April Showers

"Hey kid stay in the car." Emma unbuckled her seat belt. The door to the manor stood ajar, and after everything that had happened, warning bells rang in the Sheriff's head. Henry bit his lip and nodded, gripping the seat belt with enough force to turn his knuckles white. After seeing even his grandfather used to hurt others, Henry was finally learning to listen when Emma told him to stay.

Emma shed any semblance of being a mother, carefree, or even cheerful as she put on her mask. The same kind of mask that Regina put on every day before stepping into her office. Henry wasn't sure if Emma even knew she was doing it. His heart clenched when Emma flicked the clip on her gun holster. That terrified him more than anything else.

Emma nudged the door open, praying the mayoral mansion was untouched. "Regina? You here?" She called softly. No reply put her on edge. She pulled her gun from the holster and checked each room. Living room, clear. Dining room, oh shit. Emma bent down to find a chair knocked down and a broken plate. Blood on the floor too.

Emma turned around and saw the blood leading out towards the hall. "Regina! Regina are you here? What happened?" She called out louder. Her heart raced in her chest. Emma was going through every worst scenario. She stepped up the stairs careful not to step in the trail. "Regina?" Every time the response didn't come, Emma got more worried. Where the hell is Regina, and what happened?

The door to the Mayor's bedroom was open and the sound of water falling came from inside. "Shit, they're still here?" She hissed to herself, pulling her gun up to bear and bracing her off hand against the butt. Emma Swan may not have been a cop for long but she's a damn good shot, and she knows when it's time to start shooting.

She advanced slowly through Regina's room, afraid of what she would find. The bathroom door was ajar too, rushing water echoed from the room. Please please please. Emma closed her eyes to pray for a moment before she shoved her way into the bathroom.

"OH MY GOD! EMMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Regina screeched at the top of her considerable lungs.

I don't care if she explodes me or something. I tucked my gun away and rushed to hug her tightly. "Oh thank God you're okay, I saw the blood and thought the Lost boys had gotten you or something." My heart was pounding and my chest heaving from the fear that had swamped me for the last ten minutes.

Regina started to squirm from my grip, "While I appreciate the sentiment, GET OFF." She broke from my grip and I realized the reason for her vehemence. Regina Mills is as naked as the day she was born.

I spun around to give her privacy, "Oh shit. I'm so sorry. You know the front door is open? I was scared someone broke in and then the blood in the kitchen... "

"You can turn around now Ms. Swan." I did as commanded and was relieved to see her tightly wrapped in a towel to almost counted as a dress. Damn she makes a towel look good. "The blood was from my foot, I stepped in a shattered plate. The door was open to let Henry in since he lost his key in Neverland. Feel better Sheriff?"

I looked up from her chest as I realized she was winding her speech down, "Uhh y-yeah. Got it. Sorry." I backed out before anything else happened. The poor kid is still in the car worried about all this.

"Next time Emma," Regina called out sedately, "If you want to see me in the shower you should ask. It's only polite."