Comic Intervention

It'll take something extraordinary for Nozaki to realize how Chiyo feels… Mamiko and Suzuki have no doubt about it. Told in 100-word snippets. Let's go!

Chapter 1: Dense


Sakura was doing the thing again. As far as Nozaki knew, she always showed three symptoms: (1) beet red cheeks, (2) profuse stammering, and (3) an intense fascination for Nozaki's feet.

"I-I need t-to tell you… I f-feel… I like…" she spluttered.

I know where this is going! Wordlessly, he whipped out cardboard stock and a marker seemingly out of thin air. He proffered it solemnly after adding an extra flourish.

"You're my favorite beta!" it read.

At the sight of her tremulous smile, Nozaki gave himself a mental pat on the back. Good to be one step ahead!