This was a bit surprising, you never thought that a visitor of Green Gate would come here. A nice and sweet girl named Cosmo who was the only one of her kind to be infected with the virus. She came to Mobius to see some old friends but she didnt know about the virus and it seemed to have clamed her as a victim as well.
As always you check your notes of the Plant like alien and she was really adorable to.
Physical description
Species: Plant-like alien
Gender: Female
Height: 90 cm (2' 11")
Weight: 15 kg (33 lb)
Hair: Green
Skin: Pale peach
Eyes: Blue
You had to admit this was a bit odd for a non-type of mobiun to catch this sickness, but thankfully she can be help in this time of need. You went through the double doors and walked to the room she was in. She was sitting on a bed that they put in the room for her, she was facing away from you but she had on the collar that everyone else had on. Even if she didn't have powers you guess that it was better to be safe than sorry. "Miss Cosmo?" You asked getting her attention.
She heard your voice and turned to see you, "Hello." She said with a smile, "It's nice to meet you doctor." She told you.
"It's nice to meet you as well." You tell her with a smile. "How are you feeling today?"
"I feel fine but sometimes I feel really hot inside but i usually sleep it off." She tells you as she sits facing you.
"It seems that you resistant to the virus as well." You said as you checked your notes.
"I guess so." She said with a smile, "But I kind feel hot right now."
"Well it also says here that you like to be watered as well right?" You asked her, checking your notes.
Her eyes sparkled a bit when you mentioned being watered, "Oh yes I really do like be watered." She tells you.
"Well we have a new stall set up here." You tell her, since clean up was allot of work they decided to instal a shower system to make it much easier.
She smiled when you said that, "Are you going to help water me?" She asked you as she went to the showers.
"Of course." You tell her and followed her, to the new shower stall that had a special shower head with ten types of nozzles on it, along with a dial that had a red mark on one side, and a blue mark on the other representing the hot and cold. Under it was a faucet for the water and you gently turn it and the water started to slowly flow through the long hose, and out of the shower head's nozzle.
She put the water temperature to a warm level but not to warm that it hurts her afterwards. She out her hand in the shower to get a feel for it and it was just right for her. You noticed how she really liked it to, and it looked it made her feel good as well. She went to take off the clothes she had on and she didn't care that you were with her. She looked really cute as well, she actually had a really nice figure under what she was wearing.
She got in and she smiled but she remembered you were with him, "Would you like to get in with me?" She asked you, "It's big enough for both of us."
"Are you sure?" You asked her, even if she was cute you weren't that desperate for love making.
"I dont mind." She told you, "In our world it's come for this kind of thing to happen."
"O-Okay." You say as you start to undress as well, you are her doctor after all. Once you striped down from your clothes you follow inside with her inside the shower with her. "My apologize I am a male after all." You said sheepishly.
"It's alright." She said with a smile, "I dont mind it."
You nodded, and take the shower head offering to help her. You started to drizzled some water into her legs first. She felt the relaxing power of the water go to work and she let out a happy sigh and the buds on her head started to open up. You then started to cover her legs in water, then you slowly moved up to her hips. The more you watered her the better she felt but that just made the heat inside of her grow. You raise the shower head up more, and moved to her ass but when you circled around her you almost got her secret area a bit wet as well. She shivered a bit when she felt the water hit that area.
"Sorry." You said before you moved the water away from it.
"I-it's okay." She told you, "It felt good."
"Okay." You said and moved higher to her back, coating it in warm water but the heat of the shower started to wake up your little friend and you had to make sure she wouldn't notice it.
She didn't notice since she was enjoying the water on her back and the flowers that were on her head were almost open. You then went to spray some water on her front side and she had the cutest pair of breasts on her for a Plant Girl, but it didn't help your rod's wake up call. Feeling the water on her chest made her nipples hard. You gulped a bit, but then you could feel your member now in it's full erection.
She leaned on you as she couldn't withstand it but you could smell the scent that her head flower gave off and it was really intoxicating. It made you shiver, and your cock jumped from the smell. You body started to feel hot as well. She maybe able to sleep off the heat but since she was in the presence of a male... well she needed this to go back to normal. You had a hard time staying focused and you started to splash most of the floor, and only a little bit of her. She got the shower head and made you point it back at her sacred flower.
