Babe..Ever since I winked at you and you just left, I was really in love with you. When I took your virginity, I thought your mom would be mad at me. When I found out you were pregnant, I felt really happy to be with you. After the baby came, I was glad I was with you. And now, I really, really love you and the baby. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He opened what was a little black ring box. "Will you marry me?"

I was breathing heavily, and I was surprised and nervous. "Yes..!"

Jack kissed me and hugged me.

(About 4 weeks later)

I was sitting up in our room, waiting for Jack to come back. Why? I had to tell him something. When he finally got back, he came up here right away. So he must've seen the note I left him.


"You got the note?"

"Yes..what do you need to tell me?" I smiled and looked down a bit, just to hint Jack. "You're trying to tell me something without saying it..I know that's what you're doing."

" you know what I'm trying to tell you?"

He shifted his eyes to the left and back at me. "No.."

Of course. "Jack,..we're having another baby." Then he started to smile. And I was smiling more. I'm surprised he didn't notice my positive pregnancy test on the nightstand when he walked in.

"I hope it's another girl."

"Be patient. You'll have to wait 5 more months to find out."

"Wait..5 more months?"

"I mean, I'm nearly a month pregnant. It's almost 5 more months until I find out."

"Oh..that makes more sense."

"You should just be glad that it happened again." I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. It was nice, that the first time we did it I got pregnant and we had only did it once, and then the last time we had it we didn't protect it and we weren't expecting anything to happen, but we only tried once and still got it.

We smiled at each other and hugged.

5 months later, in August, it was 2 weeks after I turned 18, and it was our Wedding Day. I had my little baby bump grown in for the size it would be because of my baby's growth, and when I was fitted for my wedding dress we made sure it fit around my stomach and wouldn't be so tight that the baby would just come out.

(During the reception/Jack & Kim's slow dance)

Jack and I were having our slow dance. I had news about the baby's sex, and I felt this was a good time to tell him.

"So..have anything to tell me? About the baby?"

"You know I do.."

He got excited. " it a boy or a girl?!"

"Don't scream like a girl." Why did I just say that?


"You probably guessed it. It's a girl."

He was really excited. "I'm not gonna scream.." He just looked at my stomach and patted it. "I just feel like telling everybody.."

"Go do that then. Bring Cecelia to me when you're done.."

When he was done, he came back and gave little Cece to me. She looked so cute in her white baby dress. "You want a baby sister?"

She just put her finger in her mouth and made noises. "I'm sure she does." We smiled at each other, kissed, and hugged.

3 months later, I was 9 months pregnant and had gone into labor on my exact due date.

We were at the hospital. Little Cece was with my mom but Jack was with me, so he could help me through my contractions.


"I know how to breathe!"

"I know, but..gee.."


"I'm just excited to see the baby. She'll be glad to be out of.." I glared at him. "Nevermind.."

"It's fine."

After I pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed, the baby came, and they let out their little cry. They were taken to be cleaned up and everything, and soon enough a nurse came back and gave them to me. It was a girl.

"She's beautiful, Kim."

" know why."

Jack kissed me on the head.

"What are you going to name her?" The nurse asked me.


13 chapters..and it's over.

I enjoyed this story myself, it's definitely one of my favorites.

And sorry this chapter didn't have much in it..I was kinda in a rush.


So thanks for being through this story with me :) (I'm looking at you Maddyliza & Autumn)


I've been thinking about a sequel.

Do you want a sequel? If you do, it's going to be called Jack & Kim: The Married Life and all that's really going to happen is..stuff that happens in marriage :P

And if you do, it might be short unless I get really good ideas which I'll most likely use.

T-hanks for weading this story :)