
Within the next month or so, Lucy had finally straightened out all of the wedding details. No help to Mrs. Eucliffe who only left snide comments wherever she went.

The other thing that was keeping Lucy's mind preoccupied was the fact that Natsu hadn't gotten back to her. She tried not to let the fact that he wasn't going to attend bother her. I mean who was she to invite him anyway? Maybe it was better that he wasn't around, or she would lose herself just by taking one look at him.

And it's not like after one phone; they were suddenly friends again.

"Luce...Luuuccyy?" Lucy snapped out of her daze as she remembered where and what she was doing now. She looked up at Levy who was trying get her attention.

"I'm sorry what?" Lucy blinked once more.

"Come on Luce you can't be doing this now, Mrs. Eucliffe is already getting on my back about us being late. All the other bridesmaids are getting ready in the other room." Levy said as she fixed her makeup.

Lucy looked down at the two maids who were fluffing out her white dress and making sure there wasn't a wrinkle in sight.

"You know I don't even know a single one of those bridesmaids in there Lev, do you?" She asked her maid of honor.

"That's Sting's side of the family, we met them at the rehearsal dinner and a couple of times before that." Levy said as she applied some water proof mascara.

"Miss Lucy, I hope you don't mind me inviting Gray here..." Juvia who was standing awkwardly on the side, bit down on her lip.

"I said it was fine Juvia and stop calling me 'Miss' you're my friend, no need for the formalities." Lucy smiled as Juvia held back her tears and wanting to hug the bride to be.

As they continued to get ready; people were taking their seats.

After fighting for the best venue, Mrs. Eucliffe finally got to close down the grand plaza. It had the most beautiful garden on the top floor that over looked the city and the open sky.

"I'm not sure how she pulled this off, but even the sky is perfect for an outside wedding..." One of the women attending whispered.

"That's Stelliana Eucliffe for you," The woman's friend replied.

As everyone now began to take their seats; the bride tried her best to stay calm in the back dressing rooms.

"There's the bride to be, kisses darling!" Mrs. Eucliffe walked into the room and made air kisses towards Lucy.

Levy rolled her eyes before noticing the pained expression on dear friend's face.

"Uh, Mrs. Eucliffe why don't you make sure the bride's father is where he's supposed to be..." Levy ushered her out the door.

"Oh you're right, every thing should be absolutely perfect!" The snobby woman walked out of the room in a hurry with her heels click clacking away.

"Lucy sit down for a minute and breathe," Levy took her by the hand and lead her to a nearby seat.

"No I can't sit down, I'm too nervous and if I wrinkle my dress then that awful woman will kill me." Lucy began to pace back and fourth as she fanned her face with her hand.

"You can always back out Luce, I won't judge you for it." Levy gave her a sincere look as always.

"You might not, but what about my father and Mrs. Eucliffe? And what about the millions of people out there?"

"Who cares about everyone else Lucy! They aren't taking a huge step today, YOU are!" Lucy heard what she was saying. It was all up to Lucy though, she was the one who could make the call.

After taking deeper breathes, Lucy stopped pacing and nodded to Levy once.


As the band began to play, everyone stood up from their seats.

Entering the gardens, walked out Lucy with her flawless white gown and her bouquet in hand. She sparkled amongst anything else and everyone else on that roof.

She stopped before continuing down the aisle, linking arms with her father who was waiting for his beautiful daughter.

Once together they continued their way down, both with forced smiles of course.

Lucy had cleared her mind, thinking that was the only way she was going to go through with this.

As she made her way, she noticed all of the people who had attended. And there was only a few people who she really knew.

Since Lucy was the one being married she fought Mrs. Eucliffe about the guest list. And so in the rows there stood her friends, along with the new ones she had made during the summer.

She had also invited Erza who surprisingly came with her new fiance Jellal. Despite their differences over summer, Lucy had apologized and they eventually came to an understanding.

Juvia, Gray and Gajeel were placed in the front with gentle smiles...well except Juvia who was already starting to cry.

Finally standing up to the front, Lucy smiled at Levy. The one person who she had always considered her sister since birth.

After hugging her father once, he stepped to the side so she could face the altar with Sting.

"Everyone may be seated," The priest announced. Everyone took their seats once again.

"Before we begin I need to ask, is there anyone who opposes to this wedding speak now or forever hold your peace..." At that moment Lucy bit down on her lip, keeping the words from surfacing out. She slightly looked at Sting from the side and he seemed to be doing the same thing.

If he was so opposed to this wedding, then why was he even going through with this himself? What did he have to gain from all this?