The water was not spraying right on it, and the pressure of the water coming mixed with how warm it was felt really good on her. Things just got better for so she did something for you, she put her hand on your rod and started giving you a handjob.
"Mi-Miss Cosmo." You moan out but, the way her hand felt was amazing. She didn't hear you as she kept going and she slowly went faster and faster.
She was sending waves of pleasure through your body, and it made your rod twitch. She then stopped and got on her knees and started to give you a BJ. You moaned louder, as you felt her tongue running on the underside of your shaft. The only thing you could possibly do now is look right into her eyes as looked back at you. She just gave you living eyes, she was enjoying the thickness of you dick. You could feel her teeth brushing up against it and it drove you crazy with pleasure. She didnt know what to do so she just things that she might thing you will like and it was a good thing her guesses were right.
You could feel it now, your cock wanted to let out the milk it was holding but you tried to hold it back. She tried her best to milk your cock and she even started sucking on it to make it come out. It was futile you felt your balls twitch and they emptied themselves and ranr though you hard rod and shooting right inside the plant-girl's mouth, over, and over again. She tried to eat as much as she could but it was to thick to take it all in at once. She coughed a bit when she couldn't eat all of it.
You quickly took your rod out so she could spit some of the seed out, but it got all over the front side of her body. She panted as she looked at herself and she was a mess but she loved it. You were still hard even from giving her such a nice treat, but she did look cute with your own seed covering her. She took some off her chest and ate it very sexually. It was hot and the urge to please her built up inside of you now. She noticed you were hard still and her lust started taking over as she laid on her back and shows you her love.
You gulped once more but the smell of what she was giving off kept you from controlling yourself. You got onto your knees and your rod was already lined up to her precious flower before pushing through her folds. She felt it go inside and she held onto you as best as she could since this was her first time but you were going to find out soon enough. You keep pushing until you met her inner flower and popped it. Blood started to come out of her flower and she held onto you very tightly.
You go in further before you start pulling out, and then back inside her until you picked up a bit of speed and got use to doing her. She felt her love starting to fit his rods shape and she seemed to be enjoying this a lot. You started to go faster inside her popped flower, and her walls got more slick with each time you rubbed your cock on them. Her flowers were now in full bloom and the scent was even stronger now and it made you want to rut her all day and night.
You kept going and going in and out of her, holding her legs up by her ankles and you went crazy for her pussy. "Oh Doctor, my insides feel all tingly." She tells you as you rutted her but this just made you want to do her more maybe even change your position.
"J-Just go with it." You tell your patient as you turn her sideways and laid her leg on your shoulder. She did go with it and now she felt his rod go deeper inside of her and it even kissed the entrance to her womb. It was like you couldn't stop now, and you kept doing her so hard that she couldn't see straight. Her mind went blank as she got her pussy pounded by you.
You could feel another load of cum wanting to fill her up so you picked up more speed. She felt it and she braced herself for the load that was about to come from you and herself. You grit your teeth as you shot another load of hot seed inside of her and it made your vision swim. You grit your teeth as you shot another load of hot seed inside of her and it made your vision swim.
She felt your spunk spill inside of you and it made her climax as well, her walls wrap your dick in different ways to make sure to get as much of you seed as possible. Congratulations you just fertilized a plant girl.
You panted even more, and you were rubbing her leg that still laid on your shoulder. She had her eyes closed as she panted and she was so satisfied that she wanted to stay like this a little bit longer. You slowly pull out of her, along with mixed fruits that covered your rod. She smiled when you took it out and some of the fruit she had inside of here came out and on the tile floor.
You had no idea what got into you... but it felt good and you wouldn't mind doing it again. You noticed the flowers on her head were open now and they made her look beautiful. "You look beautiful with those flowers." You tell her.
"T-thank you." She said with a pant.
You take the shower nozzle, and used it to clean off her cum covered body so she wouldn't be sticky. She smiled as she felt the water clean her and she felt all better now and the heat she first felt was now gone. This was a unexpected event for you was it? Taking a shower with a patient that didn't even need to be tied down, and feeling like you wanted to fuck her forever, you really need how to get that stuff she's got on her. She felt really tired from everything that just happened right now but she was happy this stuff did happen.
You went and got a towel, and went to dry her off first then yourself before getting dressed again in your own clothes. You take her back to the bed she sat on and laid her in it, placing the covers over her. Going to your notes again you would make sure she would have the essentials for her stay at Mobious Asylum.