Okay, I'm gonna call this a whim fic cause I really only wrote it cause I recently got into Young Justice. I ended up read 2 other fics while the rest didn't really peak my interest at all. With that situation in mind, I wrote this... I like it so I'm going with it. This fic occurs before any PP and a couple episodes into YJ Invasion. Update information will be listed at the bottom, enjoy.=^-^=
Disclaimer: I'll say this only once so don't expect anymore. I do not own Young Justice, Danny Phantom or any affiliated labels, characters or events.=^-^=
Ch. 1 - Lost
An old man looked into a window to see a young boy sitting on a building's roof. The boy had snowy white hair, black and white suit, and his green eyes watched over the city below with an underlying sadness. The old man shook his head as his body shifted to that of a young man and he held his staff up. The window changed to show a mountain on a harbor. "This should do nicely."
"You requested something Clockwork?" The now child turned to see a man wearing blue with a golden helm and cape.
Clockwork was genuinely happy to see the man as he morphed into an old man. "Ah, Dr. Fate. It is good to see you."
The sorcerer nodded his head. "As am I to see you. I trust your time duties have not become too tedious?"
Clockwork gave a chuckle. "No, but they do have their moments, one of which is the reason I called you here." He lifted his staff and changed the screen to show a night city view. "See here, this boy." He pointed at the snowy haired boy now flying through the sky. "I'm sure he will prove useful in what's to come. Unfortunately, due to recent events he's a bit….. lost."
Dr. Fate looked on to the screen in curiosity. "And so, what do you ask of me?"
The time master was not surprised by the, straight to the point, attitude of the man. "You know I cannot reveal too much even to a lord of order." Nabu nodded in understanding. "I'm sure you've heard of that break in a few weeks ago at a tech corporation, DALVco.? Nightwing may have mentioned it in passing…. Or was it Batman?"
"Yes, it was Batman. He said the infiltrators were a pack of creatures."
"Ghosts." Clockwork corrected. "They were ghosts. This boy here is known as a halfa or half ghost. He currently holds the title of world's greatest ghost hunter, but like I said before, he's a bit lost. Due to an incident almost a year ago, he refuses to leave the city for anything even though there is nothing left here for him to do."
Dr. Fate raised a hand to his chin. "I see."
"I need you to give the suggestion of recruiting him to the team." He moved his staff again and it once again showed Mt. Justice.
Dr. Fate gave a curt nod and turned to Clockwork. "It is not often you request anything of me so I shall do what I can."
Clockwork nodded with a smirk. "That's all I can ask."
"And no unnecessary risks to the squad, that's an order." Spoke Nightwing to Robin just as he was about to leave with Gamma squad. Robin gave a curt nod before turning to join his team mates. Just as he was heading out, both Batman and Dr. Fate zeta tubed to the cave. "Batman?"
The dark knight approached in his standard stoic fashion with Nabu just behind him. "I believe I have a lead on that break in from a few months ago. The one where with those creatures you couldn't identify stole the scanner from Vladco.
Nightwing seemed genuinely surprised by the news as he raised a hand to his chin. "Really?"
Batman nodded and then gestured to Dr. Fate. "A friend of mine was able to shed some light on them. They were apparently ghosts."
Nightwing became immediately skeptical at the idea. "You're kidding right?" One look at the stoic expressions upon the two leaguers answered that. "You're not kidding… Okay, so what would ghosts want with a scanner?"
Batman approached the computer and started to type. "What it could scan for maybe, but right now, I have no clue. Dr. Fate also told me of someone who could help should they strike again and they could also prove to be a valuable new recruit." A picture of a teenage boy appeared on the screen.
"Danny Phantom? Never heard of him."
Batman continued typing and a window with text appeared. "That's because most people outside of Amity Park just think he's a comic book character. Most of the news from Amity Park usually involves ghosts even the news broadcasts so most of it gets filtered out due to the credibility of ghost attacks."
Nightwing crossed his arms. "Yeah, I can't blame them. I still think it sounds crazy."
