Okay before I start this thing I should mention that this story has a few things changed from the show. So keep in mind:

The Bad End Generals are from another "Storyland" world, not Märchenland.

They do not have fairy forms.

Wolfrun is important and must be protected at all costs.

I. Prologue

Wolfrun had a pretty awful life. Being raised in the woods instead of a proper house, losing his parents to hunters, and considered a pariah to all the surrounding towns, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who had it as difficult as him. If you asked the residents of the towns, though, they'd tell you that he deserved it.

"Did you hear what he did to those poor pigs' houses?"

"He tried to abduct Red, he did!"

"He ambushes travelers in the woods! ...probably."

"Good thing the third brother built his house out of brick! I heard the monster burned himself trying to get in through the chimney!"

"He almost ate her grandmother too! Good thing that hunter came by when he did!"

"I tells ya, I woulda cut im open, filled im with rocks, an tossed 'is ass into the river! If he wasn't sucha slippery bastard, that is!"

Right about now is when you realized, right? Wolfrun is the Big Bad Wolf. The villain. The guy everybody hates, and with good reason! However, it is very simple for an event to be misconstrued by a biased mouth. If you were to ask Wolfrun himself about these events, he'd tell a different story.

"Ehhh? Is that what you heard?" Wolfrun was talking to Akaoni, a large red man that he had recently found himself partnered with, as well as a small witch, Majorina.

"Yeah! You blew those puny houses to smithereens! Those stupid little pigs thought they could build houses out of straw and twigs? BAHAHAHAHA!" Akaoni went into one of his laughing fits again. Wolfrun only knew him for about a week at this point, but he could already tell that this would become a recurring theme. How could those high pitched noises be coming from such a big guy?

Akaoni eventually recovered, sniffling and wiping a tear from his eye. He suddenly donned a serious expression. "If I were there I could have smashed that brick house, though." the giant stated. "I can't believe you actually tried to get in through the chimney." Of course he started snickering as he spoke that last sentence. "All for some pork to eat! GA HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Here we go again.

Wolfrun closed his eyes and growled, waiting for the thunderous outburst to finally end before speaking up. It didn't, but he managed to find a relatively quiet pause. "And I'm telling you, those damn pigs were trying to get me to attack them! They were looking for trouble! Building those ridiculous houses next to my woods. Acting friendly whenever they saw me. And then one of them invited me over for something to eat, but when I got to his house, he wouldn't let me in! Of course I was gonna blow that pathetic house of his down!" By now Akaoni's laughter attack had stopped, and Wolfrun continued. "And I blew down the next house, too! And the next one...I tried...and then...I was really hungry..." his speech grew soft toward the end.

"Aha, so they got what was coming to them, then? Even better!" Majorina finally spoke up. The tiny witch had been so quiet during the exchange that Wolfrun almost forgot she was even there. "And here I thought you would be a mindless monster! But you're more like me than I thought!"

"And me!" Akaoni chimed in.

That was the most odd and infuriating thing to Wolfrun. Here were these two people who he did not even know existed until recently, and they had already known who he was. Or rather, they knew who the Big Bad Wolf was. Was his reputation so bad that it spread outside of the towns near his woods? Just how many more people hated him? People that he hadn't even met!

At least Akaoni and Majorina didn't hate him. It didn't seem that they did, at least, and that was really all he could ask for at the moment.

"So what happened with that girl then?" Majorina seemed just as curious as Akaoni was before. "Did you really not try to eat her and her grandmother?"

Wolfrun covered his face with his hands briefly, removed them, and looked up at the ceiling. "No, I did not try to eat Red or her grandma!" he said, a little louder than was perhaps necessary. He snapped his view back down. "Where do people even come up with this crap, anyway? I don't eat humans! I've never eaten a human before! Why would I want to? They smell horrible!" His hands returned to his face. Why had he even agreed to talk to them about this in the first place?

There was a brief moment of silence, broken by Akaoni. "So what happened?"

After an exaggerated sigh, Wolfrun began. "Red got lost in my woods, alright? I found her slumped against a tree, crying. I showed her the way out and she was...grateful. She invited me into her house." He choked. Strange. He'd never told this story out loud before, but he certainly replayed it in his head. Hundreds of times. Thousands, maybe.

She was the only one.

He shook his head as his audience stared at him in bewilderment. Clearing his throat, he continued. "A-anyway, one of the hunters that prowls the streets for some reason saw me go into her house, and he burst in and chased me out. He must have spread that asinine tale of me trying to eat the lady to bolster his own ego." Wolfrun crossed his legs and folded his arms. "Are we done?"

"Yeah, yeah." Akaoni mumbled as he got up from his seat and walked away. Majorina left without saying anything, leaving Wolfrun alone in the small room. He stared down at the triangular table and pondered his current situation. It hadn't been that long ago when a slim, masked man in jester's garb appeared in Wolfrun's forest. Of course Wolfrun tried to chase him out, but the man stood his ground. He introduced himself as "Joker", and offered a proposal.

"You're going to help my master, the great Lord Pierrot, give a Bad End to all worlds!" Joker licked his lips and smiled, showing his abnormally long canines.

