Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing from Turtles universe or from Witchblade both which are are AMAZING! I make no money from this...tis simply for fun!

So I have been obsessed with the new movie. I've gone to see it multiple times. I also have a strange addiction to Witchblade so for this story I thought...what would happen if... So please let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy!

(Chapter 1)Return of the Lost

The sound of thundering footsteps echoed down sewer tunnels as April O'Neil desperately sprinted towards the home of her friends, the turtles. Water splatered across her favorite outfit of brown boots, jeans and yellow jacket. But she didn't care. If the news she had just heard was right she and her friends could be in mortal danger. If they were already aware of the situation as she was sure they would be due to Donatello's advanced computer system, they would need to plan. She only hoped they would have enough time. Because trouble was definitly headed their way and soon.

Her heart hammered in her chest she finally made it to the entrance of their home. She stopped to catch her breath for a moment and compose herself. Then she twisted the latch and pushed the heavy latch door open to find..nothing. April stepped inside and walked towards what could be considered their living area. Everything looked exactly the same as when she had left two days ago. But no one was there. Dread filled her chest as she walked over to the small alcove where Donnie's computer set up was. All of the computers were off. She turned to look around again. Had their already been an attack? But there were no signs of a struggle. The last time the hideout had been attacked the foot clan had destroyed it. But now everything was clean and tidy just as before, just as Splinter would like it.

"Guys?!" April called out. "Splinter?!"

She walked back towards the wall that was completely covered in stereos.


Panic was quickly building up inside her.


"Hello April," the calm sound of Splinter's voice filled the room, causing April to whip around.

When her eyes fell on the humanoid rat, relief washed through her.

"Where are the guys?" She asked,walking towards him.

A deep sigh escaped from him as he brought up a paw to run through his long mustache, as he often did when troubled or deep in thought.

"I am afraid they are once more in the Ha-Shi." He said motioning to her to follow him down a side tunnel.

"They had a slight disagreement last night that they felt the need to take their anger out on each other and the furniture around them...So..."

"They were sent to time out," April finished with a slight grin.

"Exactly..." He replied.

They continued to talk until they came to another sewer hatch. Splinter opened in and motioned for her to enter. April stepped through and immediately had to surpress her laughter. There before her were her four friends in a circle each doing a different form of punishment. Leonardo was balanced on one foot on a small tricycle while bouncing a pingpong ball between two paddles. Michelangelo was doing a split between two chairs while juggling three red balls. Donatello was doing pushups while in a handstand stance on a spinning chair, and Raphael balanced on a board that was on a cylinder balancing an egg on his head and an egg in each hand on chopsticks. Mikey was the first to notice her.

"Oh HEY ANGEL Cakes," He exclaimed while continuing to juggle.

"Hey April," the others chimed before they went back to concentrating.

"How do you like my RAD concetration and balance skills?" Mikey asked with a big grin.

"SHUT UP MIKEY," the others growled.

"The whole reason we've been in here this long is because of you. You ALWAYS break first!" Raph roared at him.

"Shut up Raphael," Leonardo commanded. "If I remember correctly it was YOU who dropped the ball last time that got us this extension."

"You mean he dropped the EGG that got us this extension." Donnie whimpered as he continued to spin.

"EVERYONE JUST BE QUIET," Leo roared. "The sooner we get through this the sooner, we can hang out with April."

"Yea, and I'll totally order some pizza." Mikey laughed.

"SHUT UP, MIKEY!" The others cried.

"How long have they been there?" She asked quietly.

"Going on Thirteen hours," Splinter replied with a hint of pride in her voice.

April was quite impressed. She knew that she could do no such things especially for thirteen hours. But that would also mean that they had no idea what had just happened, and they were low on time.

"Splinter,"She said turning to him, "I understand that they are being punished...but something has happened...I'm afraid we all could be in danger."

Splinter looked at her thoughtfully, grabbing his mustache. Then he looked to his adopted sons and nodded. They didn't need any other confirmation. With exclamations of approval they all flipped or summersaulted from their different forms of punishment.

