Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their rightful owners and I am not making any profit from this.

AN2: So sorry this has taken so long. I'm working on another story that has overshadowed everything else but I will try to do more updates.

Unlike the previous few days this time ridding in the wagon that consists of Miles, Bass, Connor, Charlie, Danny, Dr Franks, Dr Jane, Jeremy, Tom and unconscious Rachel is a quite affair instead of a trip sharing stories. The main reason is because everyone who cares about her is watching Rachel with worried looks, and even though she won't admit it to her Dad or Pop because she doesn't want them to worry even the little work that Charlie did earlier in the day hurt her arm, though she guesses from the look that Connor is giving her that he's realised that.

Because they want to get Rachel to Philly as soon as possible Miles and Bass have order the militia to ride longer than they have the previous days, only stopping when it becomes clear that everyone is getting too tired to continue.

"We've got to address the troupes, wait here." Bass tells his children, Charlie and Connor nod but Danny doesn't as he fell asleep about twenty minutes earlier.

"Keep an eye on them." Miles says to Drs Franks and Jane, both of whom nod.

Once his Dad and Pop are out of hearing range Connor gets up and walks over to his sister who he sits down next to.

"A lot?" Connor asks his sister as he sits down next to her, not needing to say anymore as she will know what he is talking about.

"A hell of a lot." Charlie responds, "Hears a tip for you Con, don't get shot, it really hurts." Charlie tells her brother.

"I think that's the point Char." Connor tells his sister amused by the way she said what she said though not liking that she is in pain, "Before the blackout whoever crated bullets and guns had to come up with a way to prevent people from just shooting each other all the time so that's why they made it hurt." Connor tells his sister.

"That's ridiculous." Charlie informs her brother with a laugh.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is." Charlie respond, stressing each words, "It doesn't make any sense." She tells him.

"Yes it does." Connor responds sounding defensive.

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does."

"Na hah."

"Ah huh."

"You're an idiot." Charlie responds shaking her head at her brother.

"I made you smile didn't I?" Connor asks with a grin, "And helped you forget about your pain for a bit." He says to her.

"Yeah, you did." Charlie says resting her head on her brothers' shoulder, "What about you?" Charlie asks curious, "How the ankle?" she asks.

"Good, not even hurting anymore." Connor responds

"Good." Charlie responds and the twins drift into silence.

"Char do you think that's its wrong for us to be smiling and happy when we don't know if Moms going to wake up?" Connor asks his sister a few minutes later.

"Yeah, I do." Charlie admits, "But then I think about what we've gone though and I think of what Mom would say and I realised that she would want us to be happy. She wouldn't want us to feel guilty for it."

"No, she wouldn't." Connor says looking over at their mother and the two doctors who are obviously trying to make it look like they aren't listening to what he and Charlie are saying, "But that doesn't change the fact that I feel bad." He reveals.

"Do you remember when you got sick not long after the blackout?" Charlie asks her brother curious.

"Not really." Connor admits.

"I was so scared that I was going to lose you." Charlie admits, "But I was also playing with Danny a lot to keep him away from Ben." Charlie explains, "One night I was really upset because I realised that I had spent all day with Danny and hadn't spent any of it with you." Charlie tells her brother, "I told Mom why I was upset and she told me that because happiness is something we so rarely experience we should never feel guilty for it." Charlie explains, "She said that just because I was playing with Danny didn't mean I didn't care about you, and that you would know that I did." She explains, "So I don't think Mom would want us to be upset because we're enjoying getting to know Dad and Pop again." She reveals, "But for the record I feel bad too." Charlie admits and Connor puts his arm around his sisters' shoulders.

"You guys alright?" Miles asks as he and Bass walk back over.

"Yeah, we're okay." Charlie answers.

"You sure?" Bass asks.

"Positive." Connor answers, "So what's going on?" He asks curious.

"Because it's so late we're not going to bother making up an actual camp." Miles explains, "We're just going to make do so do you guys want to sleep in the cart or on bedding on the ground?" Miles asks curious.

"The carts fine with us." Charlie tells her Dad and Pop.

"Danny wakes if he is moved so sleeping in the cart is a better idea." Connor tells his fathers who nod.