"What are you talking about, clown?" Wolfrun had been relaxing by a stream and was understandably annoyed by the mildly terrifying interruption.

"Ohhhh hohoho! He has a bite! The Big Bad Wolf has a bite! I need that, sir! I need your bite!" The jester started to clap and then snap his jaw shut multiple times.

"Don't call me that you freak!" He did not know where that horrible nickname came from, but it stuck somehow. And now creeps he didn't even know were calling him that. Great. "Now answer my question. Why do you need my...'bite'?"

"Hmm he's got his teeth but he hasn't got his EARS! My dear friend, I've already told you: I need your aid in giving the universe the worst of conclusions! Full of darkness, despair, and suffering!" Joker did a pirouette, flinging his arms out dramatically as confetti burst forth out of thin air. "A BAD END!"

Wolfrun was getting pretty pissed off at this point. "And what the hell do you mean by a ba-"

Joker quickly lunged forward and put a hand around his muzzle, as someone might do to a dog to stop it from barking. For such a wiry person, he was strong. Joker moved his face uncomfortably close to Wolfrun's. The eyeholes in his mask were impossibly dark. "Paaaaatience mister Wolf. I will tell you what you need to know, but I must have absolute silence when doing so." He released his grip and patted him on the head, prompting a growl from Wolfrun. Joker waved a finger in a scolding motion and continued. "This world has never been kind to you, has it? You've been suffering for as long as you remember. Mister Wolf, I've been watching you for quite some time now, and I know what you feel. This world is not made for you! Its inhabitants reject you and demonize you! You try your hardest, but your hardest just ISN'T. GOOD. ENOUGH." Joker struck a ridiculous pose for each of those last words, holding the last one while slowly turning his head to face Wolfrun, a wide toothy grin forming on his face. "These people have stolen this world from you, and you are going to help the great Lord Pierrot steal it from them."

Of course this had intrigued Wolfrun, eventually causing him to go with Joker to the Bad End Kingdom, which wasn't so much a "kingdom" as it was a few buildings on top of a mountain surrounded by noxious water and dead forests. It was here where he was introduced to Akaoni and Majorina, two other people who were cast aside by the populace. Once together, Joker informed them of Pierrot's plan to attack Märchenland, a world not unlike their own that was inhabited by small creatures called fairies.

"Märchenland's queen is the only being capable of hindering Pierrot's power. That is why we are starting there first! To ensure that we are not stopped by anything!" Joker had explained to the three recently dubbed Bad End Generals. Understandably, they were anxious to give their own world a Bad End, but the situation was a little more complicated than Joker's initial pitch. He assured them that their world would get the end it deserved soon enough. To help them in their mission, Joker granted the three the ability to fly as well as the power to spawn creatures called Akanbe to help them fight.

The attack on Märchenland was carried out quite effectively. Not only that, but Wolfrun finally felt alive. For the first time in his life he was needed. He was important. He had allies that depended on him, and he relied on them in turn. Of course they tried to make it seem like they didn't require each others' help, but they couldn't have accomplished anything without a team. Joker may have freaked him out, but Wolfrun knew that without him he'd still be stuck in that forest. Or dead.

Unfortunately for the Bad End Kingdom, their assured victory was taken away when Pierrot ended up getting sealed away by the queen during the final battle. However, the queen herself was also sealed away, ending the conflict in a stalemate. With the last of her strength, the queen sent some of her power to another universe in the hopes that five chosen warriors, the Precure, would use it to unseal her so she could finish off Pierrot. She also sent a young fairy named Candy to find the potential heroes.

Joker's counter plan was sending Wolfrun to the recently opened universe to collect Bad Energy from the people there, which would ultimately revive Pierrot. Once he had arrived there, Wolfrun quickly ran into Candy as well as one of the inhabitants of the new world.

Cure Happy...

The young girl had not given off any Bad Energy. That was the first warning sign. Second, she had ended up protecting Candy and started blabbering about...how to achieve happiness? Trying hard and not giving up? He really didn't know where all of that was coming from. The only thing she had heard him say was how he was planning on giving the world a Bad End. Why was she talking about this crap? Right as he was about to grab Candy from her (and maybe mortally wound them in the process since he didn't really care about finesse at the time) the girl was struck with a pillar of pink light.

And that's how the first of the Precure appeared. Cure Happy. Who then proceeded to kick Wolfrun out of the new world. And to add insult to injury, it seemed that she knew all about his debacle with the pigs and made a reference to his inability to destroy bricks with his breath. He hadn't thought much of it at the time, but back at the Bad End Kingdom, it really started to eat away at him.

"Seriously, Joker! How the hell did she know about that? I thought we were going to a different world to collect the Bad Energy! How does she know about me?" He didn't want to show it, but he was scared by this. More so than the fact that he would have to start fighting legendary warriors. After all his time as a Bad End General and the damage he had wrought under that title, he still despised the false reputation of the Big Bad Wolf. He had left that behind. But now it was being unearthed again. Along with the pain.