"YEAH-YA pretty lady to the RESCUE!" Mikey cried running forwards to sling his arms around April before turning back to his brothers. "You guys should totally thank me. My girlfriend just saved you from the Ha-Shi."

His comment earned him glares from the others before Leo stepped forward focusing on April.

"So whats up? What's happened?"

Several minutes later found the group gathered around the many screens of Donnie's computer watching the latest breaking news of channel six.

"Again if you are just joining us now, we want to make sure you are kept to date with the latest information as we get it." The news woman began. "It has been confirmed that earlier today there was a major foot clan attack on the New York Precinct in an attempt to free the man responsible for the attack carried out on Sachs tower, a man now known to us as the Shredder. Not much is known about this dangerous criminal or how he managed to survived the fall..."

"I'll bet I can tell them how..." Raph growled as he crossed his arms and continued to glare at the TV.

"You think that he managed to get some of the mutagen?" April asked quietly turning to her friends.

Leo sighed not taking his eyes from the screen. "He did fall with the canister. If it broke and he was able to get even the tiniest bit..."

"Whoa," Mikey replied with wide eyes. "Thats ridiculous..."

"That isn't good," Donnie commented as he furiously typed on his computer searching for more information not provided by the news.

Splinter turned to walk back to his normal meditation seat on the raised platform beneath make shift chandelier in the middle of the room. While the others continued to watch the news.

"We now take you to City Hall," The news woman continued, " Where officials have come out to release an official statement following the attack..."

The screens switched to show the steps of city hall where crowds had gathered in a panic and news crews swarmed in an effort to get answers. A middle aged balding man in a suit came forward to stand a bearing the official symbol. The surrounding reporters began shouting their questions all at once forcing him to try to speak above all of the noise.

"We of the city council want to be clear on the facts of what is happening right now in our great city." He began...

"Yea that should tell you right there, that he's lying..." Raph said with a voice full of venom and a malicious smile.

"Raphael shhhhhh," Leo chastised before focusing back on the television.

"Yes, earlier today there was a vicious attack by the terrorist group known as the foot clan. As a direct result of this attack the man responsible for the attack of Sachs tower has escaped custody. We do not yet know how many lives were lost in the attack..."

A roar of questions erupted from the news crews over taking his voice for a moment.

"We..." He attempted to speak over the crowd. "We want the people to know...Every one please..." He started to beg.

Finally after several minutes the anxious crowd quieted down enough for the official to begin talking again.

"As you all know, the city canceled its contracts with Eric Sachs following the attack on Sachs tower, when it came to light of his involvement with the foot clan. We are now happy to announce that the government has signed new contracts with the foremost weapons company in the world known as the Doji group industries. From these contracts New York will receive a modernized task force known as iweapons that will wipe the foot clan from the face of the earth..."

At that moment the a barrage of questions began to over take the city official again giving the small group a moment to themselves.

"I've heard of these iweapons," Donnie began, "They are amazing. The internet is calling them the next generation of modern warfare.

Raph shook his head "So... they are going to turn this city into a war zone in order to beat the foot clan..."

"Guys, this is serious," Leo said turning to the others. "If Shredder and Sachs have escaped they are going to be coming here for revenge and the mutagen first thing."

Donnie turned from his computer. "Actually..."

But he was interrupted by another breaking news bulletin. The news woman came back on the screen.

"We interrupt to bringing you this latest development of the foot clan attack. We now have confirmed with the police force that at-least twenty deaths occurred during the attack including that of billionaire Eric Sachs who was being held there during the investigation of his recent activities with the foot clan..."

"So he got gunned down trying to escape?" Raph snorted.

"Actually," Donnie began again, "It seems as if..." He paused looking back at his computer screen as if he couldn't quite believe what he was reading.

"Seems as if what?" Leo asked quickly becoming impatient.

"Well," Donnie said turning to look at them while straightening his glasses. "It seems that he was killed by Shredder himself..."