Suddenly, people were shouting and out of one of the voices there was an "I object!"

Everyone turned their attention to the back of the isle to see who had just objected. Lucy turned around and her expression went completely flat.

"Isn't that the guy from the coffee shop?" Levy whispered over to Lucy, who was just as confused.

"Rogue...what are you doing here?" Sting stepped down from the altar.

"I object to this whole wedding, this whole idea of you marrying someone that I know for a fact you don't even love!" Rogue shouted.

"How dare you!" Mrs. Eucliffe stood up appalled at how her elegant wedding was being ruined.

"Who is that...?" Gray lifted his eyebrow.

"I feel like I've seen him before..." Gajeel did the same.

"I half expected that to by my brother..." Erza sighed in relief.

"I love you Sting and I don't care what we are or who we are as long we're together! And I also don't care what your mother threatens to do to me, however I won't forgive you if you marry that woman." Rogue pointed to Lucy.

Suddenly Mrs. Eucliffe came rushing out of her row, "How dare you come in here and disrupt this nice and expensive wedding!" She stomped her foot on the ground angrily.

"Mother enough!" Sting said.

"Don't interrupt me Sting! You both don't realize how embarrassing you both are being! Now I don't know what kind of voodoo spell you've put on my son, but I surely will not stand for this!" She hissed while calling over security to resume what they were doing in the first place.

"Now hold on just a minute," Mr. Eucliffe stood up from his seat and took his wife's side. The security released Rogue once again.

"Go back to your seat, this doesn't concern you." His wife rolled her eyes.

"Sting is my son too and I refuse to be kept out of the loop. Now Sting, what is going on here?"

Sting looked at Rogue who held a pained expression, he then turned his attention to everyone else.

"I'M GAY!" He shouted while lifting his arms up with a smile and a shrug.

"You're just confused, we can fix it honey..." His mother gave him a sympathetic look.

"Fix what exactly Stelliana? If that is how our son is, then that's how he is." Her husband shrugged it off.

"It's your fault that he doesn't know how to even be a man! All you ever do is sleep around with your cheap hookers, thinking I didn't know about them."

"Are we really doing this right now?" The two began to argue.

"You're impossible!" Stelliana made a grunt before walking off, her heels echoing down the isle.

"Come back here, you always think it's alright to walk away when I'm talking you never listen..." Mr. Eucliffe walked after her.

"Lucy..." Sting looked at his would be bride. She nodded in Rogue's direction with a smile, as if telling him to go for it.

Sting smiled and rushed over to his lover before they both made their own exits.

"Lucy dear I'm so sorry this didn't work out with Sting, maybe that was for the best." Lucy looked down at her father who held an apologetic expression on his face now.

She stepped down and hugged her father dearly.

"I will find you someone even better to marry don't worry." He whispered to her with an eager smile. She pulled away from him at once.

"Father this was it for me, I'm done I think I need to..."

"You don't need to think Lucy, you just need to do what I say. Now don't make a scene or..."

"I object!" Everyone looked up again to see who it was this time.

"Oh dear god..." Erza put her head down while slouching back in her chair.

"Natsu..." Lucy lifted her eyebrow, it suddenly turned sour as soon as she realized how late he was.

"Am I too late?" He huffed out as he put his hands on his knees leaning over.

"Are you okay?" Lucy rushed over to him and tried to see for herself.

"I just...I was in traffic and the driver wouldn't move, then this old lady almost ran me over tying to get her husband in the parking lot." He huffed out once more before taking a breath and standing straight.

"Lucy, we should excuse all of these guests and get started on your new suitor." Jude came walking over.

"Father I told you I'm done with this." Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you're Lucy's pop? It's nice to finally meet you sir," Natsu gave his hand to him to shake. Jude looked at his hand like it held some sort of lethal disease.

Natsu noticed the awkwardness and retracted his hand.

"Lucy let's go, I'll have someone else handle this." Jude grabbed her arm and tried to drag her away.

Natsu grabbed Jude's arm in a serious manner.

Jude dropped his hold on Lucy and turned to Natsu, "I don't know who you think you are, but you should butt out of our family affairs. None of this concerns you, now if you don't mind I will be taking my daughter now." Jude made an attempt to grab Lucy again, but Natsu blocked his way and stepped forward.

"Move or I will have you be removed, permanently." Jude challenged just with his stare.

"You can make all the threats you want against me, but I won't stand down anymore. I've stood down many times in the past and all that's left me with was pain and regret. I refuse to let another moment pass me by. I'm sorry sir, Lucy's father or not...she's leaving here with me." Natsu held his seriousness.

