AN: In my story "Still Untitled: A story of Edd" it gets mentioned that Marie likes to write, and I threw in the idea that she was writing a story of all the Ed, Edd n Eddy kids at a functioning Jurassic Park (Just like the new Jurassic World movie that's coming out next year). It sounded like a fun idea to explore, so I took a shot at it. Some character traits will be the same, but the stories are unrelated and you don't have to have read one to follow the other. Though, please read both! Is it sad I spent my entire birthday just writing this and watching Arrow? Enjoy!

It was finally here! The day Marie had been waiting for for so long. Peach Creek High was taking all of the their classes to Jurassic Park! Marie had always been fascinated with Dinosaurs and dreamed of being able to see one, touch one, smell one! Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the point! She was excited, and rightfully so.

What seemed like nothing more then every ten year old's wet dream came true just a few years ago when Scientists brought Dinosaurs back to life using some complicated genetic stuff that no one but them could possibly hope to understand. As expected, a lot of people were against it, saying they'd be used as weapons and things like that. When the park opened people went in boatloads to see the creatures from our childhoods alive, breathing, close enough to touch. People still have their opinions and say it's wrong to have brought these "monsters", as they put it, back to life. However, most just go and enjoy the fact that they're lucky enough to walk with these titans of the past.

It was Friday morning in the Cul-De-Sac, the morning the kids would embark on their trip to Jurassic Park. Three days, two nights at the resort. In addition to the obvious attraction of the Dinosaurs the island also hosted an amusement park and hotel. So while the kids drooled over breathing Dinos, the parents could sit down somewhere and relax, have a bite to eat, play a long game of golf on their miles long golf course. There was something for everyone.

Marie however had every intention on spending every second she could with the Dinosaurs. She was bringing her sketch pad and camera so she could capture their beauty and look back on them forever. She also had an entire notebook of questions she wanted to ask the scientists about. Since the Dinosaurs were created using some DNA of modern day animals their appearance and behavior differ slightly from the true Dinos of the past, and that was one of the things Marie wanted to learn about most.

Marie paid quite a bit extra in order to get to do a sort of internship while on the island. She would get to hang out with the scientists and the people who feed and care for the animals, get to learn about them from the people who know them best. The best part of the park was the man behind everything, the funding for the research, the park itself, everything, genuinely believed everybody should be able to see these animals, so the price of entering the park was surprisingly low. The extra stuff is how they get you!

"Alright. Notepad, check. Sketchpad, check. Cloths, check. Snacks, check. Not going to pay ten dollars for a bag of chips there". The blue haired beauty was finished checking over her luggage for the twentieth time this morning. She didn't sleep a wink last night as she was far to excited at what this weekend had in store for her. She looked to her watch. 6:30 am. The students were all to be at the school by seven to board the buses that would take them to the boat which would carry them to the island of Isla Nublar. The home of Jurassic Park.

All three of the Kanker sisters were going on the trip but Marie was by far the most excited. May was excited to go, but only so she could ride on the back of some of the more tamed Dinosaurs. Lee was really only going because her mother asked her to keep an eye on her sisters. The whole thing was just an annoyance to her. Marie's enthusiasm for the trip wasn't helping her mood any ether.

"What are you two doing!", Marie cried as she entered the living room of their trailer. "We have to be at school in thirty minutes, why aren't you two getting ready"? The youngest sister, the blonde dimwitted May, merely made undecipherable grunts at Marie while her face rested on a pillow on the floor by their television set. Lee, the eldest of the three, remained silent, flipping threw channels, trying to find something that caught her interest. "Hello!", Marie yelled. She threw a nearby pillow at Lee's head, causing her to get angry and walk over to Marie.

"I'll get ready when I damn well feel like it, Marie!", Lee was not a morning person. They both knew that if they were to start fighting, chances are Marie would come out on top. She stayed in shape, ran, played sports, all that stuff, while Lee was pretty much a coach potato. Lee knew after taking the time to get ready for the trip Marie wouldn't want to get "dirty", especially since she wouldn't have time to fix herself back up. This is usually when May would have to break them up.

"Calm down Marie. Shesh, our bags are packed already. We were waiting on you".

