"Hey Flynn." I said as I got my lunch and sat down next to my best friend Flynn.
"Hey Frost." Flynn said taking a bite out of his burger.
"Have you seen Els-" I was cut off by the clearing in the front of the cafeteria. That road can only be cleared for one person.

The figure begins to wander closer and closer, that platinum blonde hair was unmistakable. Those sapphire blue eyes filled with mystery and secrets, her flawless pale skin glowed under the light, it's her.

I'm Jack Frost, the school's bad boy heartthrob, the girls go nuts for me. I can have any girl I want yet they ain't the one I want.

In the whole Walt's DreamWorks High, only a few girls doesn't fall for my charms, that's Merida, Rapunzel, Astrid, Anna, and finally...Elsa Winters.

Her hair tied into her signature side braid, with a sway of her hips was enough to make me faint. It was enough to make any male faint in fact, even some of the younger teachers fall for her. She could get any boy she wants yet she doesn't want one. She ignores all of the love letters boys gave her and her words are so cold they can make you shiver.

"Jack!" Hiccup said shaking me with both hands.
"Huh, what?" I said snapping out of my gaze.
"You're staring at Elsa, again." Hiccup said.
"Don't tell me you don't think she's hot."
"I agree with you but you have got to stop checking her out during lunch and the classes you spend with her, you're failing."

"Am I?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.
"No exactly but it's going to happen sooner or later."
"As if, I'm so smart I don't even need to study to pass my tests."
"And she studies harder than you and becomes the top student. You can do that too and impress her if you work hard enough."
"Is that the only way to impress her?"
"Yes." A voice behind me sounded.

I turned around and found the gorgeous Elsa Winters standing there with Anna, her sister, and Rapunzel, her cousin, behind her.

Remember, don't freak out, keep your smirk on, start a conversation, just-

Shut up logic brain, I got this.

"Um, hi, Elsa, you look, nice, today." I stammered.

You got this? Nice going pea brain, you should have listened to my advice.

I was nervous, okay?

"Yeah, smooth." Elsa replied rolling her eyes. Anna and Rapunzel were giggling behind her. I shoot a glare at them and mouth a shut up. "You want me to shut up? Okay." Elsa turned on her heels.
"Wait, I didn't mean you!"
"You're pretty interesting Mr. Frost." She said with a smirk.

The whole cafeteria gasped. "R-Really?" I asked.
"Hmm," She played a smirk on her lips and I don't like it. She ran her hand through my messy white hair and down the back of my neck. She traced her fingers down my collar bone and down my shirt collar. For a minute there, I actually thought she was going to unbutton my shirt.

Her fingers went up my neck and she lifted my chin up. Her face slowly inched down, I prepared for our first kiss. She leaned in and she breathed ever so slightly before juuuuust colliding her lips with mine. "Not really." She breath out.

The cafeteria let out a breath when she released my chin. I was shocked, no far beyond shocked, I was paralyzed by her hypnotic stare. "I...need to go to the bathroom." I said before rushing to the boys' bathroom. I hear her laugh before I sprinted off.

"You are mean Els." Anna said when Jack is out of sight.
"I like toying with him, he's fun to mess with." I answered. "And didn't Punzie said she needed something?"
"Oh yeah, here you go Blondie." Flynn said handing Rapunzel a book.
"Thanks, we can go now." Rapunzel answered.
"Merida is waiting." Anna reminded us.

We reached our usual table where we, The Four Seasons eat everyday. "Hi Mer!" Anna shouted cheerfully when she spotted the redhead.
"Hey!" Merida said waving to us.
"Hey." I replied before sitting down at my usual seat.
"Where were ya?" Merida asked.
"Punzie had to get something and Elsa just made Jack pee." Anna said half laughing.

"Why am I not surprised?" Merida said before bursting into laugher.
"You should have seen his face, it was hilarious!" Rapunzel said also laughing.
"Hey, can I sit here?" A familiar voice sounded.

"No!" We said in unison.
"Not even for the leader's twin?" Hans asked.
"Nope." I answered.
"You are mean Els." Hans sulked.
"That's what I said!" Anna shouted.
"Ha! Sibling high five!" Hans and Anna high five.