"Natsu..." Erza whispered to herself.

"And why on earth do you think I will just let you have my daughter so easily?"

"Because you know how it feels to be so in love with someone, you don't care what it took to be with them. I've worked really hard during these past months, and I didn't stop no matter what."

"Oh? And why should I care about what you've been doing?" Jude narrowed his eyes.

"I heard about your company, and I've already finalized everything."

"Wait what?" Lucy asked in confusion.

"I heard all about your father's company failing, this whole marriage thing was so that you could save it. I wasn't going to sit back and let you marry someone I knew you weren't in love with." Natsu turned to Lucy now.

"So you paid off all of the collectors...for me?" Lucy asked.

"I can't stop drinking without you Lucy."

"Um..." Lucy felt the need to sock him in the face just then.

"What I mean is...you make me better. I feel like my old self when I'm with you. And I don't care how many songs I need to write about you or how many shooting stars I need to wish for to be with you. I'm not afraid to tell people how I feel about you, I'll tell the whole world if I have to." Natsu took her hands just then, staring in her eyes.

"I love you Lucy," He took one hand to cup the back of her neck and kissed her. Lucy could feel the fire, the passion, all of the feelings she could never get rid of. Feelings that she knew she didn't ever want to give up on.

At that moment, it felt like the sky had gone completely dark with no one around them. The only light that was visible was the light they were both illuminating between them. The only stars that mattered right now were Lucy and Natsu.

As the kiss ended, Natsu leaned his head on her forehead.

"I love you too." Lucy huffed out with a bright smile. Pulling her into him, Natsu hugged her tightly. He noticed that behind Lucy, Jude nodded once to him before walking off.

Everyone stood up now to cheer for the new couple.

"That's my boy," Gajeel wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Way to go hot head," Gray whistled.

Erza leaned into Jellal, both watching with smiles.



"Do you Levy McGarden, take this man as your husband?" The priest asked.

"Yes I do." Levy smiled up at her husband to be, her eyes sparkling.

"And do you Gajeel Redfox, take this woman as your wife?"

"I do with all my heart." He smiled back at her.

As the waves crashed on the shore everyone felt jumpy as they awaited to cheer for the happy couple.

"Kish aweddy!" A little girl with scarlet hair squealed out from the isle. Everyone began to make subtle laughs now, Levy and Gajeel looked at the little girl and began to chuckle.

"Come here you," Jellal picked up his daughter and brought her back to his wife.

"By the power infested in me, you are now pronounced husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Gajeel placed a hand under his wife's chin and lifted it, placing a kiss onto her lips.

Everyone stood up now and started to cheer for the new married duo.

As the afternoon rolled in, everyone was still feeling the party going.

"Everybody welcome to the stage, Miss Summer!" Natsu announced before the four girls walked on.

The song started off slow



Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Finally everyone started dancing as the song picked up and started


"I got my plane destination set on you tonight!"


"I had a feeling this was going to be one hell of a flight!"


"Never knew how much I missed you!"


"Believe I put up a fight!"


"But now that we are here together, I know my feelings were right!"


"Yeah my baby, my darling!

Nobody knows...

How we party!

When we're alone...

Sparks they fly yeah!

Got my heart in the zone,

For you baby!"

Levy and Gajeel was of course the center of the dance floor with multiple couples surrounding them with the same happiness they were vibrating with.

"Wait for daddy, wait for daddy!" Jellal chased his daughter who only wanted to go into the ocean.

"I swear she's just like you..." Erza sighed to Natsu before helping her husband grab their daughter.

"I wasn't that bad..." Natsu said, lifting an eyebrow.

"Come on," Lucy giggled as she grabbed his hand and lead him away from all of the noise.

They walked hand in hand until they finally got to the edge of the beach where it was silent enough, and the sun was setting perfectly.

Natsu sat behind Lucy, cradling his arms around her so she was warm. She leaned into him and thought this felt so good.

"The stars will be shining soon," Lucy sighed.

"Enjoy every moment of this peaceful night, because tomorrow I'm pretty sure we're baby sitting." Natsu gave his own sigh.

"Well it's practice for us,"

"Practice?" Natsu lifted his eyebrow and looked down at his love.

"So when we have kids we know what to do." She looked up at him, putting her hand around his neck she pulled him down so she could kiss him.

"You really have a kissing complex," Natsu smiled behind their lips.

"Oh shut up!" They kissed once more before looking up at the sky that was slowly beginning to show their stars.