Tracy sister


What if the Tracys had a sister? Virgils twin, Evelyn Tracy, feels isolated and once IR starts up, she leaves the island with a promise never to return. What sectret is she hiding? And what happens when the Hood comes knocking?

Chapter 1

Evelyn POV

I sat on the beach at Tracy island, looking out at the water. My dad had called everyone home to discuss some plans he wanted our opinions on. He was talking to 4 of my brothers in his office now. He wanted to talk to Alan and I seperatly for some reason.

I am the only daughter of billionaire ex-astronaut Jeff Tracy. My twin, Virgil, and I are a lot alike. We both have brown hair, but mine has a few more blond highlights than his, green eyes and matching smiles. We are identical, apart from the gender difference. We both love music and helping people. But his is an amazing paramedic and Pianist and I am a skilled engineer. I am currently working with the military in Britain and America, fixing anything from planes to submarines. There is a secret about me that only Virgil knows.

I am a mermaid. Whenever I touch water, I grow a beautiful tail in different shade of purple, depending on my mood. When it is darker, it means I'm sad and when it is lighter, it means I'm happy. My tail comes complete with a matching purple bikini top and my eyes turn violet. It happened a year after we moved to the island. I went exploring and found a cave with a pool. When the moon was over it, it bubbled and glowed. Ever since then, I grow a tail. I also have some cool powers. I can do anything to water, heat it, cool it, freeze it, turn it into jelly and even create it! Virgil found out about it a week later when he poured water on me to wake me up. He fainted, much to my amusement.

"Evie!" A voice shouted behind me. I turned around to see Alan running towards me. "Dad wants to see us." He grabbed my hand, pulling me up before dragging me back to the villa. We passed Scott, John, Virgil and Gordon in the hallway and they gave us a sad look. I didn't have time to question it as Alan dragged me into the office.

I shut the door and saw Dad sat behind the desk. "Can we hurry this up Dad? I have to get back tonight to fix a plane." I said as I sat on the sofa by the huge windows.

"Sure hun." He replied with a laugh. "I've already discussed this with your brothers, but I wanted to talk to you two seperatly. I know you have been curious about what Brains and I have been doing on the island and this is it." He pulled out plans to 5 crafts and I stood up to inspect them closer. "I wanted to set up a non-profit rescue organisation that can respond to any disater in the world so that no one has to go through what we went through." I knew he was talking about our mum and a wave of guilt wash over me. Only Virgil knows what really happened that day. No one shoul,d have to go through that horror.

I knew he was talking about mum and a wave of guilt washed over me. Only Virge and I knew what happened that day in detail, but it was too painful to re-live.

"This organisation, International Rescue, will be made up of 5 main crafts that can assist at any disaster across the globe! This first craft, Thunderbird 1, is the fastest craft and can be anywhere in the world in under 2 hours! It will be the first craft at the site and will asses the damage and report back to the other crafts and base. I carries rockets that can starve a fire of oxygen, effectivly putting it out. The second craft, Thunderbird 2, isn't as fast as Thunderbird 1, but it can still get anywhere in the world in under 2 and a half hours. I carries a pod that carries smaller crafts that can assist on different missions and a rescue platform that is lowered to lift people from an accident where the craft can't land. There is also an infrimary that can treat the injured. The next craft, Thunderbird 3, is a space rocket. It's main job is to fly between here and our space station, but it can also be used to help with space rescues. Thunderbird 4 is our submarine. It is stored in Thunderbird 2's pod and is very fast with magnetic arms that can lift anything out of water. And finaly, Thunderbird 5. This is our space satalite station. It has to be manned 24/7 and moniters the earth and radio, looking and listening for any calls for help." He explained.

"This sounds amazing dad!" I said. I could already see what everyone would be doing. Scott would pilot 1, John 5, Virge 2, Gordon 4 and Dad 3. Alan would go back to school and I would help maintain the crafts and co pilot them.

"Who's going to operate the crafts?" Alan asked.

"That is where this crazy bunch comes in." Dad said, using his name for all of us. "Scott will pilot Thunderbird 1, John will be the main operator of Thunderbird 5 and will rotate with Brians so he can spend some time on earth, Virgil will pilot Thunderbird 2 and be our paramedic, Gordon will be the pilot of Thunderbird 4 and I will be the main pilot of Thunderbird 3." Called it! "Alan, you will go back to school. I want you to live your life before getting involved in this." Alan was about to protest, but I stepped in.

"What about me?" I asked, a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

"Evie. I don't want you to be involved in this. I want you to do something better, more meaningfull with your life." He said. He stepped towards me, opening his arms to hugme, but I took a step back, shaking my head.

"So let me get this straight, My brothers, Including my twin and younger brother, are going to be going on missions and rescuing people and I am going to sit here and watch?" I aske, my voice raising.

"No." I looked at him. "You are going to find something you want to do and you are going to live life away from the family for a bit." I felt my mouth open in horror.

"Like what? I've already done what I wanted! I am an engineer for the military! And what is better than saving people's lives? This is what I want to do!" I yelled.

"Evie! It's too dangerous for you!" He said.

"Too dangerous!" I yelled. "It's too dangerous for me but not for my younger brother! What the hell?" I yelled.