All were quiet in shock to his revelation. Mikey was the first to give a breathless

"No way...But Shredder...was like...totally his dad..."

Donnie turned back around and quickly began typing. A moment later black and white security footage pulled up on the screen. The footage was of a cell block in the police station. The group could see several foot clan members appear on screen running down the hall way and firing their guns. In the corner they could see Eric Sachs wearing a convicts uniform and standing at his door reaching out to the members as they past. Karai Shredder's adopted daughter appeared walking quickly down the hall. She stopped in front of Sachs' cell and seemed to exchange words with him. The look on Sachs' face plainly showed that he was furious. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed Karai by the neck and pulled her close to the bars. At that moment the large form of Shredder in all of his armor appeared at the end of the hall. He stomped towards the pair, catching their attention as Karai continued to struggle. Sachs continued to hold onto his captive while speaking to his master. After a moment Shredder pointed to Karai and Sachs slowly released her. Karai quickly backed away until her back was pressed against the other side of the hall and her gun was pointed at Sachs'. Shredder began walking towards Sachs once more while Sachs backed away from the door as if waiting to be released. Suddenly Shredder reached forwards and pulled the door from its hinges as if it were nothing more than paper. Sachs smiled and stepped out of the cell and began talking to Shredder once more. Shredder tilted his head and suddenly grabbed Sachs by the throat and lifted him off the ground. The look of surprise was evident on his face as he struggled in his master's grip. Shredder held him aloft for a moment before throwing him backwards back into the cell. Sachs hit the back of the cell hard and slid down the wall. Shredder suddenly held up his hand. Sachs watched in horror as the blades of Shredders robotic suit slid out from their sheaths. He held up his hands in surrender and seemed to beg for mercy. Shredder tilted his head once more and suddenly released the blades to fly into the cell.

The group winced as they watched the footage of Sachs falling over to the floor in a pile of blood while Shredder called back his blades and turned to walk off camera. April felt a twinge of guilt. Granted after everything he had done Eric Sachs deserved to rot in jail for the rest of his life...But in her mind...no one deserved that...especially from someone they had looked up to as a father for most of their life. The turtles stayed quiet for a moment even after Donnie turned off the footage. Then the sound of Mikey's voice broke the silence.

"Dude...that was totally uncool..."

"What are we going to do now?" Donnie asked swiveling his chair around to the others.

"We're gonna hunt down Shredder and take him out once and for all." Raph growled as he held up a fist.

"No we're not Raph...If anything Shredder will be coming for us for revenge...and the mutagen in our blood..." Leo said crossing his arms.

"You guys need to leave..." April said speaking up.

"And go where exactly," Raph said turning on her. "We can't exactly pick up and change addresses remember?"

Mikey quickly jumped to April's defense. "Don't you talk to my girlfriend like that dude...really uncool."

"She's not your girlfriend idiot..."

"Both of you STOP IT!" Leo commanded, "We need to figure out what we are going to do. We don't have much time. The foot clan could already be coming for us..."

"Hey man, I've told you not to tell me what to do," Raph said bowing up at Leo.

"RAPHAEL!" the harsh sound of Splinter's voice caused the group to go silent. They all walked to the center of the living area where splinter sat in his usual place. "You all have excellent points. We DO need to leave, But we are unsure where to go. We cannot leave the city now because we have promised to protect its people from the foot clan. We do not yet know of the foot clan's plans, and I do not trust these new weapons. Easier ways to kill is never the answer... I am afraid things will definitely get worse before they get better. But for now we must focus on our own safety..." He turned to April. "April...you have always been our great guardian spirit...do you know a place where we can go?"

Two days later found April and the turtles in their new home. It had been decided that they would all be staying at April's aunt's house in an older part of the city. Since losing her job at channel six and the departure of her room-mate Taylor, April had moved into her aunt's house while she was away on business. Aunt Agatha lived over her own antique shop that she also owned an operated. April had been running the shop to earn extra money. Beneath the shop was a large basement that her aunt had converted into April's hang out for her teenage years after her father had died. It had a large room and a two smaller rooms that had served as storage but would serve as their bedrooms. Splinter would stay up in the above apartment so that he might have his own room.

