AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys, I'm back! A new chapter of Unknown will be coming soon this week!

Naruto scanned the training area with her eyes and sighed in defeat—she needed help. So, she decided to call for Kakashi for tips in producing her new major jutsu. "Kakashi-sensei! I need your help on something!"

The silver-headed jounin peeked up from his book and sighed, pretending to not seem eager to come help the blond because he did not like-like her—right?

Smiling through his eye, Kakashi jumped from the makeshift tree after putting away his precious literature inside his weapons pouch. "Do you need anything, Naruto?"

The blond Jinchuuriki rubbed the back of her head and blushed a bit. She wasn't used to asking help from her jounin sensei, causing her to be a bit shy.

Kakashi saw her reaction and couldn't help but widen his sole eye. His chest, coincidentally the part in front of his heart, itched a bit.

Naruto resumed,"Well, I kinda-sorta need some help, Sensei, dattebayo."

Kakashi raised a silver brow,"What do you need help with then?" Kakashi's palms started to sweat profusely. Said jounin frowned—he was never this nervous, and he shouldn't even be this nervous. He agreed with himself that Naruto was his student whom needed help on her training.

Continuing on, Naruto scratched her right whiskered cheek cutely, causing Kakashi to loose eye contact from her. "I just need help on..."

When Naruto finally got a small wind natured-Rasengan to form on her hands, she smiled. "Wow, look, Kakashi-sensei! I'm doing it!"

Kakashi nodded to himself and he started to say things that were deeply hidden inside the dairy of his brain,"I gotta say, I'm starting to really like you, Naruto."

Yamato's eyes shot up when he heard the words "like" and "Naruto" come out as a sentence in his senpai's mouth. He did not realize it, but Yamato was growling lowly in his throat.

'So that's the game you're playing, huh, Senpai?' He said in his mind.

Regrettably, though, Yamato could not get out of his post and personally give Kakashi a piece of his mind.

Then, the Mokuton user heard and saw Kakashi's gestures and glared.

Kakashi almost gasped, and stopped himself from putting his hand over his mouth. The silverhead then started to laugh awkwardly, slurring his words. The silver-headed ninja seemed to regret his choice of dialogue from before.

What a big baby.

Yamato's glare worked overtime when he saw the cute blush on Naruto's face. What was she going to say?

The chestnut haired shinobi decided to wait upon Naruto, to which she replied,"What's gotten into you, Sensei?" She was backing up by now and surprisingly glared at her genin sensei, causing Yamato to choke on his laughter. Naruto continued,"Or are you just saying that to sweet talk me into getting one of Ero-sennin's manuscripts?!"

Yamato agreed with Naruto's latter exclamation, his senpai was the ultimate sweet talker.

Kakashi gave up in trying to explain—not that he could have—and sighed deeply before saying,"I think I saw a black cat approaching this area, Naruto. Better run off before it crosses your path, ne?"

How lame.

Naruto huffed,"So you're saying you're ditching me and Yamato-taicho, dattebayo?!"

Yamato snickered and told himself,"She just broke down his "cool" in a matter of words." Now, with Kakashi gone, he could spend more time with Naruto.

But, before Naruto could catch up to Kakashi, Kakashi had already body flickered out of the training area, making Naruto curse his birth.

A couple of hours after the training incident, Kakashi could be found somewhat sulking inside one of the many famous bars in Konoha. Kakashi wasn't one who would drink to let his problems fly away, but this time was a bit depressing—even if Naruto thought he was just joking.

"She actually thought that there was some type of catch!" He wailed uncharacteristically. Kakashi slurred his words and cursed, causing the civilian next to him back away.

"Gosh, this is dumb," he said as he thoroughly thought of his situation. The silver headed nin was not supposed to be all whiny baby on a "fake" confession—even if it was supposed to be a joke, Kakashi still considered a confession—he told a girl.

But then again, this wasn't just some girl, this was Naruto.

An hour into his drinking session, and still contemplating to himself that he did not like-like Naruto, a note was found inside Kakashi's pockets when Kakashi tried to get some change out of his pocket.

Unfolding the strange little paper, he glared holds at it once he read and understood completely what this person was talking about and who the person who sent it was.

It simply read, "Serves you right." And in the bottom of the small letter, a dash was written next to a hand drawn tree—an ugly hand drawn tree at that.

The sliver head narrowed his eyes and thought to himself,'So that's the game you're playing at, huh, Kohai?'

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I don't know about you guys, but I think Kakashi's pretty insecure and Yamato's a little too jealous.