
Harry turned immediately, and scanned for the owner of the voice, but he couldn't see anyone suspicious other than the owner of the shop, the voice was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. He quickly gathered the needed potion ingredients, placed down the money on the counter and left. He sped up his footsteps and made it back to Diagon Ally, he left for the second to last place he had to be; Ollivanders.

The shop was narrow and shabby, the peeling gold letters over the door read Ollivanders: Makes of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. It wasn't the best shop to be in, but it was the best shop to be for wands in England, it didn't even need any decorations except for a single wand which was on top of a faded purple cushion in the dusty window. Harry quickly entered, and a tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop. Harry looked around, it was a very tiny place, and it was empty except for a single, spindly chair in the corner. "Good afternoon, I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter. You have your mother's eyes. It seems only yesterday-" Harry let the old man drone on, he did not particularly care about Lily's or James' wand, he only cared about his own wand.

"Well, now - Mr. Potter. Let me see," Harry watched as the old man pulled out a long tape measure with silver markings out of his pocket. "Which is your wand arm?"

"My right hand." Harry said impatiently, he held out his arm, and Mr. Ollivanders started to measure Harry from should to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round his head. As Mr. Ollivanders was measuring him, he started to talk about wands. Harry sighed inwardly, this was going to be a long hour, why would anyone think you could measure magic? It was only for show, it wasn't like finding the right shoes or the right clothes.

After a while, the old man finally started to hand Harry wands, they went through a bunch, and the pile of tried wands was a small mountain. Finally, the old man said, "Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we'll find the perfect match here somewhere - I wonder, now - yes, why not - unusual combination - holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple." Harry slowly reached for it, expecting it to be like all the others, but he felt a sudden warmth in his fingers, he slowly waved the wand, and a stream of silver and green sparks shot from the end, repairing all the damage he had created.

Mr. Ollivander cried, "Oh, bravo! Yes, indeed, oh, very good. Well, well, well... how curious... how very curious... "

"Why is it very curious?" Harry asked, wanting to know why it was very curious.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand gave another feather – just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother why, its brother gave your younger brother a scar. Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how the wand chose you. The wand chooses the wizard, remember… I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter… After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things – terrible, yes, but great." Harry stared at Mr. Ollivander, he knew that Mr. Ollivander probably thought that dear Jonathan would get the wand, after all, Jonathan was the bloody boy-who-lived.

"Is there any wand holsters?" Harry asked; it was recommended to have a wand holster from the book 'Deadly Duelers.' Who would put their wand in the back pocket, with the chances of breaking it, burning yourself and it was also very hard to get wands that were in back pockets.

"Yes, yes. There are many wand holsters, which type do you want?" Mr Ollivander seemed slightly surprised, there were probably not many people that bought wand holsters.

"A standard dueling holster." A standard dueling holster was charmed to be invisible and cannot be removed by anyone but the owner.

"That will be nine Galleons in total." Harry carefully counted out nine Galleons and left the shop. He headed towards the Eeylops Owl Emporium.

Harry entered Eeylops Owl Emporium, there were many types of owls around, different sizes, different colors. There were also the ordinary types of owls, such as Barn Owls, Brown Owls, Screech Owls, Tawny Owls. But none of them really captured Harry's attention, he began to make his way deeper, he noticed a snowy white owl, and he instantly knew he wanted to have that one.

"Hedwig, I am going to name it Hedwig." Harry whispered to himself when he had bought the snowy white owl. He walked towards the leaky cauldron, preparing to go home as he had finished shopping.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I had writer's block. And I'm sorry it's so short. I started this chapter a few months ago, and I finished this chapter like a month ago. I'm so sorry for the long wait, I hope you haven't thought I abandoned it. I just update like really, really slowly. And I know most of this was from the book, but the story will go faster in further chapters. Once again, thanks for still reading this story.