The brothers had immediately set to turning the large space into their own. While Splinter and April cooked dinner for everyone up in the apartment above the store.

"I cannot thank you enough dear April for opening up your aunt's home to us," Splinter said gently as he chopped veggies.

"Hey its what families are for," She said with a grin as she walked over to turn on the large TV in the living room for back round noise.

Channel six news immediately came up as it was all she ever watched anymore.

"I am so glad you found us again." He said with a smile. "Seeing you smile brings back so many memories, and I know it is good for the brothers to have a friend other than myself."

"I'm glad to have found you too... I just wish it had been under different circumstances." She said as she went back to cooking. "I wish my father could have seen you... I wish we could have all been a family together..."

"Your father was a kind man..." Splinter said quietly. "But there was one other whom we lost as well..."

April looked confused for a moment. But then realization hit her.

"Anna..." She said quietly as she looked at him in surprise. "You remember Anna?"

Splinter nodded. "I remember watching you two play together. You were more like sisters than friends...I remember her being so lonely whenever your father took you away. Just as I learned how to be a father from your father...I was able to teach the brothers how to love one another as siblings from watching you and Anna..."

April smiled as memories flooded back to her. She could almost hear the echoes of their laughter from so long ago. They had their entire lives planned out together...But then the fire...


The sound of Splinter's voice brought her back to the sure from her sea of memories. April turned to look at him with a sad smile.

"You know it was Anna's idea to name them after renaissance painters..." She said with a giggle. "She wanted them to feel noble and have names that made them feel important."

A noise that sounded like a laughter escaped from the rat as they continued their meal preparation. April suddenly turned and walked over to the entertainment center and picked up a small framed photograph and brought it back to Splinter. In the picture were two small girls one with dark hair and blueish green eyes the other with light blonde hair and striking light blue eyes.

"You know I never saw her again...after the fire..." April said quietly as tears brimmed in her eyes."I was so caught up in the loss of my dad...and she was hurt so badly. By the time I realized...She was gone...Her mother had taken her to their home in Japan."

Splinter's ears fell back as his head lowered in sadly. He could only imagine the pain the young girl before him had suffered losing everyone in her life she cared about. He slowly reached out and handed her the picture. April gave a grin as she turned and walked back to set it in its place.

"You know, you say that I was the great guardian spirit who rescued you and gave you freedom..." She said not turning back to look at him. "But really it was her...Anna...If it weren't for her...none of us would have made it out of there alive...I miss her so much..."

Splinter walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"Do you remember what happened to her that night?" He asked in a gentle voice.

April turned around to look at him. "I remember...I was spending the night with her because my father was working late at the lab. We heard the sirens go off. I ran down into the lab, Anna was behind me. We grabbed you and the guys and put you in my back pack...I heard a noise...What I guess was the gunshot from Eric Sachs killing my father," The look of pain on her face was evident. "I turned around, heard a cracking noise...and I felt Anna push me out the door and then..."

April closed her eyes shut tightly as if by doing so she would shut out of the noise of cracking and then the sound of her friend's screams as the ceiling collapsed.

"She should never have survived..." She said before becoming completely choked up. "I don't know how..."

Splinter sighed.

"I do not know either I am afraid. It was dark and I could not see...But I do know there were many strange things in that lab...Her father and the shredder sought many ways to gain power. Maybe there was an even greater guardian spirit protecting the both of you that saved her life. You know...I have heard it said that when we lose something we love...It never truly goes away...and sometimes...when we love something so much...it finds its way back to us..."

April smiled and wiped her eyes. "You know I wrote so many letters to her...but she never answered a single one...Now she's a star...Just like she always said she would be...She probably wouldn't even remember me..."

A small smile appeared on Splinter's face.

"Why don't you ask her?"

