"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
― Marilyn Monroe
The sun was just setting in a small sleepy and yet dangerous town down in South America. The sun covered the town in a blaze of red and orange, the sounds slowly dying down to nothing but small chatter of families and the sounds of the wildlife. As the light slowly faded away three lone figures made their way quickly down the back streets. Their hands gripped their weapons, feet moving silently and gracefully as the made their way towards their mark.
The leader, dark brown hair tied tight in a pony tail with its face covered by a blue mask with a vicious smile outlined in white. Two followed the leader, close on either side. One wore a mask like a cat, sweet and innocent, while the other wore a mask like a wolf. Fierce and focused. Up ahead they could hear the sounds of gunfire, soft pop pop sounds of silencers, and unspoken orders. The reached a cliff, scrambling up it with ease to get a better view of the sound. Just as they reached the top, the three masked figures watched as a group of six dressed in merc gear. Performing like a professional team.
They were on a mission.
So were the masked three.
"They're stealing our mark." The cat covered face spoke, female and soft like wind chimes.
"No, that wasn't our mark." The demon blue covered face spoke, also female but older.
"Then what was it?" Cat asked.
"The team down there." Demon spoke with a smirk to her voice.
"What do we do now?" The wolf spoke, female with heavy accent. "Should we follow them?"
"No, our mission is only to locate the team and confirm the status of its leader. We need to report back to the mistress now. Phase 2 will begin shortly once we get back. Let's move." Demon said and watched as the team moved together. Demon tilted her head to the side, eyes shone with a short of admiration at the team.
The three figures turned around once the team was out of sight. Carefully retracing their steps they left the area with nothing left behind. The flight back to the U.S was silent, two of the three sleeping soundly while the demon sat next to their pilot.
"Did you find him?" The pilot asked. He was a man in his late thirties, salt and pepper hair with laugh lines on his skin. He looked over at demon and gave the woman a look to which she sighed at.
"Yeah, we did. He was on a mission, our intel was right about that. It's just strange to see him alive after all these years. Last time I saw my father was when I was seven years old. After that, maybe once or twice after that." Demon said and reached into her pocket to pull out a picture of a family of three. A mother, a father, and a young girl were all smiles in the picture but the woman holding it held a frown.
"He left to protect you Autumn. He left to protect you both." He man, named Jack, said. Autumn put the picture away and got up from her seat.
"I'm going to catch up on some sleep too. Let me know when you want a break." Autumn said and Jack huffed while rolling his eyes. He muttered something under his breath but Autumn ignored it, grabbing an empty cot and laying down. She quickly closed her eyes and allowed herself to sleep, dreaming of a family before it was broken.
The team landed at a small airport, saying good-bye to Jack and each other before going their separate ways. Autumn, the woman with the demon mask made her way to where her truck was parked then made her way to a large hospital. From there she took the elevator up to the sixth floor where a young girl was waiting outside room 134.
"Mom have a relapse while I was away?" Autumn asked, sitting down next to the young girl. The girl was wearing a dress with leggings, flip-flops, and a sweater to go along with it. The girl nodded her head, moving her blond wavy hair along with her. Autumn frowned and brought the girl into her arms, waiting for the doctor and nurses to come out of the room. It was a good fifteen minutes before they came out of the room. Autumn stood up; asking the doctor what happened while telling the girl to go inside the room.
"Just a small relapse. Her condition is getting worse I'm afraid. Unless we know what was injected into her in the next few hours, I'm afraid she won't last another few months. At max, three or four with what we can do here for her. I'm sorry." He said and left the woman standing in the hallway, taking deep breaths while pinching the bridge of her nose.
This day was not going well at all.
Autumn walked inside the room and sat on the other side of the bed. The woman in the bed, hooked to various machines, looked frail and weak. Her blond hair looked greasy and dirty, her skin pale and she looked tired. On her right arm sat a tattoo of a raven and the haunted words below it that reminded Autumn of what her mother asked of her.
"Did you find him?" Autumn's mother asked, her voice weak. Autumn sat down in the empty chair besides the bed, bring it closer so her mother wouldn't strain to hear her.
"I did. He was on a mission like our intel said, and he seemed to be okay from what I could see. It's a different team, new faces." Autumn said. Her mother smiled weakly and coughed before the woman reached over and took Autumn's hand.
"And the house? Is everything taken care of?"
"Everything is moved in and I start my 'job' in a week and a half. Lily and I will visit when we can but I promise you that he will come. Even if I have knock him out and drag his body here." Autumn smiled while her mother shook her head.
"All I want, is for him to know everything. I want to say good-bye to him so he doesn't have to hear it from somebody else. I want him to know you and Lily." She coughed harder this time. "I thought there would always be more time."
"He'll come mom. You just have to stay strong." Autumn said, tightening her hold on her mother's hand.
"Lily has school tomorrow. You should take her home and get her ready." Her mother said, changing the subject. Autumn sighed, letting go the her mother's hand, knowing full well that her mother's forgetfulness was not due on her own accord.
"Come on Lily. Mom needs to rest. I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Autumn said and the little girl cheered.
"I want chicken fingers!" Lily said, packing up her coloring pad and crayons. She skipped down the hallways, waving good-bye to the nurses. The girls left the hospital, Autumn calling to their favorite diner about a pick-up order, while Lily rambled about her day with mom. They picked up the food and drove to their new home where a moving truck is still parked out front. Just as they were pulling in, their next door neighbor was pulling his bike up his driveway as well. Autumn didn't say anything except give the man a friendly wave before following Lily towards the door.
The girls ate their dinner, watching TV and making small talk. Once dinner was over the girls got ready for the next day, Lily setting out her clothes and getting her school bag packed while Autumn made Lily's lunch then cleaning up the rest of the house. Even though they just moved in a few days ago, it looked a lot better than it did when they first bought it. Many things needed to be gutted and renewed, while most just needed a new pain job. Thankfully, after hard work, things were looking better, almost like an actual home for the girls.
"Autumn, can you tuck me in?" Lily called from the top of the steps. The woman stopped what she was doing to make the trek upstairs where her sister was waiting. The room was painted a light purple color with Sophia The First stickers and decor everywhere. Lily was a huge fan for being a four-year old.
"Are you going to be able to sleep by yourself tonight?" Autumn asked and Lily sighed.
"Maybe. If I have a nightmare can I sleep with you?" Lily asked and Autumn softly smiled.
"Of course." She answered, kissing her sister's forehead. "Good night baby girl."
"Nighty night Autumn." With that Autumn turned off the light, closing the door but leaving a crack open to allow the hall light to pass through. Autumn sighed and went back downstairs to finish up cleaning. Once everything was done she made herself a cup of tea and headed for the porch. There she sat, sipping her hot tea carefully, while rocking softly on the porch swing. She looked over to her right to see her neighbor doing the same thing only he was drinking beer. They smiled at each other, holding up their drinks in a silence toast before returning their eyes to the quiet and dark sky.
Tomorrow the plan goes into motion.
No more hiding.
Only thing now that Autumn can do is bide her time until the time is right.
Starting with her next door neighbor, second in command of her father might be the way to go.
Unsuspecting and silent.
They'll never know what hit them.