Joker was sitting cross-legged on top of the table in the middle of the main meeting room playing cat's cradle with some yarn. Being around Joker as long as Wolfrun had certainly lowered his scare factor quite a bit, especially since he acted like a child most of the time. Wolfrun could tell he knew what he was doing though. The clown focused his attention on the string tangled in his hands while addressing Wolfrun's question. "This new world we have entered, it is called Earth! And Earth is the source of all other worlds. All the worlds we know of, at least! The stories written on Earth created the worlds that we know, mister Wolfrun! I'm sure that this Precure girl knows all about you. As well as the rest of the populace. In a way, they created you! And if we give Earth a Bad End, all the worlds we know will follow!" With that, Joker let out a giggle and disappeared into thin air.

They...created me?

He was going to end this world. That is what he was going to do. It would happen eventually. But learning about this had certainly piqued Wolfrun's interest. This was only exacerbated by the television that they kept in their headquarters, which started to pick up signals from Earth once Joker had made the initial connection. Wolfrun found himself drawn to it whenever he had any free time. The programs usually depicted people interacting with each other with smiles on their faces. Sometimes they would wrap their arms around each other, deriving some sort of pleasure from the act.

Is that what people do when they gather?

Is this what they do in the towns?

...is this what I've been missing?

...I want to be a part of this.

Sure, Wolfrun spoke with Akaoni and Majorina, but it never felt the same as what he saw on the television. Conversations with the two of them were either work-related or had to do with something mundane. His interest in Earth grew with each passing day.

The months went by, and the four remaining Precure appeared: Sunny, Peace, March, and Beauty. Candy's brother Pop came from Märchenland to help them as well. Many battles were fought, but the Bad End Generals were able to gather enough Bad Energy to revive Lord Pierrot. Sort of. The Precure had stopped the process somewhat, requiring them to collect even more Bad Energy to resurrect him fully. After all that time, Wolfrun sometimes felt that Pierrot was a lost cause. Of course he did not tell anyone else that, but he found that his motivation to collect Bad Energy had started to fade, and he began to realize just how unpleasant the Bad End Kingdom really was. The atmosphere made him feel angry, trapped, and hopeless. Earth trips always seemed to clear his head, but he'd only be there for a short while to collect Bad Energy.

On one particularly hot day in the Bad End Kingdom, Wolfrun decided to visit Earth to cool off. No Bad End business. Just go there and relax. He felt it was long past due, and the Bad End Kingdom had started to drive him insane. He chose a shady creek in the mountains to cool off, and it was perfect. No responsibilities, no worries. People hated him, he didn't care.

Of course, Wolfrun's luck with such things was incredibly low. It wasn't long before he was accosted by strange creatures with beaks (Majorina later told him that they were called "Kappas"), causing him to fall in the water. As soon as he was able to orient himself, he darted out of the forest...and of course the Precure were right there, gathered outside of a small secluded house.

"Wolfrun?" Cure Happy was the first to speak up. All the other Cures were there, each one with a different expression on their face. An older woman was also seated near them.

Wolfrun turned to face them, surprised and really annoyed that they had showed up on the day he had chosen to relax. "You brats? What are you doing here?" He had intended to sound intimidating, but his voice came out a little too high pitched due to what had just happened.

"Could ask you the same, soggy!" Cure Sunny, who had formed a sort of rivalry with him, fired back.

"I was just cooling off when that-" Wolfrun cut himself off when he realized that each one of the Cures was holding a cob of corn. There was never any food in the Bad End Kingdom, besides the horrid concoctions that Majorina created (did she even consume that stuff?). Most of the food he ate he scavenged from Earth. He was usually in a constant state of hunger, and now was no exception. He swallowed hard and just stared, contemplating what to do next.

He really wanted some of that food.

"W-what's with you?" Sunny finally spoke up, albeit quite softly. The old woman behind them started to move.

"Oh my, I think he must be hungry. I'll go fetch you something to eat." She got up and started to walk into the house. "I'll just be a second."

Wolfrun's face grew hot."Hey, you, not so fast!" his voice, once again, faltered a bit as he got the words out. What was this woman doing? "Why on earth aren't you scared of me?" Something wasn't right. Even Red had been afraid of him initially.

She stopped, stepped back a bit, and turned around to face him. "Scared? But you're such a cute little fox!"

What the hell. "I'm not a fox, you dumb broad! I'm a wolf!" Wolfrun stomped his feet for emphasis.

She did not seem phased. "Well, you're still very adorable!" Sunny barely stifled a laugh, and the other Cures turned to him, smiling. This whole situation was surreal.

He was shaking now. He didn't know why, but he was, and his face was about to catch fire. He had given up hope of getting any food at this point. The Precure were here, and it was his job to fight them. "I'll show you just how scary a wolf can be!" he said while he put his boots on, sopping wet. He knew he couldn't get any Bad Energy from the Precure, but the old woman was sure to give off plenty, frail as she was. He began the ritual required to sap Bad Energy, relishing in the look on the lady's face as she fell into despair.

Except she didn't.