A small snort escaped April's lips. "She's never returned to America, not even to visit her father...and even if she did...I highly doubt she would remember me..."

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Splinter said pointing to the television.

April turned to look at the TV. Her eyes suddenly widened as she saw a familiar face appear. She quickly grabbed the remote to turn up the volume.

"Today we are pleased and saddened to welcome back to the states international superstar and daughter of the late Eric Sachs, Annaliese Sachs. Known throughout the world as the Queen of rock opera Annaliese returned today for the first time since the fire that destroyed her father's lab and killed many of his employees. Annaliese was in the middle of touring her new show 'Two Steps From Hell' featuring Japanese pop star Koneko Kitty when she heard the news of her father's death. She was scheduled to bring the show to the U.S. early next year. But it looks like her first return to the states will not be a happy one. We would like to extend our wishes of condolence."

As they spoke various clips of her friend appeared on screen. Anna had always been beautiful as a child and that had not changed into adult hood. Her long light blonde hair fell down her back in gentle waves. She had her father's light piercing eyes and delicate aristocratic features. But she had her mothers graceful curves and beautiful voice. Her mother had been a famous opera singer of French and Japanese descent whom had met her father while he was still poor in Japan. She passed away some years after the lab explosion while Anna was at boarding school. April watched the clips of her friend descending the steps of an airplane wearing a plain black tea dress with a hat and veil over her face and her eyes covered by sun glasses. She wondered what Anna would be like now after so many years had passed.

"Whoa who's the babe?!" Mikey's voice exclaimed behind April at the door.

April turned as the brothers piled into the living room.

"We wanted to come see if the food was ready," Leonardo said coming to stand beside her.

"We're not finished down there yet. We've still got lots of work to do." Donnie said from the door. "We still need to hook up wifi, and I need to set up security cameras around the premises."

"Yea dude!" Mikey exclaimed suddenly appearing over Donnie's shoulder. "AND we have to set up the stereos and my turn tables so we can finish our hip hop Christmas album..."

Splinter rolled his eyes before turning back to April. "Are you going to speak to her?"

April looked back at the TV that was still showing clips of Anna. The brothers' all looked at tv.

"April do you know her?" Leo asked staring at the beautiful girl on the screen.

"Yes," April said with a smile.

Mikey leaned over to Raph. "See I told you she had hot friends."

"Shut up Mikey," Raph growled and put his hand on his brother's forehead to push him away before turning back to the tv. His eyes trained hard on the screen.

"Actually..." Splinter said. "We all know her..."

Anna stood over her father's grave as the pastor finished his prayer. Her face was hidden by a black veil so that others couldn't see the tears that never fell for the man in the coffin at her feet. All around her so called family friends and distant relatives stood shedding fake tears and offering empty sympathies that would disappear the moment his will was read. She hated these people. She had fought so hard to get away from all of this, away from people who only wanted her father's money. She didn't care about any of it. She only wanted to get this funeral over with so she could get back to her life as far away from this cursed city as she could, because it only held nightmares for her.

The pastor turned and motioned her to step forwards to commence the final rite to the funeral. The nightmares she had were nightmares of flames. She stepped forward, nightmares of monsters. She reached out over the grave, nightmares of unendurable pain. She dropped the white rose that disappeared into the grave and landed on top of the coffin. At the center of all of those nightmares was the face of the man others called her father. The man her mother called monster. Anna turned and walked away. At the fence of the cemetery stood a swarm of paparazzi. She could handle the press. She did so nearly day. But it was the subject matter she didn't want to face.

A thousand questions suddenly invaded her ears as Anna walked closer to the gates of the cemetery where the mob gathered.

"Annaliese! What does it feel like to be back in the states?!" one reporter shouted.

"Anna what does this mean for your tour?!" another cried.

"Anna, did you know about your father's involvement with the foot clan?"



Anna kept her head low and out of the way of the cameras pointed at her. Suddenly a female voice shouted over "HEY AL! CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET?!"