"Look, if it isn't little Ms. Perfect." A voice hissed.
"Vanessa." I answered.
"Winters." Great, the squid and it's goons are after me. "Listen Elsie, I warned you to stay away from my Jacky, so-"

"Who said he is yours?" I snapped.
"It's rude to talk back Elsie."
"It's rude to call other people names."
"Haven't your mommy told you not to talk back? Oh wait, you don't have a mommy, she left you!"

That's the last straw. "She left me, so what? I'm going to be the perfect girl she always expected me to be and make her proud, not like you little squid always squirting ink to run away."

"Why you little bitch!" Vanessa shouted angrily.
"Oh, you're calling me a bitch?"
"Why, thank you."
"You called me a bitch, bitch is a female dog, female dogs bark, bark is from a tree, tree is from nature and nature is beautiful, so you just called me beautiful."

"You- you- ugh! Common girls!" She walked away with Jack's stupid fan club tailing behind her.
"OMG! I didn't know you had it in you!" Anna shrieked.
"Girl... You are on fire!" Rapunzel shouted.
"You sassed her ass!" Hans said.
"Thank you." I answered.

Merida didn't say anything, she only looks at me with a smirk on her face. "Mer?" Anna asked.
"Ya like him, don't ya?" Merida asked.
"Who?" I responded.
"Jack Frost." I almost choked.
"'Who said he is yours?'" Merida mimicked me. Everyone at the table laughed.

"Shut up." I said taking a bite out of my salad.
"Admit it, you like Jack Frost." Rapunzel teased.
"I don't." I said taking a sip of my juice.
"Taking long sips, avoiding talking, she's lying." Anna concluded.
"I hate you guys so much."
"We love you too." They all say in unison and laughed.

I returned from the bathroom and found Hiccup and Flynn still at the table. Good. "Hey, you guys!"
"Back from the bathroom?" Hiccup asked.
"Shut up." I said collapsing on my seat. "I need your help with something."
"What? No wait, who?" Flynn asked.
"Oh no." Hiccup said.

"Oh yes, operation break the ice commence." I answered.
"Break the ice? Really?" Hiccup asked.
"Do you have a better one?" I asked.
"Good, now I need you two to help me steal Elsa's heart and-"
"I'm out." Flynn said getting up.
"Me two." Hiccup said getting up as well.
"You're going to help me and that's final." I said pushing them back into their seats.

"If you help me than I'll help you get Merida's heart," I said pointing at Hiccup. "And get you a reservation for two at my Uncle North's restaurant, The Pole." I said pointing at Flynn.
"This cannot end well." Hiccup said.
"What's the worst that can happen? Get our ass kicked?"
"Yes!" The two scream in unison.

"Merida can shoot an arrow straight in your eye!" Hiccup said.
"Punzie can knock your lights out with a frying pan!" Flynn said.
"Anna can make your nose bleed just by sending a punch!" Hiccup said.
"And Hans is a very talented swords man!" Flynn exclaimed.

"We're talking about Elsa here." I said.
"She learns tai kwon do with Mulan!" The two shouted. I gulped.
"M-Mulan? The INTERNATIONAL tai kwon do champion?"
"Yes!" Flynn shouted.
"She's YOUR crush for crying out loud!" Hiccup shouted.
"I can't really pay attention when her ass is in front of me."

"What do you have in mind that's 'ass kicking' proof?" Hiccup asked pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well, here's what I have so far, step one, make Elsa think I'm totally cool, step two, bring her on a date, step three, congratulate and get married."

Flynn groaned and Hiccup face palmed himself. "That's, THAT'S, your brilliant, 'ass kicking' proof plan?" Hiccup asked.
"I have backup." Flynn said.
"What?" I asked.

"I know a couple of guys that are really good friends with her, they know her better than anyone, I think a can make a deal with them to woo your Snow Queen." Flynn said.

"When?" I half shouted.
"My ears hurt!" Flynn shouted.
"Whatever, just tell me when!"
"Today, after school, meet me at the gate." Flynn answered.
"Their names?"
"Violet and M.K."