Chapter 6
Return pt 3
Okay let's get going with chapter 6. But before doing so. On to the reviews.
docologistmaster: Thanks for the input.
vesperon: I'll try.
Meta1213: I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with who Miko is.
duskrider: Yup.
Whitefang24: Thank you.
Redrangerlegacy: Transmetal 2 Optimus Primal sans beast mode.
David: Possibly.
Fox Boss: I did enjoy that. Thanks.
KillerDragoon: RID 2001 Scourge. Not Cybertron Scourge.
Gold Testament: I'm working on that.
StrongGuy159: Thank you.
LegionaireBlaze: That was the plan.
Tarnett40yahoo: I'll think about it.
IrunaLyoko: Here you go.
Zak saturday 1" Here it is.
Enigmus-288: Yes.
Wolfycoyote: There will be.
Mcledenenxd: Here you go.
Guest 1: Yes.
Guest 2: Wrong Scourge.
Gilgamesh gate: Thank you.
Now then... Let's kick it up!
Bumblebee and Bulkhead were looking the metallic cocoons that their Human partners were in after being place in the CR chambers to be healed.
"Miko." Bulkhead whispered as he clenched his fists in both worry and rage.
Bumblebee used some of his beeps and whirls while placing his hand on the Wreckers shoulder.
"He's right. Miko's to much of a scrapper to let go." Leobreaker joked as he walked up behind them to watch over the progress of his friends. Just then, he looked over to see Arcee who was glaring daggers at Blackarachnia.
"You okay?" He asked as he walked up next to his partner.
"I just don't understand how you can trust her after all she's done." Arcee cringed.
"What the shell program did." Leobreaker corrected getting a confused. Letting out a sigh, Leobreaker began to explain. "When the Cons captured her, she was loaded with a program by a Quintison scientist name 'Gamma Q' on top of being loaded with an early version of the Serum that made me and my animal friends what we are today. The program was the personality we knew and hated while the real her was inside trying to fight." He said.
"So that is what happened to Skyreacher." Optimus said as he and Ultra Magnus walked up to Leobreaker and Arcee upon hearing the conversation, Arcee's optics widening upon hearing that name.
'Skyreacher?' She thought in disbelief, knowing that name from when Tailgate was searching for her back during the war.
"Are you quite certain that the program is gone completely?" Magnus asked, ever the cautious one.
"Don't worry. I trust Blackarachnia with my life." Leobreaker confirmed.
"Blackarachnia?" Optimus asked, having not heard the Spider-bots new name up till that point.
"The name was my idea. We both figured that neither of her old names fit anymore." Leobreaker explained.
As the two were talking Arcee continued to look like a dear in the headlights. 'I don't believe it. She's Talegate's sister.' She thought as she looked dumbfounded at the techno organic medic.
Meanwhile at Darkmount:
Knockout looked over at the CR chamber in the medical center that they had made in the tower before focusing his attention back to his operation. 'It makes me sick to think Megatron is even considering allowing that spawn of a glitch to work with us after what he did to your body, my friend.' He thought as he took the spark out of the protective casing and placed it in to Breakdown's repaired chamber.
Suddenly, Breakdowns optics lit up as he shot forward and activated his gun before Knockout put his hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay, Breakdown. You're okay." Knockout said as Breakdown lowered his weapon. "What's the last thing you remember?" He asked.
"Airachnid had critically injured me. I could barely move and I leaking Energon badly. Last thing I saw before everything went black was a face resembling what the humans would call a 'demon'." Breakdown explained.
'So, Gamma Q lied to us and has had his spark this entire time.' Knockout thought while clenching his fist. "Well regardless, it's good to have you back. You've missed quite a bit." He said before he began to explain what ad been happening in Breakdown's absence.
Back at the ranch:
"So, what should we do next?" Ultra Magnus asked Prime. But Leobreaker was the one to answer.
"After Miko and Raf are back on their feet, we should contact Fowler, get everything we can for support." He suggested.
"No, we can not allow a single Human casualty." Optimus insisted.
"Optimus, at a time like this, it's all or nothing. There are only fourteen of us and hundreds of Decepticons and who knows how many Predacons. I'm sorry to say. But we are going to need Human help." Leobreaker said.
Optimus took a moment to consider the former Human's words before reluctently nodding. "You are right, Jackson. We have to muster all the allies we have." He said before turning to his brother. "Magnus, are there any other Autobots that we may be able to contact for assistance?" He asked.
"None that would be able to reach us before Megatron began his conquest of the rest of Earth. The colonial planets are simply to far away. The closest being Velocitron which is several dozen parsecs from here." The Autobot commander explained.