A hush fell over the crowd as Anna picked up her head to see where the voice came from. Near the edge of the crowd stood a young woman about her age with long dark hair and bright bluish hazel eyes wearing a yellow jacket and jeans. Unlike the others the woman didn't have a camera or microphone ready to shove in her face. There was also something very familiar about her. Anna stopped in her path and stared at the other woman. She knew she had seen her before...and what she had said...Why was it so familiar? Anna took a few steps towards her, but stopped just short of the fence. She took off her glasses. Her bright shining eyes were brimming with curiosity.

"What did you say to me?" She asked quietly.

The young woman looked at her. Anna could see the emotion in her eyes. The woman obviously knew her. But then again so many did. But why did she seem so familiar. Ann knew she had seen her before...But where?

"I said...Can you keep a secret?" The woman repeat.

Once again the question confused her. It was such a simple question. One that must have been said every day. But coming from this strange woman it rang with familiarity. It was as if she were asking the question of a dear friend and not a stranger she sought to get something from. Anna's head titled as she searched the other woman's eyes, hoping to find and answer as to why she had the sudden urge to cry.

"What is your name?" the words fell out of Anna's mouth before she knew what she was doing.

A look of sadness flashed across the woman's face before being replaced with a look of determination.

"My name is April O'Neil."

April O'Neil, Anna repeated the name to herself. April O'Neil, She knew that name. Where had she heard that name? It seemed as if she had heard that name long ago. A strange feeling of warmth washed over her. Suddenly a from the crowd broke her from her thoughts.

"Hey Annaliese..." The male voice shouted. "How does it feel to be an orphan now?"

Anna froze again as feelings of anger surged through her. She took one final look at April before turning around to head through the gate and to the passing car.

"No wait!" April called after her. But she was already gone. Angry, April turned towards the guy who had shouted. "Hey asshole, why don't you do some good with that mic and eat it!" She growled.

Several other voices voiced their agreement until the man quickly walked away in shame. April turned and walked back to the van to wait for Vern who was loading up the equipment.

"Thanks for bringing me Vern. You didn't have to I'm not your partner anymore..." She said sadly as he got into the van.

"Hey don't worry about it," He said in his attempted cool voice. "That's just what I do...Mr. dependable... So wanna go down town for some swarma?"

April looked out the window towards the black escalade that carried Anna, leaving the cemetery.

"No thanks, I think I'll just go back home and have pizza with the guys...You're invited if you want..."

"Yea or we could do that..." Vern sighed. The disappointment was obvious in his voice.

"I'll park the van a few blocks down..."

Anna stared out the tinted windows of the van as it left the cemetery. Beside her sat her manager, Manny, who seemed to have a phone surgically glued to his head. The man was the biggest weasel in the history of the animal kingdom and were it not for her agent and label that requested she give him a chance, she would have kicked his ass a long time ago. He did have some good points. So far he had given her everything she wanted. All she had to do was ask. But he also very much had a hidden agenda, and often hinted at the two of them making more of their relationship than just business.

"Am I taking you back to the hotel, Miss Anna?" The limo driver asked?

"No thank you, Herald," She said looking to the front with a small smile. "Please take me to the airport...Its time for me to leave.

"Yes, ma'am." Herald replied in his deep voice.

Herald was a kind man who had made these last few days almost bearable. He had gone above and beyond service, talking with her, and even helping her to sneak out of the hotel and away from Manny to get ice-cream one night when she was craving sweets. She had loved hearing about his three daughters. Talking to him had taken her mind off of the dark days that were happening around her. Anna smiled and turned back to the window, thinking back to the woman April, and trying hard to think of where she had heard that name. Manny finally finished his phone call and put the phone in his jacket.

"Actually man" He said addressing Herald as he didn't remember his name. "I need you to take us back to the hotel."

Anna's head snapped towards him.

"Why are going back to the hotel?"

"Because that's where we are staying babe" He said with a smile showing off his fake golden tooth.