He tried again and again, but no Bad Energy emanated from her. She simply looked at him with a smile on her face. Eventually Wolfrun just stopped, staring with his mouth agape. Who exactly was she?

"She's not giving off any Bad Energy..." Cure March spoke up, voicing what Wolfrun had already figured out.

"Why not?" Happy inquired.

The little puffball Candy, who had also been there apparently, became excited. "Because she's not giving into despair!"

Not giving into despair?

Wolfrun snapped out of his trance. "But how? Why aren't you reduced to despair?" He didn't know what he was feeling at that point. Anger? Curiosity? Fear? His whole world seemed to have come crashing down on him and he needed to know why.

The old woman responded almost immediately. "What reason would I have to be?"

"Your future is going to blow absolute chunks!"

"Well, life will deal you bad hands sometimes."

"Dark clouds hang over you!" His voice was growing much louder now.

"As they have a habit of doing some days."


"But the clouds will always part, and the sun will shine through. It's never dark for too long"

What is she-

"What's important is to live life with gusto and a smile. If you do, happiness will never be too far off."

Wolfrun continued to stand there saying nothing as Happy uttered a simple "Grandma..."

That's Happy's grandmother?

The other Cures spoke with admiration regarding Happy's grandma, but Wolfrun didn't hear what they were saying. Clenching his fists and staring at the ground, he let out a loud growl. How dare she speak that way to him! How did she know how he felt? She knew nothing. Nothing of suffering. Nothing of what he had to go through his entire life. She had no right! "Stuff your smiles crap! I'll bring you despair the old-fashioned way!" He finally looked up. "I can't wait to see you cry, you old bat!"

Sunny pointed to the empty spot near the house. "She just went to get your food."

"She's not even here?!" This day could not get any worse for him.

What proceeded was a typical battle between him and the Precure, although this time he had not collected any Bad Energy. His new goal was to burn down that old woman's house. He had even managed to incapacitate all of the Precure. As far as battles went, this one was going swimmingly. Except for not getting any Bad Energy out of it. That was still not a good thing. A large fireball shot straight towards the house with no Precure to stop it.

And once again, Wolfrun's luck ran out. A strong gust of wind from the mountains (Majorina later explained to him that it was from a "Tengu") extinguished the flame, sparing the house. With the combined efforts of the Cures, Wolfrun's almost assured victory became the worst loss of his Bad End General career. He knew he was gonna catch it from Joker when he returned.

The spindly jester paced in front of Wolfrun. His movement was stiff and precise. Joker was not easy to read by any means, but he usually did not walk like that. He had called Wolfrun over, but refrained from saying anything once the wolf arrived.

After an awkward silence, Wolfrun decided to start. "J-Joker I...it was Happy's grandmother! She didn't give off any Bad Energy! I couldn't...I didn't..." He was surprised by how affected he was by this still.

Joker stopped where he was and clicked his heels, turning his head slowly towards Wolfrun. "Mister Wolfrun why do you have SUCH bad luck when facing little girls and their grandmothers? It must be a CURSE!" He cackled at his little joke, infuriating Wolfrun even further. Joker noticed this."Now, now, mister Wolfrun! Don't make me get my muzzle! Please tell me what happened today with the Precure. Please, I am just DYING to know why you couldn't collect any Bad Energy for our Lord, the Great Pierrot." Joker lifted his legs into a criss-cross position while the rest of him remained suspended in the air. He rested his hands on his face, which brandished a wide grin. "Go ahead, pup."

Wolfrun really hated when Joker called him that. He ignored it this time and explained what had happened, leaving out the detail that he had not initially intended to collect Bad Energy in the first place.

"She wasn't afraid of me. She...was gonna get me some food. Nobody's ever-"

Joker let out an exaggerated stretch and yawn, loud enough to interrupt Wolfrun. "Mister Wolfrun PUH-LEEESE skip to the part where you failed your mission! I don't care if the old lady didn't think you were scary. I don't think you're scary! Are you going to talk about me too? Cut to the chase! CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP!" he began to hit his hands together, and Wolfrun remembered another reason staying in the Bad End Kingdom was unbearable.

Wolfrun finished the recap, explaining how Happy's grandma would not emit any Bad Energy, and how strange forces on Earth led to his defeat. Joker's response was to make a pouty face, exclaim "Oh how poopy!" and walk away. Before he left, though, he put a hand on Wolfrun's shoulder.

"Don't think that you can actually fit in there, pup. They created your world, after all. Why would they be any different?" He left the room then, calling back "And I'm sure if that old hag got to know you, she'd hate your guts too!"

Wolfrun stood there for a few moments, listening to the ambient noise of the Bad End Kingdom. His face had erupted just like it had before. His breathing became more and more rapid. "Don't. Call. ME. PUP!" Wolfrun bellowed, kicking over the nearby table. He started moving around the room frantically, hands clutching erratically at his hair. The walls began to close in as the ceiling began to lower, and a sharp ringing filled the air. His breathing sped up rapidly, but he felt as if he were suffocating. He started to taste something metallic. Wolfrun raced out of the room into his designated quarters, where he promptly collapsed into the fetal position. He grabbed his tail and buried his face in the fur.