"So, all we have is your ship, my armory, the US military, and the scans of the Decepticon tower that Ratrap got before finding you." Leobreaker summed up before the two brothers looked to him before he led them to a table and brought up a hologrid of Darkmount. However, before the three could start making a plan, a beeping could be heard from the CR chambers.
Leobreaker quickly ran over to the chambers before they both opened and the protoforms of Raf and Miko stumbled out the latter of whom fell over before being caught by the Lion-bot.
"Miko, are you okay?" Leobreaker asked as Miko weakly tried to get up.
"What happened?" Miko asked groggily, not even knowing where or what she was at the moment.
"You and Raf were knocking on deaths door. We had no choice but to turn you guys in to organic Transformers to save you." Leobreaker explained.
Miko started become fully aware of her surroundings as she looked up in to Leobreakers optics and was able to fully realize who was holding her.
"Jack?" She asked, getting a nod from her friend before jumping in to his arms. "You're okay." She smiled as she hugged him getting looks from both Blackarachnia and Arcee. Miko then looked down at her hand then over to Raf who was leaning on Bumblebee for support. "So..." Miko began getting back her adrenaline junkie grin back. "When do me and Raf get vehicle modes?" She asked.
"Sorry, Miko but that's not really an option." Leobreaker explained as he signaled for Bulkhead to grab Miko and stepped back. "You guys are going to need something a bit more..." He began before transforming. "...Natural." He said as Miko got a grin on her face.
"Sweet." She said as Leobreaker signaled for Airazor and Nightscream to take Raf and Miko to select their beast modes.
Back at Darkmount:
On a chained table in the medical center of Darkmount Cylas' new optics jolted online and he looked down to see a red armored arm and a purple hand.
"What happened to me?" The former Mech commander asked.
"Apologies, but your Human body was to badly damaged to move freely and Breakdown had to take his body back. So your new mutation was the best way to make you of use to us." Gamma Q explained as he walked up to examine Cylas who examined his new body before noticing six new limbs on his back and quickly learned how to use them as he made an attempt to stab the Quintison only to suddenly feel a sharp pane in his chest.
"Ah, ah, ah." Gamma Q mocked as he held up a container with what appeared to be a piece of a spark. "I was informed of how little you could actually be trusted. So I devised this to ensure that you didn't rampage against us." He said, as Cylas stared at the Spark fragment.
Back at the ranch:
Bulkhead was leaning against a wall looking at the exit point of the base.
"How long do you think it will take them to get back?" The Wrekcer asked as Leobreaker past him and put a case on a low shelf before opening it and pulling out a small device.
"Miko probably already picked out her alt mode and their just waiting on Raf to pick something he likes." Leobreaker guessed before the door opened as Nightscream and Airazor flew in being fallowed by a Rhino and Cheetah who then transformed to reveal Raf and Miko respectively. "Not bad." Leobreaker commented looking mainly at Miko.
"Yeah, we figured we needed to get forms that make up for our shortcomings." Raf said, eluding to his need to have some mussle to go with his brains and for Miko to have speed with her skill for raw destruction.
"Now that we are all together, it is time to contact Agent Fowler." Optimus said, getting a nod from Leobreaker who led him over to the com systems to contact their Human ally.
Meanwhile at an undisclosed military base:
Willian Fowler and June Darby were sitting in and office as he looked over reports of the evacuation of Jasper.
"Any news on the Autobots and the kids?" June asked, feeling worried about Miko and Raf as much as the Autobots themselves.
"Nothing. The Cons are more than likely watching for Bot transmissions." Fowler said in a slight growl being at the mercy of Megatron. Just then, the desk phone began to ring. "Fowler here." He answered.
"Hello, Agent Fowler." Optimus said over the phone.
"Prime/Optimus!" Both Humans exclaimed in joy at hearing the Autobot leader.
"Is everyone alright?" June asked.
"Everyone is fine, June. Though something has happened to Raf and Miko." Optimus said, not quite knowing how to explain it.
"What happend to them?" Fowler asked.
"The same thing that happened to me." Leobreaker said, causing both Fowler and June's eyes to widen in shock.
"Jack! Are you okay, where are you?" June asked in somehow both panic and relief.
"I'm fine, Mom. I can bridge both you and Fowler over here and I'll explain everything." Leobreaker said before signaling for Rattrap to open the bridge which June practically sprinted through with Fowler close behind.
"Jack? Jack!" June was shouting.
"I'm right here." Leobreaker signaled as June looked up in shock before he meekly said... "Hi, mom."
Well, there you go. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next time our heroes gear up for the assault on Darkmount. Until then and as always... Keep on keeping on.