"No I'm going to the airport to go back to Europe to get back on tour..." She said firmly.

Manny shook his head. "...um...yea...actually you are going to be staying here for a few more days..."

"What?!" Anna exclaimed.

"Well listen," Manny began to explain. "I asked you last night if you'd mind singing in New York after everything was done."

"Yes, I said I would sing in New York once my father's funeral was done and my Tour was finished...because we were coming back to America anyway..." Anna said.

"No I meant you're father's funeral...before you go back to Europe..."

Anna was shocked. Did this man only care about money and fame? Ever since she had heard news of her father's death and come to the U.S. all he had cared about was publicity and appearance. They had even gotten into an argument because she hadn't wanted to wear the outfit he had picked out for the funeral for her to show off some designer.

"No..." She said blatantly. "I'm not singing."

A sheepish grin appeared on his face. "I've kinda already organized the concert."


"You just said you wanted to go back to Europe to get back on tour anyway..." He whined. It was so annoying when he whined.

Yes, She wanted to go back to Europe. But even then she had planned to take a few weeks vacation to sort herself out.

"The answer is no Manny," she said. "I'm not singing right after I've buried my father..."

Even she had cared nothing for the man...

Manny gave an exaggerated sigh and slid over to throw his arm around her. Anna instantly scrunched up her face in disgust at the cheap cologne that suddenly overwhelmed her.

"Listen babe," he said in his oily fake voice. "I know this is hard for you... But just think this is for you're dear old dad. This is a benefit put on by the city to welcome the new weapons that will bring the guys who killed him to justice, and it helps show that you support them. You will have time to mourn, the concert is not for three days."

Anna huffed and turned to the window. The escalade pulled up to red light. A channel six news van pulled up beside it. Anna suddenly didn't hear Manny's annoying voice as she looked out the window to the van beside them and saw a familiar face. In the other van sat April O'neil. Anna watched April talking to the guy in the van she had seen holding a camera at the cemetery. So April was a reporter. Why did that seem so familiar. Had she seen April on the news before? But she never watched the news...not since she was a little girl, and April looked to young to have been a reporter then. But why did that seem. Suddenly a little girl's voice appeared in her head.

"This is April O'Neil reporting to you live, and I am here with future singing sensation Annaliese Sachs!"

Suddenly she remembered. April O'Neil her best friend from child hood. They had played together, shared secrets. They even had pets together, four baby turtles and a rat that had been in her father's laboratory. April had been like her sister. She didn't remember much light turned green and the van with April turned and headed right while she headed straight. Anna watched until the van disappeared headed north. They were just a few minutes to the hotel.

"...Babe?" Manny asked trying to get her attention. He had continued to talk the entire time.

"What?" She asked irritated. "Yea sure whatever..."

"That's my girl," He said with a weasel smile as the car came to a halt outside the hotel.

Anna rolled her eyes. Manny opened the door and jumped out.

"Come on I'll order us some room service and we can stay in tonight. I'll console you over you're father's death"

Anna suddenly leaned over and slammed the door shut behind him.

"DRIVE!" she shouted causing Herald to hit the gas hard leaving Manny standing alone in front of the hotel.

"Thank you, Herald," She said with a sigh of relief as she sat back in the seat.

"No problem Miss Anna," he said with a smile. "You looked as if you needed to get away. So where would you like to go?"

"What's just north of here?"

"Its an older part of town."

"Is there an antique shop anywhere there?" Anna asked.

She wasn't sure why, but she vaguely remembered playing with April amongst lots of old things. Chances were she wouldn't find it or her old friend. But she at least wanted to try.

"There are a few I know of nearby. I'll take you to them." Herald replied and turned the car.

"Thank you," Anna said as she pulled out her phone to google April O'neil.

April unlocked the door of her apartment and walked in.

"Well that was disappointing." She said throwing down her jacket.

Vern walked in behind her.

"Don't beat yourself up, April. It has been a long time since you've seen one another...and she's a celebrity who's met hundreds and hundreds of people..."

