Pitch Black was frightfully aware that his future hung in the balance.

With one word from the Man in Moon, everything would be decided.

Would Pitch continue to be known as nothing more than the untrustworthy, manipulative, and domineering Boogyman? Would he continue his life, estranged from all others, alone and unwanted? Forever separated from all other immortals, and considered unworthy of association, much less freindship?

How could he be expected to carry on in such an existance? He had already endured many ages of this lifestyle of not needing anyone, and not wanting anyone to need him. There was no denying that living this way had finally become stale and meaningless.

In fact, if he was forced to go on in this manner, Pitch was certain he would rather die. If only an immortal could manage such a thing.

Just when Pitch realized this fact, he didn't know. Perhaps it had been slowly donning on him this whole time... This whole time since having met the Wishing Star that is... And my, how quickly Pitch had grown accostomed to her company! She was enchanting, mysterious and completely inspiring. With her, Pitch knew a fresh sweetness he had never known before in the span of his entire life.

And as he had just discovered only moments ago, the Wishing Star's greatest fear was the threat of loosing him. Pitch didn't want to dissapoint her. He didn't want to loose her either...

If there was only something he could do in this moment, to ensure that they would not be seperated...

The silence had lasted an excruciatingly long time. It seemed everyone was holding their breath, waiting in suspense for what the Man in Moon would say. For what he would do.

Then, the stream of moonlight which lit the room unexpectedly narrowed across the large crack in the floor, in which the Wishing Star had made by her own power. Slowly, the crack began to mend back together. By some act of magical manipulation, the damage done by the earthquake was restored, and a smooth, unscarred ground lay between Pitch, Wishing Star, and the Gaurdians.

And all the while, the Wishing Star was staring up into the light of her father's face, a smile upon her lips and joyful tears in her eyes.

As soon as the giant crack was mended, the Moon shifted, turning away from the cavern entrance, and removing his light with him.

Pitch gaped up at where the Man in Moon had been, not knowing what to think of what had happened. Confused, he turned to the Wishing Star for some help. A beautiful smile lit her face, and she rushed to him, clasping his hands in hers.

"Wh-what did he say?" Pitch asked, desperate for some clarification. She gladly gave it.

"My father has revoked his curse from you! He is giving you a second chance!" She beamed proudly, squeezing his hands with excitement. Pitch's mind reeled.

"He- he did?" He croaked.

"He did what!?" Shouted North.

"I don't understand," despaired Tooth.

"Aye! Tell us! What all was said!" Bunnymund protested.

"What curse?" Jack Frost demanded.

Sandy projected one large question mark over his puzzled face.

The Wishing Star laughed gently.

"Of course, allow me," she said, moving to approach the Gaurdians, and tugging a rather uncertain Pitch along with her.

"I'm afraid this whole thing begins with a story... And a long story it is. Please bare with me, and all your questions will soon be answered," The Wishing Star promised softly.

The Gauridans shifted to stand at ease, and Pitch quirked a brow, wondering just what 'story' was about to be told.

"A long time ago, Man in Moon created an immortal being in whom was given the special gift of being able to see people's deepest, most terrifying fears. His job, was to collect those fears and carry them, thus freeing the minds and hearts of man kind. However, after a great time passed, this immortal found his job becoming tiresome. Each fear he took became a burdon to him. For he found that no matter how hard he tried, the world would never be rid of fear. As soon as he took one, another would form in its place.

Resentment and frustration began to form inside the immortal's heart against human kind, for he saw them as being weak and cowardly. He could never understand their troubles, for he had been created by Man in Moon to be fearless. However, this trait made him proud, and turned him so haughty, that at last, he outright rebelled from his appointed task, and instead, turned to torturing and manipulating the humans with the very fears he was supposed to take away from them..."

Pitch's already deathly pale skin began to whiten even more at the story, plainly uncomfortable. But the Wishing Star just looked at him and boldly continued.

"When my father, the Man in Moon, saw how the immortal had fallen, he became very angry, and removed the imortial's fearlessness. He also placed upon him a curse... Since this immortal had deliberately made himself an enemy of his own free will, he was then doomed to a life where he would forever be so... Both to human, and immortal kind. And an enemy he has been ever since. Until today,"

Pitch looked down, unsure what he should say, or even how to feel. This was his history being shared, his life. And yet he'd never heard his story so condensed, so well summarized before. He didn't know quite what to make of it.

