Oh I just love this. Please review? Yes, I support Joel/OC, especially mine.

Here's to hoping that this is worth a shit (also, more reviews, faster/more updates, better drabbles). As that says, yes, these are drabbles. None will be too long (that is, if the story can stay afloat) but occasionally we'll have a long one.

Ellie knew there was more to them than survival.

Since they had met the little ball of insanity - she insisted on being called Reagan but didn't mind Ellie's nickname, Izzy - Ellie noticed the unconcious gestures and movements they made around each other.

Joel insisted Ellie was wrong, Izzy would giggle, all the while Ellie knew she was right. It was just in the way they moved: Izzy alway gave Joel more food, more ammo (she preffered a hatchet anyway), Joel insisted on keeping her closer than he kept Ellie (while still keeping Ellie too close to breath), he always made sure she had a blanket at night - even taking Ellie's once but he blamed that on the scotch Izzy had pilfered(?) from a dead Hunter.

It all came to a head after they met Sam and Henry.

Ellie didn't dare miss Izzy taking off blindly down the street while the turret on the army truck fired blindly. Her bare feet left mud and blood streaking the concrete, Ellie knew she was bolting for Joel. When the truck was finally down, Ellie left Sam and Henry to bond over the trucks destruction. She had just wanted to make sure Joel and Izzy were ok (they had both taken quite a few bullets in the effort to protect everyone), but was pleasently surprised to find that they were more than ok.

Well, Joel was still bleeding in his forearm and Izzy's feet were pretty busted up but still - they were fine.

She caught the end of a brief kiss, her lips curled inwards to supress that smile.

"So, how you guys doin," Ellie leered.

And Izzy giggled, politely sliding in the fact that there were infected swarming the front lawn.