April sighed as she went to plop on the couch. "Yea...but we were BEST-FRIENDS...You aren't supposed to forget your best friend."

"Well, she is going through a lot right now..."

"Yea, I guess you're right." April said leaning over to the end table to grab a walkie talkie. "Hey guys?" She asked pressing the button.

There was a moment of static before the voice of Mikey came over the speaker. "Hey Angel cakes! What's hanging? Did you see Anna?"

"Not exactly..." April said sadly. "But its ok. Hey Vern's here, do you guys wanna bring up some pizza and hang out?"

"Oh SURE! Right on!" Mikey exclaimed. "We'll be up in a few Leo and Raph are in a push up competition to see who can get to a thousand first."

April could hear Donnie in the back round cheering on the others and couldn't help but smile. She put the walkie talkie down and turned on the TV. On the news another foot clan attack had left several dead and others injured. Shredder was getting more out of control. She thought to herself. Something had to be done about him.

"Ahem," Vern cleared his throat bringing her out of her thoughts. "So...um April I was wondering..."

"Wondering what?" April asked as she kept her eyes on the TV.

"Would you maybe...like to go out with ...me?" He asked turning red.

"We do go out..." She replied absentmindedly. "We went to your friends restaurant downtown just a few days ago."

"No that's not what I meant...I mean...like...on a more...permanent...basis...like...regular...dating...I mean look...you're a cute girl...I'm a cute guy...I mean..."

April turned to look at him trying to understand his rambling.

"What are you asking, Vern?" she asked.

"What I mean is..." He said before clearing his throat again and fixing her with a dead serious look. "April...will you..."

The doorbell rang.

"That must be the guys," April instantly jumped up and walked towards the door leaving Vern flustered and red faced on the couch.

"You know you guys don't have to ring..." She said as she opened the door and immediately froze. Instead of four six foot turtles standing on her door step there was a five foot six young girl with long blonde hair smiling at her.

"Anna?" She asked in disbelief.

"April?" Anna replied hesitantly. "I wasn't sure if you still lived here...until I saw the van parked a little ways down. I saw you in it earlier...after we left the cemetery..."

The girl's stared at one another for a moment before April surged forward and wrapped her arms around the other.

"I KNEW YOU REMEMBERED!" April cried as tears began to run down her cheeks.

Anna was stunned for a second before she reached up to wrap her arms around her friend. After a moment the girls pulled back to look at one another.

"I'll be honest I didn't remember you at first..." She said with grin, as she reached up to wipe away her own tears. "I...I don't remember a lot from before...the accident... I lost my memories..."

April's face fell. So that was why. After the accident as soon as she could move, Anna had been taken to Japan by her mother. No wonder she hadn't recognized her.

"Well that doesn't matter," She said pulling Anna in for another hug. "You remember now..."

"Whoa...she's even more beautiful in person!" Mikey said suddenly appearing behind them.

Anna pulled back and turned before her face fell at the sight before her. April immediately stepped in front of her.

"Uh...Anna...I know this is ..uh...hard to explain...and ...I'm not sure if you remember..but ..do you remember the little turtles we had as little girls..."

Anna slowly nodded and stared wide eyed as the turtles surrounded her.

"Wow," Donnie said with wide eyes, "It's such an honor..I've seen all of your shows on the internet..I'm such a huge fan!"

Leo gave a shy smile and bowed his head. "Ma'am, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Raph looked at her and huffed before crossing his arms and turned his head away. "What are you looking at?"

"So..." Anna began as she looked at them all. "So...um...these...are...our turtles?"

"Um..." April said quietly. "Yes...its a long story..."

"Oh," Anna nodded "I see..."

Suddenly her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell backwards into Leonardo's arms.

Author's notes:

Hi! So this is the first chapter of my first turtle story. I hope you enjoyed! I will be having more stuff happening next chapter...like a-lot more exciting things so YAY! I will also be back to fix any grammatical errors, Anyway please tell me what you think! Thankies!