"Okay." Bass answers, "We'll get you some blankets and things to use as a pillow." Bass tells his children both of them nod, neither feeling like having the conversation that will happen if they tell their Dad that they don't need blankets or pillows as they are quiet used to falling asleep on worse.

Twenty five minutes later Charlie and Connor are asleep right next to each other and Miles and Bass are sitting in the front part of the wagon, near their kids watching over them and Rachel.

"Do you think they've had anything that resembles a normal childhood?" Miles asks Bass in a quiet voice.

"I doubt it." Bass responds, "Rachel probably tried to give it to them, but I doubt she had much luck." He comments.

"We need to give them what they haven't had for the past eight years." Miles says looking at his children.

"And we also have to let them experience the world, while protecting them from being hurt more." Bass adds.

"What do you think of letting them decide if they want to learn how to defend themselves with weapons?" Miles asks as he knows how dangerous this world is and it would make him feel better if his kids knew how to protect themselves just in case.

"I think…I need to think about that." Bass responds and Miles nods, completely understanding.

"The look peaceful sleeping." Miles comments a few minutes later.

"That they do." Bass comments, "Charlotte and Connor also look so much more like the three year olds we once knew like this." He comments.

"They really do." Miles comments with a half-smile, knowing what Bass is saying is true because Charlie and Connor do currently look so much younger and peaceful than they do when they are awake.

For several minutes both Miles and Bass are silent, both of them watching their children sleep until Bass decides to bring up something he has been trying to talk to Miles about for several days, but every time he tries Miles finds some excuse not to talk about it.

"We need to talk about Ben." Bass says to Miles.

"What about him?" Miles asks it being perfectly clear that he doesn't want to talk about this, Bass having no doubt that if there was a bottle of alcohol nearby Miles would have drunk a large mouthful of it to avoid answering the question.

"What are we going to do about him?"

"Find him." Miles answers simply.

"So make him the most wanted, man hunt?" Bass asks and Miles nods, "Then what?" Bass asks curious, "He's your family so once we find him whatever you want to do that's what we'll do but what do you want to do with him once we find him?" Bass asks interested.

"He's not my family, not after what he did to them." Miles says looking over at Rachel and the kids, "I want to talk to him." Miles reveals, "I want to know why, I need to know why." Miles reveals, "After that I don't know." Miles admits, "I just know that I'm not letting him get anywhere near them again."

"Neither am I." Bass says reaching out and grabbing Miles's hand, "We'll focus on finding him then we'll figure everything else out." He say and Miles nods.

The next morning Connor is the first person in the cart who is awake as even Miles and Bass fell asleep at some point during the night. When looks over at his Dad and Pop and sees how they have fallen asleep Connor smiles, and realises that his sister has to see this

"Char, Char wake up." Connor says to his sister trying to shake her awake.

"Go away, I'm sleeping." Charlie responds not opening her eyes.

"How are you talking to me if you're sleeping?" Connor asks.

"I'm talking in my sleep." Charlie informs her brother, not opening her eyes.

"Nice try but you don't talk in your sleep." Connor informs his sister, "You've never talked in your sleep." He says to her, "Just open your eyes, you'll want to see this." Connor informs her sister who reluctantly opens her eyes.

"What?" Charlie asks annoyed "What do I want to see Con?" she asks her brother.

"Look." Connor says pointing to his Dad and Pop and as soon as Charlie turns to look she gets a smile on her face as somehow even though they were sitting on opposite sides of the cart, her Dad and Pop have fallen asleep in each other's arms.

"If only we could bring them breakfast before they wake." Charlie comments with a grin, "Then it would be the same as that day." She comments.

"Yeah it would." Connor responds with a smile, "We should wake Danny."

"No need, I'm already awake." Danny's voice says, "It's early why are you guys talking?" He asks confused.

"Look Danny." Charlie says to her little brother who at his sisters' suggestion looks at his Dad and Pop,

"I think this is the first time I've seen them relaxed in days." Danny comment surprised but smiling.

"Can you blame them?" Connor asks and Danny shrugs.

"Think they'll wake soon?" Danny asks curious.

"Not sure, why?" Charlie asks.

"Coz' I'm hungry." Danny explains.

"Well I can help with that." Charlie says reaching for her pack, "I think I still have some food in here." She tells him.