"Here we go." Nightwing looked up towards the screen along with Batman and Dr. Fate. "This is footage from Amity Park when a ghost army invaded it. Considering their history, it holds no credibility but Dr. Fate assures me it's all real." The three of them watched as the streets of Amity Park were filled by walking skeletons brandishing archaic weapons of several kinds. People screamed and ran in random directions as the horde marched down the streets.
"Okay… I guess I'm getting the picture…."
He then brought up footage of the aforementioned boy blasting many of the skeletons to pieces. "He is there resident hero."
Nightwing took a good look at the data over the screen. "Some of this implicates him as a menace to the city, even kidnapping the mayor."
Batman gave a nod. "I plan to go over this very thoroughly, but Dr. Fate requests that you recruit him."
Nabu gave a nod. "This is actually a request from a friend of whom I have known for centuries. I do not take his requests lightly and he is not someone who would wish harm towards you or the team."
The young man nodded in understanding as he approached the key pad. "I'm going to be going over this a bit more before I make a decision."
"So will I." Agreed Batman as he turned to Dr. Fate.
"That is satisfactory then. I was only asked to recommend him after all." The sorcerer then turned and headed back to the zeta tube.
The two of them spent quite a bit of time going over the data, shifting through rumors and hype. Nightwing was going over a sort of timeline he found when Mel came into the room. "Gamma has encountered a huge base full of Kroloteans."
Nightwing hurried off after him into the ops room. Batman, however remained to look over the info. He found his eyes locked onto one specific part in particular involving an accident 10 months ago. Just as he finished reading it in silence Nightwing returned. "Gamma needs full back up, let's go." Without another thought, he and Nightwing quickly moved out to assist the team.
It was almost 2 days since their mission to Malina Island and Nightwing found himself a bit frustrated by it all. The league was taking serious damage public image. Then there was the whole Kroloteans thing, are they working with the light or are they just being used? They didn't seem to know about the bomb so it seemed more the latter. He was going through some more information on the computer when Robin got his attention. "Nightwing?" The teen turned to the boy wonder. "Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl have arrived."
Nightwing gave a nod. "Thanks." And then he saw the two of them come in.
The blonde was quick to stand front and center, eager for a mission. "You called?"
"Yeah hermano."
"Yes I did." He then turned back to the computer. "We're going on a recruitment mission."
Blue Beetle seemed a bit intrigued. "Who?... Yes it does."
Wonder Girl gave him a curious look before turning to the screen herself. "So who is it?"
A picture of a teenager with white hair appeared on screen. "His name is Danny Phantom."
Blue Beetle immediately started to laugh a bit. "We're recruiting a comic book character?"
He held his stomach a moment before looking up towards Dick's serious expression. "He's not a comic book character."
"Of course he is ese. I have most of the original issues."
Nightwing turned back to the screen. "Well they're based on a real hero from Amity Park and we're going to go recruit him." He turned to Wonder Girl. "I picked you because of our success last time and Blue Beetle just happened to be free." He turned and looked at the armor clad teen. "Maybe we'll be able to use your familiarity with him to get his attention."
The sky over Amity Park was dark. The nearly full moon seemed to do little quell the shadows below. A quite ripple flies through under the watchful gaze of the stars. "So, why take the bioship?" Asked Wonder girl as she looked at the city below.
"I wanted us to use a bit more stealth here and there are no zeta tubes close by. After the first few met with accidents we just stopped trying."
Blue Beatle crossed his arms. "So is this guy dangerous or something? I mean if he's anything like the comic book, we shouldn't have to worry at all….. No we wouldn't. No. We. Wouldn't. You didn't even read them!"
Nightwing cleared his throat a bit to get Blu's attention. "Anyway, recent information shows he's been hard to track lately. Not even the Amity Park local news has been able to get him on camera unlike the year before when he would appear almost everywhere."
"Wonder what changed." Wonder girl wondered aloud just before Nightwing stopped the ship rather suddenly.
"What's up hermano?"
Nightwing brought up a scan of the area. "I thought I saw something move." He seemed a bit confused. "We haven't even gotten to the location yet."
"Then let's keep going." Suggested Blu as he laid back a bit in his chair. The team continued on and was right around a quiet suburban neighborhood when the ship suddenly stopped once again only this time the passengers were a bit more shaken up. "What was that ese!?"
