Chapter 2
The unknown person that took Tony says "I never stopped trying to find you! Oh and before we get started back where we left off you should know that there isn't a chance that your team will find you. So, get used to the idea that it will be just you and me for the time being." Tony answers with "I don't what you say, my team will find me they will never stop looking and will put you in jail for kidnapping a federal agent. Whatever your plan is, isn't going to work." The unknown person gets furious and starts to beat him and eventually gets tired of beating him up with just his fits. He punches tony one more time right square in the gut and the force of the impact leads Tony fell to the ground with the chair he is tied to. The unknown person goes out of the room to get a something other than his fists to beat his point into Tony. This gives Tony the perfect window of opportunity that he needs to move his chair a few inches over to where his cell phone fell out of his pocket when the unknown person knock his chair over. He has work fast, not knowing when the person is going to come back, but he dials Gibbs's number and it connects just in time for when the person comes back into the room. The person starts to beat Tony up with more vigor than before when he realizes that Tony has called someone from his team. The person smashes the phone into pieces.
Gibbs and Ziva return the bullpen when the call gets dropped before McGee could even try to trace the call back to where it came from. Ziva goes down to Abby's lab to give her the blood sample from Tony's apartment. Even before stepping off the elevator Ziva could her Abby's music being blasted, she enters the lab and turns of the music which makes Abby notice that someone has come into her lab. Abby asks right away if they found anything that could help find Tony at his apartment. Ziva answers "We did not find much to go with, just that his door wasn't broken into which means that Tony mostly like knew his attacker or had another reason for opening his door." Abby is very worried about Tony and is pacing back and forth in her lab which prompts Ziva to try and comfort her but with her being Ziva she does not do a good job at that by saying "Abby, yes Tony was attacked, but remember the time when he got kidnapped at the bar and was stuck in the sueor with the victim that we were looking for, he mange to get both of them out of the room that they were locked in and Gibbs met him and help to take down the murderer of the other victims. There is no to worry about just yet, he hasn't been gone that long." Abby responses with "You think that remember another time we Tony was kidnapped and in danger would help me to not worry about him right now! And even if he hasn't been gone that long, we have no idea where he is or who took him and why they took him!? Last time we knew right away that something happened to him and why he was taken because it was related to the case we were working on at the time." Ziva leaves Abby alone since her trying to calm her down is own making things worse. Back up in the squad room things aren't much different than when Ziva left for Abby's lab, McGee has gotten nowhere on tracking the email back to its source and Gibbs is up talking to the director about what is happening with Tony.
Weeks start to go by without anymore leads to go by the case of what happened to Tony start to grow cold. But the team refuses to give up and have been staying at the office most of the time trying to find any small possible lead to what happened to Tony. As the weeks continue to go by Gibbs's mood starts to go down with hill, he starts snapping everyone head's off. When the team tries to get him to go home during the first week he just yells at them and say that he will not give up on Tony. Weeks later after he finally went home, Vance assigned the team another case other than Tony which caused Gibbs to get furious with Vance. The yelling match between them was seen by everyone on the floor, the whole office knew that Tony held a special place in Gibbs's heart. They didn't know what would happen to Gibbs if Tony wasn't found soon. They had gotten the video surveillance from Tony building which showed Tony coming home from work the night of working on the kidnapping of the ten-year-old boy. But there was nothing after Tony come home after work, the camera just goes blank with the tape having been erased.