"Yeah!", Lee said, backing down from Marie's face. "We don't have to put on all that make up to look good". She patted her tall, curly, red hair. "See? All ready to go". Marie was in to good a mood to be so easily irritated by Lee today. Nothing, nothing at all, could bring her down from the great place she was in. On top of getting to actually see and study Dinosaurs with professionals, she would get to ride on a huge boat, something she hadn't done since she was a little girl.

The sisters made there way to the school just in time. Dozens of the schools kids were in attendance for the trip. Some parents didn't want their children going so far away on their own for the whole weekend, which is the only reason the entire school didn't show up. There were six buses filling up with kids. They were split up based on their grade. The Kankers got on the 11th grader's bus and found seats at the very back of the bus, May and Lee in one seat, and Marie alone across from them.

Marie's buried her face in one of her notebooks, jotting down her thoughts so not to lose them on the long trip. All the familiar faces of the neighborhood were entering the bus. Keven was sitting by himself a few seats up from the Kankers, Jonny and Rolf took the seat across from Kevin, Nazz sat at the front of the bus by herself with here headphones on, the Eds were just making their way onto the bus. Eddy quickly grabbed the seat next to Nazz while Ed sat next to Kevin. The only seat left was the one by Marie.

"Hello Marie, would you mind if I took the seat next to you"? Marie gave no response to Edd's inquiry. He gently tapped her shoulder, breaking her focus on her notes. "I'm sorry Marie, would you mind If I sat next to you? I'm afraid there are no more seats"?

"Oh, yeah, fine.", she said, not really paying much mind to Edd and sliding over so he could sit. Then she went right back to her notes.

The boat the kids would be boarding to the island was about a two hour drive. The boat ride itself would only be an hour or so. Not that long of a trip really. All of the kids were finding different ways to keep busy during the drive. Rolf was telling stories of his home country to Jonny and Ed, Nazz was texting and listening to her music while Eddy tried to flirt with her. Kevin was just staring out the bus window at all the passing cars, Lee and May were fast asleep, Edd was reading a book, and lastly, Marie was on her laptop looking up information about Isla Nublar, which caught Edd's attention. He had done quiet a bit of research himself, but it's never a bad idea to look over others findings. Marie noticed him looking over.

"Can I help you?", she playfully barked.

"Oh, um, sorry Marie. I was just curious of what you were doing is all". Marie smiled and turned her laptop towards Edd. She was looking at maps of Isla Nublar. "Maps? What for?", Edd asked.

"Turns out the park only takes up about half the space of the island all together. I wanted to see if there was anything besides the park out there. Making something like Jurassic Park you'd think they'd want all the space they could get right"?

"It's a fair point. However you only need so much space. Expanding takes a lot of time, and A LOT of money. They probably only use the land they need".

"I suppose so. I guess I can just ask them when I get there".

"Them, Marie"?

"I joined an internship program while on the island. I get to tag along with the scientists and caretakers of the animals for the weekend. It's going to be great".

"I wasn't aware there was an option like that. Wish I would have known".

"Maybe next time oven mitt".

When the bus finally reached it's destination the kids were all quick to exit the buses. Being cramped in for that long isn't particularly enjoyable. Luckily, the boats they were about to board gave much more room to everyone. The boat ports were made by the company that owned Jurassic Park. They've set them up all over the country to give fast access of the island to everyone. The ports were more like the entrance gates of the park. It's where people got their passes, paid their fees, etcetera. The school had a deal made long in advance and none of them had to wait to get their affairs in order and board the boat. Several of them were needed to get everyone across on a daily basis. Each boat had a set time to depart, and the school planed the bus to arrive just before theirs was to depart.

Once the ship took sail Marie remembered why she loved riding them as a kid. She perched her head on the side railings and looked at the boat rip threw the water. Looking around the deck she say a lot of kids nervous about being on a boat. 'Wussies' she'd think to herself. She saw Jimmy, face pale and sweating by the edge, getting ready to throw up. She felt bad for laughing, but only for a second.

"Look everyone, I can see it!", Jonny yelled. And sure enough, there it was. Isla Nublar. The island looked massive, even from this distance. The boat had to enter some sort of gate built in the water. She didn't read anything about that.

"Wonder what it's for". After a quick debriefing by some of the park employes the kids were set off to the island.