What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with me?


Wolfrun did not know how long he had stayed there, but when he finally got up he was cold and sore from the hard ground. He felt as if his whole life had been shattered, and he couldn't explain why. What exactly happened today? He attempted to wrap his mind around it as he fell into his cot. Sleep engulfed him, and he dreamed of old ladies giving him food.

Wolfrun was angrier after that. The Bad End Kingdom seemed to seep into him, and he began to use it as fuel. More time passed, and Joker got less silly and more serious. Frightening, even. Everyone knew the final battle was coming soon, and that it would most likely end up with both the Bad End Generals and the Precure fighting with equal power. Everyone was on edge.

And of course, right before the last, fate-of-the-world deciding battle with the Precure, Joker told the Bad End Generals that the power he had been lending them them was, in turn, slowly killing them.

"Did you really think such strength would come without any form of risk?" Joker was smiling at them, but this was a different smile than the one they used to know. He was totally different now. He lowered his gaze, a shadow falling across his mask. "So know that if you lose this time, then yes...you'll pay with your lives."

The Generals were definitely shocked by this revelation. Sure, they had taken many beatings in the past year, but death? This clearly showed on their faces, and Joker donned a look of disappointment. "What's wrong? You had such fervor a moment ago! If you win, all will be well." He walked forward. "Just beat those measly Precure, and the world will have its Bad End!" He stopped a few paces in front of them. "Unless, of course, you'd prefer things went back to how they used to be..." Joker could be uncannily convincing sometimes.

Wolfrun was the first to speak up. "Fine, I'll do it!" Akaoni and Majorina soon joined. They had gathered around each other, feeling each others' camaraderie. Wolfrun cast his view grimly ahead. "Let's see what hell has in store for us."

"Hell? Sounds good for a demon like me." Akaoni added.

"There's no turning back now..." Majorina murmured.

Satisfied, Joker began once more. "Well then. I shall ask you to gather the last of the Bad Energy needed for Lord Pierrot's resurrection."

As it turned out, a large object was heading towards Earth at that moment. It was Pierrot's Egg, the gigantic, dormant stage of the shadowy monarch. All it needed was a bit more Bad Energy from the humans, and the Bad End Generals had arrived to collect. Naturally, the Precure were already there. Bad Energy slowly seeped into Pierrot's Egg as they transformed. However, Joker had given the Generals the power to transform for this battle as well. Using what would be the last of his energy they would ever receive, they morphed into hyper-charged versions of themselves.

The battle that followed was long and destructive. Wolfrun brawled with Happy, Akaoni took on Sunny and Peace, while Majorina dealt with March and Beauty. The Precure fought hard, but they were no match for the Generals' advanced forms. Ultimately, each one was knocked to the ground, and the Bad End Generals gathered near them.

Wolfrun glared at their fallen forms. "We're way too powerful for you twerps to handle!"

Cure Peace stirred and propped herself up with an arm. "They're so strong..."

"They ain't budgin' an inch..." Sunny followed.

"Where are they deriving that strength from?" Cure Beauty pondered, always one to use her brain.

Wolfrun simply let out a small laugh, and Akaoni stated "You could never understand what we've been through!"

Majorina followed up. "For our entire lives, we've endured suffering, loneliness, and pain!" She shouted the last words.

Silence from the Precure. Happy timidly spoke up. "Pain...?"

Majorina proceeded. "We were doomed to be the villains of our stories, loathed by all!"

Akaoni's previous bravado had quickly turned to sadness. "We were feared and hated..."

"Shunned by all around us." Wolfrun was deadpan. "But then Joker came to us..."

"So that's why..." Happy started to talk but Wolfrun cut her off.

"That's why we hate you! You humans, always laughing and having fun!" He paused for a quick breath. "And you lot! Always prattling on about your bright futures as if everything were just dandy!"

"We were hated and spurned! Nobody spared a thought for us!" Akaoni explained. His head lowered. "How could you ever begin to understand the frustration and loneliness we felt?" He finished by pointing an accusing finger at the Precure.

"That's why we're helping Lord Pierrot to obliterate this world! We'll destroy it so we never have to be reminded of it again!" Majorina's rage was barely contained now.

The Precure were silent, and one by one, they lowered their defensive stances. Looks ranging from shock to sorrow plastered their faces.

"What...?" Wolfrun was completely baffled. Weren't they gonna fight? Weren't they gonna try to stop the Bad End?

"Why aren't you trying to fight us?" Akaoni voiced what Wolfrun was thinking.

"Because I went through that myself at school..." Peace piped up.

"I know what we've been through ain't gonna hold a candle to you, but..." Sunny solemnly added.

Wolfrun couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Are you brats serious...?" he barely stuttered out, before shouting "Are you really gonna do this to us?!" He suddenly rushed forward, fist clenched and ready. "Then you can die! Alongside this stupid world of yours!" He honed in on Happy, and began hitting. She blocked each strike, but did not fight back. Akaoni and Majorina also started to attack, but the Precure refused to return the hits.