Nightwing quickly got himself together. "Not sure…. I'm not getting anything on the scanners, and the ship won't move."
"And I think I know why!" Shouted Wonder Girl as she pointed to a silhouette slowly forming in front of the ship. Nightwing was the next to make contact with the slightly angry pair of toxic green glowing eyes.
"What are you doing here! Who are you!?"
Blu got up from his seat and looked at the hostile teen in curiosity. "Can he actually see us?"
"He shouldn't be able to…. Hold on." Nightwing then started the ship on a reverse course, but the ghost boy wouldn't let that go. He flew up and started to push the ship down from above. The passengers were shaken a bit as the ship was slowly lowered to street level.
"What are you doing? Aren't you going to try and stop him?" Asked the blue clad teen. He seemed a bit distraught as the ship shook upon hitting the ground.
"No…. I think we should play this a bit more carefully." With a simple movement of his hand the ship became visible. "Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, we're going to go out and greet him." The two of them traded wary glances before giving nods. Nightwing opened the back hatch and the ramp went down.
The ghostly teen was waiting for them just outside, still not all that happy at their intrusion. "Hmmm…? Almost thought I was going to having some of those alien problems."
Nightwing greeted him with the best smile he could muster as he outstretched his hand. "Hello Danny Phantom, I'm Nightwing, it's good to meet you."
Danny seemed a bit confused at first. He never expected these strangers to know his name. "You know me?" He gave a wary glance at the two behind him as well.
"Yes and this is Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl. We came here to talk to you."
Danny crossed his arms as he allowed his feet to touch the ground. "Really?... About what?" He then turned his gaze to the ship. "And why were you sneaking in like that?" He asked in an irritated tone as he pointed to the ship.
Nightwing remained calm though, knowing full well that what he does next may be the deciding factor. "We just didn't want to attract any attention."
Danny scoffed at them. "Well, you got mine. Make a note, camouflage doesn't mean invisible." Danny took another few minutes to look at the ship. He'd never seen anything like it before and so it intrigued him a bit. "Anyway, so what did you need to talk to me about?"
As Nightwing responded he noticed the boy seemed tense and on edge, almost as if he was waiting for something. "We wanted to recruit you for our team. A couple of the Justice Leaguers believe you would be a good addition to the team."
Danny raised a brow with advent curiosity. He's been so preoccupied lately he didn't give much thought to anything that went on outside the city let alone the Justice League since it had never actually come to Amity Park. "Join your team?" Nightwing saw the interest in his expression as the hostility seemed to fade. Unfortunately it was short lived as the boy's eyes became refocused and stern. "Sorry, but I can't. I can't leave the city…. Not again." The last part was mumbled as he turned his head away.
"You don't have to just leave."
"Yeah hermano, you can come back. We just wanted you to help us out when you can you know?"
Danny turned back to him with a curious expression but before he could speak a loud bark was heard from down the street. The four of them turned to see a large green dog running down the street. Only a few seconds later an explosion erupted from just behind the green specter destroying a few buildings in the process. "Cujo!" Danny immediately flew up and toward the ghost dog as he continued to run up the street for dear afterlife.
Just as Danny got close to him several figures emerged from the smoke. "We've got a visual on Phantom!" "Fire at will!" The armored soldiers marched through the smoke towards the irritated halfa. They fired several shots that Danny was able to dodge relatively easily as he took a spot to cover Cujo.
He placed up a barrier and glared at the soldiers. "Will you guys just leave me alone!?"
One soldier stepped forward and stopped firing. He lifted his hand to stop the others so he could talk. "We have told you before, we cannot allow any specter to roam free. You especially, Phantom." Danny could practically see the man smirking through his helmet. "And now we will be rid of you." He lowered his hand again and the other soldiers began firing again.
Danny was surprised when Nightwing ran to his side in a fighting stance. "What's going on with these guys?"
"They don't seem to like you huh?" Wonder girl stated as she used her arm bands to reflect away any stray shots towards her. Blue Beetle was bringing up the rear and dodging any fire towards him.
Danny gave a sigh as he took a moment to explain while keeping both hands up for his shield. "They're the GIW, the secret government agency dedicated to riding the world of ghosts. They are not fans of mine….."