"Today, Pitch Black, my father witnessed a bright glimpse of goodness inside of you. He saw in you a deep longing to abandon your life of evil and mischief... A desire to be something other than a manipulator of fears... Instead, he saw in you a desire to remove a fear. My fear,"

The Wishing Star's eyes were glistening with tears now, and she squeezed Pitch Black's hand once more, trying to gain his full attention. Pitch was shyly staring down at the ground, uncertain how to respond with all this openness and vulnerability. Especially in front of the Guardians!

As it was, Jack Frost swallowed, appraently taken off guard by this dramatic turn of events. In fact, all of the Guardians appeared completely taken aback. All except for the Tooth Fairy perhaps. Tooth was smiling sweetly, with her hands clasped by her cheek.


The Wishing Star waited patiently until Pitch finally had the courage to meet her gaze.

"My father has decided to remove his curse from you...

You are no longer to be seen or treated as an enemy,"

Immdieatly, Pitch felt a strange heaviness lift off of him. The heaviness was so real, that it was actually physical. In the next moment, all of the Guardians witnessed as Pitch Black's gray skin cleared to a bright, healthy color. A pair of thick black eyebrows returned to his forehead and his is sharp, fanged teeth, straightened, evened and reduced to a normal appearance. His dark black eyes lit into a warm, friendly brown and his black cloak of darkness transformed into a suit.

Pitch stared at his feet, watching the transformation of his body as best he could, taking note of the healthy skin tone of his hands and arms. His heart beat pounded wildly, excitement, joy, peace, happiness, all crowded into his breast at once, overwhelming him to tears.

He fell to his knees, awestruck and defenseless to the barrage of pure, wonderful emotions being restored to him. He had not felt them for an eternity! It was like greeting old friends.

Pitch wept in wild abandon, not even realizing that he had apprehended the Wishing Star to hold her in his arms. She didn't seem to mind, for no struggle was made, and in fact, she hugged him in return, weeping with him.

The Guardians, suddenly feeling awkward to be present during this tender moment, were forced to wait until at last, Pitch opened his eyes and noticed them once more.

Getting ahold of himself, Pitch took a deep breath, releasing the Wishing Star from his grasp so she could slide out of his arms as they stood up together. She turned and smiled upon the Guardians, offering her hand out.

"Come, I beg you, and welcome Pitch into your fellowship. He has been restored, and thus, all grievances must be put aside," she bade them.

Reluctant at first, the Guardians slowly moved forward, until it was Tooth who hovered speedily forward and took Pitch's hand to shake it fervently, crying a happy congratulations! North, Bunnymund and Sandy all followed in her footsteps, genuinely coming to realize their own relief at the fact that this villain would no longer oppose them or the children they protected.

Jack Frost was last to congratulate Pitch, and it was hardest for him. It didn't take being a genious for Pitch to see that. He and Jack did, after all, have a rivalry.

So, it was Pitch who extended his hand first.

"I want to apologize to you, and make the promise that I shall endeavor to put all the evil of my past behind me. I hope, you can come to do the same," he expressed sincerely.

Jack eyed him, critically at first. But then, a warmth crept into his icy blue eyes, and the snow spirit extended his hand to meet Pitch's for a shake. When the handshake ceased, and Jack stepped backwards, he couldn't resist saying,

"I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, But I'm still not fully convinced this isn't some sort of trick..."

Pitch actually laughed at that, causing the other Guardian's to startle in surprise. The only laugh they were used to hearing from the Boogyman was a sinister one. Not this merry, jovial sound. The Wishing Star just smiled happily. Pitch finally stopped laughing and regathered himself. But a grin, on the verge of being a smirk, lingered there on his face.

"It's always fun and games with you, isn't it Jack Frost? Very well, it's just past midnight, and Halloween is here anyways," Pitch reminded everyone. The Wishing Star nodded, having also realized this.

"What will you do now, Pitch?" She asked gently, a tender affection in her voic and shining in her eyes. Pitch stepped near to her once more, gathering her hand in his.

"I, for one, believe I'd like to go Trick or Treat."


The End

Thank you all for reading, and to all those who reviewed! Can't believe this story took me years to finish! I'm a bit embarrassed, but oh well. All good things come to those who wait, right? I hope you thought this story to be a good one. Leave some more reviews for me, if you've got the time. I'd really appreciate it! ;)

-2Tame A River