"No! You know I am more than capable of being a Thunderbird! But you don't want me to do anything that involves you! You have basically just told me to get off the island and stay off! Ever since mum died you haven't wanted me to do anything! You always make up an excuse to keep me off the island!" I started walking towards the door.

"Evelyn!" He yelled.

"No! I am not going to waste my time here anymore. You want me gone, well then I'm gone. I am not going to stay here when people actually want my skills." I walked out the door, knocking over my 4 evesdropping brothers. I stormed out of the house, heading towards the beach. I knew what I was going to do, and nothing was going to change my mind.

"Evie!" I heard my brothers yell as they chased me. I got to the beach near the peir my brothers used for diving when Virgil grabbed my arm and spun me round to face them.

"Where are you going?" Scott asked. I looked in the faces of my 2 older brothers, twin brother and younger brother. Alan wasn't there. Probably arguing with dad again.

"Away. I can't be here anymore. I'm sorry, but I can't." Virge gripped my arm tighter, trying to keep me away from the water.

"But Evie! When will you be back?" Gordon asked. I had to look away from him. His face almost made me want to stay here. Almost.

"Never." I looked at all of them and saw tears in their eyes. "I'm sorry. But this is the last time you will see me." I used my powers to heat up Virgil's hand, forcing him to release his grip and ran to the end of the peir, diving into the water before any of them could stop me.

Virgil POV

"Any questions?" Dad asked after he finished explaining International Rescue.

"Yeah, what are Evie and Alan going to do? You never mentioned them." John asked. We all looked at dad, wanting to know his answer.

"Alan will go back to school. I want him to finish his education and live his life a little before he gets involved in this." He replied. I noticed he didn't mention Evie and got nervous for my twin.

"What about Evie?" Scott asked. "Is she going to be a part of this too?"

"No." We all looked at him shocked. What? "I don't want your sister to be part of this. It is too dangerous for her."

"What?!" We yelled. "Dad! She is working with the military! She can fix anything and is probably a better engineer than Brains!" Gordon said, his Tracy temper making an appearence.

"It doesn't matter. She isn't getting involved and that is final! "

"No it isn't!" I yelled. "If it isn't too dangerous for Gordon and I then it isn;t too dangerous for her! You don't let her do anything! She hardly ever comes home because she thinks you don't want to see her!"

"Enough!" Dad yelled. "I have made my decision and nothing is going to change that!" We knew it was hopeless. After all, the famous Tracy stubbornness we all seem to posses had to come from somewhere.

We all left the office to see Evie being dragged up the corridor by Alan. I gave her a sad look as she passed. We knew she wouldn't take the news very well, but bing the nosey people we are, we pressed our ears against the door and listened to the converstaion. We heard her yelling at dad and we shared a look. This is only going to end badly. The last time she yelled at him this bad, she left the island for a year and after that only came back once a month. She suddenly opened the door, causing us to fall on the floor at the sudden movement. I saw the look on her face and knew exactly where she was going. We ran after her, only hearing the start of Alan's next screaming match with dad. We chased her all the way to the beach and I grabbed her arm just before she got to the peir.

"Where are you going?" Scott asked.

"Away. I can't be here anymore. I'm sorry." She said, making me tighten my grip on her arm. There is no way I am letting her anywhere near the water. I would only lose her if I did.

"But Evie. When will you come back?" Gordon asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"Never. I'm sorry. But this is the last time you will see me." I felt her use her powers to heat up my hand and removed it before she could burn me. The second my fingers left her arm, She ran to the end of the peir and dived in, dissapearing into the water. There was a moment of silence as we all took in what just happened.

"What the hell was that?" John asked. The three of them started shouting at me, knowing I would know what was going on. But I gnored them and marched back to the villa with them following. I walked straight into his office, not bothering to knock, and saw him look up in surprise.

"I hope you're happy." I said earning a confused look. "Your only daughter has left and isn't coming back!"

"What do you mean left?" He asked. I heard my brothers walk into the room behind me.

"She's left the island! And she's not coming back!" I yelled.

"What? How? No planes took off."

"If you noticed her a bit more you would know that she doesn't need a plane to leave!"

"Virge?" A voice behind me said. I turned to see Alan stood infront of the others, looking at me with tearful eyes. "She's not coming back is she?"

"No. I'm sorry Sprout. But I don't think she is ever coming back." I said. He looked heartbroken for a second, before his anger flared and her pushed past me.

"This is all your fault!" He yelled at dad. "How could you do that? Those were complete bullshit answers you gave her! You just don't want her to do anything anymore! I've lost my sister because of you!" He ran out of the room with Scott following, going into 'Mother Hen' mode.

"Virgil?" Dad asked. I looked at him and I saw the man I saw after mum died. The same lost man that forced Scott, John, Evie and I to grow up and look after our younger brothers and each other. "I really messed up didn't I?"

"Yeah. You did." I replied, heariing John and Gordon leave the room. "What were you thinking dad? Did you think she would agree? That she wouldn't be pissed off?"

"No, of course not. But I didn't expect her to leave. I didn't expect her to leave you lot. How did she leave Virgil?"

"I t's not my place to say. It's her secret, not mine." I said before leaving the office. I sat on the beack for a while thinking about how different it is going to be without my twin. I hope she is alright.

Here you go guys. I have seen a lot of Tracy sister stories and thought I would do my own. This story is going to follow the plot of the film from now on but will have quite a few changes that I've made.

Please review and let me know what you think.