Despite blocking and dodging several brutal blows, Happy managed to look Wolfrun directly in the eyes. "I don't know if I can fight you, now that I know what you've been through..."

Was this really happening? "I don't want you looking down on me, you little twerp!" Wolfrun's assault did not relent.

Sunny had heard Wolfrun's remark while tangled with Akaoni. "That ain't what we're trying to do!" She was holding up Akaoni's club with the help of Peace.

"We just know what the pain of loneliness feels like..." Peace said in her usual quiet tone, despite almost being crushed by Akaoni, who let out a high-pitched, confused sound.

Cure Beauty, who was busy with Majorina, added on to what her companions had said. "It is true that we wish to secure a bright future for our world! But I do not believe that the only way to do that is by us fighting!" Majorina said nothing and continued with her volley of strikes.

"Why...?! Why did it have to come to this?!" Cure March lamented, also fighting off the witch.

All this talk was getting to Wolfrun. What were they talking about? They didn't want to fight? "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Wolfrun backed off and started darting his head back and forth like a cornered animal. "DAMN IT ALL!" He retreated back to where Akaoni and Majorina stood, and a burst of energy emanated from them. They were winning, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it anymore. "What would you brats know about anything?!" The energy waves continued to burst forward, kicking up all the dust on the ground.

"You spend every day living your happy little lives, free from any strife!" Akaoni thundered afterward.

"Never having to be hated by everyone around you like us!" venom dripped from Majorina's lips.

The waves of energy passed over the Precure, but they stood, resolute. Happy began to talk "Maybe so! But if we..." she stepped towards them, her hands clasped together "If we can do something to soothe the pain you've felt, then we want to help you!"

Wolfrun's eyes widened. "What?" The word barely passed from his lips. He looked upon all their faces. Looks of compassion. Looks he had never received before.

They want to help.

They...would have helped this entire time.

Oh no.

"Damn it! Every time I look at you brats, my mind starts to go haywire!" an intense pain shot through Wolfrun's skull as he shouted this, recoiling from the shock.

Akaoni felt it too. "I stop feeling like myself anymore!"

Majorina as well. "That's why we have to destroy you...before we lose sight of ourselves!"

The energy radiating from the Bad End Generals finally culminated into it's true form. It was Bad Energy! Before the Precures' eyes, the Generals began to morph into hideous beasts of darkness, their eyes glowing red. They all let out a horrid bellow before rushing the Precure, who stood their ground.

Happy opened her arms, pleading "Don't let your anger control you!" The Generals did not stop though. They were gone. They grew closer and closer to Cure Happy. The beast shaped like Wolfrun landed the first strike, and...

A flash of golden light appeared from Happy.

What...what happened.

I...feel warm.

Wolfrun opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a vast, white expanse with no visible floor or ceiling. Out of his peripheral vision he could tell that Akaoni and Majorina flanked him. They were all back to their normal forms. They all peered upwards, eyes adjusting to the bright glow, and saw...

Cure Happy?

She was massive, occupying the entire space in front of them.

"What...? What's going on?" Wolfrun had found his words first. The giant Happy responded by scooping them all up with her massive hands and bringing them towards her. She began to speak.

"You know...I always loved you guys, in my fairytales." Her voice was quiet, yet echoed everywhere. The Bad End Generals gazed up at her in confusion, noises of disbelief rising from their throats.

"What are you saying?" Akaoni blubbered.

The voice once again pierced through them. "The Big Bad Wolf, the Cruel Demon, the Wicked Witch... the kindness you show us is incredible. These stories give us our hopes and dreams because of the roles you all play within them..." Her humongous face beamed. "So...thank you!"

The Generals continued to be flabbergasted. "You're thanking us...?" Wolfrun barely coughed up the question.

"Nobody's ever thanked me for anything before!" Akaoni this time.

"There are really people who think about us like that...?" Majorina's frail voice was heard.

Happy's soft smile persisted. "If you don't mind... would you like to be my friends?"

The Generals gawked in disbelief. This wasn't real. This couldn't be real.

I'm dead. I've finally died.

Happy still spoke. "Then we can all play together! I know we'll have tons of fun!"

Wolfrun felt something wet in his eyes, spreading to the fur on his cheeks. Crying? He had seen other people do it and had wanted to do it himself for years. Why was it happening now? "You'd really do that for us...? Even after all we've done?" he asked weakly. The tears began flowing faster now. He could hear the sobs of his comrades next to him as well. Wolfrun closed his eyes.

All at once, the Bad Energy that had inhabited the Bad End Generals was exercised. A dark puff of purple smoke floated up into the sky and dispersed.

Wolfrun had felt the weight lift but felt another weight pressing onto him as well. He opened his eyes again and saw Happy, normal sized Happy, drawing him in close with a loving embrace, her face buried into his collar. Her arms were locked firmly behind his back as he sat on the hard ground while she leaned into him. He was back on Earth.

I'm not dead. This is real. This is happening.

Wolfrun slowly lifted his arms up and tentatively placed them onto Happy's back. This is how he'd seen it done in the TV shows at least. He found himself instinctively pulling her near him while the tears began to overtake him once again.