"Oh, me to." Connor responds reaching for his own pack, "Don't you have any Danny?" he asks his brother curious.

"I kind of ate it a few days ago." He explains and Charlie and Connor nod both understanding.

For several minutes both Charlie and Connor dig around in their bags, pulling out all the food that they have left.

"What do you feel like Dan-Man?" Connor asks his little brother curious once he and Charlie have put all the food that they currently have on the floor of the wagon.

"I'll just have this." Danny says grabbing one of the tins of food.

"What you got there?" Miles asks causing Connor and Charlie to jump and Danny to smirk as while Charlie and Connor's backs are facing their Pop's he's looking right at him so unlike his older siblings he wasn't surprised to hear his voice.

"Just what's left of the food Maggie gave us, do you want something?" Charlie asks her pop curious.

"Sure, why not." Miles says climbing over the top of the divider between the front and back of the wagon accidently causing a still sleeping Bass to fall on the ground.

"What the hell?" Bass asks confused as he wakes up as he hits the ground, "You know I prefer to be woken up in much more pleasant ways." Bass says to Miles as he stands up, giving him a suggestive look as he does.

"Do you have any idea what that means?" Connor asks Charlie curious.

"None, you?" She asks her brother.

"Nope." Connor responds and both he and Charlie turn to look at their Dad and Pop with almost identical look of interests on their faces causing both Miles and Bass to think the same thing 'oh shit' as even though Charlie and Connor have been though a lot, been forced to grow up quickly they are still only eleven, still children.

"Dad?" Connor ask the same time Charlie asks "Pop?" as Bass climbs back into the wagon, "Well?" they ask together when all Miles and Bass does is exchange a look instead of answering their oldest children.

"All I meant is that there are better ways to be woken up than being thrown to the ground." Bass explains.

"Right." Charlie and Connor say together it being clear that they don't completely believe what their Dad is saying.

"Danny pass the spam." Connor requests,

"I call dibs on the whatever this is." Charlie says picking up a random unopened can, both twins making it clear that they are dropping the subject.

Once they are sure that neither Charlie nor Connor are going to question them anymore Miles and Bass exchange a relieved look as while they know that they will have to explain things to their kids at some point they are hoping for two things, one that Rachel is with them and two that it's not for a little while.

After another day of traveling to late at night the wagons finally roll into Philadelphia the following afternoon, and every member of the Matheson-Monroe family are thankful that Rachel has managed to hold on, though things are looking bad.

"I know it doesn't look like much, but its home to us, and I hope that in time it will be home to you guys to." Bass tells his kids as they arrive at independence hall.

"It looks awesome." Charlie informs her Dad.

"Yeah it does." Connor confirms.

"Have you set up what we asked?" Miles asks the household staff as he jumps out of the wagon.

"Yes Sir."

"I'll take them upstairs." Bass says to Miles who nods.

"Dr Franks come with me to the med vault so we can get what you need." He tells the Doctor.

"Yes sir." Dr Franks confirms and the two of them leave the others.

"Lieutenant Neville you're dismissed, Jeremy help me with Rachel." Bass instructs and they both nod, "Follow us." Bass says to his children when they are all out of the wagon and Charlie, Connor and Danny, along with Dr Jane follow Bass and Jeremy who are carrying Rachel upstairs.

Bass and Jeremy carry Rachel upstairs to what is Miles and Bass's bedroom where another single, more suitable for medical purposes, bed has been added for Rachel. Once Bass and Jeremy place Rachel on the bed Dr Jane goes over to her and starts to run some tests.

"How's she doing?" Bass asks after a couple of minutes.

"She hanging on." Dr Jane says, "Barely, but she's hanging on." She reveals and Bass nods.

"How far away is that med vault that Pop went to?" Charlie asks interested.

"Not that far." Bass reveals, "They should be back in a few minutes." He informs his daughter

Right on cue the door to the bedroom opens and Miles and Dr Franks walk in Miles holding what looks like a tray of different medication.

"How long until the medication helps?" Connor asks curious.

"Most likely a few days." Dr Franks answers, "All of this was made pre blackout so it's high quality but the infection your Mom has is bad so it will still take a while." He says and Charlie and Connor nod.