"Noted ese."
Danny took a moment to think. "Of course the fact that I show them up whenever they come to town doesn't help…. In all honesty, they suck at their job." Danny then noticed the men part and two holding a large cannon came forward.
"That….. doesn't look good."
"Nope." The halfa responded as he watched the weapon charge up. The four of them scattered with Danny pulling poor Cujo out of the way. The dog seemed to be sorting an injured paw.
"Attention heroes! If you continue to aid the ghost you will be considered as interfering with federal agents! Clear away now!"
Nightwing glared at them a bit as he raised his eskrima sticks. "What kind of federal agents fire in civilian neighborhood.!?" The soldier holding the bullhorn didn't respond before the others began shooting again. The team leader turned to Danny. "If you come with us, we can get you out of here. We can talk about the details once we're not being fired on.
"Yeah, I don't think these guys are going to let up… no way! What's with you and violence?!"
Danny fired off a few ecto-blasts to get the Soldiers off their feet. "I told you before, I can't leave."
Blu unleash a sonic blast on the men which was able to stop the fire for a brief moment. "Well do you want to get blasted to bits?"
Danny rolled his eyes at the bug themed hero. "These guys pull stunts like this all the time. As a matter of fact, I was expecting this just before you guys showed up in that weird ship of yours. This whole area is abandoned and it's been that way for months now. That's why I hang around here, because when they attack, they don't really think about the people around them."
Wonder Girl took a look at the eerily quiet streets. "Is that why there aren't any lights on in the houses?" D
anny flew up toward the men as they sprawled to get themselves together. He lit his hands up in a blue energy and began to freeze all of their weapons into ice blocks. "Curse you Phantom!" The lead operative shouted as he motioned for a retreat. They didn't have much of an option since their weapons were all down. The other three teen made their way over with intrigue.
"Why is this place abandoned? It doesn't look that old." Noted Wonder Girl.
Danny turned to face the rubble of the buildings that were destroyed. "That's because ground zero is 3 miles that way. No one wants to live anywhere near that place."
Nightwing raised a hand to his chin. "I think I do remember something happening…. I read it earlier. Some major accident about ten months ago right?"
Danny gave a sad nod. "Yeah…" When he turned his gaze back to the group, his eyes widened and he dove for Wonder Girl. "Get down!" Before anyone knew what happened Cassie was one the ground with Danny laying limply on top of her. His suit had a burn mark on his upper back and the halfa could be heard groaning slightly.
"What the…?!" Nightwing looked up to see two of those agents standing on a nearby roof with one of those cannons. One of them motioned for more to come and he glared at the sight. He looked back down at Danny as Wonder Girl sat up and rolled him over in her lap.
"I don't think he's conscious anymore….." Before anymore could be said a white ring appeared around the boys midsection and it spread across his body. Before long black hair turned white, a jumpsuit became tattered street clothes and the otherworldly glow faded to reveal a tired teen.
"Wow ese….. what was that?"
"I have no idea…" Commented Wonder Girl in complete shock.
Nightwing looked at the boy in curiousity but was knocked out of his thoughts as he heard the hard clatter of boots in the short distance. He didn't have much time to think about all that had happened but he knew two things, this boy save one of his team and he didn't deserve whatever awaited him should they leave him behind. "Grab him and let's go Wonder Girl." He then stood and made a bee line for the bio-ship with Blue Beetle. Wonder girl flew behind with the dark haired teen in her arms as requested. As soon as she flew off with Danny Cujo got up and followed, not wanting to be left behind.
Okay, that's chapter 1. More chapters will be longer at least a little bit and I'm sorry if you didn't like it. I am also not going for angsty Danny at all so if that's what you want, I suggest looking at another story. For those of you who are curious, I plan to hold cannon pairings for the most part but cross overs are made for fun pairings too.
As for my update frequency, I update on priority. Priority rises based on reviews. Now before anyone says I'm just a review grabber, what I'm actually looking for is an insightful response showing you actually read into this or if you liked it or not. Questions can also be directed in those too. My story priority will be posted on my profile page if you want to see where this one stands though its currently at the bottom of the list.
Thx again for reading and I hope you will leave a review of what you thought about it.=^-^=