His whimpering prompted Happy to run her hands through his hair. "You don't have to worry anymore, Wolfrun. It's over now." She pulled back despite his firm grip on her and looked him in the eyes. She was crying too. "We're friends now, and friends take care of each other."

I...have a friend.

Wolfrun had never felt this way. His whole life had been full of suffering and pain. This was...the opposite, if that was even possible. "T-thank you. Thank you...s-so much." He pulled her in once more, mumbling "I'm so sorry" over and over again. Happy patted him on the back a few times and started rubbing it with her palm.

"I forgive you, Wolfrun!" Happy was bordering between laughing and crying. "I forgive you." The embrace lasted for a few more moments before Happy slowly withdrew herself and stood up, offering a hand to Wolfrun. "Can you get up?" She smiled wide at him.

No more suffering.

Wolfrun wrapped his hand around hers. "Y-yeah" Even though she was much smaller than him, her Precure form granted her enough strength to pull him up. He stood up shakily. "I'm okay." his voice came out timid, the statement reassured himself more than Happy. He looked around and saw the other Precure standing there, as well as Akaoni and Majorina. They all looked at him with concern. "Uhm, how, uh, long was I on the ground for?"

Happy smiled at him, tears still in her eyes. "Not too long. Only a few minutes. You wouldn't stop crying, so I...I wanted to help."

"Oh..." Wolfrun looked back at his companions. They seemed really worried about him. He half walked, half stumbled over to them. Once he was in front of them he uttered "Y-you guys..." He collapsed into Akaoni, who half caught him, half fell. Wolfrun grabbed tightly onto him instead of getting up, and Akaoni clutched back. Majorina was able to reach her small arms up as well, pulling on Wolfrun's waist and Akaoni's leg. They all sat there enjoying each others' contact. Wolfrun realized that he had wanted this the entire time. He had wanted to feel close to his comrades, and either the Bad Energy or their own stubborn nature had prevented it. Not anymore, though.

...I'm okay.

"Tch tch tch. Useless to the very end, I see!" Joker's voice boomed before he materialized in the air. "At the very least, you lot provided ample distraction, allowing Pierrot to absorb the very last of the Bad Energy needed for his revival!" His head drew back as he cackled maniacally. Wolfrun, Akaoni, and Majorina pulled away from each other quickly and assumed a protective stance. They should have seen this coming. "I won't be needing you anymore, I'm afraid." Joker mockingly pouted. In an instant, the Precure had surrounded the now ex Generals.

"We ain't gonna let you touch 'em!" Sunny shouted, fire bursting from her hands. The other Precure nodded in agreement.

Joker's laughter returned, albeit in a darker tone. He held up his hand as if he were about to snap. "But I don't need to touch them!" And then he snapped.

And Wolfrun's world went black. There was nothing. He couldn't even feel his body. He couldn't tell if Akaoni or Majorina were with him. He couldn't even tell if he was still alive. All he had were his thoughts. He had no idea that Joker had had this power over them. He probably had it the entire time.

That bastard never cared about us.

Wolfrun didn't exist for what seemed like forever as well as for a few moments. Eventually his body returned and he sat up. Akaoni and Majorina were also with him, regaining consciousness. They laid in a grass field circled by trees. They heard something behind them.

"Guys! They're here, they came back!" March's voice, along with rapidly approaching footsteps. The three of them turned around to find the Precure, all in their normal forms now, running towards them, along with Candy and her brother Pop, who was carrying a thick, pink book. They stopped a few steps in front of them.

Peace gazed at them with wide eyes. "Are you alright? Where did you go?"

Majorina slowly balanced on her feet. "I don't know. Everything was dark. Might have been some magical dimension Joker created..."

Akaoni shot up. "What happened to Joker? And Lor- er Pierrot?"

Cure Beauty began talking as the other Cures moved forward to help Wolfrun and Akaoni up. "Joker seemed to have been absorbed into Pierrot before the battle started, and we were able to defeat Pierrot and return Earth back to normal." She put a hand on her chin and pondered. "As for you three, I agree with Majorina's theory. Joker must have placed you in a magical realm of his own creation, which dissipated after Pierrot was purged."

"Well thank goodness for that! I was really worried!" Happy exclaimed as she attempted to pull Wolfrun, Akaoni, and Majorina in for a hug. Akaoni's size made it difficult.

"You were worried about us?" they all asked in unison.

Happy seemed shocked. "Of course I was! Losing friends I just made would be terrible! I don't want anything bad to happen to you!" She frowned slowly, as if she had just realized something.

Beauty seemed to be on the same train of thought as well. "So where are you three going to go now? Where did you come from in the first place? Certainly not Märchenland."

"It was another world connected to Earth's stories. I'm not sure it had a name. But I'm certainly not going back there!" Majorina decided.

"Me either!" Akaoni squeaked.

Wolfrun put his head down. "I guess we don't have a home anymore."

I've never had a home.

The Precure looked confusedly at him. "Can't you just go back to the Bad End Kingdom?" Sunny suggested.