"Hey, why Dr Franks is helping Mom why don't we show you your room." Bass suggests.

"Our Room?"" Danny asks shocked.

"Yep." Miles responds, "You can each have your own rooms if you want but we set up one for you guys to share for now because we thought that would be what you would be more comfortable with." Miles explains.

"I think we would like to share." Connor says after exchanging a look with his brother and sister, it being clear to him that like him, neither of them want to be alone in a bedroom.

"Then one bedroom it is." Bass says, "We'll be back in a few minutes." He tells the Doctors who both nod and then he turns to Jeremy who also nods making it clear that he will watch the doctors until he and Miles get back.

After leaving their and now Rachel's room Miles and Bass lead Charlie, Connor and Danny across the hall.

Miles opens the door to reveal a room just as big as the room they just left with three single beds. Shelving, draws and a lot of empty floor space.

"What do you think?" Bass asks.

"Is this ours?" Danny asks shocked and Miles and Bass nod.

"Do we have to stay in here all the time?" Charlie asks and even though the first thing that Miles and Bass want to say is "of course not" they both know that because of everything they have been thorough they need reassurance.

"No." Miles answers, "You can go anywhere in the building or the grounds, but if you go outside you'll each have a member of the militia protecting you." He explains, "You guys can do whatever you want but because Ben is still out there and because me and Dad have a lot of enemies we need to make sure you are safe." He explains.

"The protection won't be like the guards Ben had with you before the blackout." Bass tells his children, "These members of the militia will protect you, not prevent you from doing anything." He explains, "Do you guys get that?" He asks and he receives three nods.

"Good, let's go see how your Moms doing." Miles says and the five head back into the other room.

A couple of hours later Charlie, Connor and Danny are sitting on their Dad and Pop's bed watching their Mom while Miles and Bass are sitting at their desk doing paperwork.

"Do you feel like going for a walk?" Connor asks Charlie curious as he kind of wants to have a look outside, he doesn't like seeing his Mom when she is so badly hurt.

"Defiantly." Charlie confirms, "Danny do you want to come with us?" she asks her brother curious.

"No thank you." Danny responds.

"Hey Dad, Pop, do you mind If Con and I go for a walk, have a look at the grounds?" Charlie asks curious.

"Not at all." Bass answers, "Just be back before it gets dark." He tells them.

"And Jeremy can you go with them?" Miles asks.

"Of course Sir." Jeremy responds not minding at all as he enjoys getting to know Charlie, Connor and Danny.

"See you later Dan-Man." Connor tells his brother who nods and Charlie and Connor, followed by Jeremy exit the room.

Charlie and Connor, being followed by Jeremy have been exploring the grounds of Independence hall for over half an hour when Connor notices something.

"Char, catch." Connor says picking up to large sticks and throwing one at her, which she catches.

"Really? You want a rematch after how badly you lost last time." Charlie comments amused.

"That was over a year ago and neither of us have practiced since then, I would say we're more even now." Connor responds as being locked in a basement for over a year means that Charlie and Connor haven't been able to do something that they used to enjoy to do when they were in the cabin, or out in the woods, pretend sword fight with sticks.

"Considering my arm you have the advantage." Charlie informs her brother but they still begin to play fight.

As he watches Jeremy can't help but smile as even though Charlie and Connor haven't seen their fathers since they were three they both have a little of each of their sword fighting stiles, even if it is with sticks.

"Huh, turns out even with a sore arm I bet you." Charlie comments with a grin a few minutes later.

"This time." Connor says standing back up, "But you won't win the next one." He tells her.

"Whatever you say." Charlie responds and Connor does win the next one.

"Told you." Connor says with a smirk.

"Well I guess it's a good thing we do best two out of three." Charlie responds.

"It is going to be dark soon." Jeremy say stopping Charlie and Connor, who are both surprised as they forgo the was there, from having another fight, "We should head back inside, that is what your fathers asked." He tells them.

"Right." Connor says, "Well finish this another time." He tells his sister.

"Of course." Charlie responds, "We should put these somewhere." She says referring to the sticks, "They're pretty perfect for what we use them for." She tells her brother

"That they are." Connor confirms, "I've got an idea." Connor tells his sister and he takes the stick off her and walks over to a nearby flower bed and bury them, "Now we know where they are but no one else does." He says.