Even the entrance was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful plants Marie had never seen before planted everywhere. So bright and colorful, and the smell! Amazing. There was an unreal amount of people exiting other boats and walking towards the park. Marie was happy she wouldn't have to be in the middle of all that though, given that she would be up close with the dinosaurs for most of the trip.


Each student was given a bag that included a wristband that granted access to certain areas of the park based on it's color, a bottle of water, and a map of the park. The maps marked where each attraction, Dinosaur, ride, restaurant, foot kart, etc, was located. All the kids were excitedly talking about were they wanted to go first. Marie was supposed to go to the visitors center in the middle of the park to meet with the group of people who paid to go 'behind the scenes' of the park. Before any of that though, she, and most of the kids, decided to drop off their luggage in their hotel rooms. Three students to each room, all boy or all girl.

Even after dropping everything off she didn't need, Marie was off to the visitor's center. She carried a bag with her laptop, notepad, and sketchpad in it, as well as her camera wrapped around her neck. The hotel was a bit of a walk from the center so by the time Marie got there her feet were killing her. She read that they're supposed to give her a white lab coat. That excited her to no end!

The visitors center was a huge building filled with all types of artifacts and exhibits. Most notably, a huge statue of a man in the dead center of it. Marie walked up to it and read the plaque that was mounted on it, which simply read 'John Hammond' on it. Next to the statue there was a cane with a mosquito encased in amber. Marie went to touch it, but her hand was slapped.

"Ouch.", she cried, looking to see who was responsible. To her left was a women, couldn't be older then thirty, with shoulder length, dark red hair, wearing a lab coat.

"Come on, you know the rules. No touching.", the women said with a smile. "Judging from this I.D I was given, you are Marie Kanker, correct"?

"Yes, I am". The women smiled again and handed Marie an Park I.D with her name and photo on it. Marie was thrilled. "Thank you. So where's the rest of the group"?

"They're already down at the nursery. Care to join us"? Marie gestured for her to lead the way. She was hoping she'd get to see the nursery, where they keep eggs, but she didn't think she'd get to.

The Eds:

"Fascinating.", said Edd, observing a family of Stegosaurus. "Truly beautiful creatures". One feature Edd had took notice to at all the exhibits he and his friends have visited thus far is that they weren't small cramped cages, but rather vast expanses of land with enough room for each animal to run around and not feel confined.

"Holy shit, Double D! They just fed some dinosaur a shark! A damn shark! Ate it in one bite. This place is awesome!", Eddy screamed running towards Edd. "Hey, you seen Ed"? Edd looked around, baffled by his friends absence. Ed was understandably the most excited of all the students to see the dinosaurs.

"There he is!", said Eddy, pointing to a line a ways away from the two of them. Ed was in it, running in a circle, laughing. "What are you doing Lumpy?", Eddy asked.

"Eddy I get to ride the dinosaur! I get to ride the Dinosaur! I can't wait!", he screamed. Much to the annoyance of the others in the line. Edd could help but laugh at the enthusiasm his friend had.

"Alright everyone, this is the nursery. We personally hatch the newly born eggs here".

"Professor Bryce?", Marie called.

"Yes Marie"?

"Why don't you let the Dinosaurs do this themselves"?

"The survival rate for newly born Dinosaurs is lower then you may expect. When one of the mothers lays her batch of eggs we replace them with false eggs, so the parent can still nurture them, but we keep the eggs here to ensure their survival. Then when they're hatched and well enough to be with their mothers we switch them out with the false eggs".

"Do you have any sort of population control? Seems like the park could potentially get filled pretty quick otherwise".

"Litters of Dinosaurs are pretty small so the risk or overpopulating is virtually zero. We do have a facility on the other side of the island that houses some of the animals that aren't suited for the park. We've used that in the past when a number of any particular animal exceeds what their enclosure should have. We do everything we can to keep each animal safe and comfortable. Now, if you'll follow me, we'll meet the man behind all of this".

"Seth, Seth come in.", a man said over his radio.

"What is it Dean"?

"You need to get over here now, there's something you have to see. We need to get Professor Bryce out here now ".

"Alright, what are you freaking out about"? Seth looked down in front of Dean. There was a bloody carcass of what used to be a Dinosaur. It was ripped to shreds, missing limbs, and by the smell of it it was at least a week old. "I'll get Professor here immediately".