"What? No! It's horrible there!" Akaoni recoiled from the thought.

"Wait, I wasn't the only one who hated it there?" Wolfrun had always kept his thoughts on that place to himself. Maybe he shouldn't have.

"Both of you never seemed to mind, so I never said anything." admitted Majorina. They all stood there in silence.

Beauty pondered once more. "Having them stay here would be quite troublesome. Except for Majorina of course. We would have to hide Akaoni and Wolfrun somewhere..."

"Wait a second. Didn't you guys use human disguises once?" March piped up. She was referring to the one time the Generals had used devices created by Majorina to appear as school students and run for class president. They weren't even trying to collect Bad Energy. They just thought being class president sounded nice.

"What? Oh, the 'become-a-human' devices stopped working after we got back to the Bad End Kingdom. I could work on the design to become more reliable but I don't have my brewing stuff with me. They're still in the Bad End Kingdom."

"Forget it! I smelled like human for a whole week after that! Never doing it again." Wolfrun turned his nose up.

"Yeah and I don't want to give up this powerful body." Akaoni flexed and Cure Peace giggled.

"You wouldn't be able to get to the Bad End Kingdom anyway." Pop finally spoke up and all eyes turned to his small form. "Candy used the last of her power as Queen of Märchenland to overcome Pierrot, and the connections between our worlds are fading. We can only take one more trip."

"Wait, that FAIRY is the queen?" Wolfrun gawked in disbelief and Candy jumped up.

"Candy is the new Queen of Märchenland!" she yelled delightedly.

Wolfrun scratched the back of his head. "Guess we missed out on a lot of stuff while we were in that weird dark place." he muttered.

"So where are we to go?" Akaoni returned everyone's focus to the issue.

"We can't stay here." Majorina concluded.

"And we sure as hell can't go to Märchenland..." sighed Wolfrun.

Candy let out a confused "Kuru?" and then asked "Why can't you guys come stay in Märchenland?", prompting a unanimous "What?" from all of the ex Generals as well as Pop.

"They caused the previous queen to get sealed away!" Pop exclaimed, exasperated.

"We destroyed so much of the land..." Akaoni reflected upon what they had done.

"The fairies there will be afraid of us!" Wolfrun was used to people being afraid of him, but he didn't want that anymore. Not in what would be his new life. A life where he was no longer the villain.

"Candy doesn't care about that! They're friends of the Precure now! That means they're Candy's friends too!" Candy's tone was serious. Or as serious as she could get. "Candy's first decree as Queen of Märchenland is to grant citizenship to three new friends." She assumed a stiff pose, her voice attempting to imitate royalty.

Pop seemed troubled. "C-Candy I'm not sure if that's such a good idea."

"It seems to be the only logical choice though." Beauty's words had a sense of finality to them.

Pop looked up at her, then down at the ground, and sighed. "You're right."

"So, you'll really let us stay?" Majorina still had trouble believing it.

"Of course!" Candy stood by her decision.

"T-thank you!" the ex Generals hastily thanked the new queen.

Suddenly, Candy and Pop began to glow with a golden light. "Candy?" Happy walked over to her and picked her up.

"It seems the time has come for us to part." Pop said sadly. He turned to the ex Generals and said "If you're going to come with us, you'll need to hold onto this book." He held up the book he had been carrying. They all nodded and grabbed onto it. They began to glow as well.

Candy seemed distressed. "A-already? Candy doesn't want to go yet! Candy wants to stay with her friends!" tears formed in her big sparkling eyes.

"Candy, we have to be mature about this." Pop choked out, tears welling in his eyes as well. Wolfrun felt something in the pit of his stomach.

Happy lifted Candy in front of her. "Candy...thank you, for everything." She drew her in for a hug, with the rest of the Precure joining in. The golden glow intensified as Candy, Pop, and the three ex Generals slowly were lifted into the sky.

Candy's crying grew louder. "Miyuki! Guys!" Wolfrun deduced that Miyuki must be the name of Cure Happy.

"Candy!" Miyuki and the other Precure below them shouted up. Miyuki continued speaking though. "Remember the promise we made, Candy? When you have to say bye-bye..." She drew her fingers to the corners of her mouth and pulled, creating a large grin.

Candy calmed down a bit in order to say "...do it with a smile!" She half-heartily mimicked Miyuki's gesture.

They all began yelling up at them again. "Goodbye Pop! Goodbye Wolfrun! Goodbye Majorina! Goodbye Akaoni!" Each one of the ex Generals teared up as their names were called.

"G-goodbye, Precure!" they responded.

"Don't get into any trouble, ya hear?" Sunny added.

"I'm sorry we couldn't spend more time together as friends, but I want you guys to know that I'm so glad to have met you! I'll never forget it!" Happy was almost on the verge of breaking down, but she kept smiling.

Wolfrun could feel himself starting to cry as well. "I'm also glad to have met you, Precure! Miyuki!" He was the only one to respond, because after he said that, the golden glow around them grew more intense as they were transported to Märchenland.

Earth was gone.