"Let's get back upstairs." Charlie says to Connor and he nods and they along with Jeremy head back upstairs.

When Charlie and Connor arrive back upstairs they find their Dad, Pop and brother sitting in the same places they were earlier.

"You okay?" Charlie asks her brother sitting down next to him.

"Yep." Danny tells his sister.

"Dinner should be here in about half an hour." Miles informs Charlie and Connor.

"Cool." Connor responds, "How's Mom?" he asks curious.

"Okay, we won't know for a while if the medication is helping for at least a day." Dr Jane informs Charlie and Connor both of whom nod.

"Sirs Lieutenant Neville and his wife want to see you both." One of the guards who stay near where Miles and Bass are at all times say.

"Take them to my office, we'll be there shortly." Bass tells the guard who nods and he leaves the room.

"Any idea what they want?" Miles asks Bass curious.

"No idea." Bass responds.

"Will you guys be okay for a few minutes?" Miles asks his kids and he receives three nods.

"We'll be right back, and when we get back I don't know about Miles but I would love to know what you two got up to on your walk." Bass says to Charlie and Connor.

"Sure Dad, we'll tell you." Connor tells his dad.

"Jeremy, look after them." Miles says as he and Bass leave the room.

When they enter their office Miles and Bass find Julia and Tom Neville standing and waiting, Julia holding a brown shopping back

"Julia, Tom, what can we do for you?" Bass asks.

"Nothing." Julia answers, "I have something for you." She tells them, "I heard about you children returning to you and what happened to them so I collected up some of Jason's old clothes for your sons and asked Mrs Lowell if she had some of her daughters old clothes for your daughter it's not much but it gives them some things to wear until you can get them some of their own." Julia explains,

"Thank you Julia, that's very kind of you." Miles tells her.

"You're welcome." Julia responds, "I also added some of my own clothes for their mother, Rachel isn't it? From what I understand she isn't too well."

"No, she's not." Bass confirms, "But Drs Franks and Jane think that she has a chance so that's what we're focusing on." He explains, "Like Miles says, thank you. We haven't either thought about the things we'll need we've been focusing on getting the here, keeping them safe." Bass explains.

"Like I said you're welcome Sirs." Julia tells them, "If you need anything, any help getting your children settled just let me know, I'm more than happy to help." She tells them.

"We'll remember that." Miles responds, "We should get back to our kids, we'll see you both later." He tells Tom and Julia both of whom nod and leave the office.

A few hours later Miles and Bass are wide awake watching Rachel while Charlie, Connor and Danny are in their room, Danny is asleep though neither Charlie nor Connor are as they are finding it difficult to fall asleep.

"Con, you awake?" Charlie asks her brother in a quite whisper, though she knows she doesn't have to worry as Danny is difficult to wake up.

"Yeah, I'm awake." Connor responds and Charlie gets up and walks across the room to Connor's bed, and sits down next to him, the two of them took the beds on either side of the door which means their beds are the furthest apart as Danny's is directly opposite the door, though far away from it, equal distance from each of theirs, "This is strange." Charlie tells her brother.

"Tell me about it, we haven't had a bedroom since before the blackout." Connor says sitting up.

"It's not just that." Charlie tells her brother, "I've gotten used to being close to you, Danny and Mom when I sleep." She tells him.

"Me too." Connor responds, "I never thought I would. Remember how much we hated it in the beginning?" he asks.

"Vividly." Charlie responds with a smirk, "It's too open, I feel…." She trails off not sure how to finish what she is thinking.

"Small." Connor supplies, "The room is so open, so big, and so free. We're not confined in a small space anymore, or close to someone else, it makes us feel small." He says.

"Exactly." Charlie responds, "Do you mind if I sit here a while?" she asks curious.

"Not at all." Connor responds pulling the blanket out from under his sister so that she can slide under it, "Make yourself comfortable." He tells her.

"Thanks Con." Charlie responds and within the hour both Charlie and Connor are fast asleep in Connor's bed which causes Miles and Bass to almost have panic attacks when they come to check on their kids and realise Charlie isn't in her own bed, though they relax when they realise she is in Connors.